bool TCPLinServSocket::SearchNewClients(Selector &sel) { SOCKET newclientsocket; int highestid = 1; struct sockaddr_in s_in; socklen_t s_size; s_size = sizeof(s_in); if ((sel.Is_readable(_fathersocket)) == true) { if ((newclientsocket = accept(_fathersocket, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, &s_size)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { std::cerr << "Couldn't accept a new client" << std::endl; return (false); } sel.Add_to_checkread(newclientsocket); sel.Add_to_checkwrite(newclientsocket); for (size_t i = 0; i < _clients.size(); i++) if (_clients[i].get_id() >= highestid) highestid = _clients[i].get_id() + 1; Client newclient(newclientsocket, highestid); _clients.push_back(newclient); } return (true); }
bool TCPWinServSocket::SearchNewClients(Selector &sel) { SOCKET newclientsocket; int highestid = 1; if ((sel.Is_readable(_fathersocket)) == true) { if ((newclientsocket = WSAAccept(_fathersocket, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { std::cerr << "Couldn't accept a new client" << std::endl; return (false); } sel.Add_to_checkread(newclientsocket); sel.Add_to_checkwrite(newclientsocket); for (size_t i = 0; i < _clients.size(); i++) if (_clients[i].get_id() >= highestid) highestid = _clients[i].get_id() + 1; Client newclient(newclientsocket, highestid); _clients.push_back(newclient); } return (true); }
void TCPWinServSocket::ReadData(CircularBuff &circbuff, Selector &sel) { DWORD recvbytes; WSABUF databuf[3]; DWORD flags = 0; char first_buff[4]; char second_buff[4]; char third_buff[256]; databuf[0].len = 4; databuf[0].buf = first_buff; databuf[1].len = 4; databuf[1].buf = second_buff; databuf[2].len = 256; databuf[2].buf = third_buff; // pour toutes les sockets for (size_t i = 0; i < _clients.size(); i++) // si il y a de la data a lire if ((sel.Is_readable(_clients[i].get_socket())) == true) { //on reset les bails memset(&first_buff, '\0', 4); memset(&second_buff, '\0', 4); memset(&third_buff, '\0', 256); WSARecv(_clients[i].get_socket(), databuf, 3, &recvbytes, &flags, NULL, NULL); if (recvbytes == 0 || (std::string("").compare(databuf[0].buf)) == 0) { sel.Remove_checkread(_clients[i].get_socket()); sel.Remove_checkwrite(_clients[i].get_socket()); if (_clients.size() != 1) _clients.erase(_clients.begin() + i); else _clients.clear(); } else { int len = strlen(databuf[2].buf); char *packet = new char[len + 1]; memcpy(packet, databuf[2].buf, len + 1); Message message((uint32_t)*(databuf[0].buf), (uint32_t)*(databuf[1].buf), packet, _clients[i]); circbuff.add_data(message); } } }
bool TCPLinSocket::ReadData(CircularBuff &circbuff, Selector &sel) { struct iovec databuf[3]; char first_buff[4]; char second_buff[4]; char third_buff[256]; int recvbytes = 0; databuf[0].iov_len = 4; databuf[0].iov_base = first_buff; databuf[1].iov_len = 4; databuf[1].iov_base = second_buff; databuf[2].iov_len = 256; databuf[2].iov_base = third_buff; if ((sel.Is_readable(_fathersocket)) == true) { memset(&first_buff, '\0', 4); memset(&second_buff, '\0', 4); memset(&third_buff, '\0', 256); recvbytes = readv(_fathersocket, databuf, 3); if (recvbytes == 0 || (std::string("").compare((char *)databuf[0].iov_base)) == 0) { sel.Remove_checkread(_fathersocket); sel.Remove_checkwrite(_fathersocket); if ((close(_fathersocket)) == -1) std::cerr << "Couldn't close the socket" << std::endl; _fathersocket = INVALID_SOCKET; std::cout << "Connection lost with the server" << std::endl; return (false); } int len = strlen((char *)databuf[2].iov_base); char *packet = new char[len + 1]; memcpy(packet, databuf[2].iov_base, len + 1); Message Message((uint32_t)*((char *)(databuf[0].iov_base)), (uint32_t)*((char *)(databuf[1].iov_base)), packet); circbuff.add_data(Message); } return (true); }