예제 #1
파일: Main.cpp 프로젝트: SnipGhost/com-port
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	Serial* SP = new Serial(COM_PORT); // Инициализация соединения

	if (SP->IsConnected())
		printf("We're connected\n\n");
		printf("Connection refused\n\n");

	char incomingData[BUF_SIZE] = ""; // Строка для посылки (данных)
	int readResult = 0;               // Каков размер нашей посылки

	while (SP->IsConnected())
		readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData, BUF_SIZE-1);
		// Если ничего нет readResult будет равно -1
		if (DEBUG) printf("Bytes read: %i\n",readResult);
		// Выводим для отладки кол-во байт переданных данных (или -1)
		incomingData[readResult] = 0;
		// Записываем конец строки после всех нужных данных
		if (readResult > 0) printf("%s",incomingData);
		// Eсли в посылке что-то было (и она была), то выводим ее
		// Подождем пока, чтобы не вывести одно и тоже несколько раз

    delete SP;
	return 0;
}                                                    // By SnipGhost 06.08.2016
예제 #2
// application reads from the specified serial port and reports the collected data
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	printf("Welcome to the serial test app!\n\n");

	Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM13");    // adjust as needed

	if (SP->IsConnected())
		printf("We're connected");

	char incomingData[2000] = "";			// don't forget to pre-allocate memory
	int dataLength = 1500;
	int readResult = 0;

		readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
	//	printf("Bytes read: (-1 means no data available) %i\n",readResult);
		if (readResult == -1) continue;
		std::string test(incomingData);
		for (int i = 0; i < readResult; i++)
			printf("%c", incomingData[i]);
	//	printf("%s",incomingData);
		test = "";

	return 0;
예제 #3
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: conanxin/SerialCOM
// application reads from the specified serial port and reports the collected data
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	printf("Welcome to the serial test app!\n\n");

	Serial* SP = new Serial("COM4");    // adjust as needed

	if (SP->IsConnected())
		printf("We're connected\n");

	char incomingData[256] = "";			// don't forget to pre-allocate memory
	int dataLength = 256;
	int readResult = 0;

		readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
//		printf("Bytes read: (-1 means no data available) %i\n",readResult);

		std::string test(incomingData);

		test = "";

	return 0;
예제 #4
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	cout << "Connecting to arduino..." << endl;

	Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM7");    // adjust as needed

	if (SP->IsConnected())
		cout << "Connection established with Arduino!!" << endl;	// Let us know the serial is connected

	char incomingData[256] = "";			// don't forget to pre-allocate memory
	int dataLength = 256;
	int readResult = 0;

		readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
		//cout << "Bytes read: " << readResult << endl;

		string test(incomingData);

		if (readResult > 0) {

			cout << incomingData << endl;
			test = "";

	cin >> argc;
	return 0;
예제 #5
파일: 소스.cpp 프로젝트: CYHan/Algorithm
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	Serial * Arduino = new Serial("COM8");
	cout << "Communicating with COM7 enter data to be sent\n";
	char data[256] = "";
	int nchar = 256;
	char incomingData[256] = "";
	while (Arduino->IsConnected())
		cin >> data;
		Arduino->WriteData(data, nchar);
		Arduino->ReadData(incomingData, nchar);
		cout << incomingData << endl;
	return 0;
예제 #6
int main() {
	Serial* port = new Serial("COM4");

	if (port->IsConnected()) cout << "Connection established!!!" << endl;

    int tempX = 1111;
    int tempY = 1111;
    bool automatic = true;
    sendCommandToArduino(port, automatic, 'w', tempX, tempY);

	//char data[256] = "";
	//int datalength = 256;
	//int readResult = 0;

	//for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { data[i] = 0; }

	//string str;
	//char command[] = "i";
	/*char sendMe[1];
	sendMe[0] = '1';
	sendMe[0] = '0';
	int msglen = strlen(sendMe);
        port->WriteData(sendMe, 2);
        cout << "Please write two digit number (00 = turn off, 01 = turn on, 11 = blink): ";
        cin >> sendMe[0];
        cin >> sendMe[1];
        if(sendMe[0] == '1')
            sendMe[0] = '0';
            sendMe[0] = '1';

	//while (1) {
	//	while (port->ReadData(data, 256) != -1) {
	//		printf("%s", data);
	//	}
	//} */
	return 0;
예제 #7
Serial* connectToPort(){
    string lPort;
    cout << "Port: ";
    cin >> lPort;
#ifdef __WIN32__
    string lfilePath = "\\\\.\\COM"+ lPort;
#ifdef __linux__
    string lfilePath = "/dev/"+ lPort;

    Serial * pSerial = new Serial(lfilePath.c_str());
        cout << "Unable to connect to Serial Port :" + lPort << endl;
        return NULL;
        cout << "Connection established" << endl;
        return pSerial;
예제 #8
int *LedAmountTest(char *Comm)
	Serial* SP = new Serial(Comm);

	if (SP->IsConnected())
		std::cout << "Connected with COM5" << std::endl;

	bool exit = false;
	//je kan hier op escape drukken om het programma af ste sluiten hier
	std::cout << "Waiting for Arduino. Press ESC to quit" << std::endl;
	char Rx_buffer[2] = "";

	while (Rx_buffer[0] != '0') //blijf hier hangen tot de arduino klaar is
		SP->ReadData(Rx_buffer, 2);
		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
			exit = true;
		if (exit == true)
			std::cout << "Something went wrong with communication. Check baudrate settings and COM port" << std::endl;

	Rx_buffer[0] = '0';

	std::cout << "Got response from arduino sending amount of leds" << std::endl;

	//Stuur de hoeveelheid leds naar de arduino
	UINT8 Tx_buffer[600 * 3];

	ZeroMemory(Tx_buffer, 600 * 3);
	Tx_buffer[0] = 600 >> 8 & 0x00FF;
	Tx_buffer[1] = 600 & 0x00FF;

	SP->WriteData((char*)Tx_buffer, 2);

	std::cout << "Press up to add a LED and press down to remove one." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "When you are satisfied press SPACEBAR to confirm" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Press ESC to quit" << std::endl;

	//onderstaande stukje code zal blijven draaien tot je op ESC drukt
	static int leds[4] = { 0 }, i = 0;
	int offset = 0;
	while (i <4)
		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE))						//Als escape is ingedrukt zet exit true
			offset += leds[i];
		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP))
			ZeroMemory(Tx_buffer, 600 * 3);
			for (int j = 0; j < leds[i]; j++)
				for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					Tx_buffer[(j + offset) * 3 + k] = 0xff;


			SP->WriteData((char*)Tx_buffer, 1800);
		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) && leds[i] > 1)
			ZeroMemory(Tx_buffer, 600 * 3);
			for (int j = 0; j < leds[i]; j++)
				for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					Tx_buffer[(j + offset) * 3 + k] = 0xff;

			SP->WriteData((char*)Tx_buffer, 1800);

	return leds;
예제 #9
int main()
	std::cout << "Aero will be disabled for performance reason!" << std::endl;

	bool exit = false;						//dit is voor later een escape variable
	int cap_method = D3D_CAP;
	float gamma = 0.6;

	GDICap Cap;
	Direct3DCap D3DCap;						//init directx9

	std::ifstream myinfile;

	//Als het bestand is geopend bestaat die al dus sla je het maken over
	if (!myinfile.is_open())
		std::ofstream myfile;

		CreateConfig(myfile, D3DCap);



	std::string STRING;
	int Config[9] = { -1 };

	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
		if (myinfile.eof())
		std::getline(myinfile, STRING);
		Config[i] = atoi(STRING.c_str());

	//Check of config laden goed is gelukt
	int i = 0;
	while (Config[i] != -1 && i < 9)
	if (i < 9)
		std::cout << "Config Loading went wrong! Please delete Config.txt and run this software again!" << std::endl;
		return 0;

	std::cout << "Using screen: " << Config[0] << " for capturing" << std::endl;
	Cap.init(Config[0]);							//

	UINT32 *pBits;
	switch (cap_method)
	case GDI_CAP:
		pBits = Cap.pBits;
	case D3D_CAP:
		pBits = D3DCap.pBits;
	case JAC_CAP:
		pBits = JACK.pBits;

	ScreenCalc Scherm(105,					//init de kleur bereken functies
		pBits,			//De PixelData
		D3DCap.return_hres(),	//De Hori Resolutie 
		D3DCap.return_vres(),	//De Verti Resolutie
		Config[1],					//Hoeveel procent die moet nemen aan de bovenkant/onderkant
		Config[2],					//Hoeveel procent die aan de zijkant moet nemen
		Config[3],				//Leds Boven
		Config[5],					//Leds Onder
		Config[4],					//Leds Links
		Config[6],				//Leds Rechts

	Scherm.Bereken_Grid();					//stel de hoeveelheid leds in die worden gebruikt en bereken Grid Grootte


	//Het programma moet eerst 0xff binnen krijgen als dat het geval is dan mag die beginnen met het oversturen
	//van de hoeveelheid leds
	//Als die hoeveelheden overeenkomen mag die beginnen met het zenden van led data
	std::string String;
	String = "\\\\.\\COM";
	String += std::to_string(Config[8]);
	char *temp = new char[String.size() + 1];
	std::copy(String.begin(), String.end(), temp);
	temp[String.size()] = '\0';
	Serial* SP = new Serial(temp);


	delete[] temp;
	temp = nullptr;

	if (SP->IsConnected())
		std::cout << "Connected with COM5" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Communication Error. Exiting" << std::endl;
		return 0;

	char Rx_buffer[100] = "";	//Dit is de Rx_buffer deze moet een char zijn

	//je kan hier op escape drukken om het programma af ste sluiten hier
	std::cout << "Waiting for Arduino. Press ESC to quit" << std::endl;

	SP->ReadData(Rx_buffer, 2);
	while (Rx_buffer[0] != '0') //blijf hier hangen tot de arduino klaar is
		SP->ReadData(Rx_buffer, 2);
		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
			exit = true;
		if (exit == true)
			std::cout << "Something went wrong with communication. Check baudrate settings and COM port" << std::endl;
			return 0;	//beeindig de software

	Rx_buffer[0] = '0';

	std::cout << "Got response from arduino sending amount of leds" << std::endl;

	//Stuur de hoeveelheid leds naar de arduino
	UINT8 Tx_buffer[600 * 3];

	ZeroMemory(Tx_buffer, 600 * 3);
	Tx_buffer[0] = Scherm.geefLeds() >> 8 & 0x00FF;
	Tx_buffer[1] = Scherm.geefLeds() & 0x00FF;

	SP->WriteData((char*)Tx_buffer, 2);

	Sleep(1000);	//Wacht 1 seconde op de arduino

	std::cout << "Press END to quit capturing" << std::endl;

	UINT8 *pointer;						//Pointer voor de led bitstream
	clock_t klok1;
	clock_t klok2 = 50;
	pointer = Scherm.GeefLedPointer();	//Koppel de led bitstream aan de pointer
	// maak een thread die nu nog niks doet
	std::thread uart(send_data,SP,Rx_buffer,Scherm,pointer);

	while (exit == false)
		//std::cout << "                     " << "\r";
		//std::cout << "FPS: " << ((1 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / (clock() - klok2)) << "\r";
		klok2 = clock();

		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END))						//Als escape is ingedrukt zet exit true
			exit = true;
		else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F8))
			pBits = Cap.pBits;
			cap_method = GDI_CAP;
			std::cout << "Changed capture method to GDI " << std::endl;

		else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F9))
			pBits = D3DCap.pBits;
			cap_method = D3D_CAP;
			std::cout << "Changed capture method to D3D " << std::endl;
		else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F7))

			cap_method = JAC_CAP;
			std::cout << "Changed capture method to Jack Audio " << std::endl;
		else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F12))
			gamma += 0.01;
		else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F11))
			gamma -= 0.01;
		else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F10))
			std::cout << "Gamma : " << gamma << std::endl;

		//start een thread die de data stuurt

		//Maak screenshot en sla die op
		switch (cap_method)
		case GDI_CAP:
		case D3D_CAP:
		case JAC_CAP:
			//when audio is selected everything will be handled in a different thread
		if (cap_method != JAC_CAP)
		//wacht tot alle data verzonden is en we weer antwoord hebben gehad dat alles in orde is voordat we weer verder gaan
	Thread_comm = 0;
	return 0;
예제 #10
void MpuReader::run()
        blue_connector = new cwz_c_blue();
        int result = blue_connector->connect(this->stopFlag);
        if(result == 1)//如果成功連線
            emit connectionCreated();

    //							變數宣告
    //Handle Serial Buffer
    const int incomming_buf_len = 2048;
    char incomingData[incomming_buf_len] = "";			// don't forget to pre-allocate memory
    int dataLength = 256;
    const int bSize = 10000;
    char buffer[bSize] = "";
    int bLen = 0;

    //Decode information from buffer string
    int count = 0;
    int flag = -1; //-1等於上次是不合法結束的情況
    int accl[3]; // x, y, z
    int gyro[3]; // x, y, z
    float gravity[3];
    float quatern[4];
    int buttons[2];
    int period;

    int MFLen = 5;   //濾波器長度為5
    int **Accls = allcIntDArray(MFLen, 3);
    int **Gyros = allcIntDArray(MFLen, 3);
    int MFCount = 0; // 只用於前五次, 確認filter的data set是不是被裝滿了, 裝滿了才開始濾波

    //Symbol record
    //SymbolRecorder SR = SymbolRecorder();

    //fileNameSStream << racketFilePath << date_string << "_" << type_string << "_" << person_string << "_" << racket_file_count << ".txt";

    //					連接Com port並確認連線
        std::cout << "Arduino with GY521 board and chip MPU6050!" << std::endl;
        char *COM_NUM = "COM5";
        Serial* SP = new Serial(COM_NUM);    // adjust as needed
        if (SP->IsConnected()){
            emit connectionCreated();
            std::cout << "We're connected" << std::endl;
            stopFlag = true;
        //read few set of data until it's getting stable
        waitUntilSerialStable(SP, incomingData, dataLength);

        std::cout << "Data should be stable, start to read MPU6050" << std::endl;
        blue_connector->send("Start to read mpu6050 data from bluetooth.\n");

        #ifdef USE_WIRE_CONNECTION
                std::cout << "Failed to read " << COM_NUM << " Mpu6050 reader is off." << std::endl;
                emit readingEnded();
            if( !readSerialIntoBuffer(SP, incomingData, dataLength, readResult, bLen, bSize, buffer) )
                continue;//If no valid serial data are read or buffer overflow, skip this round
            dataLength = blue_connector->receive(incomingData, incomming_buf_len);
            if(dataLength > 0){//有收到東西
                incomingData[dataLength] = '\0';
                strcpy_s(&buffer[bLen], bSize, incomingData);
                bLen += dataLength;
        //decode mpu6050 data from buffer str, take off processed part from buffer
        strcpy_s(buffer, bSize, getAccelAndGyro(&count, &flag, &bLen, buffer, accl, gyro, quatern, buttons, &period, bSize));

        //   每一組合法數值為 (acclX,acclY,acclZ,gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ,quatern1,quatern2,quatern3,quatern4,buttonRight,buttonLeft,readperiod)
        if( flag != GETAANDG_NEW_VALID_DATA )
            continue;//尚未讀到整組完整資料 不處理 繼續讀

        SHORT downKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState( VK_DOWN );
        //std::cout << "gravity: " << gravity[0] << ", " << gravity[1] << ", " << gravity[2] << std::endl;
        if( writeRawToFile )
            std::cout << "period: " << period << std::endl;

            if( ( 1 << 16 ) & downKeyState ){
                //writeAcclAndGyroAndGravity(fileNameSStream.str().c_str(), accl, gyro, gravity, 1);
                writeMpu6050RawToFile(fileNameSStream.str().c_str(), accl, gyro, quatern, period, 1);
                //std::cout << "Down Key State: " << 1 << std::endl;
                //writeAcclAndGyroAndGravity(fileNameSStream.str().c_str(), accl, gyro, gravity, 0);
                writeMpu6050RawToFile(fileNameSStream.str().c_str(), accl, gyro, quatern, period, 0);
                //std::cout << "Down Key State: " << 0 << std::endl;

        //				處理加速度計與陀螺儀Raw Data
        //get gravity
        QtoGravity(quatern, gravity);
        //std::cout << "Gyro: " << gyro[0] << "," << gyro[1] << "," << gyro[2] << std::endl;
        removeGravity(accl, gravity);

        double total_q = sqrt(gravity[0]*gravity[0] + gravity[1]*gravity[1] + gravity[2]*gravity[2]);

        this->my_glwidget->setNewZ(gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2]);

        //check if gravity value is invalid
        if( total_q >= 1.1 ){
            std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "total_q: " << total_q << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Wrong gravity ............................................" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "quatern: " << quatern[0] << "," << quatern[1] << "," << quatern[2] << "," << quatern[3] << std::endl;
            std::cout << "gravity: " << gravity[0] << "," << gravity[1] << "," << gravity[2] << std::endl;
            std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;


        //Median Filter(中位值濾波)
        agMedianFilter(Accls, Gyros, accl, gyro, MFCount, MFLen, true, true); //是否做濾波 accl=true gyro=true
    freeIntDArray(Accls, MFLen);
    freeIntDArray(Gyros, MFLen);
예제 #11
int main()

	FILE * xFile;
	xFile = fopen("motor1x.csv", "w");

	FILE * yFile;
	yFile = fopen("motor1y.csv", "w");

	FILE * thetaFile;
	thetaFile = fopen("motor1theta.csv", "w");

	FILE * refFile;
	refFile = fopen("ref.csv", "w");

	FILE * f1File;
	f1File = fopen("f1.csv", "w");

	FILE * f2File;
	f2File = fopen("f2.csv", "w");

	FILE * gFile;
	gFile = fopen("total.csv", "w");

	cv::Mat pesos;
	IplImage* pesos3;
	pesos3 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(1, 1), 8, 3);
	// Config Debug
	clock_t visionI, visionF, estraI, estraF, controlI, controlF, commI, commF, totalI, totalF, debugI, debugF, start;
	vector<robot> whishPath, followedPath;
	int p = 0;
	float counter = 0;
	char char_pressed;
	int time = 1;
	int side = 1;
	bool paused = true;
	CvRect ROI = cvRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
	robot canto_area1 = robot(-1, -1);
	robot canto_area2 = robot(-1, -1);
	robot canto_gol1 = robot(-1, -1);
	robot canto_gol2 = robot(-1, -1);
	int amin = 21;
	int amax = 84;
	int radius = 20;
	int min_distance = 54;
	int parametro[36] = { 94, 143, 80, 121, 253, 25,
		23, 134, 126, 52, 255, 255,
		33, 81, 154, 180, 255, 255,
		55, 189, 91, 94, 229, 255,
		180, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0,
		4, 156, 102, 14, 255, 255 };

	//CvRect ROI = cvRect(36, 46, 266, 162);

	//robot canto_area1 = robot(65, 67);
	//robot canto_area2 = robot(244, 167);
	//robot canto_gol1 = robot(43, 66);
	//robot canto_gol2 = robot(282, 173);

	//int amin = 20;
	//int amax = 250;
	//int radius = 20;
	//int min_distance = 50;
	//int parametro[36] = { 88, 139, 80, 121, 253, 255,
	//	22, 59, 141, 55, 204, 255,
	//	117, 58, 113, 141, 113, 255,
	//	52, 82, 89, 97, 168, 169,
	//	0, 79, 123, 19, 149, 191,
	//	0, 129, 182, 18, 251, 255 };

	int debug_colors[7][3] = { { 128, 0, 128 },		// Roxo
	{ 0, 64, 0 },									// Verde
	{ 117, 58, 0 },									// Marrom
	{ 255, 255, 0 },								// Amarelo
	{ 255, 255, 0 },								// Amarelo
	{ 255, 255, 0 },								// Amarelo
	{ 255, 128, 0 } };								// Laranja

	if (time == 1)
		for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			debug_colors[3 + k][0] = 0;			// Azul
			debug_colors[3 + k][1] = 0;			// Azul
			debug_colors[3 + k][2] = 255;		// Azul

	// Config Controle

	// Parametros do PID na seguinte ordem: PF, IF, DF, PT, IT, DT, PFR, IFR, DFR, PTR, ITR, DTR

	float param0[12] = { 11.45, 1.49, 26.9, 13.59, 1.63, 25.86, 1.03, 0.14, 9.36, 1.4, 0.23, 9.44 };
	float param1[12] = { 25.72, 1.01, 20.07, 22.34, 0.94, 21.1, 10, 0.64, 4.92, 10, 0.61, 6.92 };
	float param2[12] = { 21.86, 1.06, 18, 22, 1.03, 25.03, 3.59, 0.32, 4.94, 2.9, 0.89, 3.79 };

	CvFont fonte;
	cvInitFont(&fonte, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 8);

	cvNamedWindow("Live", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	//cvNamedWindow("Filtro Atual");

	// Inicialização da Visão
	vision Camera;
	Camera.configParam(parametro, amin, amax, time, min_distance, ROI);

	// Inicialização da Estratégia
	estrategia Estrategia(Camera.h, Camera.w, side, canto_gol1, canto_gol2, canto_area1, canto_area2);
	Estrategia.Config(Camera.h, Camera.w);
	pesos = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(Camera.frame), Camera.frame->depth, 1);
	Estrategia.ConfigAreas(canto_gol1, canto_gol2, canto_area1, canto_area2);

	// Inicialização do Controle

	controle_bili Controle_bili;

	// Inicialização do Serial
	Serial* SP = new Serial("COM4");
	if (SP->IsConnected())
		printf("We're connected\n");

	//============================== VARIÁVEIS  DE TESTE ============================//

	int contador = 0;
	float t;
	float ref = 0.0, T = 40000.0, f1 = 0.0, f2 = 0.0, torque = 0.0, fx_B = 0.0, d = 3.75, KP_w = 0.0, KI_w = 0.0, flag = 0.0, K, KP_u, R = 55.0, a, dist = 0.0;

	//float x = Camera.players[0].x,e =0.0;
	//float y = Camera.players[0].y;
	Camera.players[0].theta_acumulated = 0;
	Camera.players[0].theta_old = 0;
	//float theta = Camera.players[0].theta;
	//float t = visionF - start;
	//float v1 = 15;
	//float v2 = -15;
	float c, alpha = 0.0, biel = 0.0, v1_send = 0.0, v2_send = 0.0;
	float dx0, dy0, Kp, /*v1 = 0.0, v2 = 0.0,*/ theta2 = 0.0, thetad = 0.0, Kt, refaux = 0.0, i = 0.0, o = 0.0, ang_error = 0.0;
	float ct, st, erro_angulo = 0.0, x_bola = 0.0, y_bola = 0.0, thetad_old = 0.0, u_i = 0.0, KI_u = 0.0;
	float w = 0.0, u = 0.0, w_i = 0.0, w_p = 0.0, h = 0.0, wc = 0.0, uc = 7.0, f = 300.0,  u_p = 0.0, x_0 = 155, y_0 = 116;
	h = 1.0 / 12.0;
	int xd = 0, yd = 0;
	char temp[2];
	char tempread[2];
	//char msg[12];
	//byte sum;
	float xd_old = 0.0, yd_old = 0.0;
	float n_xd = Camera.players[0].x, n_yd = Camera.players[0].y;
	start = clock();
	Camera.players[0].refaux_acumulated = 0.0;
	Camera.players[0].refaux_old = 0.0;
	Camera.players[0].refaux = 0.0;
	int contar = 0, inicio_voltas = 0.0;

	char incomingData[256] = "";			// don't forget to pre-allocate memory
	int dataLength = 256;
	int readResult = 0;

	double t1 = 0;
	double tChecksum_IN;
	double tChecksum_OUT;
	//double tRecieve_IN;
	double tRecieve_OUT;
	int loop = 0;

	byte sum = 0;
	byte recievedCheckSum = 0;
	int left = 0;
	int right = 0;
	int recievedValue = 0;
	float vADC = 0;
	float voltagem = 0;
	int ze = 255;
	int newV1 = 0;
	int newV2 = 0;
	//	int loop;

	int change_loop = 1;	// o valor dessea variavel fica entre 1 e 6, ela escolhe qual loop estaremos usando
	char point		= 'i';	// i-> ponto inicial do teste, f-> ponto final do teste
	char param		= '0';  // 0-> proporcional, 1-> integral, 2-> derivativo
	int step_flag	= 1;	// 1-> passo alto, 2-> passo medio, 3-> passo baixo, 4-> achamos o valor "ótimo";
	int analise		= 0;	// 0->análise do ts, 1->análise do overshoot, 2->análise do upertime

	//=========================== INÍCIO DO LOOP ==============================//
	while (true)
		//====================Leitura Mensagem================================ //
		readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData, 11);

		/*for (int i = 0; i<11; i++)
		cout << dec << i << ": ";
		cout << hex << (int)incomingData[i] << endl;
		//cout << "haha" << endl;


		//O endereço do xbee de onde veio a mensagem é incomingData[4] e incomingData[5]
		if (incomingData[0] == 0x7e && incomingData[1] == 0x00 && incomingData[2] == 0x07 && incomingData[3] == -127 && incomingData[4] == -86 && incomingData[5] == -86 && incomingData[7] == 0)
			//cout << "_-_-_-_-_-_" << endl;

			sum = 0;
			recievedCheckSum = 0;
			left = 0;
			right = 0;
			recievedValue = 0;
			voltagem = 0;
			vADC = 0;
			//loop = 0;

			for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
				if (i>2 && i < 10)
					sum = sum + incomingData[i];
			sum = 0xFF - sum;
			sum = 0xFF & sum;

			if (incomingData[10] & 0x111111)
				recievedCheckSum = (int)(incomingData[10] - 0xffffff00);
				//cout << "HAHA" << endl;
				recievedCheckSum = (int)(incomingData[10]);

			if (recievedCheckSum == sum)
				//cout << "Mensagem Valida" << endl;
				//cout << "left: " << hex << (int)incomingData[8] << endl;
				//cout << "right: " << hex << (int)incomingData[9] << endl;
				//cout << "check: " << dec << ((int)incomingData[9]) << endl;
				if (incomingData[8] & 0x1111111)
					//cout << "caso 1" << endl;
					left = (int)(incomingData[8] - 0xffffff00);
					left = left - 256;

				else if (incomingData[8] & 0x111111)
					//cout << "caso 2" << endl;
					left = (int)(incomingData[8] - 0xffffff00);
					//left = left -256;
					//cout << "caso 3" << endl;
					left = (int)(incomingData[8]);


				//cout << dec << (int)(incomingData[9]) << endl;
				if (incomingData[9] & 0x1111111)
					right = (int)(incomingData[9] - 0xffffff00);
					if ((int)incomingData[9] > 0)
						right = right - 256;
					//right = right - 256;
					//cout << "caso 1" << endl;

				else if (incomingData[9] & 0x111111)
					right = (int)(incomingData[9] - 0xffffff00);
					//left = left -256;
					//cout << "caso 2" << endl;
					right = (int)(incomingData[9]);
					//cout << "caso 3" << endl;


				/*if (incomingData[9] & 0x111111)
				right = (int)(incomingData[9] - 0xffffff00);
				right = (int)(incomingData[9]);

				//cout <<"esquerda: " << left<< endl;
				//cout << "direita: " << right << endl;
				recievedValue = 768 + right;
				vADC = recievedValue * 0.00489;
				voltagem = 0.013414862*recievedValue;

				cout << "Total: " << dec << recievedValue << endl;
				cout << "ADC: " << dec << vADC << endl;
				printf("Voltagem: %0.2f V \n\n", voltagem);
				cout << loop++ << endl;

				//cout << "Tempo receber: " << clock() - t1 << "ms" << endl;
				//cout << "Recieve: " << tRecieve_OUT - t1 << "ms" << endl;
				//cout << "Checksum: " << tChecksum_IN - tChecksum_IN << "ms" << endl;
				//cout << loop++ << endl;

				/*if (recievedValue < 1024)
				voltagem = 0.0135*recievedValue;
				cout << "Total: " << dec << recievedValue << endl;
				printf("Voltagem: %0.2f V \n\n", voltagem);
				cout << "Tempo receber: " << clock() - t1 << "ms" <<endl;
				cout << "Recieve: " << tRecieve_OUT - t1 << "ms" << endl;
				cout << "Checksum: " << tChecksum_IN - tChecksum_IN << "ms" << endl;
				cout << loop++ << endl;

				//cout << "Voltagem: " << dec << voltagem << endl;

		else //=== Mensagem Inválida 

			char incomingData[256] = "";

		/*for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
		cout << i << ": " << hex << (int)incomingData[i] << endl;

		//cout << endl << endl << endl << endl;

		//cout << char(incomingData[6]) << endl;

		//std::string test(incomingData);

		//printf("%s", incomingData);
		//test = "";

		//==================================================================== //
		//cout << "theta  inicio = " << Camera.players[0].theta << endl;

		totalI = clock();

		// =========================== VISÃO =========================== //
		visionI = clock();

		Camera.players[1] = robot(-1, -1);
		Camera.players[2] = robot(-1, -1);

		visionF = clock();

		// =========================== ESTRATEGIA =========================== //

		estraI = clock();

		//Atribuição de comportamentos
//		Estrategia.update(Camera.players);

//		Estrategia.comportamento3();
//		Estrategia.Posse();
		//Estrategia.players[0].comportamento = 3;
		//Estrategia.players[1].comportamento = 3;
		//Estrategia.players[2].comportamento = 2;

		// Atribuição de objetivos
//		Estrategia.goleiro4();
//		Estrategia.lateral();
//		Estrategia.atacante2();
//		Estrategia.zagueiro();


		//Estrategia.players[0].setGoal(23, 98);
		//Estrategia.players[1].setGoal(23, 98);

		estraF = clock();

		//  =========================== CONTROLE =========================== //
		/*controlI = clock();
		Controle00.controla(Camera.players[0], robot(Estrategia.players[0].goal_x, Estrategia.players[0].goal_y), robot(Estrategia.players[0].objective_x, Estrategia.players[0].objective_y));
		Controle01.controla(Camera.players[1], robot(Estrategia.players[1].goal_x, Estrategia.players[1].goal_y), robot(Estrategia.players[1].objective_x, Estrategia.players[1].objective_y));
		Controle02.controla(Camera.players[2], robot(Estrategia.players[2].goal_x, Estrategia.players[2].goal_y), robot(Estrategia.players[2].objective_x, Estrategia.players[2].objective_y));
		controlF = clock();*/

		// =========================== COMUNICAÇÃO =========================== //
		commI = clock();


		//if (!clicked.stop)
		//	xd = clicked.x  -x_0;
		//	yd = -(clicked.y - y_0);

		//if (clicked.stop)
		//	xd = Camera.players[0].x - x_0;
		//	yd = -(Camera.players[0].y- y_0);

		//xd = Camera.players[6].x - x_0;
		//yd = -(Camera.players[6].y - y_0);
		//yd = sin((6.28 / T) * t)*R;
		//xd = cos((6.28 / T) * t)*R;

		/*if (Camera.players[6].x == -1){
			xd = xd_old;
			yd = yd_old;
			xd_old = xd;
			yd_old = yd;

		///// -------------------------------------- MODIFICAÇÃO BIEL -----------------------------------------------------/////


		// Apartir daqui procuraremos os ganho para o ajuste angular
		if (change_loop == 1)
			/*Loop para fazer o carro ir ate o ponto inicial do teste*/
			xd = 120;	//valor de x de um extremo do campo
			yd = -9;	//valor de y de um extremo do campo

			if ((Camera.players[0].x <= xd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].x >= xd - 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12))
				thetad = 0.0;
				if ((Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.09) && (Camera.players[0].theta >= thetad - 0.09))
					change_loop = 2;
					point = 'f';
		else if (change_loop == 2)
			if (point == 'f')
				/*Loop para fazer o teste com os valores inicias dos parametros do PID*/
				thetad = 60.0;

				// Nesse caso testaremos os ganhos de rotação
				Camera.players[0].gain[0] = param0[3];
				Camera.players[0].gain[1] = param0[4];
				Camera.players[0].gain[2] = param0[5];


				if ((Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.05) && (Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.05))
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[0] = Controle_bili.find_ts('t', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_theta.size());
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[1] = Controle_bili.find_overshoot('t', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_theta.size());
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[2] = Controle_bili.find_upertime('t', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_theta.size());
					point = 'i';
			else if (point == 'i')
				thetad = 0.0;
				if ((Camera.players[0].x <= thetad + 0.09) && (Camera.players[0].x >= thetad - 0.09))
					change_loop = 3;
					point = 'f';

					// O teste começara com o proporcional rotacional
					param0[3] += 0.5;

					// Armazenamos os ganhos atuais, nos ganhos anteriores e atualizamos os ganhos atuais
					Camera.players[0].old_gain[0] = Camera.players[0].gain[0];
					Camera.players[0].old_gain[1] = Camera.players[0].gain[1];
					Camera.players[0].old_gain[2] = Camera.players[0].gain[2];

					Camera.players[0].gain[0] = param0[3];
					Camera.players[0].gain[1] = param0[4];
					Camera.players[0].gain[2] = param0[5];
		else if (change_loop == 3)
			if (point == 'f')
				/*Loop para fazer o teste com os valores inicias dos parametros do PID*/
				thetad = 0.0;

				if ((Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.09) && (Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.09))
					// Apartir daqui atribuiremos os valores anteriores de ts, overshoot e upertime
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[3] = Camera.players[0].condition_theta[0];
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[4] = Camera.players[0].condition_theta[1];
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[5] = Camera.players[0].condition_theta[2];
					// Término das atribuições

					//Começamos a medir os novos valores de  ts, overshoot e upertime
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[0] = Controle_bili.find_ts('t', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_theta.size());
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[1] = Controle_bili.find_overshoot('t', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_theta.size());
					Camera.players[0].condition_theta[2] = Controle_bili.find_upertime('t', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_theta.size());
					// Término das novas atribuições

					float wanted_ts = 50.0;	// Não sei o valor de ts,  chutei como 50
					float wanted_overshoot = 50.0;	// Não sei o valor de overshoot,  chutei como 50
					float wanted_upertime = 50.0;	// Não sei o valor de upertime,  chutei como 50

					switch (param)					// O switch é para sabermos qual ganho estamos analisando no momento
					case '0':
						// Ganho proporcional
						if (analise == 0)		//se igual a zero fazemos a analise de ts
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_p_ts(Camera.players[0], 't', wanted_ts, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 1)	//se igual a 1 fazemos a anlise de overshoot
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_p_overshoot(Camera.players[0], 't', wanted_overshoot, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 2)	// se igual a 2 fazemos a analise do tempo de subida (upertime)
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_p_upertime(Camera.players[0], 't', wanted_upertime, step_flag);
						if (step_flag == 4)
							param = 1;
							point = 'i';
						param0[3] = Camera.players[0].gain[0];
					case '1':
						// Ganho integral
						if (analise == 0)		//se igual a zero fazemos a analise de ts
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_i_ts(Camera.players[0], 't', wanted_ts, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 1)	//se igual a 1 fazemos a anlise de overshoot
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_i_overshoot(Camera.players[0], 't', wanted_overshoot, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 2)	// se igual a 2 fazemos a analise do tempo de subida (upertime)
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_i_upertime(Camera.players[0], 't', wanted_upertime, step_flag);
						if (step_flag == 4)
							param = 2;
							point = 'i';
						param0[4] = Camera.players[0].gain[1];
					case '2':
						// Ganho derivativo
						step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_d_ts(Camera.players[0], 't', wanted_ts, step_flag);
						if ((step_flag == 4) && (analise == 0))
							param = 1;
							analise = 1;
						else if ((step_flag == 4) && (analise == 1))
							param = 1;
							analise = 2;
						else if ((step_flag == 4) && (analise == 2))
							change_loop = 4;
							point = 'i';
						param0[5] = Camera.players[0].gain[2];
					point = 'i';
			else if (point == 'i')
				thetad = 0.0;
				if ((Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.09) && (Camera.players[0].theta >= thetad - 0.09))
					point = 'f';

					// Armazenamos os ganhos atuais, nos ganhos anteriores e atualizamos os ganhos atuais
					Camera.players[0].old_gain[0] = Camera.players[0].gain[0];
					Camera.players[0].old_gain[1] = Camera.players[0].gain[1];
					Camera.players[0].old_gain[2] = Camera.players[0].gain[2];

					Camera.players[0].gain[0] = param0[0];
					Camera.players[0].gain[1] = param0[1];
					Camera.players[0].gain[2] = param0[2];

		// Apartir daqui procuraremos os ganho para o ajuste linear
		else if (change_loop == 4)
			/*Loop para fazer o carro ir ate o ponto inicial do teste*/
			xd = 120;	//valor de x de um extremo do campo
			yd = -9;	//valor de y de um extremo do campo

			if ((Camera.players[0].x <= xd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].x >= xd - 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12))
				thetad = 0.0;  
				if ((Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.09) && (Camera.players[0].theta >= thetad - 0.09))
					change_loop = 5;
					point = 'f';
		else if (change_loop == 5)
			if (point == 'f')
				/*Loop para fazer o teste com os valores inicias dos parametros do PID*/
				xd = 155;	//valor de x do centro do campo
				yd = -116;	//valor de y do centro do campo
				// Nesse caso testaremos os ganhos de deslocamento linear
				Camera.players[0].gain[0] = param0[0];
				Camera.players[0].gain[1] = param0[1];
				Camera.players[0].gain[2] = param0[2];

				if ((Camera.players[0].x <= xd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].x >= xd - 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12))
					Camera.players[0].condition_x[0] = Controle_bili.find_ts('x', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_x.size());
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[0]	 = control.find_ts('y', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_y.size());

					Camera.players[0].condition_x[1] = Controle_bili.find_overshoot('x', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_x.size());
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[1]	 = control.find_overshoot('y', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_y.size());

					Camera.players[0].condition_x[2] = Controle_bili.find_upertime('x', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_x.size());
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[2]	 = control.find_upertime('y', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_y.size());
					point = 'i';
			else if (point == 'i')
				xd = 120;	//valor de x de um extremo do campo
				yd = -9;	//valor de y de um extremo do campo

				if ((Camera.players[0].x <= xd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].x >= xd - 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12))
					thetad = 0.0;
					if ((Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.09) && (Camera.players[0].theta >= thetad - 0.09))
						change_loop = 6;
						point = 'f';
						// O teste começara com o proporcional linear
						param0[0] += 0.5;

						// Armazenamos os ganhos atuais, nos ganhos anteriores e atualizamos os ganhos atuais
						Camera.players[0].old_gain[0] = Camera.players[0].gain[0];
						Camera.players[0].old_gain[1] = Camera.players[0].gain[1];
						Camera.players[0].old_gain[2] = Camera.players[0].gain[2];

						Camera.players[0].gain[0] = param0[0];
						Camera.players[0].gain[1] = param0[1];
						Camera.players[0].gain[2] = param0[2];
		else if (change_loop == 6)
			if (point == 'f')
				/*Loop para fazer o teste com os valores inicias dos parametros do PID*/
				xd = 155;	//valor de x do centro do campo
				yd = -116;	//valor de y do centro do campo

				if ((Camera.players[0].x <= xd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].x >= xd - 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12))
					// Apartir daqui atribuiremos os valores anteriores de ts, overshoot e upertime
					Camera.players[0].condition_x[3]	 = Camera.players[0].condition_x[0];
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[3]	 = Camera.players[0].condition_y[0];

					Camera.players[0].condition_x[4]	 = Camera.players[0].condition_x[1];
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[4]	 = Camera.players[0].condition_y[1];

					Camera.players[0].condition_x[5]	 = Camera.players[0].condition_x[2];
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[5]	 = Camera.players[0].condition_y[2];
					// Término das atribuições

					//Começamos a medir os novos valores de  ts, overshoot e upertime
					Camera.players[0].condition_x[0] = Controle_bili.find_ts('x', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_x.size());
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[0]	 = control.find_ts('y', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_y.size());

					Camera.players[0].condition_x[1] = Controle_bili.find_overshoot('x', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_x.size());
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[1]	 = control.find_overshoot('y', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_y.size());

					Camera.players[0].condition_x[2] = Controle_bili.find_upertime('x', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_x.size());
					//Camera.players[0].condition_y[2]	 = control.find_upertime('y', Camera.players[0], Camera.players[0].group_y.size());
					// Término das novas atribuições

					float wanted_ts = 50.0;	// Não sei o valor de ts,  chutei como 50
					float wanted_overshoot = 50.0;
					float wanted_upertime = 50.0;

					switch (param)// O switch é para sabermos qual ganho estamos analisando no momento
					case '0':
						// Ganho proporcional
						if (analise == 0)		//se igual a zero fazemos a analise de ts
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_p_ts(Camera.players[0], 'X', wanted_ts, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 1)	//se igual a 1 fazemos a anlise de overshoot
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_p_overshoot(Camera.players[0], 'X', wanted_overshoot, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 2)	// se igual a 2 fazemos a analise do tempo de subida (upertime)
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_p_upertime(Camera.players[0], 'X', wanted_upertime, step_flag);
						if (step_flag == 4)
							param = 1;
							point = 'i';
						param0[0] = Camera.players[0].gain[0];
					case '1':
						// Ganho integral
						if (analise == 0)		//se igual a zero fazemos a analise de ts
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_i_ts(Camera.players[0], 'X', wanted_ts, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 1)	//se igual a 1 fazemos a anlise de overshoot
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_i_overshoot(Camera.players[0], 'X', wanted_overshoot, step_flag);
						else if (analise == 2)	// se igual a 2 fazemos a analise do tempo de subida (upertime)
							step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_i_upertime(Camera.players[0], 'X', wanted_upertime, step_flag);
						if (step_flag == 4)
							param = 2;
							point = 'i';
						param0[1] = Camera.players[0].gain[1];
					case '2':
						// Ganho derivativo
						step_flag = Controle_bili.improve_d_ts(Camera.players[0], 'x', wanted_ts, step_flag);
						if ((step_flag == 4) && (analise == 0))
							param = 1;
							analise = 1;
						else if ((step_flag == 4) && (analise == 1))
							param = 1;
							analise = 2;
						else if ((step_flag == 4) && (analise == 2))
							change_loop = 7;
							point = 'i';

					point = 'i';
			else if (point == 'i')
				xd = 120;	//valor de x de um extremo do campo
				yd = -9;	//valor de y de um extremo do campo

				if ((Camera.players[0].x <= xd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].x >= xd - 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12) && (Camera.players[0].y <= yd + 12))
					thetad = 0.0;
					if ((Camera.players[0].theta <= thetad + 0.09) && (Camera.players[0].theta >= thetad - 0.09))
						point = 'f';

						// Armazenamos os ganhos atuais, nos ganhos anteriores e atualizamos os ganhos atuais
						Camera.players[0].old_gain[0] = Camera.players[0].gain[0];
						Camera.players[0].old_gain[1] = Camera.players[0].gain[1];
						Camera.players[0].old_gain[2] = Camera.players[0].gain[2];

						Camera.players[0].gain[0] = param0[0];
						Camera.players[0].gain[1] = param0[1];
						Camera.players[0].gain[2] = param0[2];
		else if (change_loop == 7)
			cout << "Os ganhos são :" << endl;
			cout << "GPL " << param0[0] << endl;
			cout << "GIL " << param0[1] << endl;
			cout << "GDL " << param0[2] << endl;
			cout << "GPR " << param0[3] << endl;
			cout << "GIR " << param0[4] << endl;
			cout << "GDR " << param0[5] << endl;

		///// -------------------------------------- TÉRMINO DA MODIFICAÇÃO BIEL -----------------------------------------------------/////

		Controle_bili.rotina_controle(0, 0, &Camera, xd, yd);
		newV2 = (0.000001947*pow(recievedValue, 2) - 0.004673*recievedValue + 3.495)*abs(Controle_bili.v2 * 255);
		newV1 = (0.000001947*pow(recievedValue, 2) - 0.004673*recievedValue + 3.495)*abs(Controle_bili.v1 * 255);
		//SP->sendApi(0, Controle_bili.o, abs(Controle_bili.v2 * 255), Controle_bili.i, abs(Controle_bili.v1 * 255));
		SP->sendApi(0, Controle_bili.o, newV2, Controle_bili.i, newV1);

		if (Camera.players[0].x != -1)
			fprintf(gFile, "%f,%f,%f, %i, %f, %f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f, %f\n", Controle_bili.x*1.3, Controle_bili.y*1.3, Controle_bili.theta, int(visionF - start), Controle_bili.thetad, Controle_bili.v1, Controle_bili.v2, w, xd*1.3, yd*1.3, u, Controle_bili.refaux);

		//SP->sendApi(0, 1, 84, 0, 0);
		//=================== DISPLAY DOS DADOS DO ROBO ============//

		cout << "thetad = " << Controle_bili.thetad*180/M_PI << endl;
		cout << "theta = " << Controle_bili.theta * 180 / M_PI << endl;
		cout << "ang_error = " << Controle_bili.ang_error * 180 / M_PI << endl;
		//cout << "ypc = " << dy0 << endl;
		cout << "v1 = " << Controle_bili.v1 << endl;
		cout << "v2 = " << Controle_bili.v2 << endl;
		//cout << "u_p = " << Controle_bili.u_p << endl;

		//======================== ENVIO DAS VELOCIDADES ====================//

		if (!paused)
			//SP->send(0, v2, v1);
			//SP->send(v2, v1);
			//SP->send(0, Controle00.v.x, Controle00.v.y);
			// whishPath.push_back(robot(Estrategia.players[0].goal_x, Estrategia.players[0].goal_y));
			//SP->send(1, Controle01.v.x, Controle01.v.y);
			//SP->send(2, Controle02.v.x, Controle02.v.y);
			SP->send(0, 0, 0);
			SP->send(1, 0, 0);
			SP->send(2, 0, 0);
		commF = clock();

		// Debug em prompt de comando
		debugI = clock();

		//cout << "Roxo: " << Estrategia.players[0].x << ", " << Estrategia.players[0].y << " --> " << Estrategia.players[0].goal_x << ", " << Estrategia.players[0].goal_y << endl;
		//cout << "Verde: " << Estrategia.players[1].x << ", " << Estrategia.players[1].y << " --> " << Estrategia.players[1].goal_x << ", " << Estrategia.players[1].goal_y << endl;
		//cout << "Marrom: " << Estrategia.players[2].x << ", " << Estrategia.players[2].y << " --> " << Estrategia.players[2].goal_x << ", " << Estrategia.players[2].goal_y << endl;

		//cout << "Carrinho: (" << Camera.players[0].x << ", " << Camera.players[0].y << ", " << Camera.players[0].theta *(180/M_PI) << ")" << endl;
		//cout << "Objetivo: (" << (int) Estrategia.ponto_f.x << ", " << (int) Estrategia.ponto_f.y << ")" << endl;
		//cout << "Velocidade (d, e): " << Controle00.v.x << ", "<< Controle00.v.y << ")" <<endl;

		// Debug em janela

		cvSetMouseCallback("Live", mouseEvent, 0);

		// Desenhando nas janelas
//		cv::resize(Estrategia.fieldI[1], pesos, cv::Size(Camera.frame->width, Camera.frame->height), 0, 0);
//		cvReleaseImage(&pesos3);

		pesos3 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(Camera.frame), Camera.frame->depth, Camera.frame->nChannels);
		cvMerge(&(IplImage)pesos, &(IplImage)pesos, &(IplImage)pesos, NULL, pesos3);
		//cvAddWeighted(pesos3, 0.9, Camera.frame, 0.8, 80, Camera.frame);

		for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
			if (Camera.players[i].x != -1)
				cvCircle(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)Camera.players[i].x, (int)Camera.players[i].y), radius, CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]), 2);
				cvLine(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)Camera.players[i].x, (int)Camera.players[i].y), cvPoint((int)Camera.players[i].x + radius*cos(Camera.players[i].theta),
					(int)Camera.players[i].y + radius*sin(Camera.players[i].theta)), CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]), 2);

		cout << "nxd: " << xd << " nyd: " << yd << endl;
		cvCircle(Camera.frame, cvPoint(xd + 155, -yd + 116), 5, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), -1);

		cvShowImage("Live", Camera.frame);

		//Escape Sequence
		char_pressed = cvWaitKey(1);
		if (char_pressed == 27) //esc

			temp[0] = 0x80;
			temp[1] = 0x80;
			SP->WriteData(temp, 2);
			SP->sendApi(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			SP->sendApi(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			SP->sendApi(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);


		if (char_pressed == 112) //p
			if (paused)
				paused = false;
				paused = true;
				flag = 1.0;
				//thetad = alpha;
		if (char_pressed == 99) //c
		if (char_pressed == 105) //i

			//e += 1;

		if (char_pressed == 111) //o

			//e -= 1;


		if (char_pressed == 117) //u
			wc = 0.0;

			temp[0] = 0x80;
			temp[1] = 0x80;
			SP->WriteData(temp, 2);

		if (char_pressed == 107) //k

			R += 1;

		if (char_pressed == 108) //l

			R -= 1;

		if (char_pressed == 113) //q
			f += 5;


		if (char_pressed == 119) //w
			f -= 5;


		if (char_pressed == 109) // m
			xd += 10;


		if (char_pressed == 98) // b
			xd -= 10;


		if (char_pressed == 104) // h
			yd += 10;


		if (char_pressed == 110) // n
			yd -= 10;


		debugF = clock();
		totalF = clock();

		//if (paused)
		//	cout << "Paused" << endl;
		//cout << "Running" << endl;
		//cout << "Tempo de analise de imagem: " << (visionF - visionI) << endl;
		//cout << "Tempo da Estrategia: " << estraF - estraI << endl;
		//cout << "Tempo do Controle: " << controlF - controlI << endl;
		//cout << "posição: " << camera.players[0].x << " , " << camera.players[0].y << endl;
		//cout << "Tempo da Comunicacao: " << commF - commI << endl;
		//cout << "Tempo do Debug:" << debugF - debugI<< endl;
		//cout << "Tempo Total: " << (totalF - totalI) << endl;
		//cout << "Frame Rate: " << 1000 * counter/ (totalF - start) << endl;
		//cout << "Frame Rate Instantanea: " << 1000 / (totalF - visionI) << endl;
		//cout << "F1: " << f1 << endl;
		//cout << "F2: " << f2 << endl;
		//cout << counter << endl;
		//cout << "tempread1 = " << (int)tempread[1] << endl;
		//cout << "tempread2 = " << (int)tempread[0] << endl;
		//cout << "temp = " << (int)temp[1] << endl;
		//cout << "temp = " << (int)temp[0] << endl;
		//cout << "PERÍODO = " << T << endl;
		//cout << "Soma: " << (int)sum << endl;

예제 #12
int main()

	FILE * xFile;
	xFile = fopen("motor1x.csv", "w");
	FILE * yFile;
	yFile = fopen("motor1y.csv", "w");

	FILE * thetaFile;
	thetaFile = fopen("motor1theta.csv", "w");

	FILE * gFile;
	xFile = fopen("geral.csv", "w");

	cv::Mat pesos;
	IplImage* pesos3;
	pesos3 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(1, 1), 8, 3);
	// Config Debug
	clock_t visionI, visionF, estraI, estraF, controlI, controlF, commI, commF, totalI, totalF, debugI, debugF, start;
	vector<robot> whishPath, followedPath;
	int p = 0;
	float counter = 0;
	char char_pressed;
	int time = 1;
	int side = 1;
	bool paused = true;

	// Config Vision

	CvRect ROI = cvRect(25, 49, 295, 184);
	robot canto_area1 = robot(49, 35);
	robot canto_area2 = robot(244, 146);
	robot canto_gol1 = robot(23, 59);
	robot canto_gol2 = robot(276, 126);
	int amin = 23;
	int amax = 173;
	int radius = 20;
	int min_distance = 12;
	int parametro[36] = { 88, 139, 80, 121, 253, 255,
		21, 62, 114, 60, 243, 255,
		146, 98, 164, 180, 162, 255,
		55, 189, 91, 94, 229, 255,
		3, 102, 83, 17, 199, 229,
		0, 85, 135, 21, 255, 255 };

	//CvRect ROI = cvRect(36, 46, 266, 162);

	//robot canto_area1 = robot(65, 67);
	//robot canto_area2 = robot(244, 167);
	//robot canto_gol1 = robot(43, 66);
	//robot canto_gol2 = robot(282, 173);

	//int amin = 20;
	//int amax = 250;
	//int radius = 20;
	//int min_distance = 50;
	//int parametro[36] = { 88, 139, 80, 121, 253, 255,
	//	22, 59, 141, 55, 204, 255,
	//	117, 58, 113, 141, 113, 255,
	//	52, 82, 89, 97, 168, 169,
	//	0, 79, 123, 19, 149, 191,
	//	0, 129, 182, 18, 251, 255 };

	int debug_colors[7][3] = { { 128, 0, 128 },		// Roxo
	{ 0, 64, 0 },				// Verde
	{ 117, 58, 0 },				// Marrom
	{ 255, 255, 0 },				// Amarelo
	{ 255, 255, 0 },				// Amarelo
	{ 255, 255, 0 },				// Amarelo
	{ 255, 128, 0 } };			// Laranja

	if (time == 1)
		for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			debug_colors[3 + k][0] = 0;			// Azul
			debug_colors[3 + k][1] = 0;			// Azul
			debug_colors[3 + k][2] = 255;			// Azul

	// Config Controle
	// Parametros do PID na seguinte ordem: PF, IF, DF, PT, IT, DT, PFR, IFR, DFR, PTR, ITR, DTR

	float param0[12] = { 11.45, 1.49, 26.9, 13.59, 1.63, 25.86, 1.03, 0.14, 9.36, 1.4, 0.23, 9.44 };
	float param1[12] = { 25.72, 1.01, 20.07, 22.34, 0.94, 21.1, 10, 0.64, 4.92, 10, 0.61, 6.92 };
	float param2[12] = { 21.86, 1.06, 18, 22, 1.03, 25.03, 3.59, 0.32, 4.94, 2.9, 0.89, 3.79 };

	CvFont fonte;
	cvInitFont(&fonte, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 8);

	cvNamedWindow("Live", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	//cvNamedWindow("Filtro Atual");

	// Inicialização da Visão
	vision Camera;
	Camera.configParam(parametro, amin, amax, time, min_distance, ROI);

	// Inicialização da Estratégia
	estrategia Estrategia(Camera.h, Camera.w, side, canto_gol1, canto_gol2, canto_area1, canto_area2);
	Estrategia.Config(Camera.h, Camera.w);
	pesos = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(Camera.frame), Camera.frame->depth, 1);
	Estrategia.ConfigAreas(canto_gol1, canto_gol2, canto_area1, canto_area2);
	// Inicialização do Controle
	//controle Controle00((float)0.2, (float)0.007, (float)6, (float)0.3, (float)0.000001, (float)4);
	controle Controle00(param0);
	controle Controle01(param1);
	controle Controle02(param2);
	Controle00.distance_lim = 50;
	Controle01.distance_lim = 50;
	Controle02.distance_lim = 50;

	// Inicialização do Serial
	Serial* SP = new Serial("COM3"); 
	if (SP->IsConnected())
		printf("We're connected\n");

	start = clock();
	while (1)

		totalI = clock();

		// =========================== VISÃO =========================== //
		visionI = clock();

		Camera.players[1] = robot(-1, -1);
		Camera.players[2] = robot(-1, -1);

		visionF = clock();

		//if (Camera.players[0].x != -1)
		//	fprintf(xFile, "%f, %i\n", Camera.players[0].x * (184 / ROI.width), int(visionF - start));
		//if (Camera.players[0].y != -1)
		//	fprintf(yFile, "%f, %i\n", Camera.players[0].y * (95 / ROI.height), int(visionF - start));
		//if (Camera.players[0].x != -1)
		//	fprintf(thetaFile, "%f, %i\n", Camera.players[0].theta, int(visionF - start));
		//if (Camera.players[0].x != -1)
		//	fprintf(gFile, "%f,%f,%f %i\n", Camera.players[0].x * (184 / ROI.width), Camera.players[0].y * (95 / ROI.height), Camera.players[0].theta, int(visionF - start));

		// =========================== ESTRATEGIA =========================== //

		estraI = clock();

		//Atribuição de comportamentos

		//Estrategia.players[0].comportamento = 3;
		//Estrategia.players[1].comportamento = 3;
		//Estrategia.players[2].comportamento = 2;

		// Atribuição de objetivos

		//Estrategia.players[0].setGoal(23, 98);
		//Estrategia.players[1].setGoal(23, 98);

		estraF = clock();

		//  =========================== CONTROLE =========================== //
		controlI = clock();
		Controle00.controla(Camera.players[0], robot(Estrategia.players[0].goal_x, Estrategia.players[0].goal_y), robot(Estrategia.players[0].objective_x, Estrategia.players[0].objective_y));
		Controle01.controla(Camera.players[1], robot(Estrategia.players[1].goal_x, Estrategia.players[1].goal_y), robot(Estrategia.players[1].objective_x, Estrategia.players[1].objective_y));
		Controle02.controla(Camera.players[2], robot(Estrategia.players[2].goal_x, Estrategia.players[2].goal_y), robot(Estrategia.players[2].objective_x, Estrategia.players[2].objective_y));
		controlF = clock();

		// =========================== COMUNICAÇÃO =========================== //
		commI = clock();

		if (!paused)
			//SP->send(0, 0, 15);
			SP->send(0, Controle00.v.x, Controle00.v.y);
			whishPath.push_back(robot(Estrategia.players[0].goal_x, Estrategia.players[0].goal_y));
			//SP->send(1, Controle01.v.x, Controle01.v.y);
			//SP->send(2, Controle02.v.x, Controle02.v.y);
			SP->send(0, 0, 0);
			SP->send(1, 0, 0);
			SP->send(2, 0, 0);
		commF = clock();

		// Debug em prompt de comando
		debugI = clock();

		//cout << "Roxo: " << Estrategia.players[0].x << ", " << Estrategia.players[0].y << " --> " << Estrategia.players[0].goal_x << ", " << Estrategia.players[0].goal_y << endl;
		//cout << "Verde: " << Estrategia.players[1].x << ", " << Estrategia.players[1].y << " --> " << Estrategia.players[1].goal_x << ", " << Estrategia.players[1].goal_y << endl;
		//cout << "Marrom: " << Estrategia.players[2].x << ", " << Estrategia.players[2].y << " --> " << Estrategia.players[2].goal_x << ", " << Estrategia.players[2].goal_y << endl;

		//cout << "Carrinho: (" << Camera.players[0].x << ", " << Camera.players[0].y << ", " << Camera.players[0].theta *(180/M_PI) << ")" << endl;
		//cout << "Objetivo: (" << (int) Estrategia.ponto_f.x << ", " << (int) Estrategia.ponto_f.y << ")" << endl;
		//cout << "Velocidade (d, e): " << Controle00.v.x << ", "<< Controle00.v.y << ")" <<endl;

		// Debug em janela

		cvSetMouseCallback("Live", mouseEvent, 0);

		// Desenhando nas janelas
		cv::resize(Estrategia.fieldI[1], pesos, cv::Size(Camera.frame->width, Camera.frame->height), 0, 0);

		pesos3 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(Camera.frame), Camera.frame->depth, Camera.frame->nChannels);
		cvMerge(&(IplImage)pesos, &(IplImage)pesos, &(IplImage)pesos, NULL, pesos3);
		cvAddWeighted(pesos3, 0.9, Camera.frame, 0.8, 80, Camera.frame);

		for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
			if (Camera.players[i].x != -1)
				cvCircle(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)Camera.players[i].x, (int)Camera.players[i].y), radius, CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]), 2);
				cvLine(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)Camera.players[i].x, (int)Camera.players[i].y), cvPoint((int)Camera.players[i].x + radius*cos(Camera.players[i].theta),
					(int)Camera.players[i].y + radius*sin(Camera.players[i].theta)), CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]), 2);

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (Estrategia.players[i].x != -1)
				cvLine(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)Estrategia.players[i].x, (int)Estrategia.players[i].y), cvPoint((int)Estrategia.players[i].goal_x, (int)Estrategia.players[i].goal_y), CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 3);

		for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
			if (Estrategia.path[n].size() > 1)
				for (int i = 0; i < (Estrategia.path[n].size() - 1); i++)
					//cout << "( " << Estrategia.path[n][i].x << ", " << Estrategia.path[n][i].y << " ) ; " << endl;
					cvLine(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)Estrategia.path[n][i].x, (int)Estrategia.path[n][i].y), cvPoint((int)Estrategia.path[n][i + 1].x, (int)Estrategia.path[n][i + 1].y), CV_RGB(debug_colors[n][0], debug_colors[n][1], debug_colors[n][2]), 2);
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (Estrategia.players[i].x != -1)
				int comportamento = Estrategia.players[i].comportamento;
				switch (comportamento)
				case(1) :
					cvPutText(Camera.frame, "G", cvPoint((int)Estrategia.players[i].x, (int)Estrategia.players[i].y), &fonte, CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]));
				//case(2) :
				//	cvPutText(Camera.frame, "A", cvPoint((int)Estrategia.players[i].x, (int)Estrategia.players[i].y), &fonte, CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]));
				//case(3) :
				//	cvPutText(Camera.frame, "L", cvPoint((int)Estrategia.players[i].x, (int)Estrategia.players[i].y), &fonte, CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]));
				//case(4) :
				//	cvPutText(Camera.frame, "Z", cvPoint((int)Estrategia.players[i].x, (int)Estrategia.players[i].y), &fonte, CV_RGB(debug_colors[i][0], debug_colors[i][1], debug_colors[i][2]));

		if (whishPath.size() > 1)
			for (int i = 0; i < (whishPath.size() - 1); i++)
				//cout << "( " << Estrategia.path[n][i].x << ", " << Estrategia.path[n][i].y << " ) ; " << endl;
				cvLine(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)whishPath[i].x, (int)whishPath[i].y), cvPoint((int)whishPath[i + 1].x, (int)whishPath[i + 1].y), CV_RGB(221, 0, 0, 2));			//Vermelho
				cvLine(Camera.frame, cvPoint((int)followedPath[i].x, (int)followedPath[i].y), cvPoint((int)followedPath[i + 1].x, (int)followedPath[i + 1].y), CV_RGB(94, 83, 138, 2));		//Roxo

		cvShowImage("Live", Camera.frame);

		//Escape Sequence
		char_pressed = cvWaitKey(1);
		if (char_pressed == 27)
			SP->send(0, 0, 0);
			SP->send(1, 0, 0);
			SP->send(2, 0, 0);
		if (char_pressed == 112)
			if (paused)
				paused = false;
				paused = true;
		if (char_pressed == 99)

		debugF  = clock();
		totalF = clock();

		//if (paused)
		//	cout << "Paused" << endl;
			cout << "Running" << endl;
		cout << "Tempo de analise de imagem: " << (visionF - visionI) << endl;
		cout << "Tempo da Estrategia: " << estraF - estraI << endl;
		cout << "Tempo do Controle: " << controlF - controlI << endl;
		cout << "Tempo da Comunicacao: " << commF - commI << endl;
		cout << "Tempo do Debug:" << debugF - debugI<< endl;
		cout << "Tempo Total: " << (totalF - totalI) << endl;
		cout << "Frame Rate: " << 1000 * counter/ (totalF - start) << endl;
		//cout << "posicao: "<< camera.players[0].x << "," << camera.players[0].y <<endl;
		//cout << counter << endl;
예제 #13
// application reads from the specified serial port and reports the collected data
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// connect the COM
	printf("Welcome to the serial test app!\n\n");
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
	Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM6");    // adjust as needed
#elif defined (__linux__)
    string PORTNAMEIN;
    cout << "Input Serial Port (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0): " << endl;
    cin >> PORTNAMEIN;
    char *PORTNAME = new char [PORTNAMEIN.length() + 1];
    std::strcpy(PORTNAME, PORTNAMEIN.c_str());
	Serial* SP = new Serial(PORTNAME);
	unsigned int JOYSTICKID1;

	if (SP->IsConnected())
		printf("We're connected!\n");

//data communication
	char incomingData[256] = "";			// don't forget to pre-
	int dataLengthin = 127;
	int readResult = 0;

	int steer=2048;
	int breaking = 255;
	const int encoder_resolution=4096;
	char outSteer[6]="2048s";
	int driveDutycycle=0;
	const int fullDutycycle=255;
	char outDrive[5]="001d";
	char outBreak[5]="100b";

//joystick initialize***********************

	joyinfoex_tag joyinfo;

#ifdef __linux__
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0){
        cout << "Error initializing SDL!" << endl;
        return 1;
	SDL_Joystick *joy;
    int CtrlNum = SDL_NumJoysticks();
    if (CtrlNum == 1)
        JOYSTICKID1 = 0;
        cout << "There are " << CtrlNum << " controllers found..." << endl;
        for(int i=0;i<CtrlNum;i++)
            joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(i);
            printf("%s\n", SDL_JoystickName(joy));
        cout << "Choose the one you wish to use: " << endl;
        cin >> JOYSTICKID1;
    if (joy) {
        printf("Opened Joystick %d\n",JOYSTICKID1);
        printf("Name: %s\n", SDL_JoystickNameForIndex(0));
        printf("Number of Axes: %d\n", SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joy));
        printf("Number of Buttons: %d\n", SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joy));
        printf("Number of Balls: %d\n", SDL_JoystickNumBalls(joy));
    } else {
        printf("Couldn't open Joystick %d\n", JOYSTICKID1);
        return -1*JOYSTICKID1;

//button status
	bool is_in_situ=false;
	bool is_any_direction=false;
	bool is_tradition=true;
	bool now_in_situ=false;
	bool now_any_direction=false;
	bool now_tradition=false;
	bool last_in_situ=false;
	bool last_any_direction=false;
	bool last_tradition=false;

	//int count = 0;
//start control
	bool action = 1;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
	while(SP->IsConnected())                            // CYCLES HERE...
		//acquire joystick info **********************
		joyGetPosEx(JOYSTICKID1, &joyinfo);
#elif defined(__linux__)
    SDL_Event SysEvent;
    bool NoQuit = true;
    while(SP->IsConnected() && NoQuit)
    	if (SDL_PollEvent(&SysEvent))
            switch (SysEvent.type)
                case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION:
                    joyinfo.dwXpos = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy,0) + 32767 + 1 ;
	    	        joyinfo.dwYpos = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy,1) + 32767 + 1 ;
	    	        joyinfo.dwZpos = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy,2) + 32767 + 1 ;
	    	        joyinfo.dwRpos = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy,3) + 32767 + 1 ;
	    	        //Only 4 axis.
		            //joyinfo.dwUpos = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy,4);
		            //joyinfo.dwVpos = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy,5);
	    	    case SDL_QUIT:
	    	        NoQuit = false;
            SDL_FlushEvents(SDL_APP_TERMINATING, SDL_LASTEVENT); //Flush Old Events
		cout << "X Steering Wheel:" << joyinfo.dwXpos << endl;
		if(joyinfo.dwZpos != 32767)
			action = 0;
			cout << "Z Throttle:" << 65536 << endl; //The original value of the inactivated throttle is 32767, should be modified to 65535 so that throttle is 0		
			cout << "R Break:" << 0.9*65536 << endl;
			cout << "Z Throttle:" << joyinfo.dwZpos << endl; //If activated (moved), output real value.
			cout << "R Break:" << joyinfo.dwRpos << endl; //The same for breaks.
		cout << "buttonNumber" << joyinfo.dwButtonNumber << endl;
		cout << "buttonStatus" << bitset<64>(joyinfo.dwButtons) << endl; //Output button status
		cout << "is_in_situ:" << is_in_situ << endl;
		cout << "is_any_direction:" << is_any_direction << endl;
		cout << "is_tradition:" << is_tradition << endl;
		if(now_in_situ== true && last_in_situ ==false)
			is_in_situ =true;
			is_any_direction =false;
			is_tradition =false;


		if(now_any_direction== true && last_any_direction ==false)
			is_in_situ =false;
			is_any_direction =true;
			is_tradition =false;



		if(now_tradition== true && last_tradition ==false)
			is_in_situ =false;
			is_any_direction =false;
			is_tradition =true;


		last_in_situ =now_in_situ;
		last_any_direction =now_any_direction;
		last_tradition =now_tradition;
		if(action)//Double-check that the inactivated throttle value is set to 0.
			driveDutycycle = 0;
			breaking = 225;
			breaking = (int)((1-joyinfo.dwRpos/65535.0)*fullDutycycle);			//Modify as necessary.
			if (breaking=0)
				driveDutycycle = (int)((1-joyinfo.dwZpos/65535.0)*fullDutycycle);
				driveDutycycle = 0;
		if(driveDutycycle>=0 && driveDutycycle<=255)
			for (int k=0;k<3;k++)
				outDrive[2-k]=char(driveDutycycle%10 + '0');
		if(breaking>=0 && breaking<=255)
			for (int k=0;k<3;k++)
				outBreak[2-k]=char(breaking%10 + '0');
		if(steer>=0 && steer<=encoder_resolution)
			for (int k=0;k<4;k++)
				outSteer[3-k]=char(steer%10 + '0');
		//Writing to Arduino Seriall**************************************************
		bool isWriteDrive = SP->WriteData((char*)&outDrive, strlen(outDrive));
		cout << "WriteSucceed?" << isWriteDrive << endl;
		bool isWriteSteer = SP->WriteData((char*)&outSteer, strlen(outSteer));
		cout << "WriteSucceed?" << isWriteSteer << endl;
		bool isWriteBreak = SP->WriteData((char*)&outBreak, strlen(outBreak));
		cout << "WriteSucceed?" << isWriteBreak << endl;

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
		Sleep(120);                 //time in ms
#elif defined (__linux__)
		}       //If have sysevent then update joystick values
		usleep(120000);             //time in us
        //Read back from Arduino
		readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLengthin);
		//	printf("No enough data received. Let's wait.\n");
		//	Sleep(1500);continue;

		int ptr=0;
		while(!(incomingData[ptr]=='?' && incomingData[ptr+1]=='?') && ptr<readResult-sizeof(serial_format)) {
		serial_format* ptr_to_first_valid = (serial_format*) &incomingData[ptr];

		printf("Actual Steer: %d\n",ptr_to_first_valid->Steer);
		printf("Actual Drive: %d\n",ptr_to_first_valid->Drive);
		printf("Bus Voltage: %f\n", ptr_to_first_valid->Voltage);
		printf("Current on Driving: %f\n", ptr_to_first_valid->CurrentD);
		printf("Current on Steering: %f\n", ptr_to_first_valid->CurrentS);
		printf("Power Consumed on This Unit: %f\n", (ptr_to_first_valid->Voltage)*((ptr_to_first_valid->CurrentD)+(ptr_to_first_valid->CurrentS)));
        //However always read serial data.
#ifdef __linux__
		int errNum = FFupdate(joy,ptr_to_first_valid->Steer);
#ifdef __linux__
	return 0;
 int main( int argc, char** argv )
    VideoCapture cap(0);

    if ( !cap.isOpened() )
         cout << "Cannot open the web cam" << endl;
         return -1;

    Serial* SP = new Serial("COM7");
    if (SP->IsConnected())
		printf("We're connected");

	char outgoingData[1] = "";
	int dataLength = 1;
	int readResult = 0;


    namedWindow("Control", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //create a window called "Control"

  int iLowH = 0;
  int iHighH = 30;

  int iLowS = 150;
  int iHighS = 255;

  int iLowV = 142;
  int iHighV = 255;

 createTrackbar("LowH", "Control", &iLowH, 179); //Hue (0 - 179)
 createTrackbar("HighH", "Control", &iHighH, 179);

 createTrackbar("LowS", "Control", &iLowS, 255); //Saturation (0 - 255)
 createTrackbar("HighS", "Control", &iHighS, 255);

 createTrackbar("LowV", "Control", &iLowV, 255);//Value (0 - 255)
 createTrackbar("HighV", "Control", &iHighV, 255);

 int iLastX = 320;
 int iLastY = 240;

 Mat imgTmp;

 Mat imgLines = Mat::zeros( imgTmp.size(), CV_8UC3 );;

    while (true)
        Mat imgOriginal;

        bool bSuccess = cap.read(imgOriginal);

         if (!bSuccess)
             cout << "Cannot read a frame from video stream" << endl;

    Mat imgHSV;

    cvtColor(imgOriginal, imgHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV); //Convert the captured frame from BGR to HSV

    Mat imgThresholded;

    inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(iLowH, iLowS, iLowV), Scalar(iHighH, iHighS, iHighV), imgThresholded); //Threshold the image

    //morphological opening (removes small objects from the foreground)
    erode(imgThresholded, imgThresholded, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)) );
    dilate(imgThresholded, imgThresholded, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)) );

    //morphological closing (removes small holes from the foreground)
    dilate(imgThresholded, imgThresholded, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)) );
    erode(imgThresholded, imgThresholded, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)) );

    //Calculate the moments of the thresholded image
    Moments oMoments = moments(imgThresholded);

    double dM01 = oMoments.m01;
    double dM10 = oMoments.m10;
    double dArea = oMoments.m00;

    // if the area <= 10000, I consider that the there are no object in the image and it's because of the noise, the area is not zero
    if (dArea > 10000)
        //calculate the position of the ball
        int posX = dM10 / dArea;
        int posY = dM01 / dArea;

    if (iLastX >= 0 && iLastY >= 0 && posX >= 0 && posY >= 0)
    //Draw a red line from the previous point to the current point
       // line(imgLines, Point(posX, posY), Point(iLastX, iLastY), Scalar(0,0,255), 2);

        Point pt1(posX-10, posY-10);
        Point pt2(posX+10, posY+10);

        rectangle(imgLines, pt1, pt2, cvScalar(0, 255, 0, 0), 1, 8, 0);

        iLastX = posX;
        iLastY = posY;

    Point pt3(100,100);
    Point pt4(520,380);

    rectangle(imgLines, pt3, pt4, cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 0), 1, 8, 0);

            if(iLastX-10 < 100)
                //putText(image, "Your face is on the right side of me!", Point(faces[i].x, faces[i].y - 5), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0,250,0), 1, 8, false );
                putText(imgLines, "The object is on the right side of me!", Point(70,90), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0,250,0), 1, 8, false );

                outgoingData[0] = 'r';
                if(SP->WriteData(outgoingData, dataLength))



            if(iLastX+10 > 520)
                putText(imgLines, "The object is on the left side of me!", Point(70,90), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0,250,0), 1, 8, false );

                outgoingData[0] = 'l';
                if(SP->WriteData(outgoingData, dataLength))



            if(iLastY-10 > 380)
                putText(imgLines, "The object is at the bottom!", Point(70,70), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0,250,0), 1, 8, false );

                outgoingData[0] = 'b';
                if(SP->WriteData(outgoingData, dataLength))



            if(iLastY+10 < 100)
                putText(imgLines, "The object is at the top!", Point(70,70), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0,250,0), 1, 8, false );

                outgoingData[0] = 't';
                if(SP->WriteData(outgoingData, dataLength))



    imshow("Thresholded Image", imgThresholded); //show the thresholded image

    imgOriginal = imgOriginal + imgLines;
    imshow("Original", imgOriginal); //show the original image
    imgLines=cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0);

    if (cvWaitKey(33) == 27) //wait for 'esc' key press for 30ms. If 'esc' key is pressed, break loop
            cout << "esc key is pressed by user" << endl;
            return -1;
   return 0;