예제 #1
//[ Protected virtual PLScene::SceneApplication functions ]
void EngineApplication::OnCreateRootScene()
	// Get the scene context
	SceneContext *pSceneContext = GetSceneContext();
	if (pSceneContext) {
		// First, create the scene root container which holds the scene container with our 'concrete' scene within it
		SceneContainer *pRootContainer = pSceneContext->GetRoot() ? static_cast<SceneContainer*>(pSceneContext->GetRoot()->Create("PLScene::SceneContainer", "RootScene")) : nullptr;
		if (pRootContainer) {
			// Protect this important container!

			// Create a scene container with our 'concrete scene'
			SceneNode *pSceneContainerNode = pRootContainer->Create("PLScene::SceneContainer", "Scene");
			if (pSceneContainerNode && pSceneContainerNode->IsInstanceOf("PLScene::SceneContainer")) {
				SceneContainer *pSceneContainer = static_cast<SceneContainer*>(pSceneContainerNode);

				// Protect this important container!

				// Connect event handler
				if (pSceneContainerNode->IsInstanceOf("PLScene::SceneContainer"))

				// Create the 'concrete scene'

			// Create scene node for engine information
			SceneNode *pSceneNode = pRootContainer->Create("PLEngine::SNEngineInformation");
			if (pSceneNode)

			// Create console scene node - using the console command 'timescale <value>' we
			// can change the scene time (slowdown or accelerate)
			pSceneNode = pRootContainer->Create("PLEngine::SNConsole");
			if (pSceneNode && pSceneNode->GetClass()->IsDerivedFrom("PLEngine::SNConsoleBase")) {
				SNConsoleBase *pConsole = static_cast<SNConsoleBase*>(pSceneNode);

				// Register default commands
				pConsole->RegisterCommand(0,	"quit",		"",	"",	Functor<void, ConsoleCommand &>(&EngineApplication::ConsoleCommandQuit, this));
				pConsole->RegisterCommand(0,	"exit",		"",	"",	Functor<void, ConsoleCommand &>(&EngineApplication::ConsoleCommandQuit, this));
				pConsole->RegisterCommand(0,	"bye",		"",	"",	Functor<void, ConsoleCommand &>(&EngineApplication::ConsoleCommandQuit, this));
				pConsole->RegisterCommand(0,	"logout",	"",	"",	Functor<void, ConsoleCommand &>(&EngineApplication::ConsoleCommandQuit, this));

				// Set active state

		// Set the root scene
예제 #2
*  @brief
*    Draws recursive
void SRPVolume::DrawRec(Renderer &cRenderer, const SQCull &cCullQuery)
	// Set the new scissor rectangle
	const VisContainer &cVisContainer = cCullQuery.GetVisContainer();

	// Render all visible scene nodes of this scene container
	Iterator<VisNode*> cIterator = (GetFlags() & DrawOrderFrontToBack) ? cVisContainer.GetVisNodes().GetIterator() : cVisContainer.GetVisNodes().GetEndIterator();
	while ((GetFlags() & DrawOrderFrontToBack) ? cIterator.HasNext() : cIterator.HasPrevious()) {
		// Get visibility node and scene node
		const VisNode   *pVisNode   = (GetFlags() & DrawOrderFrontToBack) ? cIterator.Next() : cIterator.Previous();
			  SceneNode *pSceneNode = pVisNode->GetSceneNode();
		if (pSceneNode) {
			// Is this scene node a portal?
			if (pVisNode->IsPortal()) {
				// Get the target cell visibility container
				const VisContainer *pVisCell = static_cast<const VisPortal*>(pVisNode)->GetTargetVisContainer();
				if (pVisCell && pVisCell->GetCullQuery()) {
					// Draw the target cell
					DrawRec(cRenderer, *pVisCell->GetCullQuery());

					// Set the previous scissor rectangle

			// Is this scene node a container? We do not need to check for cells because we will
			// NEVER receive cells from SQCull directly, they are ONLY visible through portals! (see above)
			} else if (pVisNode->IsContainer()) {
				// Draw this container without special processing
				if (static_cast<const VisContainer*>(pVisNode)->GetCullQuery()) {
					DrawRec(cRenderer, *static_cast<const VisContainer*>(pVisNode)->GetCullQuery());

					// Set the previous scissor rectangle

			// This must just be a quite boring scene node :)
			} else {
				// Do only take "PLVolume::SNVolume"-instances into account in here
				const static Class *pSNVolumeClass = ClassManager::GetInstance()->GetClass("PLVolume::SNVolume");
				if (pSceneNode->GetClass() == pSNVolumeClass)
					DrawVolumeSceneNode(cRenderer, cCullQuery, *pVisNode);