void getSuccessors(SNode& node, std::vector<SNode>* s, std::vector<double>* c) { SNode reachableNode; for (int deltaX = -1; deltaX <= 1; ++deltaX) { for (int deltaY = -1; deltaY <= 1; ++deltaY) { if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0 && node.velocityVector.first == 0 && node.velocityVector.second == 0) { continue; } reachableNode.position = std::make_pair(node.position.first + node.velocityVector.first + deltaX, node.position.second + node.velocityVector.second + deltaY); reachableNode.velocityVector = std::make_pair(node.velocityVector.first + deltaX, node.velocityVector.second + deltaY); reachableNode.setDirection(deltaX, deltaY); if (reachableNode.position.first > 0 && reachableNode.position.second > 0 && reachableNode.position.first < aStarStaticMap->sizeOnXaxis() && reachableNode.position.second < aStarStaticMap->sizeOnYaxis() /*&& aStarStaticMap->canPlayerMoveFromThisPositionWithSuchVector(node.position.first, node.position.second, reachableNode.velocityVector.first, reachableNode.velocityVector.second)*/) { //std::cout << "ReachableNode: " << reachableNode.position.first << " " << reachableNode.position.second << std::endl; s->push_back(reachableNode); c->push_back(1); } } } }
void DerivationWriter :: copySwitching(SNode node) { SNode current = node.firstChild(); while (current != lxNone) { Symbol symbol = (Symbol)current.type; switch (symbol) { case nsSwitchOption: case nsBiggerSwitchOption: case nsLessSwitchOption: _writer.newBookmark(); unpackChildren(current); if (symbol == nsBiggerSwitchOption) { _writer.insert(lxOption, GREATER_MESSAGE_ID); } else if (symbol == nsLessSwitchOption) { _writer.insert(lxOption, LESS_MESSAGE_ID); } else _writer.insert(lxOption, EQUAL_MESSAGE_ID); _writer.closeNode(); _writer.removeBookmark(); break; case nsLastSwitchOption: _writer.newBookmark(); unpackChildren(current); _writer.insert(lxElse); _writer.closeNode(); _writer.removeBookmark(); break; default: break; } current = current.nextNode(); } }
int Client::list(const string& path, vector<SNode>& attr) { string revised_path = Metadata::revisePath(path); SectorMsg msg; msg.resize(65536); msg.setType(101); msg.setKey(m_iKey); msg.setData(0, revised_path.c_str(), revised_path.length() + 1); Address serv; m_Routing.lookup(revised_path, serv); login(serv.m_strIP, serv.m_iPort); if (m_GMP.rpc(serv.m_strIP.c_str(), serv.m_iPort, &msg, &msg) < 0) return SectorError::E_CONNECTION; if (msg.getType() < 0) return *(int32_t*)(msg.getData()); string filelist = msg.getData(); unsigned int s = 0; while (s < filelist.length()) { int t = filelist.find(';', s); SNode sn; sn.deserialize(filelist.substr(s, t - s).c_str()); attr.insert(attr.end(), sn); s = t + 1; } return attr.size(); }
void DerivationWriter :: copyVariable(SNode node) { SNode local = node.firstChild(); _writer.newNode(lxVariable); if (_hints != lxNone) { copyHints(_hints); _hints = lxNone; } unpackNode(local, 0); _writer.closeNode(); SNode current = node.findChild((LexicalType)nsAssigning); if (current != lxNone) { _writer.newNode(lxExpression); _writer.appendNode(lxAssign); unpackNode(local, 1); unpackChildren(current); _writer.closeNode(); } }
ref_t ModuleScope :: resolveClosure(ref_t closureMessage, ref_t outputRef, ident_t ns) { ref_t signRef = 0; module->resolveAction(getAction(closureMessage), signRef); int paramCount = getParamCount(closureMessage); IdentifierString closureName(module->resolveReference(closureTemplateReference)); if (signRef == 0) { if (paramCount > 0) { closureName.appendInt(paramCount); } if (isWeakReference(closureName)) { return module->mapReference(closureName, true); } else return mapFullReference(closureName, true); } else { ref_t signatures[ARG_COUNT]; size_t signLen = module->resolveSignature(signRef, signatures); List<SNode> parameters; SyntaxTree dummyTree; SyntaxWriter dummyWriter(dummyTree); dummyWriter.newNode(lxRoot); for (size_t i = 0; i < signLen; i++) { dummyWriter.appendNode(lxTarget, signatures[i]); } if (outputRef) { dummyWriter.appendNode(lxTarget, outputRef); } // if the output signature is not provided - use the super class else dummyWriter.appendNode(lxTarget, superReference); dummyWriter.closeNode(); SNode paramNode = dummyTree.readRoot().firstChild(); while (paramNode != lxNone) { parameters.add(paramNode); paramNode = paramNode.nextNode(); } closureName.append('#'); closureName.appendInt(paramCount + 1); ref_t templateReference = 0; if (isWeakReference(closureName)) { templateReference = module->mapReference(closureName, true); } else templateReference = mapFullReference(closureName, true); if (templateReference) { return generateTemplate(templateReference, parameters, ns, false); } else return superReference; } }
void CompilerLogic :: injectNewOperation(SNode node, _CompilerScope& scope, int operation, ref_t elementType, ref_t targetRef) { SNode operationNode = node.injectNode((LexicalType)operation, targetRef); int size = defineStructSize(scope, targetRef, elementType, false); if (size != 0) operationNode.appendNode(lxSize, size); }
/** first 0 - FALSE - call to handel nodes with next priority / order 1 - TRUE (default) - first call for this object */ bool INode::childTopDown(bool first) { #ifdef DEBUGMSG qDebug("# INode::childTopDown (%s) cont_td (this %p) first: %d", (const char *) name(), this, first); qDebug("##(xxx) INode::childTopDown (%s) (this %p) #childcount %d, ordercount %d, aktivorder %d, aktivcount %d, truncation %d", (const char *) name(), this, childcount_,ordercount_,aktivorder_,aktivcount_,truncation()); #endif SNode *el; // hilfspointer if (first) {// first call of 'childTopDown' for this object childList_ = &(sNode_->children()); // liste der subknoten erzeugen childcount_ = childList_->count(); // anzahl aller (noch) zu bearbeitenden knoten aktivorder_=-1; // prioritaet der zu bearbeitenden nodes if (childcount_ == 0) { //no sub nodes aktivcount_ = 0; execBottomUp(); //execState(BU);// BottomUp return 0; } } else { // recursiv call of 'childTopDown' for this object if (aktivcount_ > 0 || ordercount_ > 0 ) return 1; if (childcount_ <= 0) return 0;//all sub nodes are handled if (truncation()) return 0; //all sub nodes are handelt or node is trash } //Praemisse (ordercount_ == 0) && (childcount_ > 0) while (ordercount_ == 0) { aktivorder_ ++; for (el = childList_->first(); el != 0; el = childList_->next()) if(el->order() == aktivorder_) ordercount_++; // anzahl der nodes der aktuellen prioritaet } #ifdef DEBUGMSG qDebug("## INode::childTopDown (%s) (this %p) #childs %d, ordercount %d, aktivorder %d, aktivcount_ %d", (const char *) name(), this, childcount_, ordercount_, aktivorder_,aktivcount_); #endif INode *inode; for (el = childList_->first(); el != 0; el = childList_->next()) { if (truncation()) { //bedingungen nicht mehr erfüllt aktivcount_ = 0; execBottomUp(); //execState(BU);// BottomUp return 0; } if (el->order() == aktivorder_) { incrementCount(); //einer mehr in der queue -> siehe decrementCount() childcount_--; ordercount_--; //aktuelle wird gleich bearbeitet inode = new INode(el); //new INode CHECK_PTR(inode); inode->status(HI); inode->execState(TD); childLink(inode); // remount node in the tree inode->execTopDown(); //start topdown operator //childcount_--; ordercount_--; //aktuelle wird gleich bearbeitet //!MP25.07.2001 inode might be deleted //! analysis_->nodeChange(inode); //info to the rest of the world analysis_->nodeChange(0); } } return 1; }
int Slave::report(const string& master_ip, const int& master_port, const int32_t& transid, const vector<string>& filelist, const int& change) { vector<string> serlist; for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = filelist.begin(); i != filelist.end(); ++ i) { struct stat s; if (-1 == stat((m_strHomeDir + *i).c_str(), &s)) continue; SNode sn; sn.m_strName = *i; sn.m_bIsDir = S_ISDIR(s.st_mode) ? 1 : 0; sn.m_llTimeStamp = s.st_mtime; sn.m_llSize = s.st_size; char buf[1024]; sn.serialize(buf); //update local Address addr; addr.m_strIP = ""; addr.m_iPort = 0; m_pLocalFile->update(buf, addr, change); serlist.push_back(buf); } if (serlist.empty()) return 0; SectorMsg msg; msg.setType(1); msg.setKey(0); msg.setData(0, (char*)&transid, 4); msg.setData(4, (char*)&m_iSlaveID, 4); msg.setData(8, (char*)&change, 4); int32_t num = serlist.size(); msg.setData(12, (char*)&num, 4); int pos = 16; for (vector<string>::iterator i = serlist.begin(); i != serlist.end(); ++ i) { int32_t bufsize = i->length() + 1; msg.setData(pos, (char*)&bufsize, 4); msg.setData(pos + 4, i->c_str(), bufsize); pos += bufsize + 4; } cout << "report " << master_ip << " " << master_port << " " << num << endl; if (m_GMP.rpc(master_ip.c_str(), master_port, &msg, &msg) < 0) return -1; if (msg.getType() < 0) return *(int32_t*)msg.getData(); return 1; }
void DerivationWriter :: unpackChildren(SNode node, int mode) { SNode current = node.firstChild(); while (current != lxNone) { unpackNode(current, mode); current = current.nextNode(); } }
int main() { //prueba del constructor por omision SNode<int> node; SNode<int> * aux = new SNode<int>; cout<<"Valores por omision"<<endl; printSNode(&node);cout<<endl; printSNode(aux);cout<<endl; //constructores por copia SNode<int> node1(10); SNode<int> * aux1 = new SNode<int>(20); cout<<"Valores por copia"<<endl; printSNode(&node1);cout<<endl; printSNode(aux1);cout<<endl; //insertamos elementos en una lista simple SNode<int> lista; for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) { lista.insertNext(i); } cout<<"Valores de la lista"<<endl; imprimirLista(lista); //insertamos elementos en una lista simple de manera ordenada SNode<int> listaOrdenada; for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) { listaOrdenada.orderedInsertion(i); } cout<<"Valores de lista Ordenada"<<endl; imprimirLista(listaOrdenada); //utilizamos el iterador sobre nodo cout<<"Valores lista ordenada usando iterador"<<endl; for(SNode<int>::Iterator it(&listaOrdenada); it.hasCurrent(); it.next()) { cout<<it.getCurrent()->getData()<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"Valores lista ordenada"<<endl; simpleSort(lista); //quickSort(lista); imprimirLista(lista); cout<<"Valores minimo de la lista"<<endl; cout<<searchMin(&lista)<<endl; delete aux; delete aux1; return 0; }
void TMCtrl::capture(AnimCtrl* animctrl, void* opaque) { if(!_node.valid()) return; SNode* n = _node.get_unsafe(); _pos_captured = n->pos(); _rot_captured = n->rot(); _scale_captured = n->scale(); }
SNode SNode::multiplyParenthesesInProduct() const { ENTERMETHOD(); CHECKNODETYPE(*this,NT_PRODUCT); const FactorArray &a = getFactorArray(); const size_t n = a.size(); FactorArray newFactorArray(a.getTree(), n); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { SNode f = a[i]; newFactorArray *= powerExp(f.base().multiplyParentheses(), f.exponent().multiplyParentheses()); } BitSet done(newFactorArray.size() + 1); do { FactorArray tmp = newFactorArray; newFactorArray.clear(); done.setCapacity(tmp.size() + 1); done.clear(); for(size_t i1 = 1; i1 < tmp.size(); i1++) { if(done.contains(i1)) continue; SNode f1 = tmp[i1]; if((f1.base().getSymbol() == SUM) && !f1.exponent().isOne()) { continue; } for(size_t i2 = 0; i2 < i1; i2++) { if(done.contains(i1)) break; if(done.contains(i2)) continue; SNode f2 = tmp[i2]; if((f2.base().getSymbol() == SUM) && !f2.exponent().isOne()) { continue; } if(f1.base().getSymbol() == SUM) { newFactorArray *= multiplyFactorSum(f2, f1.base()); done.add(i1); done.add(i2); } else if(f2.base().getSymbol() == SUM) { newFactorArray *= multiplyFactorSum(f1, f2.base()); done.add(i1); done.add(i2); } } } for(size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++) { if(!done.contains(i)) { newFactorArray *= tmp[i]; } } } while(!done.isEmpty()); SNode result = productExp(newFactorArray); RETURNNODE( result ); }
void CompilerLogic :: injectVariableAssigning(SNode node, _CompilerScope& scope, _Compiler& compiler, ref_t targetRef, ref_t& type, bool paramMode) { ClassInfo info; defineClassInfo(scope, info, targetRef); node.setArgument(defineStructSize(info, false)); //HOTFIX : allowing to assign a reference variable if (!node.argument && paramMode) { // replace the parameter with the field expression compiler.injectFieldExpression(node.firstChild(lxObjectMask)); type = info.fieldTypes.get(0).value2; } }
void SyntaxTree :: copyNode(SyntaxTree::Writer& writer, SyntaxTree::Node node) { SNode current = node.firstChild(); while (current != lxNone) { if (current.strArgument >= 0) { writer.newNode(current.type, current.identifier()); } else writer.newNode(current.type, current.argument); copyNode(writer, current); writer.closeNode(); current = current.nextNode(); } }
SyntaxTree::Node SyntaxTree :: findTerminalInfo(SyntaxTree::Node node) { if (node.existChild(lxRow)) return node; SNode current = node.firstChild(); while (current != lxNone) { SNode terminalNode = findTerminalInfo(current); if (terminalNode != lxNone) return terminalNode; current = current.nextNode(); } return current; }
void SyntaxTree :: copyNode(SyntaxTree::Node source, SyntaxTree::Node destination) { SNode current = source.firstChild(); while (current != lxNone) { if (current.strArgument >= 0) { if (source.tree == destination.tree) { // HOTFIX : literal argument could be corrupted by reallocating the string buffer, // so the special routine should be used copyNode(current, destination.appendStrNode(current.type, current.strArgument)); } else copyNode(current, destination.appendNode(current.type, current.identifier())); } else copyNode(current, destination.appendNode(current.type, current.argument)); current = current.nextNode(); } }
bool CompilerLogic :: optimizeEmbeddableGet(_CompilerScope& scope, _Compiler& compiler, SNode node) { SNode callNode = node.findSubNode(lxDirectCalling, lxSDirctCalling); SNode callTarget = callNode.findChild(lxCallTarget); ClassInfo info; defineClassInfo(scope, info, callTarget.argument); ref_t subject = info.methodHints.get(Attribute(callNode.argument, maEmbeddableGet)); // if it is possible to replace get&subject operation with eval&subject2:local if (subject != 0) { compiler.injectEmbeddableGet(node, callNode, subject); return true; } else return false; }
void DerivationWriter :: copyObject(SNode node, int mode) { int exprCounter = 0; SNode current = node.firstChild(); while (current != lxNone) { if (current == nsExpression) exprCounter++; unpackNode(current, mode); current = current.nextNode(); } if (mode == 1 && exprCounter > 1) { _writer.insert(lxExpression); _writer.closeNode(); } }
void SyntaxTree :: moveNodes(Writer& writer, SyntaxTree& buffer) { SNode current = buffer.readRoot(); while (current != lxNone) { if (current != lxIdle) { if (current.strArgument >= 0) { writer.newNode(current.type, current.identifier()); } else writer.newNode(current.type, current.argument); SyntaxTree::copyNode(writer, current); writer.closeNode(); current = lxIdle; } current = current.nextNode(); } }
////////// // // Called to delete the indicated node // ////// void iNode_delete(SNode** root, bool tlDeleteSelf) { SNode* node; // Make sure our environment is sane if (root && (node = *root)) { ////////// // Delete the op if need be ////// #ifdef iOp_politelyDelete if (node->opData) { // Delete op chain iOp_politelyDelete(&node->opData->op, false); // Delete the variable chain if (node->opData->firstVariable) iVariable_politelyDelete_chain(&node->opData->firstVariable, true); } #endif ////////// // Physically release the node if need be ////// if (tlDeleteSelf) { // Pass everything which points through it to its mirror, and disconnect any nodes that don't pass through iNode_orphanize(root); // Delete any extra data if (node->_extraData_deleteFunc) node->extraData_deleteFunc(node); // Physically release it *root = NULL; free(node); } } }
void DerivationWriter :: copyHints(SNode current) { while (((LexicalType)current.type) == nsHint) { _writer.newNode(lxAttribute); unpackChildren(current); _writer.closeNode(); current = current.nextNode(); } }
void DerivationWriter :: writeSymbol(Symbol symbol) { if (symbol != nsNone) { if (_level > 0) { SyntaxWriter tempWriter(_buffer); tempWriter.newNode((LexicalType)symbol); } else _writer.newNode((LexicalType)symbol); _level++; } else { _level--; if (_level > 0) { SyntaxWriter tempWriter(_buffer); tempWriter.closeNode(); if (_level == 1) { SNode root = _buffer.readRoot(); // hints should be injected into the buffer if ((LexicalType)root.type == nsHint) { if (_hints == lxNone) _hints = root; // skipping hints while ((LexicalType)root.type == nsHint) root = root.nextNode(); } if (root.type != lxNone) { unpackNode(root, 0); _buffer.clear(); } } } else _writer.closeNode(); } }
static char* VSearchStr( char* s, char* end, SNode* list ) //считается, что после end есть строка длины(list)-1 { for ( ; s < end; s++ ) if ( list[0].Eq( *s ) ) { char* t = s + 1; SNode* p = list + 1; while ( true ) { if ( !p->a ) { return s; } if ( !p->Eq( *t ) ) { break; } t++; p++; } } return 0; }
void imprimirLista(SNode<int> & lista) { SNode<int> * aux = &lista; aux = lista.getNext(); while(aux != &lista) { cout<<aux->getData()<<" "; aux = aux->getNext(); } cout<<endl; }
void CompilerLogic :: injectVirtualCode(SNode node, _CompilerScope& scope, ClassInfo& info, _Compiler& compiler) { SNode templateNode = node.appendNode(lxTemplate); // auto generate get&type message if required ClassMap::Iterator c_it = scope.typifiedClasses.getIt(node.argument); while (!c_it.Eof()) { if (c_it.key() == node.argument) { int message = encodeMessage(*c_it, GET_MESSAGE_ID, 0); SNode methodNode = templateNode.appendNode(lxClassMethod, message); compiler.injectVirtualReturningMethod(methodNode, THIS_VAR); } c_it++; } // generate enumeration list if ((info.header.flags & elDebugMask) == elEnumList && test(info.header.flags, elNestedClass)) { compiler.generateEnumListMember(scope, info.header.parentRef, node.argument); } }
bool CompilerLogic :: optimizeEmbeddable(SNode node, _CompilerScope& scope) { // check if it is a virtual call if (node == lxDirectCalling && getVerb(node.argument) == GET_MESSAGE_ID && getParamCount(node.argument) == 0) { SNode callTarget = node.findChild(lxCallTarget); ClassInfo info; defineClassInfo(scope, info, callTarget.argument); if (info.methodHints.get(Attribute(node.argument, maEmbeddableIdle)) == -1) { // if it is an idle call, remove it node = lxExpression; return true; } } return false; }
SNode SNode::multiplyFactorSum(SNode factor, SNode sum) const { ENTERMETHOD2(factor,sum); CHECKNODETYPE(factor,NT_POWER); CHECKNODETYPE(sum ,NT_SUM ); if((factor.base().getSymbol() == SUM) && factor.exponent().isOne()) { RETURNNODE(multiplySumSum(factor.base(),sum)); } else { const AddentArray &sa = sum.getAddentArray(); AddentArray tmp(sa.getTree(),sa.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < sa.size(); i++) { SNode e = sa[i]; tmp.add(addentExp(factor * e.left(),e.isPositive())); } RETURNNODE( sumExp(tmp) ); } }
void CompilerLogic :: optimizeEmbeddableBoxing(_CompilerScope& scope, _Compiler& compiler, SNode node, ref_t targetRef, bool assingingMode) { SNode exprNode = node.findSubNodeMask(lxObjectMask); if (exprNode == lxFieldAddress && exprNode.argument > 0 && !assingingMode) { bool variable = !isReadonly(scope, targetRef); compiler.injectLocalBoxing(exprNode, node.argument); node = variable ? lxLocalUnboxing : lxExpression; } else if (exprNode == lxFieldAddress && node.argument < 4 && node.argument > 0) { bool variable = !isReadonly(scope, targetRef); compiler.injectLocalBoxing(exprNode, node.argument); node = (variable && !assingingMode) ? lxLocalUnboxing : lxExpression; } else node = lxExpression; }
void CompilerLogic :: injectOperation(SNode node, _CompilerScope& scope, _Compiler& compiler, int operator_id, int operationType, ref_t& reference, ref_t type) { int size = 0; if (operationType == lxBinArrOp) { // HOTFIX : define an item size for the binary array operations size = -defineStructSize(scope, V_BINARYARRAY, type); } if (reference == V_BINARY && type != 0) { reference = scope.attributeHints.get(type); } else if (reference == V_OBJECT && type != 0) { reference = scope.attributeHints.get(type); } bool inverting = IsInvertedOperator(operator_id); SNode operationNode = node.injectNode((LexicalType)operationType, operator_id); if (size != 0) { // HOTFIX : inject an item size for the binary array operations operationNode.appendNode(lxSize, size); } if (reference == V_FLAG) { if (!scope.branchingInfo.reference) { // HOTFIX : resolve boolean symbols ref_t dummy; resolveBranchOperation(scope, compiler, IF_MESSAGE_ID, scope.boolReference, dummy); } reference = scope.branchingInfo.reference; if (inverting) { operationNode.appendNode(lxIfValue, scope.branchingInfo.falseRef); operationNode.appendNode(lxElseValue, scope.branchingInfo.trueRef); } else { operationNode.appendNode(lxIfValue, scope.branchingInfo.trueRef); operationNode.appendNode(lxElseValue, scope.branchingInfo.falseRef); } } }
int Client::stat(const string& path, SNode& attr) { string revised_path = Metadata::revisePath(path); SectorMsg msg; msg.resize(65536); msg.setType(102); msg.setKey(m_iKey); msg.setData(0, revised_path.c_str(), revised_path.length() + 1); Address serv; m_Routing.lookup(revised_path, serv); login(serv.m_strIP, serv.m_iPort); if (m_GMP.rpc(serv.m_strIP.c_str(), serv.m_iPort, &msg, &msg) < 0) return SectorError::E_CONNECTION; if (msg.getType() < 0) return *(int32_t*)(msg.getData()); attr.deserialize(msg.getData()); int n = (msg.m_iDataLength - SectorMsg::m_iHdrSize - 128) / 68; char* al = msg.getData() + 128; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) { Address addr; addr.m_strIP = al + 68 * i; addr.m_iPort = *(int32_t*)(al + 68 * i + 64); attr.m_sLocation.insert(addr); } // check local cache: updated files may not be sent to the master yet m_StatCache.stat(path, attr); return 0; }