예제 #1
void ParticleSystem::update(Timer* timer )
	static float prevTime = (float) timer->getSeconds();
	float curTime = (float) timer->getSeconds();
	float dt = curTime - prevTime;
	prevTime = curTime;

	Rectf bounds = mBounds;
	float minX = -kBorder;
	float minY = -kBorder;
	float maxX = bounds.getWidth();
	float maxY = bounds.getHeight();

	// Avoid the borders in the remap because the velocity might be zero.
	// Nothing interesting happens where velocity is zero.
	float dx = (float)(mFluid->resX() - 4) / (float) bounds.getWidth();
	float dy = (float)(mFluid->resY() - 4) / (float) bounds.getHeight();
	for( int i = 0; i < numParticles(); ++i ) {
		Particle& part = mParticles.at( i );
		if( part.pos().x < minX || part.pos().y < minY || part.pos().x >= maxX || part.pos().y >= maxY ) {
			part.reset( newParticleVec(), Rand::randFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f ), mColor );

		float x = part.pos().x * dx + 2.0f;
		float y = part.pos().y * dy + 2.0f;

		Vec2f vel = mFluid->velocity().bilinearSampleChecked( x, y, Vec2f( 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
		part.addForce( vel );

		part.update( mFluid->dt(), dt );
예제 #2
void ParticleSoup::update()
	static float prevTime = (float)app::getElapsedSeconds();
	float curTime = (float)app::getElapsedSeconds();
	float dt = curTime - prevTime;
	prevTime = curTime;

	Rectf bounds = ci::app::getWindowBounds();
	float minX = -kBorder;
	float minY = -kBorder;
	float maxX = bounds.getWidth();
	float maxY = bounds.getHeight();

	// Avoid the borders in the remap because the velocity might be zero.
	// Nothing interesting happens where velocity is zero.
	float dx = (float)(mFluid->resX() - 4)/(float)bounds.getWidth();
	float dy = (float)(mFluid->resY() - 4)/(float)bounds.getHeight();
	for( int i = 0; i < numParticles(); ++i ) {
		Particle& part = mParticles.at( i );
		if( part.pos().x < minX || part.pos().y < minY || part.pos().x >= maxX || part.pos().y >= maxY ) {
			vec2 P;
			P.x = Rand::randFloat( bounds.x1 + 5.0f, bounds.x2 - 5.0f );
			P.y = Rand::randFloat( bounds.y1 + 5.0f, bounds.y2 - 5.0f );
			float life = Rand::randFloat( 2.0f, 3.0f );
			part.reset( P, life, mColor );

		float x = part.pos().x*dx + 2.0f;
		float y = part.pos().y*dy + 2.0f;
		vec2 vel = mFluid->velocity().bilinearSampleChecked( x, y, vec2( 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
		part.addForce( vel );
		part.update( mFluid->dt(), dt );
예제 #3
파일: qb.cpp 프로젝트: muglikar/Cinder
	// Fit src inside dst
	Rectf rectToFit( Rectf src, Rectf dst )
		float sw = src.getWidth();
		float sh = src.getHeight();
		float sa = (sw / sh);	// aspect ratio
		float dw = dst.getWidth();
		float dh = dst.getHeight();
		float da = (dw / dh);	// aspect ratio
		// different ratio
		if (da > sa)
			float scale = (dh / sh);
			float gap = (dw - (sw * scale)) / 2.0f;
			return Rectf( gap, 0, dw-gap, dh);
		else if (da < sa)
			float scale = (dw / sw);
			float gap = (dh - (sh * scale)) / 2.0f;
			return Rectf( 0, gap, dw, dh-gap );
		// Same ratio
			return dst;
예제 #4
// Renders a given SVG group 'groupName' into a new gl::Texture
gl::Texture renderSvgGroupToTexture( const svg::Doc &doc, const std::string &groupName, const Rectf &rect, bool alpha )
	cairo::SurfaceImage srfImg( rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), alpha );
	cairo::Context ctx( srfImg );
	ctx.scale( rect.getWidth() / doc.getWidth(), rect.getHeight() / doc.getHeight() );
	ctx.render( doc / groupName );
	return gl::Texture( srfImg.getSurface() );
예제 #5
Cell::Cell(ci::Vec2f& p) {
	_position = ci::Vec2f(p);

	_artwork = svg::Doc::create(app::getAssetPath("Cell.svg"));
	Rectf rect = _artwork->getBoundingBox();
	cairo::SurfaceImage sImg(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), true);
	cairo::Context ctx(sImg);
	ctx.scale(rect.getWidth() / _artwork->getWidth(), rect.getHeight() / _artwork->getHeight());
	_texture = sImg.getSurface();
예제 #6
void TestbedApp::setup()
	std::vector<std::string> testNames;

	testCount = 0;
	while( nullptr != g_testEntries[testCount].createFcn ) {
		testNames.push_back( g_testEntries[testCount].name );

	testIndex = b2Clamp(testIndex, 0, testCount-1);
	testSelection = testIndex;

	entry = g_testEntries + testIndex;
	if (entry && entry->createFcn) {
		test = entry->createFcn();
		testSelection = testIndex;
		testIndex = -1;

#if ! defined( CINDER_GL_ES )
	mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Params", ivec2( 250, 400 ) );
	mParams.addParam( "Tests", testNames, &testSelection );
	mParams.addParam( "Vel Iters", &settings.velocityIterations, "min=1 max=500 step=1" );
	mParams.addParam( "Pos Iters", &settings.positionIterations, "min=0 max=100 step=1" );
	mParams.addParam( "Pcl Iters", &settings.particleIterations, "min=1 max=100 step=1" );
	mParams.addParam( "Hertz", &settingsHz, "min=1 max=100 step=1" );
	mParams.addParam( "Sleep", &settings.enableSleep );
	mParams.addParam( "Warm Starting", &settings.enableWarmStarting );
	mParams.addParam( "Time of Impact", &settings.enableContinuous );
	mParams.addParam( "Sub-Stepping", &settings.enableSubStepping );
	mParams.addParam( "Strict Particle/Body Contacts", &settings.strictContacts );
	mParams.addSeparator( "Draw" );
	mParams.addParam( "Shapes", &settings.drawShapes );
	mParams.addParam( "Particles", &settings.drawParticles );
	mParams.addParam( "Joints", &settings.drawJoints );
	mParams.addParam( "AABBs", &settings.drawAABBs) ;
	mParams.addParam( "Contact Points", &settings.drawContactPoints );
	mParams.addParam( "Contact Normals", &settings.drawContactNormals );
	mParams.addParam( "Contact Impulses", &settings.drawContactImpulse );
	mParams.addParam( "Friction Impulses", &settings.drawFrictionImpulse );
	mParams.addParam( "Center of Masses", &settings.drawCOMs );
	mParams.addParam( "Statistics", &settings.drawStats );
	mParams.addParam( "Profile", &settings.drawProfile );
	float s = 1080.0f/480.0f;
	Rectf r = Rectf( 0, 0, 50*s, 50*s );
	mLeftButton = r + vec2( 0, getWindowHeight() - r.getHeight() );
	mRightButton = r + vec2( getWindowWidth() - r.getWidth(), getWindowHeight() - r.getHeight() );
예제 #7
float CoordConverter::getBaseYValue(const Window& window)
    const Window* parent = window.getParent();

    const Rectf parent_rect(parent ?
        parent->getChildContentArea(window.isNonClient()).get() :
        Rectf(Vector2f(0, 0), window.getRootContainerSize())

    const float parent_height = parent_rect.getHeight();
    float baseY = parent_rect.d_min.d_y;

    baseY += asAbsolute(window.getArea().d_min.d_y, parent_height);

        case VA_CENTRE:
            baseY += (parent_height - window.getPixelSize().d_height) * 0.5f;
        case VA_BOTTOM:
            baseY += parent_height - window.getPixelSize().d_height;

    return alignToPixels(baseY);
예제 #8
파일: Slider.cpp 프로젝트: baibaiwei/cegui
float FalagardSlider::getValueFromThumb(void) const
    Slider* w = (Slider*)d_window;
    // get area the thumb is supposed to use as it's area.
    const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = getLookNFeel();
    const Rectf area(wlf.getNamedArea("ThumbTrackArea").getArea().getPixelRect(*w));
    // get accesss to the thumb
    Thumb* theThumb = w->getThumb();

    // slider is vertical
    if (d_vertical)
        // pixel extent of total available area the thumb moves in
        float slideExtent = area.getHeight() - theThumb->getPixelSize().d_height;
        // calculate value represented by current thumb position
        float thumbValue = (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(
                                theThumb->getYPosition(), w->getPixelSize().d_height) - area.top()) / (slideExtent / w->getMaxValue());
        // return final thumb value according to slider settings
        return d_reversed ? thumbValue : w->getMaxValue() - thumbValue;
    // slider is horizontal
        // pixel extent of total available area the thumb moves in
        float slideExtent = area.getWidth() - theThumb->getPixelSize().d_width;
        // calculate value represented by current thumb position
        float thumbValue = (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(
                                theThumb->getXPosition(), w->getPixelSize().d_width) - area.left()) / (slideExtent / w->getMaxValue());
        // return final thumb value according to slider settings
        return d_reversed ? w->getMaxValue() - thumbValue : thumbValue;
예제 #9
void drawAudioBuffer( const audio::Buffer &buffer, const Rectf &bounds, bool drawFrame, const ci::ColorA &color )
	gl::ScopedGlslProg glslScope( getStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().color() ) );

	gl::color( color );

	const float waveHeight = bounds.getHeight() / (float)buffer.getNumChannels();
	const float xScale = bounds.getWidth() / (float)buffer.getNumFrames();

	float yOffset = bounds.y1;
	for( size_t ch = 0; ch < buffer.getNumChannels(); ch++ ) {
		PolyLine2f waveform;
		const float *channel = buffer.getChannel( ch );
		float x = bounds.x1;
		for( size_t i = 0; i < buffer.getNumFrames(); i++ ) {
			x += xScale;
			float y = ( 1 - ( channel[i] * 0.5f + 0.5f ) ) * waveHeight + yOffset;
			waveform.push_back( vec2( x, y ) );

		if( ! waveform.getPoints().empty() )
			gl::draw( waveform );

		yOffset += waveHeight;

	if( drawFrame ) {
		gl::color( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * 0.6f );
		gl::drawStrokedRect( bounds );
예제 #10
void MultiSlider::setup()
	float numSliders = (float)mData.size();
	vec2 size = getSize();
	size.y = mSliderHeight = std::max( size.y - mPadding.mTop - mPadding.mBottom,
		( (float)FontSize::SMALL + mPadding.mBottom + mPadding.mTop ) );
	mSliderSpacing = mPadding.mTop;
	size.y = mSliderHeight * numSliders + mPadding.mTop * 2.0f + mPadding.mBottom * 2.0f;
	if( mData.size() > 1 ) size.y += mSliderSpacing * ( numSliders - 1.0f );
	setSize( size );

	vec2 hitRectSize = mHitRect.getSize();
	float width = hitRectSize.x - ( mPadding.mLeft + mPadding.mRight );
	Rectf rect = mHitRect;
	int index = 0;
	for( auto &it : mData ) {
		rect.y1 = mHitRect.y1 + mPadding.mTop + ( mSliderSpacing + mSliderHeight ) * index;
		rect.y2 = rect.y1 + mSliderHeight;

		rect.x1 = mHitRect.x1 + mPadding.mLeft;
		rect.x2 = rect.x1 + width;

		string sliderName = it.mKey;
		LabelRef label = Label::create( sliderName + "_LABEL", sliderName, FontSize::SMALL );
		mLabelsMap[sliderName] = label;
		addSubView( label );

		float labelHeight = label->getHeight();
		float offset = ( rect.getHeight() - labelHeight ) / 2.0f;
		label->setOrigin( vec2( rect.x1, rect.y1 + offset ) );
예제 #11
void drawGrid(const Rectf &bounds, float sx, float sy, const Vec2f &offset)
    float x1 = bounds.x1 - utils::math::boundf(bounds.x1 - offset.x, sx);
    float y1 = bounds.y1 - utils::math::boundf(bounds.y1 - offset.y, sy);

    int nx = int(ci::math<float>::ceil(bounds.getWidth() / sx)) + 1;
    int ny = int(ci::math<float>::ceil(bounds.getHeight() / sy)) + 1;

    vector<Vec2f> vertices;
    vertices.reserve((nx + ny) * 4);

    for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++)
        float y = y1 + iy * sy;
        vertices.emplace_back(bounds.x1, y);
        vertices.emplace_back(bounds.x2, y);

    for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++)
        float x = x1 + ix * sx;
        vertices.emplace_back(x, bounds.y1);
        vertices.emplace_back(x, bounds.y2);

    glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices.data());
    glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, vertices.size());
예제 #12
void drawVerticalGradient(const Rectf &bounds, const ColorA &color1, const ColorA &color2, float v1, float v2)
    float x1 = bounds.x1;
    float x2 = bounds.x2;

    float y0 = bounds.y1;
    float y1 = y0 + bounds.getHeight() * v1;
    float y2 = y0 + bounds.getHeight() * v2;
    float y3 = bounds.y2;

    const float vertices[] =
        x1, y0, x2, y0,
        x1, y1, x2, y1,
        x1, y2, x2, y2,
        x1, y3, x2, y3,

    vector<ColorA> colors;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) colors.push_back(color1);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) colors.push_back(color2);


    glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
    glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, colors.data());
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4 * 2);

예제 #13
void Cell::loopName(std::string& n) {
	_loopName = n;

	fs::path fileName = app::getAssetPath(_loopName + ".svg");
	if(fileName.empty()) {
		_artwork = svg::Doc::create(app::getAssetPath("Cell.svg"));
	} else {
		_artwork = svg::Doc::create(fileName);
	Rectf rect = _artwork->getBoundingBox();
	cairo::SurfaceImage sImg(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), true);
	cairo::Context ctx(sImg);
	ctx.scale(rect.getWidth() / _artwork->getWidth(), rect.getHeight() / _artwork->getHeight());
	_texture = sImg.getSurface();
예제 #14
void Fluid2DTextureApp::draw()
	// clear out the window with black
	gl::clear( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) ); 
	gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight() );

	// Update the positions and tex coords
	Rectf drawRect = getWindowBounds();
	int limX = mFluid2D.resX() - 1;
	int limY = mFluid2D.resY() - 1;
	float dx = drawRect.getWidth()/(float)limX;
	float dy = drawRect.getHeight()/(float)limY;
	for( int j = 0; j < mFluid2D.resY(); ++j ) {
		for( int i = 0; i < mFluid2D.resX(); ++i ) {
			Vec2f P = Vec2f( i*dx, j*dy );
			Vec2f uv = mFluid2D.texCoordAt( i, j );

			int idx = j*mFluid2D.resX() + i;
			mTriMesh.getVertices()[idx] = P;
			mTriMesh.getTexCoords()[idx] = uv;

	gl::draw( mTriMesh ); 
예제 #15
float UnifiedDim::getValue(const Window&, const Rectf& container) const
    switch (d_what)
        case DT_LEFT_EDGE:
        case DT_RIGHT_EDGE:
        case DT_X_POSITION:
        case DT_X_OFFSET:
        case DT_WIDTH:
            return CoordConverter::asAbsolute(d_value, container.getWidth());

        case DT_TOP_EDGE:
        case DT_BOTTOM_EDGE:
        case DT_Y_POSITION:
        case DT_Y_OFFSET:
        case DT_HEIGHT:
            return CoordConverter::asAbsolute(d_value, container.getHeight());

                "unknown or unsupported DimensionType encountered."));
예제 #16
void drawBuffer(const std::deque<int8_t>& buffer, const Rectf &bounds, bool drawFrame, const ci::ColorA &color, float scaleFactor )
  gl::ScopedGlslProg glslScope( getStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().color() ) );
  gl::color( color );
  const float waveHeight = bounds.getHeight();
  const float xScale = bounds.getWidth() / (float)buffer.size();
  float yOffset = bounds.y1;
  PolyLine2f waveform;
  float x = bounds.x1;
  for( size_t i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++ ) {
    x += xScale;
    float y = ( 1.0f - ( buffer[i] * scaleFactor + 0.5f) ) * waveHeight + yOffset;
    waveform.push_back( vec2( x, y ) );
  if( ! waveform.getPoints().empty() )
    gl::draw( waveform );
  if( drawFrame ) {
    gl::color( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * 0.6f );
    gl::drawStrokedRect( bounds );
예제 #17
void Fluid2DTextureApp::draw()
	// clear out the window with black
	gl::clear( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) ); 
	gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight() );

	// Update the positions and tex coords
	Rectf drawRect = getWindowBounds();
	int limX = mFluid2D.resX() - 1;
	int limY = mFluid2D.resY() - 1;
	float dx = drawRect.getWidth()/(float)limX;
	float dy = drawRect.getHeight()/(float)limY;
	for( int j = 0; j < mFluid2D.resY(); ++j ) {
		for( int i = 0; i < mFluid2D.resX(); ++i ) {
			vec2 P = vec2( i*dx, j*dy );
			vec2 uv = mFluid2D.texCoordAt( i, j );

			int idx = j*mFluid2D.resX() + i;
			mTriMesh->getPositions<2>()[idx] = P;
			mTriMesh->getTexCoords0<2>()[idx] = uv;

	gl::bindStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().color().texture() );
	gl::draw( gl::VboMesh::create(*mTriMesh) );
예제 #18
void Context::copySurface( const SurfaceBase &surface, const Area &srcArea, const Rectf &dstRect )
	if( ( dstRect.getWidth() == 0 ) || ( dstRect.getHeight() == 0 ) )

	cairo_set_source_surface( mCairo, const_cast<SurfaceBase&>( surface ).getCairoSurface(), 0, 0 );
	cairo_pattern_t *sourcePattern = cairo_get_source( mCairo );
	cairo_matrix_t m;
	cairo_matrix_init_identity( &m );
	cairo_matrix_scale( &m, srcArea.getWidth() / (float)dstRect.getWidth(), srcArea.getHeight() / (float)dstRect.getHeight() );
	cairo_matrix_translate( &m, srcArea.getX1() - dstRect.getX1(), srcArea.getY1() - dstRect.getY1() );
	cairo_pattern_set_matrix( sourcePattern, &m );
	cairo_rectangle( mCairo, dstRect.getX1(), dstRect.getY1(), dstRect.getWidth(), dstRect.getHeight() );
	cairo_fill( mCairo );
예제 #19
void PeerCircle::draw( const Rectf &rect )
	RectMapping rm( sWorldRect, rect, true );
	//app::console() << mId << ": " << mRadius << std::endl;

	gl::color( Color::white() );
	gl::drawStrokedCircle( rm.map( mPos ),
			lmap< float >( 0.f, sWorldRect.getHeight(), 0.f, rect.getHeight(), mRadius ) );
예제 #20
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: ruleless/CEGUI
void OpenGLESTexture::loadCompressedTextureBuffer(const Rectf& dest_area,
        const GLvoid* buffer) const
    const GLsizei image_size = getCompressedTextureSize(dest_area.getSize());

    glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, d_format,
                           0, image_size, buffer);
예제 #21
파일: Particles.cpp 프로젝트: resolume/ffgl
void Particles::UpdateParticles( float deltaTime )
	std::vector< float > fftData( MAX_BUCKETS );
	const ParamInfo* fftInfo = FindParamInfo( PID_FFT_INPUT );
	for( size_t index = 0; index < MAX_BUCKETS; ++index )
		fftData[ index ] = fftInfo->elements[ index ].value;


	ScopedShaderBinding shaderBinding( glResources.GetUpdateShader().GetGLID() );

	glBindBufferRange( GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, glResources.GetBackBufferID(), 0, MAX_BUCKETS * MAX_PARTICLES_PER_BUCKET * sizeof( Vertex ) );
	glBeginTransformFeedback( GL_POINTS );

	std::vector< Vec4f > spawnAreas( numBuckets );
	std::vector< float > spawnChances( numBuckets );
	memset( spawnChances.data(), 0, spawnChances.size() * sizeof( float ) );
	//TODO: Map from fft's num bins to our num buckets. Audio guys halp!
	for( size_t index = 0; index < numBuckets && index < fftData.size(); ++index )
		float widthPerBucket = 1.6f / numBuckets;
		Rectf spawnArea;
		spawnArea.l = -0.8f + index * widthPerBucket + 0.1f * widthPerBucket;
		spawnArea.r = spawnArea.l + widthPerBucket - 0.1f * widthPerBucket;
		spawnArea.t = -1.0f;
		spawnArea.b = -1.1f;
		//left, width, bottom, height
		spawnAreas[ index ] = Vec4f( spawnArea.l, spawnArea.getWidth(), spawnArea.t, spawnArea.getHeight() );
		spawnChances[ index ] = fftData[ index ] * fftData[ index ] * 3.0f;
	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "MAX_AGE" ), 60.0f / bpm * maxAge );
	glUniform4fv( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "SPAWN_AREAS" ), (GLsizei)spawnAreas.size(), (float*)spawnAreas.data() );
	glUniform1fv( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "SPAWN_CHANCES" ), (GLsizei)spawnChances.size(), spawnChances.data() );
	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "ENERGY_MAX_AGE_FACTOR" ), energyMaxAgeFactor );
	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "TURBULENCE_DETAIL" ), turbulenceDetail );
	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "TURBULENCE_SPEED" ), turbulenceSpeed );
	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "BURST_DURATION" ), burstDuration );
	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "BURST_INTENSITY" ), burstIntensity );

	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "Time" ), getTicks() / 1000.0f );
	glUniform1f( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "DeltaTime" ), deltaTime );
	glUniform2i( glResources.GetUpdateShader().FindUniform( "RenderSize" ), currentViewport.width, currentViewport.height );

	ScopedVAOBinding vaoBinding( glResources.GetFrontVAOID() );

	glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, static_cast< GLsizei >( numBuckets * numParticlesPerBucket ) );


	glBindBufferRange( GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
예제 #22
RectMapping::RectMapping( const Rectf &aSrcRect, const Rectf &aDstRect, bool preserveSrcAspect )
	: mSrcRect( aSrcRect ), mDstRect( aDstRect )
	if( preserveSrcAspect ) {
		float srcAspect = aSrcRect.getWidth() / (float)aSrcRect.getHeight();
		float dstAspect = aDstRect.getWidth() / (float)aDstRect.getHeight();
		if( srcAspect < dstAspect ) { // src is narrower aspect
			float heightRatio = mDstRect.getHeight() / mSrcRect.getHeight();
			float effectiveWidth = mSrcRect.getWidth() * heightRatio;
			float offsetX = ( mDstRect.getWidth() - effectiveWidth ) / 2.0f;
			float dstWidth = mDstRect.getHeight() * srcAspect;
			mDstRect.set( mDstRect.x1 + offsetX, mDstRect.getY1(), mDstRect.x1 + offsetX + dstWidth, mDstRect.getY2() );
		else { // src is wider aspect
			float effectiveHeight = mSrcRect.getHeight() * ( mDstRect.getWidth() / mSrcRect.getWidth() );
			float offsetY = ( mDstRect.getHeight() - effectiveHeight ) / 2.0f;
			float dstHeight = mDstRect.getWidth() / srcAspect;
			mDstRect.set( mDstRect.x1, mDstRect.getY1() + offsetY, mDstRect.x2, mDstRect.getY1() + offsetY + dstHeight );
void FlickrImageViewerApp::draw()
	// clear out the window with black
	gl::clear( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) );

	// calculate elapsed time in seconds (since last swap)
	double elapsed = ( getElapsedSeconds() - mTimeSwapped );
	// calculate crossfade alpha value
	double fade = ci::math<double>::clamp(elapsed / mTimeFade, 0.0, 1.0);
	// calculate zoom factor 
	float zoom = getWindowWidth() / 600.0f * 0.025f;

	// draw back image
	if(mBack) {
		Rectf image = mBack.getBounds();
		Rectf window = getWindowBounds();
		float sx = window.getWidth() / image.getWidth();	// scale width to fit window
		float sy = window.getHeight() / image.getHeight();	// scale height to fit window
		float s = ci::math<float>::max(sx, sy) 
			+ zoom * (float) (elapsed + mTimeDuration);	// fit window and zoom over time
		float w = image.getWidth() * s;						// resulting width
		float h = image.getHeight() * s;					// resulting height
		float ox = -0.5f * (w - window.getWidth());			// horizontal position to keep image centered
		float oy = -0.5f * (h - window.getHeight());		// vertical position to keep image centered
		image.set(ox, oy, ox+w, oy+h);

		gl::color( Color(1, 1, 1) );
		gl::draw( mBack, image );

	// draw front image
	if(mFront) {
		Rectf image = mFront.getBounds();
		Rectf window = getWindowBounds();
		float sx = window.getWidth() / image.getWidth();
		float sy = window.getHeight() / image.getHeight();
		float s = ci::math<float>::max(sx, sy) + zoom * (float) elapsed;
		float w = image.getWidth() * s;
		float h = image.getHeight() * s;
		float ox = -0.5f * (w - window.getWidth());
		float oy = -0.5f * (h - window.getHeight());
		image.set(ox, oy, ox+w, oy+h);
		gl::color( ColorA(1, 1, 1, (float) fade) );
		gl::draw( mFront, image );

예제 #24
void UserManager::setBounds( const Rectf &rect )
	mOutputRect = rect;

	Rectf kRect( 0, 0, 640, 480 ); // kinect image rect
	Rectf dRect = kRect.getCenteredFit( mOutputRect, true );
	if( mOutputRect.getAspectRatio() > dRect.getAspectRatio() )
		dRect.scaleCentered( mOutputRect.getWidth() / dRect.getWidth() );
		dRect.scaleCentered( mOutputRect.getHeight() / dRect.getHeight() );

	mOutputMapping = RectMapping( kRect, dRect, true );
예제 #25
    Draw the tree item in its current state.
void TreeItem::draw(GeometryBuffer& buffer, const Rectf& targetRect,
                    float alpha, const Rectf* clipper) const
    Rectf finalRect(targetRect);

    if (d_iconImage != 0)
        Rectf finalPos(finalRect);
        d_iconImage->render(buffer, finalPos, clipper,
        finalRect.d_min.d_x += targetRect.getHeight();

    if (d_selected && d_selectBrush != 0)
        d_selectBrush->render(buffer, finalRect, clipper,
                            getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_selectCols, alpha));

    const Font* font = getFont();

    if (!font)

    Vector2f draw_pos(finalRect.getPosition());
    draw_pos.d_y -= (font->getLineSpacing() - font->getBaseline()) * 0.5f;

    if (!d_renderedStringValid)

    const ColourRect final_colours(
        getModulateAlphaColourRect(ColourRect(0xFFFFFFFF), alpha));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < d_renderedString.getLineCount(); ++i)
        d_renderedString.draw(d_owner, i, buffer, draw_pos, &final_colours, clipper, 0.0f);
        draw_pos.d_y += d_renderedString.getPixelSize(d_owner, i).d_height;
예제 #26
    Sizef FalagardTooltip::getTextSize() const
        Tooltip* w = (Tooltip*)d_window;
        Sizef sz(w->getTextSize_impl());

        // get WidgetLookFeel for the assigned look.
        const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = getLookNFeel();

        const Rectf textArea(wlf.getNamedArea("TextArea").getArea().getPixelRect(*w));
        const Rectf wndArea(CoordConverter::asAbsolute(w->getArea(), w->getParentPixelSize()));

        sz.d_width  = CoordConverter::alignToPixels(sz.d_width + wndArea.getWidth() - textArea.getWidth());
        sz.d_height = CoordConverter::alignToPixels(sz.d_height + wndArea.getHeight() - textArea.getHeight());
        return sz;
예제 #27
void View::addRect( vector<RenderData> &data, const ColorA &color, const Rectf &rect, float z )
    int offset = data.size();
    data.push_back( RenderData() );
    data.push_back( RenderData() );
    data.push_back( RenderData() );
    data.push_back( RenderData() );
    data.push_back( RenderData() );
    data.push_back( RenderData() );
    float x = mBounds.x1 + rect.x1;
    float y = mBounds.y1 + rect.y1;
    if( !mSuperView.expired() )
        vec2 origin = mSuperView.lock()->getOrigin();
        x += origin.x;
        y += origin.y;
    float w = rect.getWidth();
    float h = rect.getHeight();
    data[offset+0].pos = vec3( x, y, z );
    data[offset+1].pos = vec3( x+w, y, z );
    data[offset+2].pos = vec3( x+w, y+h, z );
    data[offset+3].pos = vec3( x+w, y+h, z );
    data[offset+4].pos = vec3( x, y+h, z );
    data[offset+5].pos = vec3( x, y, z );
    data[offset+0].color = vec4( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
    data[offset+1].color = vec4( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
    data[offset+2].color = vec4( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
    data[offset+3].color = vec4( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
    data[offset+4].color = vec4( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
    data[offset+5].color = vec4( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
    data[offset+0].uv = vec2( 0, 0 );
    data[offset+1].uv = vec2( 1, 0 );
    data[offset+2].uv = vec2( 1, 1 );
    data[offset+3].uv = vec2( 1, 1 );
    data[offset+4].uv = vec2( 0, 1 );
    data[offset+5].uv = vec2( 0, 0 );
예제 #28
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: ruleless/CEGUI
void OpenGLESTexture::loadUncompressedTextureBuffer(const Rectf& dest_area,
        const GLvoid* buffer) const
    GLint old_pack;
    glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, &old_pack);

    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

    glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                    d_format, d_subpixelFormat, buffer);

    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, old_pack);
예제 #29
void OpenGL3Texture::blitFromMemory(void* sourceData, const Rectf& area)
    // save old texture binding
    GLuint old_tex;
    glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, reinterpret_cast<GLint*>(&old_tex));

    // set texture to required size
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, d_ogltexture);
    glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
        GLint(area.left()), GLint(area.top()),
        GLsizei(area.getWidth()), GLsizei(area.getHeight()),
        GL_RGBA8, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sourceData

    // restore previous texture binding.
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, old_tex);
예제 #30
Rectf getCoveringRect(gl::Texture texture, Area containerArea) {
  float scale;
  Rectf bounds = texture.getBounds();
  bounds = bounds.getCenteredFit(containerArea, true);
  int container_h = containerArea.getHeight(),
  container_w = containerArea.getWidth(),
  texture_h = bounds.getHeight(),
  texture_w = bounds.getWidth();
  if (abs(container_h - texture_h) > abs(container_w - texture_w))
    scale = (float) container_h/texture_h;
    scale = (float) container_w/texture_w;
  bounds.scaleCentered(scale + .05);
  return bounds;