Chunk*  RateBasedAdaptationLogic::getNextChunk()
    if(this->mpdManager == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if(this->currentPeriod == NULL)
        return NULL;

    uint64_t bitrate = this->getBpsAvg();

    if(this->getBufferPercent() < MINBUFFER)
        bitrate = 0;

    Representation *rep = this->mpdManager->getRepresentation(this->currentPeriod, bitrate, this->width, this->height);

    if ( rep == NULL )
        return NULL;

    std::vector<Segment *> segments = this->mpdManager->getSegments(rep);

    if ( this->count == segments.size() )
        this->currentPeriod = this->mpdManager->getNextPeriod(this->currentPeriod);
        this->count = 0;
        return this->getNextChunk();

    if ( segments.size() > this->count )
        Segment *seg = this->count );
        Chunk *chunk = seg->toChunk();
        //In case of UrlTemplate, we must stay on the same segment.
        if ( seg->isSingleShot() == true )
        return chunk;
    return NULL;
예제 #2
파일: ShapeOps.cpp 프로젝트: bunhere/skia
static void bridgeOp(SkTDArray<Contour*>& contourList, const ShapeOp op,
        const int aXorMask, const int bXorMask, PathWrapper& simple) {
    bool firstContour = true;
    SkPoint topLeft = {SK_ScalarMin, SK_ScalarMin};
    do {

#if SORTABLE_CONTOURS // old way
        Segment* topStart = findTopContour(contourList);
        if (!topStart) {
        // Start at the top. Above the top is outside, below is inside.
        // follow edges to intersection by changing the index by direction.
        int index, endIndex;
        Segment* current = topStart->findTop(index, endIndex);
#else // new way: iterate while top is unsortable
        int index, endIndex;
        Segment* current = findSortableTop(contourList, index, endIndex, topLeft);
        if (!current) {
        int contourWinding;
        if (firstContour) {
            contourWinding = 0;
            firstContour = false;
        } else {
            int sumWinding = current->windSum(SkMin32(index, endIndex));
            // FIXME: don't I have to adjust windSum to get contourWinding?
            if (sumWinding == SK_MinS32) {
                sumWinding = current->computeSum(index, endIndex);
            if (sumWinding == SK_MinS32) {
                contourWinding = innerContourCheck(contourList, current,
                        index, endIndex);
            } else {
                contourWinding = sumWinding;
                int spanWinding = current->spanSign(index, endIndex);
                bool inner = useInnerWinding(sumWinding - spanWinding, sumWinding);
                if (inner) {
                    contourWinding -= spanWinding;
                SkDebugf("%s sumWinding=%d spanWinding=%d sign=%d inner=%d result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
                        sumWinding, spanWinding, SkSign32(index - endIndex),
                        inner, contourWinding);
         //   SkASSERT(current->debugVerifyWinding(index, endIndex, contourWinding));
            SkDebugf("%s contourWinding=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, contourWinding);
    //    SkPoint lastPt;
        int winding = contourWinding;
        int spanWinding = current->spanSign(index, endIndex);
        int oppWinding = current->oppSign(index, endIndex);
        bool active = windingIsActive(winding, spanWinding, oppWinding, op);
        SkTDArray<Span*> chaseArray;
        bool unsortable = false;
        do {
        #if DEBUG_WINDING
            SkDebugf("%s active=%s winding=%d spanWinding=%d\n",
                    __FUNCTION__, active ? "true" : "false",
                    winding, spanWinding);
        //    const SkPoint* firstPt = NULL;
            do {
                int nextStart = index;
                int nextEnd = endIndex;
                Segment* next = current->findNextOp(chaseArray, active,
                        nextStart, nextEnd, winding, spanWinding, unsortable, op,
                        aXorMask, bXorMask);
                if (!next) {
                    // FIXME: if unsortable, allow partial paths to be later
                    // assembled
                    if (active && simple.hasMove()
                            && current->verb() != SkPath::kLine_Verb
                            && !simple.isClosed()) {
                       /* lastPt = */ current->addCurveTo(index, endIndex, simple, true);
         //       if (!firstPt) {
         //           firstPt = &current->addMoveTo(index, simple, active);
         //       }
                /* lastPt = */ current->addCurveTo(index, endIndex, simple, active);
                current = next;
                index = nextStart;
                endIndex = nextEnd;
            } while (!simple.isClosed() && (active || !current->done()));
            if (simple.hasMove() && active) {
                SkDebugf("%s close\n", __FUNCTION__);
            current = findChase(chaseArray, index, endIndex, contourWinding);
            if (!current) {
            int lesser = SkMin32(index, endIndex);
            spanWinding = current->spanSign(index, endIndex);
            winding = current->windSum(lesser);
            bool inner = useInnerWinding(winding - spanWinding, winding);
        #if DEBUG_WINDING
            SkDebugf("%s id=%d t=%1.9g spanWinding=%d winding=%d sign=%d"
                    " inner=%d result=%d\n",
                    __FUNCTION__, current->debugID(), current->t(lesser),
                    spanWinding, winding, SkSign32(index - endIndex),
                    useInnerWinding(winding - spanWinding, winding),
                    inner ? winding - spanWinding : winding);
            if (inner) {
                winding -= spanWinding;
            int oppWinding = current->oppSign(index, endIndex);
            active = windingIsActive(winding, spanWinding, oppWinding, op);
        } while (true);
    } while (true);