예제 #1
JavascriptEngineV8::JavascriptEngineV8(const ScriptEngineOptions& options)
: ScriptEngine(options)
  _isolate = v8::Isolate::New();

  v8::Locker locker(_isolate);
  v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(_isolate);

  v8::HandleScope handle_scope(_isolate);

  _globalContext.Reset(_isolate, createGlobalContext());
  if (options.script().isSet() && !options.script()->getCode().empty())
    // Create a nested handle scope
    v8::HandleScope local_handle_scope(_isolate);

    // Enter the global context
    v8::Local<v8::Context> globalContext = *reinterpret_cast<v8::Local<v8::Context>*>(&_globalContext);
    v8::Context::Scope context_scope(globalContext);

    // Compile and run the script
    ScriptResult result = executeScript(v8::String::New(options.script()->getCode().c_str(), options.script()->getCode().length()));
    if (!result.success())
      OE_WARN << LC << "Error reading javascript: " << result.message() << std::endl;
예제 #2
DuktapeEngine::Context::initialize(const ScriptEngineOptions& options)
    if ( _ctx == 0L )
        // new heap + context.
        _ctx = duk_create_heap_default();

        // if there is a static script, evaluate it first. This will register
        // any functions or objects with the EcmaScript global object.
        if ( options.script().isSet() )
            bool ok = (duk_peval_string(_ctx, options.script()->getCode().c_str()) == 0); // [ "result" ]
            if ( !ok )
                const char* err = duk_safe_to_string(_ctx, -1);
                OE_WARN << LC << err << std::endl;
            duk_pop(_ctx); // []

        // Create the global feature object.
            duk_push_global_object(_ctx);             // [ global ]         feature object's home
            duk_push_object(_ctx);                    // [ global feature ] empty object for starters
            duk_put_prop_string(_ctx, -2, "feature"); // [ global ]         name it and add it to the global
            duk_pop(_ctx);                            // []                 pop the global

            // support for the idiom: feature.attributes['attr']
            duk_eval_string_noresult(_ctx, "Object.defineProperty(feature, 'attributes', {get:function() {return feature;}});");
예제 #3
ScriptEngineFactory::create( const std::string& language, const std::string& engineName )
  ScriptEngineOptions opts;
  opts.setDriver(language + (engineName.empty() ? "" : (std::string("_") + engineName)));

  return create(opts);
예제 #4
ScriptEngineFactory::create( const Script& script, const std::string& engineName )
  ScriptEngineOptions opts;
  opts.setDriver(script.getLanguage() + (engineName.empty() ? "" : (std::string("_") + engineName)));
  opts.script() = script;

  return create(opts);