예제 #1
int HttpCgiTool::buildCommonEnv( IEnv * pEnv, HttpConnection * pConn )
    int count = 0;
    HttpReq * pReq = pConn->getReq();
    const char * pTemp;
    int n;
    int i;
    char buf[128];

    pTemp = pReq->getAuthUser();
    if (  *pTemp )
        //FIXME: only Basic is support now
        pEnv->add( "AUTH_TYPE", 9, "Basic", 5 );
        pEnv->add( "REMOTE_USER", 11, pTemp, strlen( pTemp ) );
        count += 2;
    //ADD_ENV("REMOTE_IDENT", "" )        //FIXME: not supported yet
    //extensions of CGI/1.1
    const AutoStr2 * pDocRoot = pReq->getDocRoot();
    pEnv->add( "DOCUMENT_ROOT", 13,
            pDocRoot->c_str(), pDocRoot->len()-1 );
    pEnv->add( "REMOTE_ADDR", 11, pConn->getPeerAddrString(),
            pConn->getPeerAddrStrLen() );
    n = safe_snprintf( buf, 10, "%hu", pConn->getRemotePort() );
    pEnv->add( "REMOTE_PORT", 11, buf, n );

    n = pConn->getServerAddrStr( buf, 128 );
    pEnv->add( "SERVER_ADDR", 11, buf, n );
    pEnv->add( "SERVER_NAME", 11, pReq->getHostStr(),  pReq->getHostStrLen() );
    const AutoStr2 &sPort = pReq->getPortStr();
    pEnv->add( "SERVER_PORT", 11, sPort.c_str(), sPort.len() );
    pEnv->add( "REQUEST_URI", 11, pReq->getOrgReqURL(), pReq->getOrgReqURLLen() );
    count += 7;
    n = pReq->getPathInfoLen();
    if ( n > 0)
        int m;
        char achTranslated[10240];
        m =  pReq->translatePath( pReq->getPathInfo(), n,
                        achTranslated, sizeof( achTranslated ) );
        if ( m != -1 );
            pEnv->add( "PATH_TRANSLATED", 15, achTranslated, m );
        pEnv->add( "PATH_INFO", 9, pReq->getPathInfo(), n);
    //add geo IP env here
    if ( pReq->isGeoIpOn() )
        GeoInfo * pInfo = pConn->getClientInfo()->getGeoInfo();
        if ( pInfo )
            pEnv->add( "GEOIP_ADDR", 10, pConn->getPeerAddrString(),
                    pConn->getPeerAddrStrLen() );
            count += pInfo->addGeoEnv( pEnv )+1;

    n = pReq->getEnvCount();
    count += n;
    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
        const char * pKey;
        const char * pVal;
        int keyLen;
        int valLen;
        pKey = pReq->getEnvByIndex( i, keyLen, pVal, valLen );
        if ( pKey )
            pEnv->add( pKey, keyLen, pVal, valLen );
    if ( pConn->isSSL() )
        SSLConnection * pSSL = pConn->getSSL();
        pEnv->add( "HTTPS", 5, "on",  2 );
        const char * pVersion = pSSL->getVersion();
        n = strlen( pVersion );
        pEnv->add( "SSL_VERSION", 11, pVersion, n );
        count += 2;
        SSL_SESSION * pSession = pSSL->getSession();
        if ( pSession )
            int idLen = SSLConnection::getSessionIdLen( pSession );
            n = idLen * 2;
            assert( n < (int)sizeof( buf ) );
                (char *)SSLConnection::getSessionId( pSession ),
                idLen, buf );
            pEnv->add( "SSL_SESSION_ID", 14, buf, n );

        const SSL_CIPHER * pCipher = pSSL->getCurrentCipher();
        if ( pCipher )
            const char * pName = pSSL->getCipherName();
            n = strlen( pName );
            pEnv->add( "SSL_CIPHER", 10, pName, n );
            int algkeysize;
            int keysize = SSLConnection::getCipherBits( pCipher, &algkeysize );
            n = safe_snprintf( buf, 20, "%d", keysize );
            pEnv->add( "SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE", 21, buf, n );
            n = safe_snprintf( buf, 20, "%d", algkeysize );
            pEnv->add( "SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE", 21, buf, n );
            count += 3;

        X509 * pClientCert = pSSL->getPeerCertificate();
        if ( pClientCert )
            //IMPROVE: too many deep copy here.
            char achBuf[4096];
            n = SSLCert::PEMWriteCert( pClientCert, achBuf, 4096 );
            if ((n>0)&&( n <= 4096 ))
                pEnv->add( "SSL_CLIENT_CERT", 15, achBuf, n );
    return count;
예제 #2
//Only for types from LSI_REQ_SSL_VERSION to LSI_REQ_PATH_TRANSLATED which are defined in ls.h
int RequestVars::getReqVar2( HttpSession *pSession, int type, char * &pValue, int bufLen)
    HttpReq * pReq = pSession->getReq();
    int ret = 0;
    if (type >= LSI_REQ_SSL_VERSION && type <= LSI_REQ_SSL_CLIENT_CERT)
        if( !pSession->isSSL() )
            return 0;
        SSLConnection *pSSL = pSession->getSSL();
        if( type == LSI_REQ_SSL_VERSION)
            pValue = (char *)pSSL->getVersion();
            ret = strlen( pValue );
            return ret;
        else if( type == LSI_REQ_SSL_SESSION_ID )
            SSL_SESSION *pSession = pSSL->getSession();
            if ( pSession )
                int idLen = SSLConnection::getSessionIdLen( pSession );
                ret = idLen * 2;
                if ( ret > bufLen )
                    ret = bufLen;
                StringTool::hexEncode((char *)SSLConnection::getSessionId( pSession ), ret / 2, pValue );
            return ret;
        else if( type == LSI_REQ_SSL_CLIENT_CERT )
            X509 * pClientCert = pSSL->getPeerCertificate();
            if ( pClientCert )
                ret = SSLCert::PEMWriteCert( pClientCert, pValue, bufLen );
            return ret;
            const SSL_CIPHER * pCipher = pSSL->getCurrentCipher();
            if ( pCipher )
                if( type == LSI_REQ_SSL_CIPHER )
                    pValue = (char *)pSSL->getCipherName();
                    ret = strlen( pValue );
                    int algkeysize;
                    int keysize = SSLConnection::getCipherBits( pCipher, &algkeysize );
                    if( type == LSI_REQ_SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE )
                        ret = safe_snprintf( pValue, 20, "%d", keysize );
                    else //LSI_REQ_SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE
                        ret = safe_snprintf( pValue, 20, "%d", algkeysize );
            return ret;
    else if( type == LSI_REQ_GEOIP_ADDR)
        ret = pSession->getPeerAddrStrLen();
        pValue = (char *)pSession->getPeerAddrString();
        return ret;
    else if( type == LSI_REQ_PATH_TRANSLATED)
        int n = pReq->getPathInfoLen();
        if ( n > 0)
            ret =  pReq->translatePath( pReq->getPathInfo(), n, pValue, bufLen);
        return ret;
        return 0;