bool NetGameClient::DoJoinBacklog(NetJoinAnnounce* join_ann) { bool finished = false; if (!join_ann) return finished; Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (!sim) return finished; DWORD nid = join_ann->GetNetID(); DWORD oid = join_ann->GetObjID(); Text name = join_ann->GetName(); Text elem_name = join_ann->GetElement(); Text region = join_ann->GetRegion(); Point loc = join_ann->GetLocation(); Point velocity = join_ann->GetVelocity(); int index = join_ann->GetIndex(); int shld_lvl = join_ann->GetShield(); Ship* ship = 0; char ship_name[128]; strcpy_s(ship_name, Game::GetText("").data()); if (nid && oid) { NetPlayer* remote_player = FindPlayerByObjID(oid); if (remote_player) { remote_player->SetName(name); remote_player->SetObjID(oid); if (index > 0) sprintf_s(ship_name, "%s %d",, index); else sprintf_s(ship_name, "%s",; } else { Element* element = sim->FindElement(elem_name); if (element) { ship = element->GetShip(index); } if (ship) { strcpy_s(ship_name, ship->Name()); SimRegion* rgn = ship->GetRegion(); if (rgn && region != rgn->Name()) { SimRegion* dst = sim->FindRegion(region); if (dst) dst->InsertObject(ship); } ship->MoveTo(loc); ship->SetVelocity(velocity); Shield* shield = ship->GetShield(); if (shield) shield->SetNetShieldLevel(shld_lvl); NetPlayer* remote_player = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetPlayer(nid); remote_player->SetName(name); remote_player->SetObjID(oid); remote_player->SetShip(ship); players.append(remote_player); finished = true; if (name == "Server A.I. Ship") { Print("NetGameClient::DoJoinBacklog() Remote Player '%s' has joined as '%s' with ID %d\n",, ship_name, oid); } else { HUDView::Message(Game::GetText("NetGameClient.remote-join").data(),, ship_name); } } } } return finished; }
Shot* Weapon::FireBarrel(int n) { const Point& base_vel = ship->Velocity(); Shot* shot = 0; SimRegion* region = ship->GetRegion(); if (!region || n < 0 || n >= nbarrels || Game::Paused()) return 0; firing = 1; Aim(); Camera rail_cam; rail_cam.Clone(aim_cam); Point shotpos = muzzle_pts[n]; if (design->length > 0) shotpos = shotpos + aim_cam.vpn() * design->length; // guns may be slewed towards target: if (design->primary) { shot = CreateShot(shotpos, aim_cam, design, ship); if (shot) { shot->SetVelocity(shot->Velocity() + base_vel); } } // missiles always launch in rail direction: else { // unless they are on a mobile launcher if (turret && design->self_aiming) { shot = CreateShot(shotpos, aim_cam, design, ship); shot->SetVelocity(base_vel); } else { shot = CreateShot(shotpos, rail_cam, design, ship); if (shot /* && !turret */) { Matrix orient = ship->Cam().Orientation(); if (aim_azimuth != 0) orient.Yaw(aim_azimuth); if (aim_elevation != 0) orient.Pitch(aim_elevation); Point eject = design->eject * orient; shot->SetVelocity(base_vel + eject); } } if (shot && visible_stores[n]) { GRAPHIC_DESTROY(visible_stores[n]); } } if (shot) { if (ammo > 0) ammo--; if (guided && target) shot->SeekTarget(target, subtarget); float shot_load; if (energy > design->charge) shot_load = design->charge; else shot_load = energy; energy -= shot_load; shot->SetCharge(shot_load * availability); if (target && design->flak && !design->guided) { double speed = shot->Velocity().length(); double range = (target->Location() - shot->Location()).length(); if (range > design->min_range && range < design->max_range) { shot->SetFuse(range / speed); } } region->InsertObject(shot); if (beams) { beams[n] = shot; Observe(beams[n]); // aim beam at target: SetBeamPoints(true); } if (ship) { ShipStats* stats = ShipStats::Find(ship->Name()); if (design->primary) stats->AddGunShot(); else if (design->decoy_type == 0 && design->damage > 0) stats->AddMissileShot(); } } return shot; }
void NetGameClient::DoJoinAnnounce(NetMsg* msg) { if (!msg) return; Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (!sim) return; NetJoinAnnounce* join_ann = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetJoinAnnounce; bool saved = false; if (join_ann->Unpack(msg->Data())) { DWORD nid = msg->NetID(); DWORD oid = join_ann->GetObjID(); Text name = join_ann->GetName(); Text elem_name = join_ann->GetElement(); Text region = join_ann->GetRegion(); Point loc = join_ann->GetLocation(); Point velocity = join_ann->GetVelocity(); int index = join_ann->GetIndex(); int shld_lvl = join_ann->GetShield(); join_ann->SetNetID(nid); Ship* ship = 0; char ship_name[128]; strcpy_s(ship_name, Game::GetText("").data()); if (local_player && player_name == name) { HUDView::Message(Game::GetText("NetGameClient.local-accept"),, local_player->Name()); objid = oid; netid = nid; local_player->SetObjID(oid); local_player->SetNetObserver(false); Observe(local_player); SimRegion* rgn = local_player->GetRegion(); if (rgn && region != rgn->Name()) { SimRegion* dst = sim->FindRegion(region); if (dst) dst->InsertObject(local_player); } local_player->MoveTo(loc); local_player->SetVelocity(velocity); Shield* shield = local_player->GetShield(); if (shield) shield->SetNetShieldLevel(shld_lvl); } else { NetPlayer* remote_player = FindPlayerByObjID(oid); if (remote_player) { remote_player->SetName(name); remote_player->SetObjID(oid); if (index > 0) sprintf_s(ship_name, "%s %d",, index); else sprintf_s(ship_name, "%s",; } else { Element* element = sim->FindElement(elem_name); if (element) { ship = element->GetShip(index); } else { Print("NetGameClient::DoJoinAnnounce() could not find elem %s for player '%s' objid %d\n",,, oid); NetUtil::SendElemRequest(; } if (!ship) { // save it for later: join_backlog.append(join_ann); saved = true; } else { strcpy_s(ship_name, ship->Name()); SimRegion* rgn = ship->GetRegion(); if (rgn && region != rgn->Name()) { SimRegion* dst = sim->FindRegion(region); if (dst) dst->InsertObject(ship); } ship->MoveTo(loc); ship->SetVelocity(velocity); Shield* shield = ship->GetShield(); if (shield) shield->SetNetShieldLevel(shld_lvl); NetPlayer* remote_player = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetPlayer(nid); remote_player->SetName(name); remote_player->SetObjID(oid); remote_player->SetShip(ship); players.append(remote_player); if (name == "Server A.I. Ship") { Print("Remote Player '%s' has joined as '%s' with ID %d\n",, ship_name, oid); } else { HUDView::Message(Game::GetText("NetGameClient.remote-join").data(),, ship_name); } } } } } if (!saved) delete join_ann; }