예제 #1
CGImageRef ImageSource::createFrameAtIndex(size_t index, SubsamplingLevel subsamplingLevel)
    if (!initialized())
        return 0;

    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions(SkipMetadata, subsamplingLevel)));

    // <rdar://problem/7371198> - CoreGraphics changed the default caching behaviour in iOS 4.0 to kCGImageCachingTransient
    // which caused a performance regression for us since the images had to be resampled/recreated every time we called
    // CGContextDrawImage. We now tell CG to cache the drawn images. See also <rdar://problem/14366755> -
    // CoreGraphics needs to un-deprecate kCGImageCachingTemporary since it's still not the default.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
    CGImageSetCachingFlags(image.get(), kCGImageCachingTemporary);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#endif // !PLATFORM(IOS)

    CFStringRef imageUTI = CGImageSourceGetType(m_decoder);
    static const CFStringRef xbmUTI = CFSTR("public.xbitmap-image");
    if (!imageUTI || !CFEqual(imageUTI, xbmUTI))
        return image.leakRef();
    // If it is an xbm image, mask out all the white areas to render them transparent.
    const CGFloat maskingColors[6] = {255, 255,  255, 255, 255, 255};
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> maskedImage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(image.get(), maskingColors));
    if (!maskedImage)
        return image.leakRef();

    return maskedImage.leakRef();
예제 #2
CGImageRef ImageSource::createFrameAtIndex(size_t index, float* scale)

    if (!initialized())
        return 0;

    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions(SkipMetadata)));
    // Subsampling can be 1, 2 or 3, which means quarter-, sixteenth- and sixty-fourth-size, respectively.
    // A zero or negative value means no subsampling.
    int subsampling = scale ? static_cast<int>(log2f(1.0f / std::max(0.1f, std::min(1.0f, *scale)))) : -1;
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions(SkipMetadata, subsampling)));

    // <rdar://problem/7371198> - CoreGraphics changed the default caching behaviour in iOS 4.0 to kCGImageCachingTransient
    // which caused a performance regression for us since the images had to be resampled/recreated every time we called
    // CGContextDrawImage. We now tell CG to cache the drawn images. See also <rdar://problem/14366755> -
    // CoreGraphics needs to un-deprecate kCGImageCachingTemporary since it's still not the default.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
    CGImageSetCachingFlags(image.get(), kCGImageCachingTemporary);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
    if (scale) {
        if (subsampling > 0)
            *scale = static_cast<float>(CGImageGetWidth(image.get())) / size(DoNotRespectImageOrientation).width();
        else {
            ASSERT(static_cast<int>(CGImageGetWidth(image.get())) == size(DoNotRespectImageOrientation).width());
            *scale = 1;
#endif // !PLATFORM(IOS)
    CFStringRef imageUTI = CGImageSourceGetType(m_decoder);
    static const CFStringRef xbmUTI = CFSTR("public.xbitmap-image");
    if (!imageUTI || !CFEqual(imageUTI, xbmUTI))
        return image.leakRef();
    // If it is an xbm image, mask out all the white areas to render them transparent.
    const CGFloat maskingColors[6] = {255, 255,  255, 255, 255, 255};
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> maskedImage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(image.get(), maskingColors));
    if (!maskedImage)
        return image.leakRef();

    return maskedImage.leakRef();
예제 #3
CGImageRef ImageSource::createFrameAtIndex(size_t index)
    if (!initialized())
        return 0;

    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions(SkipMetadata)));
    CFStringRef imageUTI = CGImageSourceGetType(m_decoder);
    static const CFStringRef xbmUTI = CFSTR("public.xbitmap-image");
    if (!imageUTI || !CFEqual(imageUTI, xbmUTI))
        return image.leakRef();
    // If it is an xbm image, mask out all the white areas to render them transparent.
    const CGFloat maskingColors[6] = {255, 255,  255, 255, 255, 255};
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> maskedImage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(image.get(), maskingColors));
    if (!maskedImage)
        return image.leakRef();

    return maskedImage.leakRef();
예제 #4
bool decode(ArgumentDecoder& decoder, RetainPtr<CFArrayRef>& result)
    uint64_t size;
    if (!decoder.decode(size))
        return false;

    RetainPtr<CFMutableArrayRef> array = adoptCF(CFArrayCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        RetainPtr<CFTypeRef> element;
        if (!decode(decoder, element))
            return false;

        CFArrayAppendValue(array.get(), element.get());

    result = adoptCF(array.leakRef());
    return true;
예제 #5
void DNSResolveQueue::platformResolve(const String& hostname)

    RetainPtr<CFHostRef> host = adoptCF(CFHostCreateWithName(0, hostname.createCFString().get()));
    if (!host) {

    CFHostClientContext context = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    CFHostRef leakedHost = host.leakRef(); // The host will be released from clientCallback().
    Boolean result = CFHostSetClient(leakedHost, clientCallback, &context);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result);
    CFHostScheduleWithRunLoop(leakedHost, CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
    // On Windows, we run a separate thread with CFRunLoop, which is where clientCallback will be called.
    CFHostScheduleWithRunLoop(leakedHost, loaderRunLoop(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
    CFHostStartInfoResolution(leakedHost, kCFHostAddresses, 0);
예제 #6
bool decode(ArgumentDecoder& decoder, RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef>& result)
    uint64_t size;
    if (!decoder.decode(size))
        return false;

    RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> dictionary = adoptCF(CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        // Try to decode the key name.
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> key;
        if (!decode(decoder, key))
            return false;

        RetainPtr<CFTypeRef> value;
        if (!decode(decoder, value))
            return false;

        CFDictionarySetValue(dictionary.get(), key.get(), value.get());

    result = adoptCF(dictionary.leakRef());
    return true;
예제 #7
bool decode(ArgumentDecoder& decoder, RetainPtr<CFTypeRef>& result)
    CFType type;
    if (!decoder.decodeEnum(type))
        return false;

    switch (type) {
    case CFArray: {
        RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> array;
        if (!decode(decoder, array))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(array.leakRef());
        return true;
    case CFBoolean: {
        RetainPtr<CFBooleanRef> boolean;
        if (!decode(decoder, boolean))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(boolean.leakRef());
        return true;
    case CFData: {
        RetainPtr<CFDataRef> data;
        if (!decode(decoder, data))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(data.leakRef());
        return true;
    case CFDate: {
        RetainPtr<CFDateRef> date;
        if (!decode(decoder, date))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(date.leakRef());
        return true;
    case CFDictionary: {
        RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> dictionary;
        if (!decode(decoder, dictionary))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(dictionary.leakRef());
        return true;
    case CFNull:
        result = adoptCF(kCFNull);
        return true;
    case CFNumber: {
        RetainPtr<CFNumberRef> number;
        if (!decode(decoder, number))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(number.leakRef());
        return true;
    case CFString: {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> string;
        if (!decode(decoder, string))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(string.leakRef());
        return true;
    case CFURL: {
        RetainPtr<CFURLRef> url;
        if (!decode(decoder, url))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(url.leakRef());
        return true;
    case SecCertificate: {
        RetainPtr<SecCertificateRef> certificate;
        if (!decode(decoder, certificate))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(certificate.leakRef());
        return true;
    case SecIdentity: {
        RetainPtr<SecIdentityRef> identity;
        if (!decode(decoder, identity))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(identity.leakRef());
        return true;
    case SecKeychainItem: {
        RetainPtr<SecKeychainItemRef> keychainItem;
        if (!decode(decoder, keychainItem))
            return false;
        result = adoptCF(keychainItem.leakRef());
        return true;
    case Null:
        result = tokenNullTypeRef();
        return true;
    case Unknown:
        return false;

    return false;
static bool decode(ArgumentDecoder* decoder, RetainPtr<CFTypeRef>& result)
    CFType type;
    if (!decoder->decodeEnum(type))
        return false;

    switch (type) {
    case CFArray: {
        RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> array;
        if (!decode(decoder, array))
            return false;
        return true;
    case CFBoolean: {
        RetainPtr<CFBooleanRef> boolean;
        if (!decode(decoder, boolean))
            return false;
        return true;
    case CFData: {
        RetainPtr<CFDataRef> data;
        if (!decode(decoder, data))
            return false;
        return true;
    case CFDictionary: {
        RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> dictionary;
        if (!decode(decoder, dictionary))
            return false;
        return true;
    case CFNull:
        return true;
    case CFNumber: {
        RetainPtr<CFNumberRef> number;
        if (!decode(decoder, number))
            return false;
        return true;
    case CFString: {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> string;
        if (!decode(decoder, string))
            return false;
        return true;
    case CFURL: {
        RetainPtr<CFURLRef> url;
        if (!decode(decoder, url))
            return false;
        return true;
    case SecCertificate: {
        RetainPtr<SecCertificateRef> certificate;
        if (!decode(decoder, certificate))
            return false;
        return true;
    case Null:
        result = tokenNullTypeRef();
        return true;
    case Unknown:
        return false;

    return false;
CFStringRef createXMLStringFromWebArchiveData(CFDataRef webArchiveData)
    CFErrorRef error = 0;
    CFPropertyListFormat format = kCFPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0;
    RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> propertyList = adoptCF((CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFPropertyListCreateWithData(kCFAllocatorDefault, webArchiveData, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, &format, &error));

    if (!propertyList) {
        if (error)
            return CFErrorCopyDescription(error);
        return static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFRetain(CFSTR("An unknown error occurred converting data to property list.")));

    RetainPtr<CFMutableArrayRef> resources = adoptCF(CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks));
    CFArrayAppendValue(resources.get(), propertyList.get());

    while (CFArrayGetCount(resources.get())) {
        RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> resourcePropertyList = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(resources.get(), 0);
        CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(resources.get(), 0);

        CFMutableDictionaryRef mainResource = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(resourcePropertyList.get(), CFSTR("WebMainResource"));
        normalizeWebResourceURL((CFMutableStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(mainResource, CFSTR("WebResourceURL")));

        // Add subframeArchives to list for processing
        CFMutableArrayRef subframeArchives = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(resourcePropertyList.get(), CFSTR("WebSubframeArchives")); // WebSubframeArchivesKey in WebArchive.m
        if (subframeArchives)
            CFArrayAppendArray(resources.get(), subframeArchives, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(subframeArchives)));

        CFMutableArrayRef subresources = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(resourcePropertyList.get(), CFSTR("WebSubresources")); // WebSubresourcesKey in WebArchive.m
        if (!subresources)

        CFIndex subresourcesCount = CFArrayGetCount(subresources);
        for (CFIndex i = 0; i < subresourcesCount; ++i) {
            CFMutableDictionaryRef subresourcePropertyList = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(subresources, i);
            normalizeWebResourceURL((CFMutableStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(subresourcePropertyList, CFSTR("WebResourceURL")));

        // Sort the subresources so they're always in a predictable order for the dump
        CFArraySortValues(subresources, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(subresources)), compareResourceURLs, 0);

    error = 0;

    RetainPtr<CFDataRef> xmlData = adoptCF(CFPropertyListCreateData(kCFAllocatorDefault, propertyList.get(), kCFPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0, 0, &error));

    if (!xmlData) {
        if (error)
            return CFErrorCopyDescription(error);
        return static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFRetain(CFSTR("An unknown error occurred converting property list to data.")));

    RetainPtr<CFStringRef> xmlString = adoptCF(CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, xmlData.get(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
    RetainPtr<CFMutableStringRef> string = adoptCF(CFStringCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, xmlString.get()));

    // Replace "Apple Computer" with "Apple" in the DTD declaration.
    CFStringFindAndReplace(string.get(), CFSTR("-//Apple Computer//"), CFSTR("-//Apple//"), CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(string.get())), 0);

    return string.leakRef();
CFErrorRef WKErrorCopyCFError(CFAllocatorRef alloc, WKErrorRef error)
    RetainPtr<CFErrorRef> cfError = toImpl(error)->platformError().cfError();
    return cfError.leakRef();