예제 #1
bool testRandom(const Ring& R, size_t n)
        bool pass = true;

        commentator().start ("Testing Iloipoulos elimination:", "testRandom");
	using namespace std;
	ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION);

	BlasMatrixDomain<Ring> BMD(R);
	BlasMatrix<Ring> D(R, n, n), L(R, n, n), U(R, n, n), A(R,n,n);

	// D is Smith Form
	const int m = 16;
	int p[m] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 101};
	typename Ring::Element x, y;
	R.assign(x, R.one);
	if (n > 0) D.setEntry(0,0,x);
	for(size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i){
		R.init(y, p[rand()%m]);
		D.setEntry(i,i, R.mulin(x, y));
	if (n > 0) D.setEntry(n-1,n-1, R.zero);

	// L and U are random unit triangular.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
		for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++ j) {
			L.setEntry(i,j, R.init(x, rand() % 10));
			U.setEntry(j,i, R.init(x, rand() % 10));
		L.setEntry(i,i, R.one);
		U.setEntry(i,i, R.one);

	// A is ULDU
	BMD.mul(A, U, L);
	BMD.mulin_left(A, D);
	BMD.mulin_left(A, U);

	D.write( report << "Smith form matrix:\n  " ) << endl;
	A.write( report << "input matrix:\n " ) << endl;
//	SmithFormIliopoulos::smithFormIn (A);
//	A.write( report << "smith of input matrix direct:\n " ) << endl;

	report << "Using PIRModular<int32_t>\n";
	typename Ring::Element d; R.init(d,16*101);//16*101*5*7*9);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < n-1; ++i) R.mulin(d, D.getEntry(x, i, i));
	R.write(report << "modulus: ", d) << endl;
	//det(d, D);
	//PIRModular<int32_t> Rd( (int32_t)(s % LINBOX_MAX_MODULUS));
	PIRModular<int32_t> Rp( (int32_t)d);
	BlasMatrix<PIRModular<int32_t> > Ap(Rp, n, n), Dp(Rp, n, n);
	MatrixHom::map (Ap, A);

	SmithFormIliopoulos::smithFormIn (Ap);

	Ap.write( report << "Computed Smith form: \n") << endl;
	MatrixHom::map (Dp, D);
	BlasMatrixDomain<PIRModular<int32_t> > BMDp(Rp);
	pass = pass and BMDp.areEqual(Dp, Ap);

	commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (pass), (const char *) 0, "testRandom");
	return pass;

예제 #2
bool testRandom(const Ring& R,
		LinBox::VectorStream<Vector>& stream1)

	std::ostringstream str;

	str << "Testing the smithForm function in solutions directory:\n";

        commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandom");//, stream1.m ());

        bool ret = true;

        LinBox::VectorDomain<Ring> VD (R);

	Vector d(R), x(R);

	LinBox::VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, stream1.n ());

	LinBox::VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, stream1.n ());

	int n = (int)d. size();

	 while (stream1) {

                commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ());

		std::ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION);

                bool iter_passed = true;

                stream1.next (d);

		report << "Input vector:  ";
		VD.write (report, d);
                report << endl;

		BlasMatrix<Ring> D(R, (size_t)n, (size_t)n), L(R, (size_t)n, (size_t)n), U(R, (size_t)n, (size_t)n), A(R,(size_t)n,(size_t)n);

		int i, j;

		for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
			R. assign (D[(size_t)i][(size_t)i], d[(size_t)i]);
			R. assign(L[(size_t)i][(size_t)i], R.one);
			R. assign(U[(size_t)i][(size_t)i], R.one);}

		for (i = 0; i < n; ++ i)

			for (j = 0; j < i; ++ j) {

				R.init(L[(size_t)i][(size_t)j], rand() % 10);

				R.init(U[(size_t)j][(size_t)i], rand() % 10);

		BlasVector<Ring> tmp1(R,(size_t)n), tmp2(R,(size_t)n), e(R,(size_t)n);

		typename BlasMatrix<Ring>::ColIterator col_p;

		i = 0;
		for (col_p = A.colBegin();
		     col_p != A.colEnd(); ++ col_p, ++ i) {

			U.apply(tmp1, e);
			D.apply(tmp2, tmp1);
			// LinBox::BlasSubvector<BlasVector<Ring> > col_p_v (R, *col_p);
			// L.apply(col_p_v, tmp2);
			L.apply(*col_p, tmp2); //! @internal @bug  should use Triangular apply ? We are doing this many times, factor somewhere in test-utils.h ? why not some ftrtr routine for that ?

		typename Vector::iterator x_p;
		Givaro::ZRing<Integer> Z;
		BlasVector<Givaro::ZRing<Integer> > xi(Z,A. rowdim());
		BlasVector<Givaro::ZRing<Integer> >::iterator xi_p;
		std::list<std::pair<Integer, size_t> > cpt;
		smithForm (cpt, A);
		std::list<std::pair<Integer, size_t> >::iterator cpt_p;

		xi_p = xi. begin();
		for (cpt_p = cpt.begin(); cpt_p != cpt.end(); ++ cpt_p) {
			for (size_t ii = 0; ii < cpt_p -> second; ++ ii, ++ xi_p)
				*xi_p = cpt_p -> first;

		for (x_p = x. begin(), xi_p = xi. begin(); x_p != x. end(); ++ x_p, ++ xi_p)
			A. field (). init (*x_p, *xi_p);

		report << "Computed Smith form: \n";
		VD. write (report, x);

		report << '\n';

		typename BlasVector<Ring>::iterator p1, p2;
		typename Ring::Element g;

		for (p1 = d.begin(); p1 != d.end(); ++ p1) {
			for ( p2 = p1 + 1; p2 != d.end(); ++ p2) {
				if (R. isUnit(*p1))  break;
				else if (R. isZero (*p2)) continue;
				else if (R. isZero (*p1)) std::swap (*p1, *p2);
				else { // (*p1, *p2) <-- (g, *p1 * *p2 / g), where g = gcd(*p1, *p2)
					R. gcd (g, *p1, *p2);
					R. divin (*p2, g);
					R. mulin (*p2, *p1);
					R. assign (*p1, g);

		report << "Expected smith form:\n";
		VD.write (report, d) << endl;

		if (!VD.areEqual (d, x))
			ret = iter_passed = false;

		if (!iter_passed)
			commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR)
				<< "ERROR: Computed Smith form is incorrect" << endl;

		commentator().stop ("done");
		commentator().progress ();

	//stream1.reset ();

	commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandom");

	return ret;