int main( void ) { glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE ); glutInitWindowSize( 800, 600 ); glutCreateWindow( "PhyEngine" ); glutDisplayFunc( PhysicsLoop ); glutKeyboardFunc( Keyboard ); glutMouseFunc( Mouse ); glutIdleFunc( PhysicsLoop ); glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glPushMatrix( ); glLoadIdentity( ); gluOrtho2D( 0, 80, 60, 0 ); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glPushMatrix( ); glLoadIdentity( ); Circle c( 5.0f ); Body *b = scene.Add( &c, 40, 40 ); b->SetStatic( ); PolygonShape poly; poly.SetBox( 30.0f, 1.0f ); b = scene.Add( &poly, 40, 55 ); b->SetStatic( ); b->SetOrient( 0 ); srand( 1 ); glutMainLoop( ); return 0; }
void Mouse( int button, int state, int x, int y ) { x /= 10.0f; y /= 10.0f; if(state == GLUT_DOWN) switch(button) { case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: { PolygonShape poly; uint32 count = (uint32)Random( 3, MaxPolyVertexCount ); Vec2 *vertices = new Vec2[count]; real e = Random( 5, 10 ); for(uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) vertices[i].Set( Random( -e, e ), Random( -e, e ) ); poly.Set( vertices, count ); Body *b = scene.Add( &poly, x, y ); b->SetOrient( Random( -PI, PI ) ); b->restitution = 0.2f; b->dynamicFriction = 0.2f; b->staticFriction = 0.4f; delete [] vertices; } break; case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: { Circle c( Random( 1.0f, 3.0f ) ); Body *b = scene.Add( &c, x, y ); } break; } }
// -------------------------------------------- void main() { Scene scene = Scene(); // 增加 scene.Add("a", 1, 5); scene.Add("f", 6, 6); scene.Add("c", 3, 1); scene.Add("b", 2, 2); scene.Add("e", 5, 3); DoubleNode * node = scene.Add("d", 3, 3); scene.PrintLink(); scene.PrintAOI(node, 2, 2); // 移动 cout << endl << "[MOVE]" << endl; scene.Move(node, 4, 4); scene.PrintLink(); scene.PrintAOI(node, 2, 2); // 删除 cout << endl << "[LEAVE]" << endl; scene.Leave(node); scene.PrintLink(); }
int main() { CheezyWin win; win.Init(640, 640); Camera cam = Camera(); Scene *scene = win.CreateScene("FirstScene"); GameObject *go = new GameObject("go"); /*GameObject *light = new GameObject("lus"); light->RemoveComponent("Mesh"); light->AddComponent(new Light()); light->GetTransform()->pos = vec3(100.0, 100.0, 100.0);*/ scene->Add(go); //scene->Add(light); scene->SetCurrentCamera(cam); go->GetTransform()->scale = vec3(0.05); vec3 camPos = vec3(5, 5, 10), camUp = vec3(0, 1, 0); scene->cam->LookAt(camPos, vec3(0, 0, 0), camUp); win.Loop(); win.Destroy(); return 0; }
void keyboard( unsigned char key, int x, int y ) { switch( key ) { // automated animation case 'a': animate(); break; // incremental rotation along the axes case 'x': angles[0] -= angleInc; break; case 'y': angles[1] -= angleInc; break; case 'z': angles[2] -= angleInc; break; case 'X': angles[0] += angleInc; break; case 'Y': angles[1] += angleInc; break; case 'Z': angles[2] += angleInc; break; // add/remove case '1': scene.Add(&r1); break; case '2': scene.Add(&r2); break; case '3': scene.Del(&r1); break; case '4': scene.Del(&r2); break; // termination case 033: // Escape key case 'q': case 'Q': exit( 0 ); } glutPostRedisplay(); }
void GuardianSystemDemo::InitSceneGraph() { for (int32_t i = 0; i < Scene::MAX_MODELS; ++i) { TriangleSet mesh; mesh.AddSolidColorBox(-0.035f, -0.035f, -0.035f, 0.035f, 0.035f, 0.035f, 0xFFFFFFFF); // Objects start 1 meter high mObjPosition[i] = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Objects have random velocity mObjVelocity[i] = XMVectorSet(randVelocity(), randVelocity() * 0.5f, randVelocity(), 0); mObjVelocity[i] = XMVector3Normalize(mObjVelocity[i]) * 0.3f; Material* mat = new Material(new Texture(false, 256, 256, Texture::AUTO_FLOOR)); mDynamicScene.Add(new Model(&mesh, XMFLOAT3(0, 0, 0), XMFLOAT4(0, 0, 0, 1), mat)); } }
int main() { WindowController* windowController = &WindowController::GetInstance(); if (windowController == nullptr) return Terminate("Failed to create window..."); windowController->setHeight(800); windowController->setWidth(1200); GlewInit(); Scene scene; Skybox* skybox = new Skybox("skybox", "./Resources/Textures/TropicalSunnyDay", ".png"); scene.Add(skybox); string plane_path = "./Resources/Models/Boeing 747/Boeing747.obj"; Shader* shader = new Shader("./model.vs", "./model.frag"); //Model* plane_model = new Model(plane_path); //GameObject* plane = new GameObject("Boeing 747", plane_model, shader); //plane->Transform(glm::vec3(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); //plane->Scale(glm::vec3(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f)); //scene.Add(plane); Plane* plane = new Plane("grass.png", "./Resources/Textures", shader, 1000); scene.Add(plane); windowController->Update(scene); //glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //if (GlewInit() != 0) // return Terminate("Failed to init glew"); //Model nanosuit("./Resources/Models/nanosuit/nanosuit.obj"); //Shader modelShader("./model.vs", "./model.frag"); //while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) //{ // // Set frame time // GLfloat currentFrame = glfwGetTime(); // deltaTime = currentFrame - lastFrame; // lastFrame = currentFrame; // // Check and call events // glfwPollEvents(); // Do_Movement(); // // Clear the colorbuffer // glClearColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f); // glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // modelShader.Use(); // <-- Don't forget this one! // // Transformation matrices // glm::mat4 projection = glm::perspective(camera.Zoom, (float)WIDTH / (float)HEIGHT, 0.1f, 100.0f); // glm::mat4 view = camera.GetViewMatrix(); // glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(modelShader.Program, "projection"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(projection)); // glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(modelShader.Program, "view"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(view)); // // Draw the loaded model // glm::mat4 model; // model = glm::translate(model, glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.75f, 0.0f)); // Translate it down a bit so it's at the center of the scene // model = glm::scale(model, glm::vec3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)); // It's a bit too big for our scene, so scale it down // glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(modelShader.Program, "model"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(model)); // nanosuit.Draw(modelShader); // // Swap the buffers // glfwSwapBuffers(window); //} glfwTerminate(); system("pause"); return 0; }
int main() { const int width = 640; const int height = 480; System::EnableWindowsMemleakDetection(); Window::Create( width, height, WindowCreateFlags::Empty ); System::LoadBuiltinAssets(); System::InitAudio(); System::InitGamePad(); GameObject camera; camera.AddComponent<CameraComponent>(); camera.GetComponent<CameraComponent>()->SetProjection( 0, (float)width, (float)height, 0, 0, 1 ); camera.GetComponent<CameraComponent>()->SetClearColor( Vec3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ) ); Texture2D spriteTex; spriteTex.Load( FileSystem::FileContents("glider.png"), TextureWrap::Repeat, TextureFilter::Nearest, Mipmaps::None, 1 ); Texture2D spriteTex2; spriteTex2.Load( FileSystem::FileContents(""), TextureWrap::Repeat, TextureFilter::Nearest, Mipmaps::None, 1 ); Texture2D spriteTexFromAtlas; spriteTexFromAtlas.LoadFromAtlas( FileSystem::FileContents("atlas_cegui.png"), FileSystem::FileContents("atlas_cegui.xml"), "granite", TextureWrap::Repeat, TextureFilter::Nearest, 1 ); GameObject spriteContainer; spriteContainer.AddComponent<SpriteRendererComponent>(); auto sprite = spriteContainer.GetComponent<SpriteRendererComponent>(); sprite->SetTexture( &spriteTex, Vec3( 320, 0, -0.6f ), Vec3( (float)spriteTex.GetWidth(), (float)spriteTex.GetHeight(), 1 ), Vec4( 1, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1 ) ); sprite->SetTexture( &spriteTex, Vec3( 340, 80, -0.5f ), Vec3( (float)spriteTex.GetWidth()/2, (float)spriteTex.GetHeight()/2, 1 ), Vec4( 0.5f, 1, 0.5f, 1 ) ); sprite->SetTexture( &spriteTex2, Vec3( 280, 60, -0.4f ), Vec3( (float)spriteTex.GetWidth(), (float)spriteTex.GetHeight(), 1 ), Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5f ) ); sprite->SetTexture( &spriteTexFromAtlas, Vec3( 260, 160, -0.4f ), Vec3( (float)spriteTexFromAtlas.GetWidth(), (float)spriteTexFromAtlas.GetHeight(), 1 ), Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ); spriteContainer.AddComponent<TransformComponent>(); spriteContainer.GetComponent<TransformComponent>()->SetLocalPosition( Vec3( 20, 0, 0 ) ); AudioClip audioClip; audioClip.Load(FileSystem::FileContents("explosion.wav")); GameObject audioContainer; audioContainer.AddComponent<AudioSourceComponent>(); audioContainer.GetComponent<AudioSourceComponent>()->SetClipId( audioClip.GetId() ); audioContainer.GetComponent<AudioSourceComponent>()->Play(); Texture2D fontTex; fontTex.Load( FileSystem::FileContents("font.png"), TextureWrap::Clamp, TextureFilter::Linear, Mipmaps::None, 1 ); Font font; font.LoadBMFont(&fontTex, FileSystem::FileContents("font_txt.fnt")); //Texture2D fontTexSDF; //fontTexSDF.Load( FileSystem::FileContents( "font_sdf.png" ), TextureWrap::Clamp, TextureFilter::Linear, Mipmaps::None ); //Font sdfFont; //sdfFont.LoadBMFont( &fontTexSDF, FileSystem::FileContents( "font_sdf.txt" ) ); GameObject textContainer; textContainer.AddComponent<TextRendererComponent>(); textContainer.GetComponent<TextRendererComponent>()->SetText( "Aether3D \nGame Engine" ); textContainer.GetComponent<TextRendererComponent>()->SetFont( &font ); textContainer.GetComponent<TextRendererComponent>()->SetShader( TextRendererComponent::ShaderType::Sprite ); textContainer.AddComponent<TransformComponent>(); textContainer.GetComponent<TransformComponent>()->SetLocalPosition( Vec3( 20, 160, 0 ) ); //textContainer.GetComponent<TransformComponent>()->SetLocalScale( 2 ); textContainer.GetComponent<TransformComponent>()->SetLocalRotation( Quaternion::FromEuler( Vec3( 0, 0, 45 ) ) ); GameObject statsParent; statsParent.AddComponent<TransformComponent>(); statsParent.GetComponent<TransformComponent>()->SetLocalPosition( Vec3( 0, -80, 0 ) ); GameObject statsContainer; statsContainer.AddComponent<TextRendererComponent>(); statsContainer.GetComponent<TextRendererComponent>()->SetText( "Aether3D \nGame Engine" ); statsContainer.GetComponent<TextRendererComponent>()->SetFont( &font ); statsContainer.AddComponent<TransformComponent>(); statsContainer.GetComponent<TransformComponent>()->SetLocalPosition( Vec3( 20, 80, 0 ) ); statsContainer.GetComponent<TransformComponent>()->SetParent( statsParent.GetComponent<TransformComponent>() ); RenderTexture2D rtTex; rtTex.Create( 512, 512, TextureWrap::Clamp, TextureFilter::Linear ); GameObject renderTextureContainer; renderTextureContainer.AddComponent<SpriteRendererComponent>(); spriteContainer.GetComponent<SpriteRendererComponent>()->SetTexture( &rtTex, Vec3( 150, 250, -0.6f ), Vec3( (float)spriteTex.GetWidth(), (float)spriteTex.GetHeight(), 1 ), Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ); GameObject rtCamera; rtCamera.AddComponent<CameraComponent>(); rtCamera.GetComponent<CameraComponent>()->SetProjection( 0, (float)rtTex.GetWidth(), 0,(float)rtTex.GetHeight(), 0, 1 ); rtCamera.GetComponent<CameraComponent>()->SetClearColor( Vec3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ) ); rtCamera.GetComponent<CameraComponent>()->SetTargetTexture( &rtTex ); Scene scene; scene.Add( &camera ); scene.Add( &spriteContainer ); scene.Add( &textContainer ); scene.Add( &statsContainer ); scene.Add( &statsParent ); scene.Add( &renderTextureContainer ); scene.Add( &rtCamera ); //System::Print( "%s\n", scene.GetSerialized().c_str() ); bool quit = false; while (Window::IsOpen() && !quit) { Window::PumpEvents(); WindowEvent event; std::string text( "draw calls:" ); while (Window::PollEvent( event )) { if (event.type == WindowEventType::Close) { quit = true; } if (event.type == WindowEventType::KeyDown || event.type == WindowEventType::KeyUp) { KeyCode keyCode = event.keyCode; if (keyCode == KeyCode::Escape) { quit = true; } else if (keyCode == KeyCode::R) { System::ReloadChangedAssets(); } else if (keyCode == KeyCode::B && event.type == WindowEventType::KeyUp) { audioContainer.GetComponent<AudioSourceComponent>()->Play(); } } if (event.type == WindowEventType::GamePadButtonA) { text = "button a down"; } } const std::string drawCalls = text + std::to_string( System::Statistics::GetDrawCallCount() ); statsContainer.GetComponent<TextRendererComponent>()->SetText( drawCalls.c_str() ); scene.Render(); Window::SwapBuffers(); } System::Deinit(); }