예제 #1
void TrillSegment::symbolLine(SymId start, SymId fill)
      qreal x1 = 0;
      qreal x2 = pos2().x();
      qreal w   = x2 - x1;
      qreal mag = magS();
      ScoreFont* f = score()->scoreFont();

      qreal w1 = f->bbox(start, mag).width();
      qreal w2 = f->width(fill, mag);
      int n    = lrint((w - w1) / w2);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      QRectF r(f->bbox(_symbols, mag));
예제 #2
void VibratoSegment::symbolLine(SymId start, SymId fill, SymId end)
      qreal x1 = 0;
      qreal x2 = pos2().x();
      qreal w   = x2 - x1;
      qreal mag = magS();
      ScoreFont* f = score()->scoreFont();

      qreal w1 = f->bbox(start, mag).width();
      qreal w2 = f->width(fill, mag);
      qreal w3 = f->width(end, mag);
      int n    = lrint((w - w1 - w3) / w2);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      QRectF r(f->bbox(_symbols, mag));
예제 #3
void Arpeggio::symbolLine(SymId end, SymId fill)
      qreal y1 = -_userLen1;
      qreal y2 = _height + _userLen2;
      qreal w   = y2 - y1;
      qreal mag = magS();
      ScoreFont* f = score()->scoreFont();
      const QString& fillString = f->toString(fill);

      qreal w1 = f->bbox(end, mag).width();
      qreal w2 = f->width(fill, mag);
      int n    = lrint((w - w1) / w2);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
예제 #4
void TrillSegment::symbolLine(SymId start, SymId fill)
      qreal x1 = 0;
      qreal x2 = pos2().x();
      qreal w   = x2 - x1;
      qreal mag = magS();
      ScoreFont* f = score()->scoreFont();

      qreal w1 = f->advance(start, mag);
      qreal w2 = f->advance(fill, mag);
      int n    = lrint((w - w1) / w2);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      QRectF r(f->bbox(_symbols, mag));
예제 #5
void TimeSig::layout()
      setPos(0.0, 0.0);
      qreal _spatium = spatium();

      setbbox(QRectF());                  // prepare for an empty time signature
      pointLargeLeftParen = QPointF();
      pz = QPointF();
      pn = QPointF();
      pointLargeRightParen = QPointF();

      qreal lineDist;
      int   numOfLines;
      TimeSigType sigType = timeSigType();
      Staff* _staff       = staff();

      if (_staff) {
            // if staff is without time sig, format as if no text at all
            if (!_staff->staffType(tick())->genTimesig() ) {
                  // reset position and box sizes to 0
                  // qDebug("staff: no time sig");
                  pointLargeLeftParen.rx() = 0.0;
                  pn.rx() = 0.0;
                  pz.rx() = 0.0;
                  pointLargeRightParen.rx() = 0.0;
                  // leave everything else as it is:
                  // draw() will anyway skip any drawing if staff type has no time sigs
            numOfLines  = _staff->lines(tick());
            lineDist    = _staff->lineDistance(tick());
      else {
            // assume dimensions of a standard staff
            lineDist = 1.0;
            numOfLines = 5;

      // if some symbol
      // compute vert. displacement to center in the staff height
      // determine middle staff position:

      qreal yoff = _spatium * (numOfLines-1) *.5 * lineDist;

      // C and Ccut are placed at the middle of the staff: use yoff directly
      if (sigType ==  TimeSigType::FOUR_FOUR) {
            pz = QPointF(0.0, yoff);
      else if (sigType == TimeSigType::ALLA_BREVE) {
            pz = QPointF(0.0, yoff);
      else {
            ns = toTimeSigString(_numeratorString.isEmpty()   ? QString::number(_sig.numerator())   : _numeratorString);
            ds = toTimeSigString(_denominatorString.isEmpty() ? QString::number(_sig.denominator()) : _denominatorString);

            ScoreFont* font = score()->scoreFont();
            QSizeF mag(magS() * _scale);

            QRectF numRect = font->bbox(ns, mag);
            QRectF denRect = font->bbox(ds, mag);

            // position numerator and denominator; vertical displacement:
            // number of lines is odd: 0.0 (strings are directly above and below the middle line)
            // number of lines even:   0.05 (strings are moved up/down to leave 1/10sp between them)

            qreal displ = (numOfLines & 1) ? 0.0 : (0.05 * _spatium);

            //align on the wider
            qreal pzY = yoff - (denRect.width() < 0.01 ? 0.0 : (displ + numRect.height() * .5));
            qreal pnY = yoff + displ + denRect.height() * .5;

            if (numRect.width() >= denRect.width()) {
                  // numerator: one space above centre line, unless denomin. is empty (if so, directly centre in the middle)
                  pz = QPointF(0.0, pzY);
                  // denominator: horiz: centred around centre of numerator | vert: one space below centre line
                  pn = QPointF((numRect.width() - denRect.width())*.5, pnY);
            else {
                  // numerator: one space above centre line, unless denomin. is empty (if so, directly centre in the middle)
                  pz = QPointF((denRect.width() - numRect.width())*.5, pzY);
                  // denominator: horiz: centred around centre of numerator | vert: one space below centre line
                  pn = QPointF(0.0, pnY);

            // centering of parenthesis so the middle of the parenthesis is at the divisor marking level
            int centerY = yoff/2 + _spatium;
            int widestPortion = numRect.width() > denRect.width() ? numRect.width() : denRect.width();
            pointLargeLeftParen = QPointF(-_spatium, centerY);
            pointLargeRightParen = QPointF(widestPortion + _spatium, centerY);

            setbbox(numRect.translated(pz));   // translate bounding boxes to actual string positions
            if (_largeParentheses) {
                  addbbox(QRect(pointLargeLeftParen.x(), pointLargeLeftParen.y() - denRect.height(), _spatium / 2, numRect.height() + denRect.height()));
                  addbbox(QRect(pointLargeRightParen.x(), pointLargeRightParen.y() - denRect.height(),  _spatium / 2, numRect.height() + denRect.height()));