bool lldb_private::NameMatches (const char *name, NameMatchType match_type, const char *match) { if (match_type == eNameMatchIgnore) return true; if (name == match) return true; if (name && match) { llvm::StringRef name_sref(name); llvm::StringRef match_sref(match); switch (match_type) { case eNameMatchIgnore: // This case cannot occur: tested before return true; case eNameMatchEquals: return name_sref == match_sref; case eNameMatchContains: return name_sref.find (match_sref) != llvm::StringRef::npos; case eNameMatchStartsWith: return name_sref.startswith (match_sref); case eNameMatchEndsWith: return name_sref.endswith (match_sref); case eNameMatchRegularExpression: { RegularExpression regex (match); return regex.Execute (name); } break; } } return false; }
void AddressSanitizerRuntime::ModulesDidLoad(lldb_private::ModuleList &module_list) { if (IsActive()) return; if (m_runtime_module) { Activate(); return; } Mutex::Locker modules_locker(module_list.GetMutex()); const size_t num_modules = module_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_modules; ++i) { Module *module_pointer = module_list.GetModulePointerAtIndexUnlocked(i); const FileSpec & file_spec = module_pointer->GetFileSpec(); if (! file_spec) continue; static RegularExpression g_asan_runtime_regex("libclang_rt.asan_(.*)_dynamic\\.dylib"); if (g_asan_runtime_regex.Execute (file_spec.GetFilename().GetCString()) || module_pointer->IsExecutable()) { if (ModuleContainsASanRuntime(module_pointer)) { m_runtime_module = module_pointer->shared_from_this(); Activate(); return; } } } }
static bool DecodeHostAndPort (const char *host_and_port, std::string &host_str, std::string &port_str, int32_t& port, Error *error_ptr) { RegularExpression regex ("([^:]+):([0-9]+)"); if (regex.Execute (host_and_port, 2)) { if (regex.GetMatchAtIndex (host_and_port, 1, host_str) && regex.GetMatchAtIndex (host_and_port, 2, port_str)) { port = Args::StringToSInt32 (port_str.c_str(), INT32_MIN); if (port != INT32_MIN) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->Clear(); return true; } } } host_str.clear(); port_str.clear(); port = INT32_MIN; if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid host:port specification: '%s'", host_and_port); return false; }
bool StringParser::IsValidEmailAddress(const String &sEmailAddress) { // Original: [^<>" ]+@[^<>" ]+\.[^<>" ]+ // // Rule set: // - Don't allow spaces anywhere in the address. // - Don't allow < or > or " anywhere. // // Temp fix for moontear noreply@workflow hard coded invalid domain issue // Less strict requires no suffix for localhost or noreply@workflow regularExpression = "[^<>\" ]+@[^<>\" ]+" String sValidEmailPattern = IniFileSettings::Instance()->GetValidEmailPattern(); String regularExpression; // Override default pattern if one is defined if (sValidEmailPattern.empty()) regularExpression = "[^<>\" ]+@[^<>\" ]+\\.[^<>\" ]+"; else regularExpression = sValidEmailPattern; RegularExpression regexpEvaluator; bool result = regexpEvaluator.TestExactMatch(regularExpression, sEmailAddress); return result; }
bool DOMImplementation::isXMLMIMEType(const String& mimeType) { if (mimeType == "text/xml" || mimeType == "application/xml" || mimeType == "text/xsl") return true; static const char* validChars = "[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-+~!$\\^{}|.%'`#&*]"; // per RFCs: 3023, 2045 static RegularExpression xmlTypeRegExp(DeprecatedString("^") + validChars + "+/" + validChars + "+\\+xml$"); if (xmlTypeRegExp.match(mimeType.deprecatedString()) > -1) return true; return false; }
bool Mangled::NameMatches (const RegularExpression& regex, lldb::LanguageType language) const { if (m_mangled && regex.Execute (m_mangled.AsCString())) return true; ConstString demangled = GetDemangledName(language); if (demangled && regex.Execute (demangled.AsCString())) return true; return false; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Returns true if the filespec represents an implementation source /// file (files with a ".c", ".cpp", ".m", ".mm" (many more) /// extension). /// /// @return /// \b true if the filespec represents an implementation source /// file, \b false otherwise. //------------------------------------------------------------------ bool FileSpec::IsSourceImplementationFile () const { ConstString extension (GetFileNameExtension()); if (extension) { static RegularExpression g_source_file_regex ("^(c|m|mm|cpp|c\\+\\+|cxx|cc|cp|s|asm|f|f77|f90|f95|f03|for|ftn|fpp|ada|adb|ads)$", llvm::Regex::IgnoreCase); return g_source_file_regex.Execute (extension.GetCString()); } return false; }
bool CPlusPlusLanguage::ExtractContextAndIdentifier( const char *name, llvm::StringRef &context, llvm::StringRef &identifier) { static RegularExpression g_basename_regex(llvm::StringRef( "^(([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*::)*)(~?[A-Za-z_~][A-Za-z_0-9]*)$")); RegularExpression::Match match(4); if (g_basename_regex.Execute(llvm::StringRef::withNullAsEmpty(name), &match)) { match.GetMatchAtIndex(name, 1, context); match.GetMatchAtIndex(name, 3, identifier); return true; } return false; }
bool StringParser::IsValidDomainName(const String &sDomainName) { // Original: ^(\[([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\]|(?=.{1,255}$)((?!-|\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9])(|\.(?!-|\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]){1,126})$ // Conversion: // 1) Replace \ with \\ // 2) Replace " with \" String regularExpression = "^(\\[([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\\]|(?=.{1,255}$)((?!-|\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9])(|\\.(?!-|\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]){1,126})$"; RegularExpression regexpEvaluator; bool result = regexpEvaluator.TestExactMatch(regularExpression, sDomainName); return result; }
bool StringParser::IsValidEmailAddress(const String &sEmailAddress) { // Original: ^(("[^<>@\\]+")|([^<> @\\"]+))@(\[([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\]|(?=.{1,255}$)((?!-|\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9])(|\.(?!-|\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]){1,126})$ // // Conversion: // 1) Replace \ with \\ // 2) Replace " with \" String regularExpression = "^((\"[^<>@\\\\]+\")|([^<> @\\\\\"]+))@(\\[([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\\]|(?=.{1,255}$)((?!-|\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9])(|\\.(?!-|\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]){1,126})$"; RegularExpression regexpEvaluator; bool result = regexpEvaluator.TestExactMatch(regularExpression, sEmailAddress); return result; }
static bool IsValidBasename(const llvm::StringRef &basename) { // Check that the basename matches with the following regular expression or is // an operator name: // "^~?([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)(<.*>)?$" // We are using a hand written implementation because it is significantly more // efficient then // using the general purpose regular expression library. size_t idx = 0; if (basename.size() > 0 && basename[0] == '~') idx = 1; if (basename.size() <= idx) return false; // Empty string or "~" if (!std::isalpha(basename[idx]) && basename[idx] != '_') return false; // First charater (after removing the possible '~'') isn't in // [A-Za-z_] // Read all characters matching [A-Za-z_0-9] ++idx; while (idx < basename.size()) { if (!std::isalnum(basename[idx]) && basename[idx] != '_') break; ++idx; } // We processed all characters. It is a vaild basename. if (idx == basename.size()) return true; // Check for basename with template arguments // TODO: Improve the quality of the validation with validating the template // arguments if (basename[idx] == '<' && basename.back() == '>') return true; // Check if the basename is a vaild C++ operator name if (!basename.startswith("operator")) return false; static RegularExpression g_operator_regex( llvm::StringRef("^(operator)( " "?)([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*|\\(\\)|" "\\[\\]|[\\^<>=!\\/" "*+-]+)(<.*>)?(\\[\\])?$")); std::string basename_str(basename.str()); return g_operator_regex.Execute(basename_str, nullptr); }
uint32_t Symtab::AppendSymbolIndexesMatchingRegExAndType (const RegularExpression ®exp, SymbolType symbol_type, Debug symbol_debug_type, Visibility symbol_visibility, std::vector<uint32_t>& indexes) { Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex); uint32_t prev_size = indexes.size(); uint32_t sym_end = m_symbols.size(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sym_end; i++) { if (symbol_type == eSymbolTypeAny || m_symbols[i].GetType() == symbol_type) { if (CheckSymbolAtIndex(i, symbol_debug_type, symbol_visibility) == false) continue; const char *name = m_symbols[i].GetMangled().GetName().AsCString(); if (name) { if (regexp.Execute (name)) indexes.push_back(i); } } } return indexes.size() - prev_size; }
static Vector<pair<int, String> > getRegularExpressionMatchesByLines(const RegularExpression& regex, const String& text) { Vector<pair<int, String> > result; if (text.isEmpty()) return result; int lineNumber = 0; unsigned start = 0; while (start < text.length()) { size_t lineEnd = text.find('\n', start); if (lineEnd == notFound) lineEnd = text.length(); else lineEnd++; String line = text.substring(start, lineEnd - start); if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) line = line.left(line.length() - 2); if (line.endsWith('\n')) line = line.left(line.length() - 1); int matchLength; if (regex.match(line, 0, &matchLength) != -1) result.append(pair<int, String>(lineNumber, line)); start = lineEnd; lineNumber++; } return result; }
void SourceManager::File::FindLinesMatchingRegex (RegularExpression& regex, uint32_t start_line, uint32_t end_line, std::vector<uint32_t> &match_lines) { TimeValue curr_mod_time (m_file_spec.GetModificationTime()); if (m_mod_time != curr_mod_time) { m_mod_time = curr_mod_time; m_data_sp = m_file_spec.ReadFileContents (); m_offsets.clear(); } match_lines.clear(); if (!LineIsValid(start_line) || (end_line != UINT32_MAX && !LineIsValid(end_line))) return; if (start_line > end_line) return; for (uint32_t line_no = start_line; line_no < end_line; line_no++) { std::string buffer; if (!GetLine (line_no, buffer)) break; if (regex.Execute(buffer.c_str())) { match_lines.push_back(line_no); } } }
bool Variable::NameMatches (const RegularExpression& regex) const { if (regex.Execute (m_name.AsCString())) return true; return m_mangled.NameMatches (regex); }
bool Socket::DecodeHostAndPort(llvm::StringRef host_and_port, std::string &host_str, std::string &port_str, int32_t& port, Error *error_ptr) { static RegularExpression g_regex ("([^:]+):([0-9]+)"); RegularExpression::Match regex_match(2); if (g_regex.Execute (, ®ex_match)) { if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex (, 1, host_str) && regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex (, 2, port_str)) { bool ok = false; port = StringConvert::ToUInt32 (port_str.c_str(), UINT32_MAX, 10, &ok); if (ok && port <= UINT16_MAX) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->Clear(); return true; } // port is too large if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid host:port specification: '%s'",; return false; } } // If this was unsuccessful, then check if it's simply a signed 32-bit integer, representing // a port with an empty host. host_str.clear(); port_str.clear(); bool ok = false; port = StringConvert::ToUInt32 (, UINT32_MAX, 10, &ok); if (ok && port < UINT16_MAX) { port_str = host_and_port; if (error_ptr) error_ptr->Clear(); return true; } if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid host:port specification: '%s'",; return false; }
bool Socket::DecodeHostAndPort(llvm::StringRef host_and_port, std::string &host_str, std::string &port_str, int32_t &port, Status *error_ptr) { static RegularExpression g_regex( llvm::StringRef("([^:]+|\\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+.*\\]):([0-9]+)")); RegularExpression::Match regex_match(2); if (g_regex.Execute(host_and_port, ®ex_match)) { if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(, 1, host_str) && regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(, 2, port_str)) { // IPv6 addresses are wrapped in [] when specified with ports if (host_str.front() == '[' && host_str.back() == ']') host_str = host_str.substr(1, host_str.size() - 2); bool ok = false; port = StringConvert::ToUInt32(port_str.c_str(), UINT32_MAX, 10, &ok); if (ok && port <= UINT16_MAX) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->Clear(); return true; } // port is too large if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat( "invalid host:port specification: '%s'",; return false; } } // If this was unsuccessful, then check if it's simply a signed 32-bit // integer, representing a port with an empty host. host_str.clear(); port_str.clear(); bool ok = false; port = StringConvert::ToUInt32(, UINT32_MAX, 10, &ok); if (ok && port < UINT16_MAX) { port_str = host_and_port; if (error_ptr) error_ptr->Clear(); return true; } if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid host:port specification: '%s'",; return false; }
bool Variable::NameMatches (const RegularExpression& regex) const { if (regex.Execute (m_name.AsCString())) return true; if (m_mangled) return m_mangled.NameMatches (regex, GetLanguage()); return false; }
bool StringParser::WildcardMatch(const String &pattern, const String &value) { // Convert the pattern to a regular expression. String regularExpression; for (int i = 0; i < pattern.GetLength(); i++) { wchar_t c = pattern[i]; switch (c) { case '\\': case '|': case '.': case '^': case '$': case '+': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': regularExpression.append(_T("\\")); regularExpression += c; break; case '*': regularExpression.append(_T(".*")); break; case '?': regularExpression.append(_T(".")); break; default: regularExpression += c; break; } } RegularExpression regexpEvaluator; bool result = regexpEvaluator.TestExactMatch(regularExpression, value); return result; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // values: faustcode ValueTree MDLParser::getFaustCodeTree(const String& line, RegularExpression& re) { StringArray values; re.fullMatchValues(line, values, 1); ValueTree faustcodeTree(Ids::faustcode); faustcodeTree.setProperty(Ids::value, values[0].trim(), nullptr); return faustcodeTree; }
void DWARFCompileUnit::ParseProducerInfo () { m_producer_version_major = UINT32_MAX; m_producer_version_minor = UINT32_MAX; m_producer_version_update = UINT32_MAX; const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *die = GetCompileUnitDIEPtrOnly(); if (die) { const char *producer_cstr = die->GetAttributeValueAsString(m_dwarf2Data, this, DW_AT_producer, NULL); if (producer_cstr) { RegularExpression llvm_gcc_regex("^4\\.[012]\\.[01] \\(Based on Apple Inc\\. build [0-9]+\\) \\(LLVM build [\\.0-9]+\\)$"); if (llvm_gcc_regex.Execute (producer_cstr)) { m_producer = eProducerLLVMGCC; } else if (strstr(producer_cstr, "clang")) { static RegularExpression g_clang_version_regex("clang-([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)"); RegularExpression::Match regex_match(3); if (g_clang_version_regex.Execute (producer_cstr, ®ex_match)) { std::string str; if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex (producer_cstr, 1, str)) m_producer_version_major = StringConvert::ToUInt32(str.c_str(), UINT32_MAX, 10); if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex (producer_cstr, 2, str)) m_producer_version_minor = StringConvert::ToUInt32(str.c_str(), UINT32_MAX, 10); if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex (producer_cstr, 3, str)) m_producer_version_update = StringConvert::ToUInt32(str.c_str(), UINT32_MAX, 10); } m_producer = eProducerClang; } else if (strstr(producer_cstr, "GNU")) m_producer = eProducerGCC; } } if (m_producer == eProducerInvalid) m_producer = eProcucerOther; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // values: params, identifier, sources ValueTree MDLParser::getDisplayTree(const String& line, RegularExpression& re) { StringArray values; re.fullMatchValues(line, values, 3); const Point<int> pos = getPos(line); ValueTree newTree(Ids::display); newTree.setProperty(Ids::posX, pos.getX(), nullptr); newTree.setProperty(Ids::posY, pos.getY(), nullptr); StringArray paramsArray = MDLHelper::getParamsFromString(values[0]); paramsArray.set(0, paramsArray[0].unquoted()); newTree.addChild(ObjectFactory::createParamsTree(paramsArray), -1, nullptr); newTree.setProperty(Ids::identifier, values[1], nullptr); int posColon = values[2].indexOf(":"); String sourcesLine; if(posColon > 0) { sourcesLine = values[2].substring(0, posColon); sourcesLine = MDLHelper::removeUnbalancedParentheses(sourcesLine); newTree.setProperty(Ids::optional, values[2].substring(posColon+1), nullptr); } else { newTree.setProperty(Ids::optional, "", nullptr); sourcesLine = values[2]; } // remove unbalanced parentheses sourcesLine = MDLHelper::removeUnbalancedParentheses(sourcesLine); // remove surrounding paranthese if there are some. sourcesLine = MDLHelper::removeSurroundingParentheses(sourcesLine); StringArray sourcesList; sourcesList.addTokens(sourcesLine, "+", "\""); ValueTree displaySources(Ids::sources); for (int l = 0; l < sourcesList.size(); ++l) { if (sourcesList[l].trim().compare("0.0") != 0) { ValueTree displaySource(Ids::audiosource); displaySource.setProperty(Ids::value, sourcesList[l].trim(), nullptr); displaySources.addChild(displaySource, -1, nullptr); } } newTree.addChild(displaySources, -1, nullptr); return newTree; }
uint32_t SymbolFileSymtab::FindFunctions(const RegularExpression& regex, bool include_inlines, bool append, SymbolContextList& sc_list) { Timer scoped_timer (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "SymbolFileSymtab::FindFunctions (regex = '%s')", regex.GetText()); // If we ever support finding STABS or COFF debug info symbols, // we will need to add support here. We are not trying to find symbols // here, just "lldb_private::Function" objects that come from complete // debug information. Any symbol queries should go through the symbol // table itself in the module's object file. return 0; }
void replace(String& string, const RegularExpression& target, const String& replacement) { int index = 0; while (index < static_cast<int>(string.length())) { int matchLength; index = target.match(string, index, &matchLength); if (index < 0) break; string.replace(index, matchLength, replacement); index += replacement.length(); if (!matchLength) break; // Avoid infinite loop on 0-length matches, e.g. [a-z]* } }
static int countRegularExpressionMatches(const RegularExpression& regex, const String& content) { int result = 0; int position; unsigned start = 0; int matchLength; while ((position = regex.match(content, start, &matchLength)) != -1) { if (start >= content.length()) break; if (matchLength > 0) ++result; start = position + 1; } return result; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // values: param1, param2, identifier, startVertex, endVertex ValueTree MDLParser::getWaveguideTree(const String& line, RegularExpression& re) { StringArray values; re.fullMatchValues(line, values, 5); ValueTree waveguideTree(Ids::waveguide); StringArray paramsArray(values.begin(), 2); waveguideTree.addChild(ObjectFactory::createParamsTree(paramsArray), -1, nullptr); waveguideTree.setProperty(Ids::identifier, values[2].trim(), nullptr); waveguideTree.setProperty(Ids::startVertex, values[3].trim(), nullptr); waveguideTree.setProperty(Ids::endVertex, values[4].trim(), nullptr); return waveguideTree; }
uint32_t Symtab::AppendSymbolIndexesMatchingRegExAndType( const RegularExpression ®exp, SymbolType symbol_type, std::vector<uint32_t> &indexes) { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex); uint32_t prev_size = indexes.size(); uint32_t sym_end = m_symbols.size(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sym_end; i++) { if (symbol_type == eSymbolTypeAny || m_symbols[i].GetType() == symbol_type) { const char *name = m_symbols[i].GetName().AsCString(); if (name) { if (regexp.Execute(name)) indexes.push_back(i); } } } return indexes.size() - prev_size; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // values: param, identifier ValueTree MDLParser::getTerminationTree(const String& line, RegularExpression& re) { StringArray values; re.fullMatchValues(line, values, 2); const Point<int> pos = getPos(line); ValueTree terminationTree(Ids::termination); terminationTree.setProperty(Ids::posX, pos.x, nullptr); terminationTree.setProperty(Ids::posY, pos.y, nullptr); StringArray paramsArray = MDLHelper::getParamsFromString(values[0]); terminationTree.addChild(ObjectFactory::createParamsTree(paramsArray), -1, nullptr); terminationTree.setProperty(Ids::identifier, values[1].trim(), nullptr); return terminationTree; }
void SourceManager::File::FindLinesMatchingRegex( RegularExpression ®ex, uint32_t start_line, uint32_t end_line, std::vector<uint32_t> &match_lines) { match_lines.clear(); if (!LineIsValid(start_line) || (end_line != UINT32_MAX && !LineIsValid(end_line))) return; if (start_line > end_line) return; for (uint32_t line_no = start_line; line_no < end_line; line_no++) { std::string buffer; if (!GetLine(line_no, buffer)) break; if (regex.Execute(buffer)) { match_lines.push_back(line_no); } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // values: param1, identifier ValueTree MDLParser::getJunctionTree(const String& line, RegularExpression& re) { StringArray values; re.fullMatchValues(line, values, 2); const Point<int> pos = getPos(line); ValueTree junctTree(Ids::junction); junctTree.setProperty(Ids::posX, pos.x, nullptr); junctTree.setProperty(Ids::posY, pos.y, nullptr); ValueTree junctParams(Ids::parameters); ValueTree junctParam(Ids::parameter); junctParam.setProperty(Ids::value, values[0].trim(), nullptr); junctParams.addChild(junctParam, -1, nullptr); junctTree.addChild(junctParams, -1, nullptr); junctTree.setProperty(Ids::identifier, values[1].trim(), nullptr); return junctTree; }