예제 #1
int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLineArgs, int nInitialWinShowState) {

	Receiver recv;

	//define a structure for your settings
	DeviceConfig cfg;
	cfg.hInstance = hInstance; //pass through the win main parameters
	cfg.hPrevInstance = hPrevInstance;
	cfg.initialWindowShowState = nInitialWinShowState;
	cfg.windowSize = EWR_DEFAULT; //default screen size
	cfg.windowTitle = L"DirectX Game Scene - Jake O'Connor"; //window title
	cfg.receiver = &recv;
	cfg.showConsole = true;
	cfg.resourcePath = "./game_files"; // any file will be loaded with this as the base path
	cfg.windowSize = E_WINDOW_SIZE::EWR_MEDIUM;

	//create a device object
	Device * device = createDevice(cfg);

	//grab a pointer to the video driver
	VideoDriver * driver = device->getVideoDriver();

	//grab pointer to audio driver
	AudioDriver * aDriver = device->getAudioDriver();

	//grab pointer to scene manger
	SceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();

	TerrainSceneNode* terrain = smgr->addTerrainSceneNode(".\\file_store/terrain/heightmap.hmf", driver->getTexture(L".\\file_store/terrain/Terrain.png"), 64.0f, 8.0f, 961);

	SkyDomeSceneNode* skyDome = smgr->addSkyDomeSceneNode(driver->getTexture(L".\\file_store/sky.jpg"), 10);
	//SkyBoxSceneNode* skyBox = smgr->addSkyBoxSceneNode(L".\\file_store/sky/Top.bmp",
	std::vector<MapItem> mapData;

	Font* font = driver->getDefaultFont();

	for (auto &m : mapData) {
		LoadObject(m.id, m.x, m.y, m.f, driver, smgr, terrain);

	Texture * guiTex = driver->getTexture(L".\\file_store/gui.png");

	AudioClip* music = aDriver->getAudioClip(".\\file_store/track.mp3");


	CameraSceneNode * camera = smgr->getCamera();
	camera->setPosition(vector3df(54176, 1749, 29847));

	//run the device
	while (device->run()) {

		if (recv.keyDown[K_DOWN_ARROW]) {
			f32 leftMove = -700.0f * device->deltaTime();
			camera->addPosition(vector3df(0, leftMove, 0));
		if (recv.keyDown[K_UP_ARROW]) {
			f32 leftMove = 700.0f * device->deltaTime();
			camera->addPosition(vector3df(0, leftMove, 0));

		if (recv.keyDown[K_RIGHT_ARROW]) {
			camera->addYaw(-90.0f * device->deltaTime());
		if (recv.keyDown[K_LEFT_ARROW]) {
			camera->addYaw(90.0f * device->deltaTime());

		if (recv.keyDown[K_W]) {
			f32 XMove = camera->getPosition().x - camera->target.x;
			f32 ZMove = camera->getPosition().z - camera->target.z;
			vector2df addPos = Math::normalize(XMove, ZMove);
			camera->addPosition(vector3df(-addPos.x * 10.0f, 0, -addPos.y * 10.0f));
		if (recv.keyDown[K_S]) {
			f32 XMove = camera->getPosition().x - camera->target.x;
			f32 ZMove = camera->getPosition().z - camera->target.z;
			vector2df addPos = Math::normalize(XMove, ZMove);
			camera->addPosition(vector3df(addPos.x * 10.0f, 0, addPos.y * 10.0f));

		if (recv.buttonPressed(K_P)) {
			//print camera position
			cout << "Camera position " << camera->getPosition().x << " " << camera->getPosition().y << " " << camera->getPosition().z << endl;

		if (recv.buttonPressed(K_Z)) {
			if (camera->getPosition().x != 794 * 64)
			camera->setPosition(vector3df(794*64, 1400, 484*64));


		//clear the screen to a color
		//draw all objects in the scenemanager
		driver->draw2DImage(*guiTex, vector2df(-10, 0));
		wstring fps = L"Frames per second: ";
		fps += std::to_wstring(device->getFPS());
		driver->drawText(font, fps, vector2df(10, 10), YELLOW);
		wstring mouse = L"Mouse Position x: ";
		mouse += to_wstring(recv.mouseposx);
		mouse += L" y: ";
		mouse += to_wstring(recv.mouseposy);
		driver->drawText(font, mouse, vector2df(10, 30), YELLOW);
		//present the new frame


	//release all game memory