예제 #1
DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // This is used to operate on the AST and on subtree that are hidden in SgArrayType and bitfile expressions.

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // printf ("In DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     SgExpression* exp = isSgExpression(node);
     if (exp != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();

          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
               printf ("Error: DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit() -- there is a valid originalExpressionTree = %p = %s on node = %p = %s \n",originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str(),exp,exp->class_name().c_str());
               ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
               originalExpressionTree->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error: DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit()");

       // DQ (6/12/2013): Commented out as part of EDG 4.7 testing.
#if 0
          ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree == NULL);
예제 #2
RemoveConstantFoldedValue::handleTheSynthesizedAttribute( SgNode* node, const RemoveConstantFoldedValueSynthesizedAttribute & i )
     SgExpression* value = isSgExpression(i.node);
     if (value != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = value->get_originalExpressionTree();
          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Found an originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
               if (node == value->get_parent())
                 // What kind of IR node are we at presently? Replace the expression representing the SgValueExp with the Expression representing the original subtree.
#if 0
                    printf ("Current IR node with SgExpression child = %p = %s originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
                    bool traceReplacement = true;
                    ConstantFoldedValueReplacer r(traceReplacement, value);
                    printf ("*** Strange case of child attribute not having the current node as a parent child = %p = %s originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
예제 #3
VerifyOriginalExpressionTreesSetToNull::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // This traversal is used to verify that all of the original expression trees in the AST have
  // been either deleted (optional) or used to replace the constant folded values (the default
  // for the ROSE AST so that we can preserve the greatest amount of source-to-source detail).

  // Note that it can detect problems that are due to orphaned expressions in the AST.
  // An example is test2011_138.C where the multidimensional array indexing causes and orphaned 
  // expression to be created and it has a original expression tree.  Since the orphaned expression 
  // can't be reached we can eliminate the original expression tree.  The bug in ROSE is that there
  // is an orphaned expression tree not that there is a remaining original expression tree.

  // We need a mechanism to detect nodes that exist in the AST and are not pointed to by any other 
  // IR node (and then we have to decide if parent pointers count).

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // printf ("In VerifyOriginalExpressionTreesSetToNull::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     SgExpression* exp = isSgExpression(node);
     if (exp != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();

          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
               printf ("Error: there is a valid originalExpressionTree = %p = %s on node = %p = %s \n",originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str(),exp,exp->class_name().c_str());
#if 0 // Liao debugging 11/13/2012
          ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree == NULL);

       // Allow us to ignore the cases of originalExpressionTrees hidden in array types.
       // I want to narrow down the failing tests codes to eliminate this case which is handled separately.

          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
               SgNode* parent = exp;

            // Note that test2011_121.C fails to be either a SgArrayType or a SgVariableDefinition (failing in some part of "complex" header file).
            // test2005_203.C demonstrates the use of constant folding in bitfield specifications.
            // while (parent != NULL && isSgArrayType(parent) == NULL) 
               while (parent != NULL && isSgArrayType(parent) == NULL && isSgVariableDefinition(parent) == NULL) 
                    parent = parent->get_parent();

               if (isSgArrayType(parent) == NULL)
                    printf ("So what is the parent: parent = %p = %s \n",parent, (parent != NULL) ? parent->class_name().c_str() : "NULL");
               ROSE_ASSERT(isSgArrayType(parent) != NULL || isSgVariableDefinition(parent) != NULL);
               printf ("In VerifyOriginalExpressionTreesSetToNull(): originalExpressionTree = %p = %s on node = %p = %s Ingoring originalExpressionTree != NULL \n",
예제 #4
RemoveConstantFoldedValueViaParent::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // This is an alternative implementation that allows us to handle expression that are not 
  // traversed in the AST (e.g. types like SgArrayType which can contain expressions).

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // DQ (3/11/2006): Set NULL pointers where we would like to have none.
#if 0
     printf ("In RemoveConstantFoldedValueViaParent::visit(): node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());

  // DQ (10/12/2012): Turn this on so that we can detect failing IR nodes (failing later) that have valid originalExpressionTrees.
  // DQ (10/12/2012): Turn this back off because it appears to fail...
#if 0
     SgExpression* exp = isSgExpression(node);
     if (exp != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();
          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
               SgNode* parent = exp->get_parent();
               if (parent != NULL)
                    printf ("Current IR node with SgExpression parent = %p = %s child = %p = %s originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",parent,parent->class_name().c_str(),node,node->class_name().c_str(),originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str());
                    bool traceReplacement = true;
                    ConstantFoldedValueReplacer r(traceReplacement, exp);
                 // node->processDataMemberReferenceToPointers(&r);

            // Set the originalExpressionTree to NULL.

            // Set the parent of originalExpressionTree to be the parent of exp.

            // And then delete the folded constant.

     SgArrayType* arrayType = isSgArrayType(node);
     if (arrayType != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("Found an array type arrayType = %p arrayType->get_index() = %p \n",arrayType,arrayType->get_index());
          SgExpression* index = arrayType->get_index();
          if (index != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Fixup array index = %p = %s (traverse index AST subtree) \n",index,index->class_name().c_str());
               RemoveConstantFoldedValue astFixupTraversal;
#if 0
               printf ("DONE: Fixup array index = %p (traverse index AST) \n\n\n\n",index);
#if 0
               printf ("Found an array index = %p (fixup index directly) \n",index);
            // Handle the case where the original expression tree is at the root of the subtree.
               SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = index->get_originalExpressionTree();
               if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
                    printf ("Found an originalExpressionTree in the array index originalExpressionTree = %p \n",originalExpressionTree);
                 // DQ (6/12/2013): This appears to be a problem in EDG 4.7 (see test2011_117.C).
                    std::vector<SgExpression*> redundantChainOfOriginalExpressionTrees;
                    if (originalExpressionTree->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
#if 0
                         printf ("Detected originalExpressionTree nested directly within the originalExpressionTree \n",
                      // Loop to the end of the chain of original expressions (which EDG 4.7 should never have constructed).
                         while (originalExpressionTree->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
#if 0
                              printf ("Looping through a chain of originalExpressionTrees \n");
                           // Save the list of redundnat nodes so that we can delete them properly.

                              originalExpressionTree = originalExpressionTree->get_originalExpressionTree();
#if 0
                         printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");



                 // printf ("DEBUGING: skip delete of index in array type \n");
                    delete index;

                 // DQ (6/12/2013): Delete the nodes that we had to skip over (caused by chain of redundant entries from EDG 4.7).
                    std::vector<SgExpression*>::iterator i = redundantChainOfOriginalExpressionTrees.begin();
                    while (i != redundantChainOfOriginalExpressionTrees.end())
#if 0
                         printf ("deleting the redundnat originalExpressionTree chain caused by EDG 4.7 (delete %p = %s) \n",*i,(*i)->class_name().c_str());
                         delete *i;

                    index = NULL;

     SgVariableDefinition* variableDefinition = isSgVariableDefinition(node);
     if (variableDefinition != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("Found a SgVariableDefinition \n");
          SgExpression* bitfieldExp = variableDefinition->get_bitfield();
          if (bitfieldExp != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Fixup bitfieldExp = %p (traverse bitfieldExp AST subtree) \n",bitfieldExp);
               RemoveConstantFoldedValue astFixupTraversal;

            // Handle the case where the original expression tree is at the root of the subtree.
               SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = bitfieldExp->get_originalExpressionTree();
               if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
                 // DQ (9/18/2011): This code will not work since the bitfile data member in SgVariableDefinition is a SgUnsignedLongVal instead of a SgExpression.

                    delete bitfieldExp;
                    bitfieldExp = NULL;
                 // The ROSE AST needs to be fixed to handle more general expressions for bitfield widths (this does not effect the CFG).
                 // TODO: Change the data type of the bitfield data member in SgVariableDefinition.

                 // DQ (1/20/2014): This has been done now.
                 // printf ("Member data bitfield widths need to be changed (in the ROSE IR) to support more general expressions (can't fix this original expression tree) \n");
#if 0
                 // This case is not handled yet!
                    printf ("Found an original expression tree in a bitfield expression \n");
예제 #5
// void RemoveConstantFoldedValue::visit ( SgNode* node )
RemoveConstantFoldedValue::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode* node, SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes synthesizedAttributeList )
     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // DQ (3/11/2006): Set NULL pointers where we would like to have none.
#if 0
#if 0
  // Avoid excessive output.
     if (isSgFunctionDeclaration(node) == NULL && isSgInitializedName(node) == NULL && isSgFunctionParameterList(node) == NULL)
          printf ("In RemoveConstantFoldedValue::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): node = %p = %s synthesizedAttributeList.size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),synthesizedAttributeList.size());
     printf ("In RemoveConstantFoldedValue::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): node = %p = %s synthesizedAttributeList.size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),synthesizedAttributeList.size());

  // Here we reset the pointer to the constant folded value to be the pointer to the original expression tree.
     SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes::iterator i = synthesizedAttributeList.begin();
     while (i != synthesizedAttributeList.end())
#if 0
       // Avoid excessive output.
          if (isSgFunctionDeclaration(i->node) == NULL && isSgInitializedName(i->node) == NULL && isSgFunctionParameterList(i->node) == NULL && i->node != NULL)
               printf ("synthesizedAttribute = %p = %s \n",i->node,(i->node != NULL) ? i->node->class_name().c_str() : "NULL");

       // DQ (10/8/2011): Refectored this code so that we could better support chains of original expression trees (see test2011_146.C).


  // Here we force the nested traversal of the originalExpressionTree, since it is not traversed as part of the AST.
  // Note that these are not always leaf nodes that we want to interogate (see test2011_140.C).

  // DQ (9/24/2011): I think this is the wrong place to process this case (see test2011_140.C).
  // DQ (9/24/2011): We have fixed the AST traversal to no longer traverse originalExpressionTree subtree's (since 
  // it make analysis using the traversal redundant with the constant folded values).
  // If the current node is an expression and a leaf node of the AST, then check if it has an originalExpressionTree, 
  // since we no longer traverse the originalExpressionTree as part of the definition of the AST.
  // SgExpression* leafExpression = (synthesizedAttributeList.empty() == true) ? isSgExpression(node) : NULL;
     SgExpression* expression = isSgExpression(node);
     if (expression != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("In RemoveConstantFoldedValue::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Found an expression \n");
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = expression->get_originalExpressionTree();
          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Found an expression with a valid originalExpressionTree\n");
            // Make sure that the traversal will see the nested subtrees of any originalExpressionTree (since they may have constant folded subexpresions).
               RemoveConstantFoldedValue nestedOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal;
               RemoveConstantFoldedValueSynthesizedAttribute nestedSynthesizedAttribute = nestedOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal.traverse(originalExpressionTree);
#if 0
            // DQ (10/8/2011): We should not handl this here, I think.
#if 0
               printf ("DONE: Found an expression with a valid originalExpressionTree nestedSynthesizedAttribute \n");

     return RemoveConstantFoldedValueSynthesizedAttribute(node);
예제 #6
ConstantFoldedValueReplacer::operator()(SgNode*& key, const SgName & debugStringName, bool /* traverse */ traceReplacement)
  // This function is used to replace the expression in an AST node and avoids explicitly handling all of the cases 
  // of where an IR node can exist in the AST (in this case expressions containing an opriginal expression tree could 
  // be in a lot of locations).

  // Note that the key will be a reference to the pointer for each data member of the IR node where: 
  //      node->processDataMemberReferenceToPointers(&r);
  // is called.

#if 0
     printf ("Inside of ConstantFoldedValueReplacer::operator() key = %p = %s = %s node = %p = %s = %s \n",
          key,(key != NULL) ? key->class_name().c_str() : "NULL",(key != NULL) ? SageInterface::get_name(key).c_str() : "NULL",
          targetNode,(targetNode != NULL) ? targetNode->class_name().c_str() : "NULL",(targetNode != NULL) ? SageInterface::get_name(targetNode).c_str() : "NULL");

     if (key != NULL)
       // Now reset the pointer to the subtree identified as redundent with a
       // subtree in the original AST to the subtree in the original (merged) AST.

       // Note: targetNode is the IR node to be replaced (set in the ConstantFoldedValueReplacer constructor call).
          if (key == targetNode)
#if 0
               printf ("Note that key == originalNode \n");
               SgExpression* keyExpression = isSgExpression(key);

            // DQ (9/17/2011): We don't want to eliminate references to enum values (see test2005_194.C).
            // Though I wonder if it could be that we are not distinguishing the enum value and the 
            // values of the enum variables (the order of the fields in the enum declaration).
               if (isSgEnumVal(keyExpression) == NULL)
                    if (keyExpression != NULL)
#if 0
                         printf ("Note that key is a valid expression keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() = %p \n",keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree());
                         if (keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
#if 0
                              printf ("key contains a originalExpressionTree = %p = %s \n",keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree(),keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()->class_name().c_str());

                           // DQ (10/8/2011): Added support for chains of expression trees.
                           // while (keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL)
                              while (keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL && isSgEnumVal(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree()) == NULL)
                                   SgExpression* nestedOriginalExpressionTree = keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree();
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(nestedOriginalExpressionTree != NULL);
#if 0
                                   printf ("Found a chain of original expression trees (iterate to find the end of the chain: keyExpression = %p = %s keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() = %p = %s \n",
                                   keyExpression = nestedOriginalExpressionTree;

                           // If this is an enum value, then we don't want the original expression tree (which 
                           // will otherwise be substituted into such places as SgCaseOptionStmt nodes, etc.).
                              SgEnumVal* enumValue = isSgEnumVal(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree());
                              if (enumValue != NULL)
#if 0
                                   printf ("Detected case of enumValue = %p \n",enumValue);
                                   if (enumValue->get_originalExpressionTree())
#if 0
                                        printf ("Deleting the original expression in the nested enumValue \n");

                              ROSE_ASSERT(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL);
                              key = keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree();
                              ROSE_ASSERT(key != NULL);

                           // Set the parent node
                              ROSE_ASSERT(keyExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() != NULL);

                              SgExpression* targetExpression = isSgExpression(targetNode);

                           // Clear the originalExpressionTree
                              ROSE_ASSERT(targetExpression->get_originalExpressionTree() == NULL);


                           // DQ (9/24/2011): This can be an expression tree (more than just a single IR node (see test2011_140.C).
                           // delete targetNode;

                           // Reset the pointer to avoid any dangling pointer problems.
                              targetNode = NULL;
#if 0
                         printf ("key is not a SgExpression \n");
                 // For the case of a SgEnumVal, don't use the original expression tree (see test2005_194.C)
                 // The original expression tree holds the value used for the enum field, instead of the 
                 // reference to the correct enum field).
#if 0
                    printf ("ENUM VALUE special handling: we call deleteOriginalExpressionTree(keyExpression = %p) \n",keyExpression);
#if 0
               printf ("key != originalNode \n");
#if 0
          printf ("key == NULL \n");

#if 0
     printf ("Leaving ConstantFoldedValueReplacer::operator() new reset key = %p = %s \n",key,(key != NULL) ? key->class_name().c_str() : "NULL");