// This method is meant to match the HTML5 definition of "running a script" // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/scripting-1.html#running-a-script void HTMLScriptRunner::runScript(Element* script, const TextPosition1& scriptStartPosition) { ASSERT(m_document); ASSERT(!haveParsingBlockingScript()); { InsertionPointRecord insertionPointRecord(m_host->inputStream()); NestingLevelIncrementer nestingLevelIncrementer(m_scriptNestingLevel); ScriptElement* scriptElement = toScriptElement(script); ASSERT(scriptElement); if (!scriptElement->shouldExecuteAsJavaScript()) return; if (script->hasAttribute(srcAttr)) { if (script->hasAttribute(asyncAttr)) // Async takes precendence over defer. return; // Asynchronous scripts handle themselves. if (script->hasAttribute(deferAttr)) requestDeferredScript(script); else requestParsingBlockingScript(script); } else { // FIXME: We do not block inline <script> tags on stylesheets to match the // old parser for now. When we do, the ASSERT below should be added. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40047 // ASSERT(document()->haveStylesheetsLoaded()); ASSERT(isExecutingScript()); ScriptSourceCode sourceCode(script->textContent(), documentURLForScriptExecution(m_document), scriptStartPosition); scriptElement->executeScript(sourceCode); } } }
void XMLTokenizer::parseEndElement() { exitText(); Node* n = m_currentNode; RefPtr<Node> parent = n->parentNode(); n->finishParsingChildren(); if (!n->isElementNode() || !m_view) { setCurrentNode(parent.get()); return; } Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(n); ScriptElement* scriptElement = toScriptElement(element); if (!scriptElement) { setCurrentNode(parent.get()); return; } // don't load external scripts for standalone documents (for now) ASSERT(!m_pendingScript); m_requestingScript = true; #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) if (!scriptElement->shouldExecuteAsJavaScript()) m_doc->setShouldProcessNoscriptElement(true); else #endif { String scriptHref = scriptElement->sourceAttributeValue(); if (!scriptHref.isEmpty()) { // we have a src attribute String scriptCharset = scriptElement->scriptCharset(); if ((m_pendingScript = m_doc->docLoader()->requestScript(scriptHref, scriptCharset))) { m_scriptElement = element; m_pendingScript->addClient(this); // m_pendingScript will be 0 if script was already loaded and ref() executed it if (m_pendingScript) pauseParsing(); } else m_scriptElement = 0; } else m_view->frame()->loader()->executeScript(ScriptSourceCode(scriptElement->scriptContent(), m_doc->url(), m_scriptStartLine)); } m_requestingScript = false; setCurrentNode(parent.get()); }
void XMLTokenizer::endElementNs() { if (m_parserStopped) return; if (m_parserPaused) { m_pendingCallbacks->appendEndElementNSCallback(); return; } exitText(); Node* n = m_currentNode; n->finishParsingChildren(); if (m_scriptingPermission == FragmentScriptingNotAllowed && n->isElementNode() && toScriptElement(static_cast<Element*>(n))) { popCurrentNode(); ExceptionCode ec; n->remove(ec); return; } if (!n->isElementNode() || !m_view) { popCurrentNode(); return; } Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(n); // The element's parent may have already been removed from document. // Parsing continues in this case, but scripts aren't executed. if (!element->inDocument()) { popCurrentNode(); return; } ScriptElement* scriptElement = toScriptElement(element); if (!scriptElement) { popCurrentNode(); return; } // Don't load external scripts for standalone documents (for now). ASSERT(!m_pendingScript); m_requestingScript = true; #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) if (!scriptElement->shouldExecuteAsJavaScript()) m_doc->setShouldProcessNoscriptElement(true); else #endif { String scriptHref = scriptElement->sourceAttributeValue(); if (!scriptHref.isEmpty()) { // we have a src attribute String scriptCharset = scriptElement->scriptCharset(); if (element->dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(scriptHref) && (m_pendingScript = m_doc->docLoader()->requestScript(scriptHref, scriptCharset))) { m_scriptElement = element; m_pendingScript->addClient(this); // m_pendingScript will be 0 if script was already loaded and ref() executed it if (m_pendingScript) pauseParsing(); } else m_scriptElement = 0; } else m_view->frame()->script()->executeScript(ScriptSourceCode(scriptElement->scriptContent(), m_doc->url(), m_scriptStartLine)); } m_requestingScript = false; popCurrentNode(); }
void HTMLScriptRunner::executeScript(Element* element, const ScriptSourceCode& sourceCode) const { ASSERT(m_document); ScriptElement* scriptElement = toScriptElement(element); ASSERT(scriptElement); if (!scriptElement->shouldExecuteAsJavaScript()) return; ASSERT(isExecutingScript()); if (!m_document->frame()) return; String shouldExecuteInIsolatedWorld = element->getAttribute("worldID"); String sharedLibraryId = element->getAttribute("SharedLibId"); String UseLibId = element->getAttribute("UseLibId"); bool writable = true; if (((Node *)element)->parentElement()) { String ACL=((Node *)element)->parentElement()->getAttribute("ACL"); String ROACL=((Node *)element)->parentElement()->getAttribute("ROACL"); int worldID = shouldExecuteInIsolatedWorld.toInt(); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; if (worldID != 0) { if ((ROACL != NULL)&&(ROACL != "")) { Vector<WTF::String> ACLs; ROACL.split(";",ACLs); for (unsigned int i=0; i<ACLs.size(); i++) { if (worldID==ACLs[i].toInt()) { ACLs.clear(); flag = true; } } ACLs.clear(); } if (flag == true) { if ((ACL != NULL)&&(ACL != "")) { Vector<WTF::String> ACLs; ACL.split(";",ACLs); for (unsigned int i=0; i<ACLs.size(); i++) { if (worldID==ACLs[i].toInt()) { ACLs.clear(); flag2 = true; } } ACLs.clear(); } } writable = flag && flag2; } } if (!shouldExecuteInIsolatedWorld) shouldExecuteInIsolatedWorld=""; if (!sharedLibraryId) sharedLibraryId=""; if (!UseLibId) UseLibId=""; m_document->frame()->script()->executeScript(sourceCode, (ShouldAllowXSS) false, shouldExecuteInIsolatedWorld, sharedLibraryId, UseLibId, writable); }
void XMLDocumentParser::endElementNs() { if (isStopped()) return; if (m_parserPaused) { m_pendingCallbacks->appendEndElementNSCallback(); return; } exitText(); Node* n = m_currentNode; n->finishParsingChildren(); if (m_scriptingPermission == FragmentScriptingNotAllowed && n->isElementNode() && toScriptElement(static_cast<Element*>(n))) { popCurrentNode(); ExceptionCode ec; n->remove(ec); return; } if (!n->isElementNode() || !m_view) { popCurrentNode(); return; } Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(n); // The element's parent may have already been removed from document. // Parsing continues in this case, but scripts aren't executed. if (!element->inDocument()) { popCurrentNode(); return; } ScriptElement* scriptElement = toScriptElement(element); if (!scriptElement) { popCurrentNode(); return; } // Don't load external scripts for standalone documents (for now). ASSERT(!m_pendingScript); m_requestingScript = true; #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) if (!scriptElement->shouldExecuteAsJavaScript()) document()->setShouldProcessNoscriptElement(true); else #endif { // FIXME: Script execution should be shared should be shared between // the libxml2 and Qt XMLDocumentParser implementations. // JavaScript can detach the parser. Make sure this is not released // before the end of this method. RefPtr<XMLDocumentParser> protect(this); String scriptHref = scriptElement->sourceAttributeValue(); if (!scriptHref.isEmpty()) { // we have a src attribute String scriptCharset = scriptElement->scriptCharset(); if (element->dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(scriptHref) && (m_pendingScript = document()->cachedResourceLoader()->requestScript(scriptHref, scriptCharset))) { m_scriptElement = element; m_pendingScript->addClient(this); // m_pendingScript will be 0 if script was already loaded and ref() executed it if (m_pendingScript) pauseParsing(); } else m_scriptElement = 0; } else scriptElement->executeScript(ScriptSourceCode(scriptElement->scriptContent(), document()->url(), m_scriptStartPosition)); // JavaScript may have detached the parser if (isDetached()) return; } m_requestingScript = false; popCurrentNode(); }