예제 #1
void testUniformSurfaceUnitHalfSphere()
    Plot2D plot( output_path + "/random_half_sphere.png", plot_size, plot_size );
    Vector4 dir( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), v;

    for( auto i = 0; i < points_per_plot; i++ ) {
        rng.uniformSurfaceUnitHalfSphere( dir, v );
        plot.addPoint( v.x, v.y );
예제 #2
DistributionSample Material::sampleHemisphereUniform( RandomNumberGenerator & rng,
                                                      const RayIntersection & intersection ) const
    DistributionSample sample;
    rng.uniformSurfaceUnitHalfSphere( intersection.normal, sample.direction );
    //sample.pdf_sample = 1.0f / (2.0f * M_PI);
    // Special case for diffuse. reflectedRadiance() already accounts for the divide by
    // pi for diffuse, so as long as we're doing uniform sampling in sampleBxDF, we should
    // return unity here so things balance out appropriately.
    sample.pdf_sample = 1.0f;
    return sample;
예제 #3
void BasicDiffuseSpecularShader::shade( Scene & scene, RandomNumberGenerator & rng, RayIntersection & intersection )
    RGBColor diffuse_contrib( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    RGBColor specular_contrib( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    RGBColor direct_contrib( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    Ray new_ray;
    RayIntersection new_intersection;
    new_intersection.min_distance = 0.01;
    Vector4 offset( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    //offset = scale( intersection.normal, 0.01 ); // NOTE - Seems to help 
    new_ray.origin = add( intersection.position, offset );
    new_ray.depth = intersection.ray.depth + 1;
    const unsigned char max_depth = 5;
    //const unsigned char max_depth = 4;
    //const unsigned char max_depth = 3;
    //const unsigned char max_depth = 2;

    Vector4 from_dir = intersection.fromDirection();

    // Asserts

    // Direct lighting
    // Area lights
    //for( Traceable * traceable : scene.lights ) {
    //    // TODO - sample lights
    // Point lights
    for( const PointLight & light : scene.point_lights ) {
        Vector4 to_light = subtract( light.position, intersection.position );
        float dist_sq_to_light = to_light.magnitude_sq();
        Vector4 direction = to_light.normalized();

        // Shoot a ray toward the light to see if we are in shadow
        Ray shadow_ray( intersection.position, direction );
        RayIntersection shadow_isect;
        shadow_isect.min_distance = 0.01;
        if( scene.intersect( shadow_ray, shadow_isect )
            && sq(shadow_isect.distance) < dist_sq_to_light ) {

        // Not in shadow
        float cos_r_n = fabs( dot( direction, intersection.normal ) ); 
        RGBColor color = light.band_power;
        color.scale(1.0f / to_light.magnitude_sq()); // distance falloff
        // TODO: use actual material parameters properly so we can get specular here, too
        if( intersection.material )
            direct_contrib.accum( mult( color, intersection.material->diffuse ) );
            direct_contrib.accum( color );

    // TODO - How best should we choose between diffuse and specular?
    // FIXME: Should I scale by the cosine for a perfect reflector?

    if( intersection.ray.depth < max_depth ) {
        const float diffuse_chance = 0.9;
        float diff_spec_select = rng.uniform01();

        if( intersection.material->perfect_reflector
            || intersection.material->perfect_refractor ) {
            auto sample = intersection.material->sampleBxDF( rng, intersection );
            new_ray.direction = sample.direction;
            new_ray.index_of_refraction = sample.new_index_of_refraction;

            if( scene.intersect( new_ray, new_intersection ) ) {
                if( new_intersection.distance != FLT_MAX ) {
                    shade( scene, rng, new_intersection );
                specular_contrib.accum( new_intersection.sample.color );
        else if( diff_spec_select < diffuse_chance ) {
            // Diffuse
            rng.uniformSurfaceUnitHalfSphere( intersection.normal, new_ray.direction );

            if( scene.intersect( new_ray, new_intersection ) ) {
                if( new_intersection.distance != FLT_MAX )
                    shade( scene, rng, new_intersection );
                float cos_r_n = dot( new_ray.direction, intersection.normal ); 
                new_intersection.sample.color.scale( cos_r_n );
                diffuse_contrib.accum( new_intersection.sample.color );
        else {
            // Specular
            // TODO - sample the specular lobe, not just the mirror direction
            new_ray.direction = mirror( from_dir, intersection.normal );

            if( scene.intersect( new_ray, new_intersection ) ) {
                if( new_intersection.distance != FLT_MAX )
                    shade( scene, rng, new_intersection );
                float cos_r_n = dot( new_ray.direction, intersection.normal ); 
                new_intersection.sample.color.scale( cos_r_n );
                specular_contrib.accum( new_intersection.sample.color );

    if( intersection.material ) {
        intersection.sample.color = mult( diffuse_contrib, intersection.material->diffuse );
        intersection.sample.color.accum( mult( specular_contrib, intersection.material->specular ) );
        intersection.sample.color.accum( intersection.material->emittance );
        intersection.sample.color.accum( direct_contrib );
    else {
        intersection.sample.color = diffuse_contrib;
        intersection.sample.color.accum( direct_contrib );