drape_ptr<MapLinearAnimation> GetSetRectAnimation(ScreenBase const & screen, m2::AnyRectD const & startRect, m2::AnyRectD const & endRect) { auto anim = make_unique_dp<MapLinearAnimation>(); double const startScale = CalculateScale(screen.PixelRect(), startRect.GetLocalRect()); double const endScale = CalculateScale(screen.PixelRect(), endRect.GetLocalRect()); anim->SetRotate(startRect.Angle().val(), endRect.Angle().val()); anim->SetMove(startRect.GlobalCenter(), endRect.GlobalCenter(), screen); anim->SetScale(startScale, endScale); anim->SetMaxScaleDuration(kMaxAnimationTimeSec); return anim; }
void RulerHelper::Update(ScreenBase const & screen) { m2::PointD pivot = screen.PixelRect().Center(); int const minPxWidth = my::rounds(MinPixelWidth * df::VisualParams::Instance().GetVisualScale()); m2::PointD pt1 = screen.PtoG(pivot); m2::PointD pt0 = screen.PtoG(pivot - m2::PointD(minPxWidth, 0)); double const distanceInMetres = MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(pt0, pt1); // convert metres to units for calculating m_metresDiff double metersDiff = CalcMetresDiff(distanceInMetres); bool const higherThanMax = metersDiff > MaxMetersWidth; bool const lessThanMin = metersDiff < MinMetersWidth; m_pixelLength = minPxWidth; if (higherThanMax) m_pixelLength = minPxWidth * 3 / 2; else if (!lessThanMin) { double const a = ang::AngleTo(pt1, pt0); pt0 = MercatorBounds::GetSmPoint(pt1, cos(a) * metersDiff, sin(a) * metersDiff); m_pixelLength = my::rounds(pivot.Length(screen.GtoP(pt0))); } int drawScale = df::GetDrawTileScale(screen); if (m_currentDrawScale < VISIBLE_RULER_BOTTOM_SCALE && drawScale >= VISIBLE_RULER_BOTTOM_SCALE) { SetTextDirty(); } m_currentDrawScale = drawScale; }
math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> Arrow3d::CalculateTransform(ScreenBase const & screen, float dz) const { double arrowScale = VisualParams::Instance().GetVisualScale() * kArrowSize; if (screen.isPerspective()) { static double const kLog2 = log(2.0); double const kMaxZoom = scales::UPPER_STYLE_SCALE + 1.0; double const zoomLevel = my::clamp(fabs(log(screen.GetScale()) / kLog2), kArrow3dMinZoom, kMaxZoom); double const t = (zoomLevel - kArrow3dMinZoom) / (kMaxZoom - kArrow3dMinZoom); arrowScale *= (kArrow3dScaleMin * (1.0 - t) + kArrow3dScaleMax * t); } double const scaleX = arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeX(); double const scaleY = arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeY(); double const scaleZ = screen.isPerspective() ? (0.002 * screen.GetDepth3d()) : 1.0; m2::PointD const pos = screen.GtoP(m_position); double const dX = 2.0 * pos.x / screen.PixelRect().SizeX() - 1.0; double const dY = 2.0 * pos.y / screen.PixelRect().SizeY() - 1.0; math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> scaleM = math::Identity<float, 4>(); scaleM(0, 0) = scaleX; scaleM(1, 1) = scaleY; scaleM(2, 2) = scaleZ; math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> rotateM = math::Identity<float, 4>(); rotateM(0, 0) = cos(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle()); rotateM(0, 1) = -sin(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle()); rotateM(1, 0) = -rotateM(0, 1); rotateM(1, 1) = rotateM(0, 0); math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> translateM = math::Identity<float, 4>(); translateM(3, 0) = dX; translateM(3, 1) = -dY; translateM(3, 2) = dz; math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> modelTransform = rotateM * scaleM * translateM; if (screen.isPerspective()) return modelTransform * math::Matrix<float, 4, 4>(screen.Pto3dMatrix()); return modelTransform; }
void FrontendRenderer::OnResize(ScreenBase const & screen) { m2::RectD const viewportRect = screen.isPerspective() ? screen.PixelRectIn3d() : screen.PixelRect(); m_myPositionController->UpdatePixelPosition(screen); m_myPositionController->OnNewPixelRect(); m_viewport.SetViewport(0, 0, viewportRect.SizeX(), viewportRect.SizeY()); m_contextFactory->getDrawContext()->resize(viewportRect.SizeX(), viewportRect.SizeY()); RefreshProjection(screen); RefreshPivotTransform(screen); m_framebuffer->SetSize(viewportRect.SizeX(), viewportRect.SizeY()); }
int GetTileScaleBase(ScreenBase const & s, uint32_t tileSize) { ScreenBase tmpS = s; tmpS.Rotate(-tmpS.GetAngle()); // slightly smaller than original to produce "antialiasing" effect using bilinear filtration. int const halfSize = static_cast<int>(tileSize / 1.05 / 2.0); m2::RectD glbRect; m2::PointD const pxCenter = tmpS.PixelRect().Center(); tmpS.PtoG(m2::RectD(pxCenter - m2::PointD(halfSize, halfSize), pxCenter + m2::PointD(halfSize, halfSize)), glbRect); return GetTileScaleBase(glbRect); }
double CalculateScale(ScreenBase const & screen, m2::RectD const & localRect) { m2::RectD const pixelRect = screen.PixelRect(); return max(localRect.SizeX() / pixelRect.SizeX(), localRect.SizeY() / pixelRect.SizeY()); }
void MyPositionController::UpdatePixelPosition(ScreenBase const & screen) { m_pixelRect = screen.isPerspective() ? screen.PixelRectIn3d() : screen.PixelRect(); m_positionYOffset = screen.isPerspective() ? kPositionOffsetYIn3D : kPositionOffsetY; }
m2::PointD CalculateCenter(ScreenBase const & screen, m2::PointD const & userPos, m2::PointD const & pixelPos, double azimuth) { double const scale = screen.GlobalRect().GetLocalRect().SizeX() / screen.PixelRect().SizeX(); return CalculateCenter(scale, screen.PixelRect(), userPos, pixelPos, azimuth); }
void Arrow3d::Render(ScreenBase const & screen, ref_ptr<dp::GpuProgramManager> mng) { // Unbind current VAO, because glVertexAttributePointer and glEnableVertexAttribute can affect it. GLFunctions::glBindVertexArray(0); ref_ptr<dp::GpuProgram> prg = mng->GetProgram(gpu::ARROW_3D_PROGRAM); prg->Bind(); if (!m_isInitialized) { Build(prg); m_isInitialized = true; } dp::ApplyState(m_state, prg); static double const kLog2 = log(2.0); double const kMaxZoom = scales::UPPER_STYLE_SCALE + 1.0; double const zoomLevel = my::clamp(fabs(log(screen.GetScale()) / kLog2), kArrow3dMinZoom, kMaxZoom); double const t = (zoomLevel - kArrow3dMinZoom) / (kMaxZoom - kArrow3dMinZoom); double const arrowScale = kArrow3dScaleMin * (1.0 - t) + kArrow3dScaleMax * t; double const scaleX = m_pixelWidth * arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeX() / kArrowSizeX; double const scaleY = m_pixelHeight * arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeY() / kArrowSizeY; double const scaleZ = scaleX; m2::PointD const pos = screen.GtoP(m_position); double const dX = 2.0 * pos.x / screen.PixelRect().SizeX() - 1.0; double const dY = 2.0 * pos.y / screen.PixelRect().SizeY() - 1.0; math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> scaleM = math::Identity<float, 4>(); scaleM(0, 0) = scaleX; scaleM(1, 1) = scaleY; scaleM(2, 2) = scaleZ; math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> rotateM = math::Identity<float, 4>(); rotateM(0, 0) = cos(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle()); rotateM(0, 1) = -sin(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle()); rotateM(1, 0) = -rotateM(0, 1); rotateM(1, 1) = rotateM(0, 0); math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> translateM = math::Identity<float, 4>(); translateM(3, 0) = dX; translateM(3, 1) = -dY; math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> modelTransform = rotateM * scaleM * translateM; modelTransform = modelTransform * math::Matrix<float, 4, 4>(screen.Pto3dMatrix()); dp::UniformValuesStorage uniforms; uniforms.SetMatrix4x4Value("m_transform", modelTransform.m_data); dp::ApplyUniforms(uniforms, prg); GLFunctions::glBindBuffer(m_bufferId, gl_const::GLArrayBuffer); GLFunctions::glEnableVertexAttribute(m_attributePosition); GLFunctions::glVertexAttributePointer(m_attributePosition, 3, gl_const::GLFloatType, false, 0, 0); GLFunctions::glBindBuffer(m_bufferNormalsId, gl_const::GLArrayBuffer); GLFunctions::glEnableVertexAttribute(m_attributeNormal); GLFunctions::glVertexAttributePointer(m_attributeNormal, 3, gl_const::GLFloatType, false, 0, 0); GLFunctions::glDrawArrays(gl_const::GLTriangles, 0, m_vertices.size() / 3); prg->Unbind(); GLFunctions::glBindBuffer(0, gl_const::GLArrayBuffer); }