StereoVslamNode(const std::string& vocab_tree_file, const std::string& vocab_weights_file, const std::string& calonder_trees_file) : it_(nh_), sync_(3), vslam_system_(vocab_tree_file, vocab_weights_file), detector_(new vslam_system::AnyDetector) { // Use calonder descriptor typedef cv::CalonderDescriptorExtractor<float> Calonder; vslam_system_.frame_processor_.setFrameDescriptor(new Calonder(calonder_trees_file)); // Advertise outputs cam_marker_pub_ = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("/vslam/cameras", 1); point_marker_pub_ = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("/vslam/points", 1); vo_tracks_pub_ = it_.advertiseCamera("/vslam/vo_tracks/image", 1); odom_pub_ = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("/vo", 1); pointcloud_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/vslam/pointcloud", 1); // Synchronize inputs l_image_sub_.subscribe(it_, "left/image_rect", 1); l_info_sub_ .subscribe(nh_, "left/camera_info", 1); r_image_sub_.subscribe(it_, "right/image_rect", 1); r_info_sub_ .subscribe(nh_, "right/camera_info", 1); sync_.connectInput(l_image_sub_, l_info_sub_, r_image_sub_, r_info_sub_); sync_.registerCallback( boost::bind(&StereoVslamNode::imageCb, this, _1, _2, _3, _4) ); // Dynamic reconfigure for parameters ReconfigureServer::CallbackType f = boost::bind(&StereoVslamNode::configCb, this, _1, _2); reconfigure_server_.setCallback(f); }
ProsilicaNode(const ros::NodeHandle& node_handle) : nh_(node_handle), it_(nh_), cam_(NULL), running_(false), auto_adjust_stream_bytes_per_second_(false), count_(0), frames_dropped_total_(0), frames_completed_total_(0), frames_dropped_acc_(WINDOW_SIZE), frames_completed_acc_(WINDOW_SIZE), packets_missed_total_(0), packets_received_total_(0), packets_missed_acc_(WINDOW_SIZE), packets_received_acc_(WINDOW_SIZE) { // Two-stage initialization: in the constructor we open the requested camera. Most // parameters controlling capture are set and streaming started in configure(), the // callback to dynamic_reconfig. prosilica::init(); if (prosilica::numCameras() == 0) ROS_WARN("Found no cameras on local subnet"); // Determine which camera to use. Opening by IP address is preferred, then guid. If both // parameters are set we open by IP and verify the guid. If neither are set we default // to opening the first available camera. ros::NodeHandle local_nh("~"); unsigned long guid = 0; std::string guid_str; if (local_nh.getParam("guid", guid_str) && !guid_str.empty()) guid = strtol(guid_str.c_str(), NULL, 0); std::string ip_str; if (local_nh.getParam("ip_address", ip_str) && !ip_str.empty()) { cam_.reset( new prosilica::Camera(ip_str.c_str()) ); // Verify guid is the one expected unsigned long cam_guid = cam_->guid(); if (guid != 0 && guid != cam_guid) throw prosilica::ProsilicaException(ePvErrBadParameter, "guid does not match expected"); guid = cam_guid; } else { if (guid == 0) guid = prosilica::getGuid(0); cam_.reset( new prosilica::Camera(guid) ); } hw_id_ = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(guid); ROS_INFO("Found camera, guid = %s", hw_id_.c_str()); diagnostic_.setHardwareID(hw_id_); // Record some attributes of the camera tPvUint32 dummy; PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "Width", &dummy, &sensor_width_); PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "Height", &dummy, &sensor_height_); // Try to load intrinsics from on-camera memory. loadIntrinsics(); // Set up self tests and diagnostics. // NB: Need to wait until here to construct self_test_, otherwise an exception // above from failing to find the camera gives bizarre backtraces // ( self_test_.reset(new self_test::TestRunner); self_test_->add( "Info Test", this, &ProsilicaNode::infoTest ); self_test_->add( "Attribute Test", this, &ProsilicaNode::attributeTest ); self_test_->add( "Image Test", this, &ProsilicaNode::imageTest ); diagnostic_.add( "Frequency Status", this, &ProsilicaNode::freqStatus ); diagnostic_.add( "Frame Statistics", this, &ProsilicaNode::frameStatistics ); diagnostic_.add( "Packet Statistics", this, &ProsilicaNode::packetStatistics ); diagnostic_.add( "Packet Error Status", this, &ProsilicaNode::packetErrorStatus ); diagnostic_timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), boost::bind(&ProsilicaNode::runDiagnostics, this)); // Service call for setting calibration. set_camera_info_srv_ = nh_.advertiseService("set_camera_info", &ProsilicaNode::setCameraInfo, this); // Start dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_server_.setCallback(boost::bind(&ProsilicaNode::configure, this, _1, _2)); }