예제 #1
 void f() {
   S<int> a;
   a.f(); // expected-note{{in instantiation of member function 'PR11630::S<int>::f' requested here}}
   S2<1> b;
   S2<2> b2;
   b2.f(); // expected-note{{in instantiation of member function 'PR11630::S2<2>::f' requested here}}
void time_test(const S1& s1, const S2& s2, S3& s3, Op op, size_t n, size_t m) {
  typedef typename S1::iterator I;
  timer t;
  for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    std::transform(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), s3.begin(), op);
  double time = t.stop()/(double(n) * m);
  std::cout << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << time << "\t";
예제 #3
void test3(S2 s2) {
  X foo;
예제 #4
 associative_range(S2 &seq)
     : m_position(seq.begin())
     , m_last(seq.end())
예제 #5
inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file_impl(S1 const& fileName, S2 &contents)
    typedef string_traits<S1>                               string_traits_t;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(string_traits_t));     // Fires if S1 does not have a traits specialisation defined

    typedef string_traits<S2>                               string_traits2_t;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(string_traits2_t));    // Fires if S2 does not have a traits specialisation defined

    typedef ss_typename_type_k string_traits_t::char_type   C;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(C));                   // Fires if the traits is not correctly defined

    typedef ss_typename_type_k string_traits2_t::char_type  char_2_type;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(char_2_type));         // Fires if the traits is not correctly defined

    typedef filesystem_traits<C>                            filesys_traits_t;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(filesys_traits_t));    // Fires if no corresponding filesystem_traits defined

    scoped_handle<HANDLE>   h(  filesys_traits_t::create_file(  stlsoft_ns_qual(c_str_ptr)(fileName)
                                                            ,   GENERIC_READ
                                                            ,   FILE_SHARE_READ
                                                            ,   NULL
                                                            ,   OPEN_EXISTING
                                                            ,   0
                                                            ,   NULL)
                            ,   (void (STLSOFT_CDECL *)(HANDLE))&filesys_traits_t::close_handle // This cast required by VC++ 5
                            ,   INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

    if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h.get())
        STLSOFT_THROW_X(windows_exception("File does not exist", ::GetLastError()));

    ws_uint64_t             size    =   filesys_traits_t::get_file_size(h.get());

    if( 0 != size &&
        static_cast<ws_uint64_t>(~0) != size)
        if(size > 0xFFFFFFFF)
            STLSOFT_THROW_X(winstl_ns_qual_std(out_of_range)("Cannot read in files larger than 4GB"));
// TODO: Catch the out-of-memory exception and translate to a std::out_of_range()

            typedef ::stlsoft::auto_buffer_old< char_2_type
                                            ,   processheap_allocator<char_2_type>
                                            ,   1024
                                            >                   buffer_t;

            buffer_t    buffer(static_cast<ss_typename_type_k buffer_t::size_type>(size));
            DWORD       dw;

            if(!::ReadFile(h.get(), &buffer[0], buffer.size(), &dw, NULL))
                STLSOFT_THROW_X(windows_exception("Read operation failed", ::GetLastError()));
                contents.assign(&buffer[0], dw);

                return size;

    return 0;
예제 #6
static inline void set_difference(const S1 &src1, const S2 &src2, D &dst) {
		src1.begin(), src1.end(), src2.begin(), src2.end(),
		std::inserter(dst, dst.begin()));