예제 #1
// Glossy Method Definitions
BSDF *GlossyCombined::GetBSDF(MemoryArena &arena, const SpectrumWavelengths &sw,
	const Intersection &isect, const DifferentialGeometry &dgs) const
	// Allocate _BSDF_
	// NOTE - lordcrc - changed clamping to 0..1 to avoid >1 reflection
	SWCSpectrum d(Kd->Evaluate(sw, dgs).Clamp(0.f, 1.f));
	SWCSpectrum s(Ks->Evaluate(sw, dgs));
	float i = index->Evaluate(sw, dgs);
	if (i > 0.f) {
		const float ti = (i - 1.f) / (i + 1.f);
		s *= ti * ti;
	s = s.Clamp(0.f, 1.f);

	SWCSpectrum a(Ka->Evaluate(sw, dgs).Clamp(0.f, 1.f));

	// Clamp roughness values to avoid artifacts with too small values
	const float u = Clamp(nu->Evaluate(sw, dgs), 6e-3f, 1.f);
	const float v = Clamp(nv->Evaluate(sw, dgs), 6e-3f, 1.f);
	const float u2 = u * u;
	const float v2 = v * v;
	float ld = depth->Evaluate(sw, dgs);

	const float anisotropy = u2 < v2 ? 1.f - u2 / v2 : v2 / u2 - 1.f;
	SingleBSDF *bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SingleBSDF)(dgs,
		isect.dg.nn, ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SchlickBRDF)(d, s, a, ld, u * v,
		anisotropy, multibounce), isect.exterior, isect.interior);

	// Add ptr to CompositingParams structure

	return bsdf;
예제 #2
// Glass Method Definitions
BSDF *Null::GetBSDF(MemoryArena &arena, const SpectrumWavelengths &sw,
	const Intersection &isect, const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading) const
	// Allocate _BSDF_, possibly doing bump-mapping with _bumpMap_
	SingleBSDF *bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SingleBSDF)(dgShading,
		isect.dg.nn, ARENA_ALLOC(arena, NullTransmission)(),
		isect.exterior, isect.interior);

	// Add ptr to CompositingParams structure

	return bsdf;
예제 #3
// Mirror Method Definitions
BSDF *Mirror::GetBSDF(MemoryArena &arena, const SpectrumWavelengths &sw,
	const Intersection &isect, const DifferentialGeometry &dgs) const
	// Allocate _BSDF_
	float flm = film->Evaluate(sw, dgs);
	float flmindex = filmindex->Evaluate(sw, dgs);

	// NOTE - lordcrc - changed clamping to 0..1 to avoid >1 reflection
	SWCSpectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(sw, dgs).Clamp(0.f, 1.f);
	BxDF *bxdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R,
		ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelNoOp)(), flm, flmindex);
	SingleBSDF *bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SingleBSDF)(dgs,
		isect.dg.nn, bxdf, isect.exterior, isect.interior);

	// Add ptr to CompositingParams structure

	return bsdf;
예제 #4
// Matte Method Definitions
BSDF *Matte::GetBSDF(MemoryArena &arena, const SpectrumWavelengths &sw,
	const Intersection &isect, const DifferentialGeometry &dgs) const
	// Allocate _BSDF_
	// Evaluate textures for _Matte_ material and allocate BRDF
	// NOTE - lordcrc - changed clamping to 0..1 to avoid >1 reflection
	SWCSpectrum r = Kd->Evaluate(sw, dgs).Clamp(0.f, 1.f);
	float sig = Clamp(sigma->Evaluate(sw, dgs), 0.f, 90.f);
	BxDF *bxdf;
	if (sig == 0.f)
		bxdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, Lambertian)(r);
		bxdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, OrenNayar)(r, sig);
	SingleBSDF *bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SingleBSDF)(dgs,
		isect.dg.nn, bxdf, isect.exterior, isect.interior);

	// Add ptr to CompositingParams structure

	return bsdf;
예제 #5
// Velvet Method Definitions
BSDF *Velvet::GetBSDF(MemoryArena &arena, const SpectrumWavelengths &sw,
	const Intersection &isect, const DifferentialGeometry &dgs) const
	// Allocate _BSDF_
	SWCSpectrum r = Kd->Evaluate(sw, dgs).Clamp(0.f, 1.f);
	float p1 = Clamp(P1->Evaluate(sw, dgs), -100.f, 100.f);
	float p2 = Clamp(P2->Evaluate(sw, dgs), -100.f, 100.f);
	float p3 = Clamp(P3->Evaluate(sw, dgs), -100.f, 100.f);
	float thickness = Clamp(Thickness->Evaluate(sw, dgs), 0.0f, 1.f);
	BxDF *bxdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, Asperity)(r, p1, p2, p3, thickness);

	SingleBSDF *bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SingleBSDF)(dgs,
		isect.dg.nn, bxdf, isect.exterior, isect.interior);

	// Add ptr to CompositingParams structure

	return bsdf;
예제 #6
BSDF *Metal2::GetBSDF(MemoryArena &arena, const SpectrumWavelengths &sw,
	const Intersection &isect, const DifferentialGeometry &dgs) const
	// Allocate _BSDF_
	float u = nu->Evaluate(sw, dgs);
	float v = nv->Evaluate(sw, dgs);
	const float u2 = u * u;
	const float v2 = v * v;

	const float anisotropy = u2 < v2 ? 1.f - u2 / v2 : v2 / u2 - 1.f;
	SchlickDistribution *md = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SchlickDistribution)(u * v, anisotropy);
	FresnelGeneral *fr = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelGeneral)(fresnel->Evaluate(sw, dgs));

	MicrofacetReflection *bxdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetReflection)(1.f,
		fr, md, false);
	SingleBSDF *bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SingleBSDF)(dgs,
		isect.dg.nn, bxdf, isect.exterior, isect.interior);

	// Add ptr to CompositingParams structure

	return bsdf;