void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( int aFirstLayer,
                                      int aLastLayer,
                                      bool aExcludeThroughHoles,
                                      bool aGenerateNPTH_list,
                                      bool aMergePTHNPTH )
    HOLE_INFO new_hole;
    int       hole_value;


    if( (aFirstLayer >= 0) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )
        if( aFirstLayer > aLastLayer )
            EXCHG( aFirstLayer, aLastLayer );

    if ( aGenerateNPTH_list && aMergePTHNPTH )

    // build hole list for vias
    if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list )  // vias are always plated !
        for( TRACK* track = m_pcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
            if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )

            SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) track;
            hole_value = via->GetDrillValue();

            if( hole_value == 0 )

            new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag value for Not initialized
            new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = 0;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = hole_value;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

            new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0;              // hole shape: round
            new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = via->GetStart();
            via->LayerPair( &new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer, &new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer );

            // LayerPair return params with m_Hole_Bottom_Layer < m_Hole_Top_Layer
            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer > aFirstLayer) && (aFirstLayer >= 0) )

            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer < aLastLayer) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )

            if( aExcludeThroughHoles  && (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer == LAYER_N_BACK)
               && (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer == LAYER_N_FRONT) )

            m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // build hole list for pads (assumed always through holes)
    if( !aExcludeThroughHoles || aGenerateNPTH_list )
        for( MODULE* module = m_pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            // Read and analyse pads
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED && ! aMergePTHNPTH )

                if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag is: Not initialized
                new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = pad->GetOrientation();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Shape     = 0;           // hole shape: round
                new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = std::min( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y );
                new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x    = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

                if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_CIRCLE )
                    new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 1; // oval flag set

                new_hole.m_Hole_Size         = pad->GetDrillSize();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Pos          = pad->GetPosition();               // hole position
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = LAYER_N_BACK;
                new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    = LAYER_N_FRONT;// pad holes are through holes
                m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // Sort holes per increasing diameter value
    sort( m_holeListBuffer.begin(), m_holeListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleDiameterValue );

    // build the tool list
    int        LastHole = -1; /* Set to not initialized (this is a value not used
                               * for m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter) */
    DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0 );
    unsigned   jj;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != LastHole )
            new_tool.m_Diameter = ( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter );
            m_toolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
            LastHole = new_tool.m_Diameter;

        jj = m_toolListBuffer.size();

        if( jj == 0 )
            continue;                                        // Should not occurs

        m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference = jj;          // Tool value Initialized (value >= 1)


        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape )
예제 #2
 *  Delete dangling tracks
 *  Vias:
 *  If a via is only connected to a dangling track, it also will be removed
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::deleteUnconnectedTracks()
    if( m_Brd->m_Track == NULL )
        return false;

    bool modified = false;
    bool item_erased = true;
    while( item_erased )    // Iterate when at least one track is deleted
        item_erased = false;
        TRACK* next_track;
        for( TRACK * track = m_Brd->m_Track; track ; track = next_track )
            next_track = track->Next();

            int flag_erase = 0; //Not connected indicator
            int type_end = 0;

            if( track->GetState( START_ON_PAD ) )
                type_end |= START_ON_PAD;

            if( track->GetState( END_ON_PAD ) )
                type_end |= END_ON_PAD;

            // if the track start point is not connected to a pad,
            // test if this track start point is connected to another track
            // For via test, an enhancement could be to test if connected
            // to 2 items on different layers.
            // Currently a via must be connected to 2 items, that can be on the same layer
            LAYER_NUM top_layer, bottom_layer;
            ZONE_CONTAINER* zone;

            if( (type_end & START_ON_PAD ) == 0 )
                TRACK* other = track->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );

                if( other == NULL )     // Test a connection to zones
                    if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetStart(),
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );
                        ((SEGVIA*)track)->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetStart(),
                                                               top_layer, bottom_layer,
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );

                if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                    flag_erase |= 1;
                else    // segment, via or zone connected to this end
                    track->start = other;
                    // If a via is connected to this end,
                    // test if this via has a second item connected.
                    // If no, remove it with the current segment

                    if( other && other->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        // search for another segment following the via
                        track->SetState( BUSY, true );

                        SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) other;
                        other = via->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );

                        if( other == NULL )
                            via->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                            zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( via->GetStart(),
                                                                   via->GetNetCode() );

                        if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                            flag_erase |= 2;

                        track->SetState( BUSY, false );

            // if track end point is not connected to a pad,
            // test if this track end point is connected to an other track
            if( (type_end & END_ON_PAD ) == 0 )
                TRACK* other = track->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );

                if( other == NULL )     // Test a connection to zones
                    if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetEnd(),
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );
                        ((SEGVIA*)track)->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetEnd(),
                                                               top_layer, bottom_layer,
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );

                if ( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                    flag_erase |= 0x10;
                else     // segment, via or zone connected to this end
                    track->end = other;

                    // If a via is connected to this end, test if this via has a second item connected
                    // if no, remove it with the current segment

                    if( other && other->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        // search for another segment following the via

                        track->SetState( BUSY, true );

                        SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) other;
                        other = via->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );

                        if( other == NULL )
                            via->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                            zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( via->GetEnd(),
                                                                   bottom_layer, top_layer,
                                                                   via->GetNetCode() );

                        if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                            flag_erase |= 0x20;

                        track->SetState( BUSY, false );

            if( flag_erase )
                // remove segment from board
                // iterate, because a track connected to the deleted track
                // is now perhaps now not connected and should be deleted
                item_erased = true;
                modified = true;

    return modified;
예제 #3
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Other_Layer_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* DC )
    unsigned    itmp;

    if( aTrack == NULL )
        if( getActiveLayer() != ((PCB_SCREEN*)GetScreen())->m_Route_Layer_TOP )
            setActiveLayer( ((PCB_SCREEN*)GetScreen())->m_Route_Layer_TOP );
            setActiveLayer(((PCB_SCREEN*)GetScreen())->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM );

        return true;

    // Avoid more than one via on the current location:
    if( GetBoard()->GetViaByPosition( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd(),
                                      g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetLayer() ) )
        return false;

    for( TRACK* segm = g_FirstTrackSegment;  segm;  segm = segm->Next() )
        if( segm->Type() == PCB_VIA_T && g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd() == segm->GetStart() )
            return false;

    // Is the current segment Ok (no DRC error) ?
    if( g_Drc_On )
        if( BAD_DRC==m_drc->Drc( g_CurrentTrackSegment, GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
            // DRC error, the change layer is not made
            return false;

        // Handle 2 segments.
        if( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild && g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back() )
            if( BAD_DRC == m_drc->Drc( g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back(), GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
                return false;

    /* Save current state before placing a via.
     * If the via cannot be placed this current state will be reused
    itmp = g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount();
    Begin_Route( g_CurrentTrackSegment, DC );

    m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );

    // create the via
    SEGVIA* via    = new SEGVIA( GetBoard() );
    via->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
    via->SetShape( GetDesignSettings().m_CurrentViaType );
    via->SetWidth( GetBoard()->GetCurrentViaSize());
    via->SetNet( GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );
    via->SetEnd( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd() );
    via->SetStart( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd() );

    // Usual via is from copper to component.
    // layer pair is LAYER_N_BACK and LAYER_N_FRONT.
    via->SetLayerPair( LAYER_N_BACK, LAYER_N_FRONT );
    via->SetDrill( GetBoard()->GetCurrentViaDrill() );

    LAYER_NUM first_layer = getActiveLayer();
    LAYER_NUM last_layer;

    // prepare switch to new active layer:
    if( first_layer != GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP )
        last_layer = GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP;
        last_layer = GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM;

    // Adjust the actual via layer pair
    switch ( via->GetShape() )
        case VIA_BLIND_BURIED:
            via->SetLayerPair( first_layer, last_layer );

        case VIA_MICROVIA:  // from external to the near neighbor inner layer
            LAYER_NUM last_inner_layer = FIRST_LAYER + (GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount() - 2);
            if ( first_layer == LAYER_N_BACK )
                last_layer = LAYER_N_2;
            else if ( first_layer == LAYER_N_FRONT )
                last_layer = last_inner_layer;
            else if ( first_layer == LAYER_N_2 )
                last_layer = LAYER_N_BACK;
            else if ( first_layer == last_inner_layer )
                last_layer = LAYER_N_FRONT;

            // else error: will be removed later
            via->SetLayerPair( first_layer, last_layer );
                NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetBoard()->FindNet( via->GetNet() );
                via->SetWidth( net->GetMicroViaSize() );


    if( g_Drc_On && BAD_DRC == m_drc->Drc( via, GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
        // DRC fault: the Via cannot be placed here ...
        delete via;

        m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );

        // delete the track(s) added in Begin_Route()
        while( g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount() > itmp )
            Delete_Segment( DC, g_CurrentTrackSegment );

         SetCurItem( g_CurrentTrackSegment, false );

        // Refresh DRC diag, erased by previous calls
        if( m_drc->GetCurrentMarker() )
            SetMsgPanel( m_drc->GetCurrentMarker() );

        return false;

    setActiveLayer( last_layer );

    TRACK*  lastNonVia = g_CurrentTrackSegment;

    /* A new via was created. It was Ok.
    g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( via );

    /* The via is now in linked list and we need a new track segment
     * after the via, starting at via location.
     * it will become the new current segment (from via to the mouse cursor)

    TRACK* track = (TRACK*)lastNonVia->Clone();

    /* the above creates a new segment from the last entered segment, with the
     * current width, flags, netcode, etc... values.
     * layer, start and end point are not correct,
     * and will be modified next

    // set the layer to the new value
    track->SetLayer( getActiveLayer() );

    /* the start point is the via position and the end point is the cursor
     * which also is on the via (will change when moving mouse)
    track->SetEnd( via->GetStart() );
    track->SetStart( via->GetStart() ); 

    g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( track );

    if( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild )
        // Create a second segment (we must have 2 track segments to adjust)
        g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( (TRACK*)g_CurrentTrackSegment->Clone() );

    m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
    SetMsgPanel( via );

    return true;