예제 #1
파일: Node.cpp 프로젝트: ajwlucas/tool_axe
bool Node::hasMatchingNodeID(ResourceID ID)
  switch (type) {
    case Node::XS1_G:
      return ((ID.node() >> 8) & 0xff) == nodeID;
    case Node::XS1_L:
      return ID.node() == nodeID;
예제 #2
std::unique_ptr<CInputStream> CFilesystemList::load(const ResourceID & resourceName) const
	// load resource from last loader that have it (last overridden version)
	for (auto & loader : boost::adaptors::reverse(loaders))
		if (loader->existsResource(resourceName))
			return loader->load(resourceName);

	throw std::runtime_error("Resource with name " + resourceName.getName() + " and type "
		+ EResTypeHelper::getEResTypeAsString(resourceName.getType()) + " wasn't found.");
예제 #3
std::unique_ptr<CInputStream> CResourceLoader::load(const ResourceID & resourceIdent) const
	auto resource = resources.find(resourceIdent);

	if(resource == resources.end())
		throw std::runtime_error("Resource with name " + resourceIdent.getName() + " and type "
			+ EResTypeHelper::getEResTypeAsString(resourceIdent.getType()) + " wasn't found.");

	// get the last added resource(most overriden)
	const ResourceLocator & locator = resource->second.back();

	// load the resource and return it
	return locator.getLoader()->load(locator.getResourceName());
예제 #4
파일: CMapInfo.cpp 프로젝트: vcmi/vcmi
void CMapInfo::saveInit(ResourceID file)
	CLoadFile lf(*CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(file), MINIMAL_SERIALIZATION_VERSION);

	mapHeader = make_unique<CMapHeader>();
	lf >> *(mapHeader.get()) >> scenarioOptionsOfSave;
	fileURI = file.getName();
	std::time_t time = boost::filesystem::last_write_time(*CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(file));
	date = std::asctime(std::localtime(&time));
	// We absolutely not need this data for lobby and server will read it from save
	// FIXME: actually we don't want them in CMapHeader!