예제 #1
int LocalMinDistance::computeIntersection(Ray &t1, Triangle &t2, OutputVector* contacts)
	const double alarmDist = getAlarmDistance() + t1.getProximity() + t2.getProximity();

	if (fabs(t2.n() * t1.direction()) < 0.000001)
		return false; // no intersection for edges parallel to the triangle

	Vector3 A = t1.origin();
	Vector3 B = A + t1.direction() * t1.l();

	Vector3 P,Q,PQ;
	static DistanceSegTri proximitySolver;

	proximitySolver.NewComputation( t2.p1(), t2.p2(), t2.p3(), A,B,P,Q);
	PQ = Q-P;

	if (PQ.norm2() >= alarmDist*alarmDist)
		return 0;

	const double contactDist = alarmDist;
	DetectionOutput *detection = &*(contacts->end()-1);

	detection->elem = std::pair<core::CollisionElementIterator, core::CollisionElementIterator>(t1, t2);
    detection->id = t1.getIndex();
	detection->freePoint[1] = P;
	detection->freePoint[0] = Q;
	detection->value = PQ.norm();
	detection->value -= contactDist;
	return 1;
int FFDDistanceGridDiscreteIntersection::computeIntersection(Ray& e2, FFDDistanceGridCollisionElement& e1, OutputVector* contacts)
    Vector3 rayOrigin(e2.origin());
    Vector3 rayDirection(e2.direction());
    const double rayLength = e2.l();

    DistanceGrid* grid1 = e1.getGrid();
    FFDDistanceGridCollisionModel::DeformedCube& c1 = e1.getCollisionModel()->getDeformCube(e1.getIndex());

    // Center of the sphere
    const Vector3 center1 = c1.center;
    // Radius of the sphere
    const double radius1 = c1.radius;

    const Vector3 tmp = center1 - rayOrigin;
    double rayPos = tmp*rayDirection;
    const double dist2 = tmp.norm2() - (rayPos*rayPos);
    if (dist2 >= (radius1*radius1))
        return 0;

    double l0 = rayPos - sqrt(radius1*radius1 - dist2);
    double l1 = rayPos + sqrt(radius1*radius1 - dist2);
    if (l0 < 0) l0 = 0;
    if (l1 > rayLength) l1 = rayLength;
    if (l0 > l1) return 0; // outside of ray
    //const double dist = sqrt(dist2);
    //double epsilon = grid1->getCellWidth().norm()*0.1f;

    DistanceGrid::Coord p1;
    const SReal cubesize = c1.invDP.norm();
    for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
        rayPos = l0 + (l1-l0)*(i*0.01);
        p1 = rayOrigin + rayDirection*rayPos;
        // estimate the barycentric coordinates
        DistanceGrid::Coord b = c1.undeform0(p1);
        // refine the estimate until we are very close to the p2 or we are sure p2 cannot intersect with the object
        int iter;
        //SReal err1 = 1000.0f;
        bool found = false;
        for(iter=0; iter<5; ++iter)
            DistanceGrid::Coord pdeform = c1.deform(b);
            DistanceGrid::Coord diff = p1-pdeform;
            SReal err = diff.norm();
            //if (iter>3)
            //    sout << "Iter"<<iter<<": "<<err1<<" -> "<<err<<" b = "<<b<<" diff = "<<diff<<" d = "<<grid1->interp(c1.initpos(b))<<""<<sendl;
            SReal berr = err*cubesize; if (berr>0.5f) berr=0.5f;
            if (b[0] < -berr || b[0] > 1+berr
                || b[1] < -berr || b[1] > 1+berr
                || b[2] < -berr || b[2] > 1+berr)
                break; // far from the cube
            if (err < 0.001f)
                // we found the corresponding point, but is is only valid if inside the current cube
                if (b[0] > -0.1f && b[0] < 1.1f
                    && b[1] > -0.1f && b[1] < 1.1f
                    && b[2] > -0.1f && b[2] < 1.1f)
                    found = true;
            //err1 = err;
            b += c1.undeformDir( b, diff );
        if (found)
            SReal d = grid1->interp(c1.initpos(b));
            if (d < 0)
                // intersection found

                DetectionOutput *detection = &*(contacts->end()-1);

                detection->point[0] = e2.origin() + e2.direction()*rayPos;
                detection->point[1] = c1.initpos(b);
                detection->normal = e2.direction(); // normal in global space from p1's surface
                detection->value = d;
                detection->elem.first = e2;
                detection->elem.second = e1;
                detection->id = e2.getIndex();
                return 1;
        // else move along the ray
        //if (dot(Vector3(grid1->grad(c1.initpos(b))),rayDirection) < 0)
        //    rayPos += 0.5*d;
        //    rayPos -= 0.5*d;
    return 0;