예제 #1
	void GLTexture::toImage( Image& img, IFormatType itype ) const
		pbo.alloc( GL_STREAM_READ, IFormat::GRAY_FLOAT.bpp * _width * _height  );
		glGetTexImage( _target, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, NULL );

		img.reallocate( _width, _height, IFormat::GRAY_FLOAT );

		uint8_t* src = ( uint8_t* ) pbo.map( GL_READ_ONLY );
		size_t dstride, sstride;
		uint8_t* dst = img.map( &dstride );
		uint8_t* pdst = dst;
		SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();

		size_t n = _height;
		sstride = IFormat::GRAY_FLOAT.bpp * _width;
		while( n-- ) {
			simd->Memcpy( pdst, src, sstride );
			src += sstride;
			pdst += dstride;
		img.unmap( dst );
예제 #2
    void OpenNICamera::copyImage()
        _imageGen.GetMetaData( _rgbData );

        size_t w = _rgbData.XRes();
        size_t h = _rgbData.YRes();

        if( w != _rgb.width() ||
            h != _rgb.height() ){
            _depth.reallocate( w, h, IFormat::GRAY_UINT16 );

        size_t stride;
        uint8_t* ptr = _rgb.map( &stride );

        const uint8_t* iptr = _rgbData.Data();
        size_t bytesPerLine = w * _rgbData.BytesPerPixel();

        SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();
        if( bytesPerLine == stride ){
            simd->Memcpy( ptr, iptr, h * bytesPerLine );
        } else {
            uint8_t* p = ptr;
            while( h-- ){
                simd->Memcpy( p, iptr, bytesPerLine );
                p += stride;
                iptr += bytesPerLine;

        _rgb.unmap( ptr );
예제 #3
    void OpenNICamera::copyDepth()
        _depthGen.GetMetaData( _depthData );

        if( _depthData.XRes() != _depth.width() ||
            _depthData.YRes() != _depth.height() ){
            _depth.reallocate( _depthData.XRes(),
                               IFormat::GRAY_UINT16 );

        size_t stride;
        uint16_t* ptr = _depth.map<uint16_t>( &stride );

        const XnDepthPixel* dpixel = _depthData.Data();

        SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();
        if( _depthData.XRes() == stride ){
            simd->Memcpy( ( uint8_t* )ptr, ( const uint8_t* )dpixel, _depth.width() * _depth.height() * sizeof( uint16_t ) );
        } else {
            uint16_t* p = ptr;
            size_t h = _depth.height();
            size_t w = _depth.width();
            size_t bytesPerLine = w * sizeof( uint16_t );

            while( h-- ){
                simd->Memcpy( ( uint8_t* )p, ( const uint8_t* )dpixel, bytesPerLine );
                p += stride;
                dpixel += w;

        _depth.unmap( ptr );
예제 #4
 static void copyData( Image& dst, const uint8_t* p, size_t pStride )
     IMapScoped<uint8_t> map( dst );
     size_t h = dst.height();
     SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();
     size_t cStride = Math::min( map.stride(), pStride );
     while( h-- ){
         simd->Memcpy( map.ptr(), p, cStride );
         p += pStride;
예제 #5
 static void copyRGB( Image& dst, const uint8_t* p, size_t pStride )
     IMapScoped<uint8_t> map( dst );
     size_t h = dst.height();
     SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();
     size_t n = dst.width() * 3;
     while( h-- ){
         simd->Conv_XXXu8_to_XXXAu8( map.ptr(), p, n );
         p += pStride;
예제 #6
파일: Image.cpp 프로젝트: Shorkaa/cvt
	void Image::copyRect( int x, int y, const Image& img, const Recti & rect )
		checkFormat( img, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, _mem->_format );
		int tx, ty;

		tx = -x + rect.x;
		ty = -y + rect.y;
		Recti rdst( 0, 0, ( int ) _mem->_width, ( int ) _mem->_height );
		rdst.translate( tx, ty );
		Recti rsrc( 0, 0, ( int ) img._mem->_width, ( int ) img._mem->_height );
		rsrc.intersect( rect );
		rsrc.intersect( rdst );
		if( rsrc.isEmpty() )
		rdst.copy( rsrc );
		rdst.translate( -tx, -ty );

		SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();
		size_t dstride;
		uint8_t* dst = map( &dstride );
		uint8_t* dbase = dst;
		dst += rdst.y * dstride + bpp() * rdst.x;

		size_t sstride;
		const uint8_t* src = img.map( &sstride );
		const uint8_t* sbase = src;
		src += rsrc.y * sstride + rsrc.x * img.bpp();

		size_t n = rsrc.width * img.bpp();
		size_t i = rsrc.height;

		while( i-- ) {
			simd->Memcpy( dst, src, n );
			src += sstride;
			dst += dstride;
		img.unmap( sbase );
		unmap( dbase );
예제 #7
	void CVTRawLoader::load( Image& img, const String& path )
		int fd = open( path.c_str(), O_RDONLY );

		if( fd == -1 ){
			String error( "Could not open file: " );
			error += path;
			throw CVTException( error.c_str() );

		// get the size of the file
		struct stat fileInfo;
		if( fstat( fd, &fileInfo ) < 0 ){
			close( fd );
			throw CVTException( "Could not get file information" );

		size_t fileSize = fileInfo.st_size;	

		// file is opened -> map it
		void * origPtr = mmap( 0, fileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fd, 0 );
		uint8_t* ptr = ( uint8_t* )origPtr;

		if( origPtr == MAP_FAILED ){
			char * errorMsg = strerror( errno );
			String error( "mmap failed: " );
			error += errorMsg;
			close( fd );
			throw CVTException( error.c_str() );
		close( fd );

		// header: width, height, stride, IFormat
		uint32_t savedStride, width, height, formatId;
		width		= *( ( uint32_t* )ptr ); ptr+= ( sizeof( uint32_t ) );
		height		= *( ( uint32_t* )ptr ); ptr+= ( sizeof( uint32_t ) );
		savedStride = *( ( uint32_t* )ptr ); ptr+= ( sizeof( uint32_t ) );
		formatId	= *( ( uint32_t* )ptr ); ptr+= ( sizeof( uint32_t ) );

		img.reallocate( width, height, IFormat::formatForId( ( IFormatID ) formatId ) );

		uint8_t *p, *punmap;
		size_t stride;
		p = punmap = img.map<uint8_t>( &stride );

		SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();
		if( savedStride == stride ){
			simd->Memcpy( p, ptr, height * stride );
		} else {
			while( height-- ){
				simd->Memcpy( p, ptr, width * img.bpp() );
				p += stride;
				ptr += savedStride;

		if( munmap( origPtr, fileSize ) < 0 ){
			throw CVTException( "Could not unmap memory!");

		img.unmap( punmap );
예제 #8
	void MorphErode::erodeU8( Image& dst, const Image& src, size_t radius ) const
		size_t step = radius * 2 + 1;
		size_t curbuf;
		size_t w = src.width();
		size_t h = src.height();
		SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();
		size_t bstride = Math::pad16( w );
		uint8_t** buf;
		size_t i;

		IMapScoped<uint8_t> mapdst( dst );
		IMapScoped<const uint8_t> mapsrc( src );

		/* allocate and fill buffer */
		ScopedBuffer<uint8_t,true> bufmem( bstride * step );
		ScopedBuffer<uint8_t*,true> bufptr( step );

		buf = bufptr.ptr();
		buf[ 0 ] = bufmem.ptr();
		for( i = 0; i < step; i++ ) {
			if( i != 0 )
				buf[ i ] = buf[ i - 1 ] + bstride;
			simd->erodeSpanU8( buf[ i ], mapsrc.ptr(), w, radius );

		/* upper border */
		simd->MinValueVertU8( mapdst.ptr(), ( const uint8_t** ) buf, radius + 1, w );
		for( i = 1; i < radius; i++ ) {
			uint8_t* prev = mapdst.ptr();
			simd->MinValueU8( mapdst.ptr(), ( const uint8_t* ) prev, ( const uint8_t* ) buf[ radius + 1 + i ], w );

		/* center */
		curbuf = 0;
		i = h - 2 * radius - 1;
		simd->MinValueVertU8( mapdst.ptr(), ( const uint8_t** ) buf, step, w );
		while( i-- ) {
			simd->erodeSpanU8( buf[ curbuf ], mapsrc.ptr(), w, radius );
			curbuf = ( curbuf + 1 ) % step;
			simd->MinValueVertU8( mapdst.ptr(), ( const uint8_t** ) buf, step, w );

		/* lower border */
		/* reorder buffer */
		ScopedBuffer<uint8_t*,true> bufptr2( step );
		uint8_t** buf2 = bufptr2.ptr();
		for( i = 0; i < step; i++ )
			buf2[ i ] = buf[ ( curbuf + i ) % step ];

		for( i = 1; i <= radius; i++ ) {
			simd->MinValueVertU8( mapdst.ptr(), ( const uint8_t** ) ( buf2 + i ), step - i, w );
예제 #9
파일: Threshold.cpp 프로젝트: hksonngan/cvt
	void Threshold::apply( Image& dst, const Image& src, const float threshold, IFilterType type ) const
		if( type != IFILTER_CPU || !( src.format().formatID == IFORMAT_GRAY_FLOAT || src.format().formatID == IFORMAT_GRAY_UINT8 )  )
			throw CVTException( "Not implemented" );

		if( dst.width() != src.width()
		   || dst.height() != src.height()
		   || !( dst.format().formatID == IFORMAT_GRAY_FLOAT
		   || dst.format().formatID == IFORMAT_GRAY_UINT8 ) ) {
			dst.reallocate( src.width(), src.height(), IFormat::GRAY_UINT8 );

		size_t w = src.width();
		size_t h = src.height();
		SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();

		if( src.format().formatID == IFORMAT_GRAY_FLOAT ) {
			if( dst.format().formatID == IFORMAT_GRAY_UINT8 ) {
				cvt::IMapScoped<uint8_t> mapdst( dst );
				cvt::IMapScoped<const float> mapsrc( src );

				while( h-- ) {
					simd->threshold1_f_to_u8( mapdst.ptr(), mapsrc.ptr(), w, threshold );
			} else {
				cvt::IMapScoped<float> mapdst( dst );
				cvt::IMapScoped<const float> mapsrc( src );

				while( h-- ) {
					simd->threshold1_f_to_f( mapdst.ptr(), mapsrc.ptr(), w, threshold );

		} else {
			uint8_t t = Math::round( threshold * 0xff );
			if( dst.format().formatID == IFORMAT_GRAY_UINT8 ) {
				cvt::IMapScoped<uint8_t> mapdst( dst );
				cvt::IMapScoped<const uint8_t> mapsrc( src );

				while( h-- ) {
					simd->threshold1_u8_to_u8( mapdst.ptr(), mapsrc.ptr(), w, t );
			} else {
				cvt::IMapScoped<float> mapdst( dst );
				cvt::IMapScoped<const uint8_t> mapsrc( src );

				while( h-- ) {
					simd->threshold1_u8_to_f( mapdst.ptr(), mapsrc.ptr(), w, t );

예제 #10
파일: TGALoader.cpp 프로젝트: Shorkaa/cvt
   Supported combinations of depth and attribute-bits:

   Depth   Attribute-Bits
   48	    0	TODO
   32	    8
   32	    0
   24	    0
   16	    1	TODO
   16	    0	TODO
   15	    0	TODO
static void tga_decode_color( Image& img, FILE* file, TGAHeader* header, TGAExtension* ext )
	uint8_t* dst;
	uint8_t* pdst;
	size_t stride;
	size_t height;
	ssize_t sstride;
	size_t read;
	size_t dataoffset;
	IFormat format( IFormat::BGRA_UINT8 ); // Assume BGRA_UINT8
	uint8_t alphabits = header->desc & TGA_ALPHABIT_MASK;

	/*seek to data*/
	dataoffset = TGA_HEADER_SIZE + header->idlength;
	if( fseek( file, dataoffset, SEEK_SET ) < 0 )
		throw CVTException( "Corrupted TGA file! " );

	if( header->depth == 32 &&  ( alphabits == 8 || alphabits == 0 ) ) {
		/* Extension area available */
		if( ext ) {
			if( ext->attributes == 3 || ext->attributes == 4 /* FIXME: premultiplied*/ )
				format = IFormat::BGRA_UINT8;
				throw CVTException( "Unsupported TGA file!" );

		img.reallocate( header->width, header->height, format );
		dst = img.map( &stride );
		height = header->height;
		sstride = stride;

		pdst = ( uint8_t* ) tga_origin( header, dst, &sstride );

		while( height-- ) {
			if( ( read = fread( pdst, sizeof( uint32_t ), header->width, file ) ) != header->width )
				throw CVTException( "Corrupted TGA file!" );
			// FIXME: set arbitrary alpha to 1
/*			if( !alphabits )
				ziutil_xxxa_to_xxx1_ub( dst, dst, header->width );*/
			pdst += sstride;
		img.unmap( dst );
	} else if( header->depth == 24 && alphabits == 0 ) {
		img.reallocate( header->width, header->height, IFormat::BGRA_UINT8 );
		dst = img.map( &stride );
		height = header->height;
		sstride = stride;
		pdst = ( uint8_t* ) tga_origin( header, dst, &sstride );
		//uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[ header->width * 3 ];
		ScopedBuffer<uint8_t,true> buffer( header->width * 3 );
		SIMD* simd = SIMD::instance();

		while( height-- ) {
			if( ( read = fread( buffer.ptr(), sizeof( uint8_t ), header->width * 3, file ) ) != ( size_t ) header->width * 3 )
				throw CVTException( "Corrupted TGA file!" );
			simd->Conv_XXXu8_to_XXXAu8( pdst, buffer.ptr(), header->width * 3 );
			pdst += sstride;
		img.unmap( dst );
	} else {
		throw CVTException( "Unsupported TGA file!" );