예제 #1
 SExpr* SPrimScope::inlineEQ() {
   if (PrintInlining) lprintf("%*s*inlining _Eq\n", (void*)(depth-1), ""); 
   NodeGen* ng = theNodeGen;
   if (SICDebug) ng->comment("inlined _Eq");
   SExpr* arg = args->top();
   PReg* r  = receiver->preg();
   PReg* ar = arg->preg();
   ng->append(new ArithRRNode(SubCCArithOp, r, ar, ng->noPR));
   Node* test = ng->append(new BranchNode(EQBranchOp));
   Node* falseNode;
   test->append(falseNode = new AssignNode(falsePR(), resultPR));
   SExpr* e1 = new ConstantSExpr(Memory->falseObj, resultPR, falseNode);
   MergeNode* merge = new MergeNode("inlineEQ merge");
   Node* trueNode = new AssignNode(truePR(), resultPR);
   ng->current = test->append1(trueNode);
   SExpr* e2 = new ConstantSExpr(Memory->trueObj, resultPR, trueNode);
   SExpr* res = e1->copyMergeWith(e2, resultPR, ng->current);
   return res;
예제 #2
  SExpr* SPrimScope::genPrimFailure(PrimNode* call, PReg* errorReg,
                                    Node*& test, MergeNode*& merge,
                                    PReg* resultReg, bool failure) {
    // generate primitive failure code
    // two modes:
    //    if call == NULL, omit the test for failure because it's already
    //          been generated (inlined prim.); in this case, errorReg
    //          must be set
    //    if call != NULL, generate test code (setting test & merge node args)
    // returns the result of the failure branch

    // pop prim args (they're not on the expr stack anymore in the fail branch)
    while (npop-- > 0) exprStack()->pop();
    SCodeScope* s = sender();
    NodeGen* ng = theNodeGen;
    if (call) {
      fint b = bci();
      SAPReg* t = new SAPReg(s, b, b);
      // extract tag field and test for mark tag
      ng->append(new ArithRCNode(AndArithOp, call->dest(), Tag_Mask, t));
      ng->append(new ArithRCNode(SubCCArithOp, t, Tag_Mask, ng->noPR));
      test = ng->append(new BranchNode(NEBranchOp));
      // failure branch; load error string
      if (!errorReg) errorReg = new SAPReg(s, b, b);
      ng->current = 
        test->append(new ArithRCNode(SubArithOp, call->dest(),
                                     Mark_Tag-Mem_Tag, errorReg));

    SExpr* failReceiver = hasFailBlock ? failBlock : receiver;
    SendInfo* info = new SendInfo(failReceiver, NormalLookupType, false, false,
                                  (stringOop)failSelector, NULL);
    info->computeNSends(rscope, bci());
    info->primFailure = failure;
    info->restartPrim = call == NULL;   // restart inlined prims (unc. traps)
    if (errorReg->isConstPReg()) {
      s->exprStack->push(new ConstantSExpr(((ConstPReg*)errorReg)->constant,
                                           errorReg, ng->current));
    } else {
      s->exprStack->push(new MapSExpr(Memory->stringObj->map()->enclosing_mapOop(),
                                      errorReg, ng->current));
    ConstPReg* failSelReg = new_ConstPReg(s, selector());
    s->exprStack->push(new ConstantSExpr(selector(), failSelReg, NULL));
    SExpr* res = s->inlineSend(info);

    if (res->isNoResultSExpr()) {
      // never returns
      ng->current = merge; // set to NULL if no merge
    else {
      if (needZap) {
        assert(failBlock->preg()->isBlockPReg(), "should be a block");
      ng->move(res->preg(), resultReg);
      res = res->shallowCopy(resultReg, ng->current);
      // moved creation down from before if res->isNoResult... 
      //   to avoid creating unreachable merge -- dmu
      if (merge == NULL) merge = new MergeNode("genPrimFailure merge"); 
    return res;
예제 #3
  SExpr* SPrimScope::inlineAtPut(bool objVector) {
    assert(_selector == VMString[objVector ? _AT_PUT_ : _BYTE_AT_PUT_],
           "bad selector");
    bool okRcvr = receiver->hasMap();
    Map* rm;
    if (okRcvr) {
      rm = receiver->map();
      if (objVector) {
        okRcvr = rm->is_objVector();
      } else {
        okRcvr = rm->is_byteVector();
    if (!okRcvr) {
      // receiver type not known statically
      return NULL;
    if (PrintInlining)
      lprintf("%*s*inlining _%sAtPut:\n", (void*)(depth-1),
              "", objVector ? "" :"Byte");
    SExpr* arg = args->nth(1);
    NodeGen* ng = theNodeGen;
    if (SICDebug) ng->comment("inlined _At:Put:/_ByteAt:Put:");
    fint b = bci();
    bool intArg   = arg->hasMap() && arg->map() == Memory->smi_map;
    bool willFail = arg->hasMap() && arg->map() != Memory->smi_map;
    bool useUncommonTrap = !willFail && theSIC->useUncommonTraps &&
      sender()->rscope->isUncommonAt(sender()->bci(), true);
    PReg* errorPR = useUncommonTrap ? NULL : new SAPReg(_sender, b, b);
    Node* at;
    if (objVector) {
      PReg* elementArgPR = args->nth(0)->preg();
      // materialize value arg
      theNodeGen->materializeBlock(elementArgPR, _sender->sig, new PRegBList(1));
      fint size = ((slotsMap*)rm)->empty_vector_object_size();
      at = new ArrayAtPutNode(receiver->preg(), arg->preg(), intArg,
                              elementArgPR, resultPR, errorPR,
                              size * oopSize - Mem_Tag);
    else {
      SExpr* value = args->nth(0);
      bool intVal = value->hasMap() && value->map() == Memory->smi_map;
      willFail   |= value->hasMap() && value->map() != Memory->smi_map;
      at = new ByteArrayAtPutNode(receiver->preg(), arg->preg(), intArg, 
                                  value->preg(), intVal, resultPR, errorPR);
    // success case - int index, in bounds
    MergeNode* ok = (MergeNode*)ng->append(new NopNode);
    // merge of success & failure branches
    MergeNode* done = (MergeNode*)ok->append(new MergeNode("inlineAtPut done"));

    // failure case
    SExpr* res = receiver->shallowCopy(resultPR, ok);
    ng->current = at->append1(new MergeNode("inlineAtPut current"));
    if (useUncommonTrap) {
      if (PrintInlining) {
        lprintf("%*s*making atPut: failure uncommon\n", (void*)(depth-1), "");
      ng->uncommonBranch(currentExprStack(0), true);
      ng->current = done;
    } else {
      Node* dummy;
      SExpr* failExpr = genPrimFailure(NULL, errorPR, dummy, done, resultPR);
      assert(done, "node should always exist");
      res = res->mergeWith(failExpr, done);
    return res;
예제 #4
  SExpr* SPrimScope::inlineAt(bool objVector) {
    assert(_selector == VMString[objVector ? _AT_ : _BYTE_AT_],
           "bad selector");
    bool okRcvr = receiver->hasMap();
    Map* rm;
    if (okRcvr) {
      rm = receiver->map();
      if (objVector) {
        okRcvr = rm->is_objVector();
      } else {
        okRcvr = rm->is_byteVector();
    if (!okRcvr) {
      // receiver type not known statically
      return NULL;
    if (PrintInlining)
      lprintf("%*s*inlining %s\n", (void*)(depth-1), "",
              objVector ? "_At:" : "_ByteAt:");
    SExpr* arg = args->nth(0);
    NodeGen* ng = theNodeGen;
    if (SICDebug) ng->comment("inlined _At:/_ByteAt:");
    fint b = bci();
    bool intArg   = arg->hasMap() && arg->map() == Memory->smi_map;
    bool willFail = arg->hasMap() && arg->map() != Memory->smi_map;
    bool useUncommonTrap = !willFail && theSIC->useUncommonTraps &&
      sender()->rscope->isUncommonAt(sender()->bci(), true);
    // optimization: don't set error reg if using uncommon trap
    // (primitive will be reexecuted anyway)
    PReg* errorPR = useUncommonTrap ? NULL : new SAPReg(_sender, b, b);
    Node* at;
    if (objVector) {
      fint size = ((slotsMap*)rm)->empty_vector_object_size();
      at = new ArrayAtNode(receiver->preg(), arg->preg(), intArg,
                           resultPR, errorPR, size * oopSize - Mem_Tag);
    } else {
      at = new ByteArrayAtNode(receiver->preg(), arg->preg(), intArg,
                               resultPR, errorPR);
    // success case - int index, in bounds
    NopNode* ok = (NopNode*)ng->append(new NopNode);
    // merge of success & failure branches
    MergeNode* done = (MergeNode*)ok->append(new MergeNode("inlineAt done"));

    // failure case
    ng->current = at->append1(new NopNode);
    if (useUncommonTrap) {
      if (PrintInlining) {
        lprintf("%*s*making at: failure uncommon\n", (void*)(depth-1), "");
      ng->uncommonBranch(currentExprStack(0), true);
      ng->current = done;
    } else {
      Node* dummy;
      SExpr* failExpr = genPrimFailure(NULL, errorPR, dummy, done, resultPR);
      assert(done, "merge should exist");
    return new UnknownSExpr(resultPR, ok);
예제 #5
  SExpr* SPrimScope::inlineIntComparison() {
    BranchOpCode cond;
           if (_selector == VMString[_INT_EQ_]) {
      cond = EQBranchOp;
    } else if (_selector == VMString[_INT_LT_]) {
      cond = LTBranchOp;
    } else if (_selector == VMString[_INT_LE_]) {
      cond = LEBranchOp;
    } else if (_selector == VMString[_INT_GT_]) {
      cond = GTBranchOp;
    } else if (_selector == VMString[_INT_GE_]) {
      cond = GEBranchOp;
    } else if (_selector == VMString[_INT_NE_]) {
      cond = NEBranchOp;
    } else {
      return NULL;

    bool intRcvr =
      receiver->hasMap() && receiver->map() == Memory->smi_map;
    SExpr* arg = args->nth(0);
    bool intArg = arg->hasMap() && arg->map() == Memory->smi_map;
    if (PrintInlining)
      lprintf("%*s*inlining int comparison prim\n", (void*)(depth-1), "");

    NodeGen* n = theNodeGen;
    Node* branch = n->append(new TBranchNode(cond, receiver->preg(), intRcvr,
                                             arg->preg(), intArg));

    // false branch
    n->move(falsePR(), resultPR);
    SExpr* falseExpr= new ConstantSExpr(Memory->falseObj, resultPR, n->current);
    MergeNode* done = (MergeNode*)n->append(
      new MergeNode("inlineIntComparison done"));

    // true branch
    n->current = branch->append1(new AssignNode(truePR(), resultPR));
    SExpr* trueExpr = new ConstantSExpr(Memory->trueObj, resultPR, n->current);

    SExpr* res = trueExpr->copyMergeWith(falseExpr, resultPR, done);
    // failure branch
    if (!intRcvr || !intArg) {
      branch->hasSideEffects_now = true;
      if (theSIC->useUncommonTraps &&
          sender()->rscope->isUncommonAt(sender()->bci(), true)) {
        n->current = branch->append(2, new NopNode);
        n->uncommonBranch(currentExprStack(0), true);
        n->current = done;
        if (PrintInlining) {
          lprintf("%*s*making int comparison failure uncommon\n",
                  (void*)(depth-1), "");
      } else {
        fint b = bci();
        PReg* error = new SAPReg(_sender, b, b);
        PReg* err = new_ConstPReg(_sender, VMString[BADTYPEERROR]);
        n->current = branch->append(2, new AssignNode(err, error));
        Node* dummy;
        SExpr* failExpr = genPrimFailure(NULL, error, dummy, done, resultPR);
        assert(done, "merge should always exist");
        res = (MergeSExpr*)res->mergeWith(failExpr, done);
    return res;
예제 #6
  SExpr* SPrimScope::inlineIntArithmetic() {
    ArithOpCode op = opcode_for_selector(_selector);
    bool intRcvr =
      receiver->hasMap() && receiver->map() == Memory->smi_map;
    SExpr* arg = args->nth(0);
    bool intArg = arg->hasMap() && arg->map() == Memory->smi_map;
    if ( intArg
    &&   arg->isConstantSExpr()
    &&   intRcvr
    &&   arg->constant() == as_smiOop(0)
    &&   can_fold_rcvr_op_zero_to_zero(op)) {
      if (PrintInlining)
        lprintf("%*s*constant-folding %s: 0\n", (void*)(depth-1), "", ArithOpName[op]);
      return receiver;
    if (PrintInlining) lprintf("%*s*inlining %s:\n", (void*)(depth-1),
                               "", ArithOpName[op]);

    if (!TArithRRNode::isOpInlinable(op))
      return NULL;
    NodeGen* n = theNodeGen;
    Node* arith = n->append(new TArithRRNode(op, receiver->preg(), arg->preg(),
                                             resultPR, intRcvr, intArg));

    // success case - no overflow, int tags
    MergeNode* ok = (MergeNode*)n->append(new MergeNode("inlineIntArithmetic ok"));
    SExpr* succExpr = new MapSExpr(Memory->smi_map->enclosing_mapOop(), resultPR, ok);
    // merge of success & failure branches
    MergeNode* done = (MergeNode*)ok->append(new MergeNode("inlineIntArithmetic done"));

    // failure case
    n->current = arith->append1(new NopNode);
    if (theSIC->useUncommonTraps &&
        sender()->rscope->isUncommonAt(sender()->bci(), true)) {
      n->uncommonBranch(currentExprStack(0), true);
      n->current = done;
      if (PrintInlining) {
        lprintf("%*s*making arithmetic failure uncommon\n", (void*)(depth-1),
      return succExpr;
    } else {
      fint b = bci();
      PReg* error = new SAPReg(_sender, b, b);
      if (intRcvr && intArg) {
        // must be overflow
        n->loadOop(VMString[OVERFLOWERROR], error);
      } else {
        arith->hasSideEffects_now = true;    // may fail, so can't eliminate
        if (intRcvr || TARGET_ARCH == I386_ARCH) {
          // arg & TagMask already done by TArithRRNode
          // I386 does 'em all
        } else {
          PReg* t = new TempPReg(this, Temp1, false, true);
          n->append(new ArithRCNode(AndCCArithOp, t, Tag_Mask, t));
          n->current->hasSideEffects_now = true;
        // Note: this code assumes that condcode EQ means overflow
        Node* branch = n->append(new BranchNode(EQBranchOp));
        // no overflow, must be type error
        n->loadOop(VMString[BADTYPEERROR], error);
        MergeNode* cont = (MergeNode*)n->append(
          new MergeNode("inlineIntArithmetic cont"));
        // overflow error
        PReg* err = new_ConstPReg(_sender, VMString[OVERFLOWERROR]);
        n->current = branch->append1(new AssignNode(err, error));
      Node* dummy;
      SExpr* failExpr = genPrimFailure(NULL, error, dummy, done, resultPR);
      assert(done, "merge should always exist");
      return succExpr->mergeWith(failExpr, done);
예제 #7
  SExpr* SCodeScope::inlineSend(SendInfo* info) {
    stringOop sel = info->sel;
    SExpr* res = NULL;
    info->resReg = new SAPReg(this);
    MergeNode* merge = NULL;
    fint argc = sel->arg_count();

    if (!Inline && !InlineSTMessages) {
      // don't do any inlining
      info->needRealSend = true;
    } else {
      info->rcvr = picPredict(info);
      UnknownSExpr* u = info->rcvr->findUnknown();
      if (u && !u->isUnlikely()) {
        info->rcvr = typePredict(info);
      if (info->rcvr->really_hasMap(this)) {
        // single map - try to inline this send
        SSelfScope* s = tryLookup(info, info->rcvr);
        if (s) {
          SExpr* r = doInline(s, info->rcvr, theNodeGen->current, NULL);
          if (r->isNoResultSExpr()) {
            res = r;
          } else {
            theNodeGen->append(new NopNode());   // to get right scope for r
            res = r->shallowCopy(r->preg(), theNodeGen->current);
        } else {
          if (PrintInlining) {
            lprintf("%*s*marking %s send ReceiverStatic\n",
                    (void*)depth,"", selector_string(sel));
          // receiver type is constant (but e.g. method was too big to inline)
          info->l |= ReceiverStaticBit;
          info->needRealSend = true;
      } else if (info->rcvr->isMergeSExpr()) {
        res = inlineMerge(info, merge);
      } else {
        // unknown receiver
        // NB: *must* use uncommon branch if marked unlikely because
        // future type tests won't test for unknown
        if (info->rcvr->findUnknown()->isUnlikely()) {
          // generate an uncommon branch for the unknown case, not a send
          theNodeGen->current = theNodeGen->uncommonBranch(currentExprStack(0),
          info->needRealSend = false;
          if (PrintInlining) {
            lprintf("%*s*making %s uncommon\n", (void*)depth,"",selector_string(sel));
        } else {
          info->needRealSend = true;
    if (info->needRealSend) {
      SExpr* r = genRealSend(info);
      res = res ? res->mergeWith(r, merge) : r;
    if (merge && res && !res->isNoResultSExpr()) theNodeGen->branch(merge);

    // now pop expr stack
    for (fint i = 0; i < argc; i++) exprStack->pop();
    if (!info->isSelfImplicit) exprStack->pop();
    if (!res) res = new NoResultSExpr;
    return res;