SkString* SkObjectParser::PointsToString(const SkPoint pts[], size_t count) { SkString* mPoints = new SkString("SkPoints pts[]: "); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mPoints->append("("); mPoints->appendScalar(pts[i].fX); mPoints->append(","); mPoints->appendScalar(pts[i].fY); mPoints->append(")"); } return mPoints; }
SkString* SkObjectParser::RectToString(const SkRect& rect, const char* title) { SkString* mRect = new SkString; if (nullptr == title) { mRect->append("SkRect: "); } else { mRect->append(title); } mRect->append("("); mRect->appendScalar(rect.left()); mRect->append(", "); mRect->appendScalar(; mRect->append(", "); mRect->appendScalar(rect.right()); mRect->append(", "); mRect->appendScalar(rect.bottom()); mRect->append(")"); return mRect; }
void SkSVGSVG::translate(SkSVGParser& parser, bool defState) { SkScalar height, width; SkScalar viewBox[4]; const char* hSuffix = SkParse::FindScalar(f_height.c_str(), &height); if (strcmp(hSuffix, "pt") == 0) height = SkScalarMulDiv(height, SK_Scalar1 * 72, SK_Scalar1 * 96); const char* wSuffix = SkParse::FindScalar(f_width.c_str(), &width); if (strcmp(wSuffix, "pt") == 0) width = SkScalarMulDiv(width, SK_Scalar1 * 72, SK_Scalar1 * 96); SkParse::FindScalars(f_viewBox.c_str(), viewBox, 4); SkRect box; box.fLeft = SkScalarDiv(viewBox[0], width); box.fTop = SkScalarDiv(viewBox[1], height); box.fRight = SkScalarDiv(viewBox[2], width); box.fBottom = SkScalarDiv(viewBox[3], height); if (box.fLeft == 0 && box.fTop == 0 && box.fRight == SK_Scalar1 && box.fBottom == SK_Scalar1) return; parser._startElement("matrix"); if (box.fLeft != 0) { SkString x; x.appendScalar(box.fLeft); parser._addAttributeLen("translateX", x.c_str(), x.size()); } if (box.fTop != 0) { SkString y; y.appendScalar(box.fTop); parser._addAttributeLen("translateY", y.c_str(), y.size()); } if (box.fRight != SK_Scalar1) { SkString x; x.appendScalar(box.fRight); parser._addAttributeLen("scaleX", x.c_str(), x.size()); } if (box.fBottom != SK_Scalar1) { SkString y; y.appendScalar(box.fBottom); parser._addAttributeLen("scaleY", y.c_str(), y.size()); } parser._endElement(); }
static void show_k_text(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkScalar k[]) { SkPaint paint; paint.setTextSize(SkIntToScalar(24)); paint.setAntiAlias(true); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { SkString str; str.appendScalar(k[i]); SkScalar width = paint.measureText(str.c_str(), str.size()); canvas->drawText(str.c_str(), str.size(), x, y + paint.getTextSize(), paint); x += width + SkIntToScalar(10); } }
/** * Returns PS function code that applies inverse perspective * to a x, y point. * The function assumes that the stack has at least two elements, * and that the top 2 elements are numeric values. * After executing this code on a PS stack, the last 2 elements are updated * while the rest of the stack is preserved intact. * inversePerspectiveMatrix is the inverse perspective matrix. */ static SkString apply_perspective_to_coordinates( const SkMatrix& inversePerspectiveMatrix) { SkString code; if (!inversePerspectiveMatrix.hasPerspective()) { return code; } // Perspective matrix should be: // 1 0 0 // 0 1 0 // p0 p1 p2 const SkScalar p0 = inversePerspectiveMatrix[SkMatrix::kMPersp0]; const SkScalar p1 = inversePerspectiveMatrix[SkMatrix::kMPersp1]; const SkScalar p2 = inversePerspectiveMatrix[SkMatrix::kMPersp2]; // y = y / (p2 + p0 x + p1 y) // x = x / (p2 + p0 x + p1 y) // Input on stack: x y code.append(" dup "); // x y y code.appendScalar(p1); // x y y p1 code.append(" mul " // x y y*p1 " 2 index "); // x y y*p1 x code.appendScalar(p0); // x y y p1 x p0 code.append(" mul "); // x y y*p1 x*p0 code.appendScalar(p2); // x y y p1 x*p0 p2 code.append(" add " // x y y*p1 x*p0+p2 "add " // x y y*p1+x*p0+p2 "3 1 roll " // y*p1+x*p0+p2 x y "2 index " // z x y y*p1+x*p0+p2 "div " // y*p1+x*p0+p2 x y/(y*p1+x*p0+p2) "3 1 roll " // y/(y*p1+x*p0+p2) y*p1+x*p0+p2 x "exch " // y/(y*p1+x*p0+p2) x y*p1+x*p0+p2 "div " // y/(y*p1+x*p0+p2) x/(y*p1+x*p0+p2) "exch\n"); // x/(y*p1+x*p0+p2) y/(y*p1+x*p0+p2) return code; }
void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { fCell.set(this->height() / 2, this->height() / 2); SkScalar trans[2]; fTrans.timeToValues(fCurrTime, trans); for (int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) { int index = y * 2 + x; SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); canvas->translate(fCell.width() * x, fCell.height() * y); SkRect r = SkRect::MakeWH(fCell.width(), fCell.height()); r.inset(4, 4); canvas->clipRect(r); this->drawHere(canvas, SkFilterQuality(index), trans[0], trans[1]); } } this->drawBorders(canvas); const SkScalar textX = fCell.width() * 2 + 30; SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setTextSize(36); SkString str; str.appendScalar(fScale); canvas->drawText(str.c_str(), str.size(), textX, 100, paint); str.reset(); str.appendScalar(fAngle); canvas->drawText(str.c_str(), str.size(), textX, 150, paint); str.reset(); str.appendScalar(trans[0]); canvas->drawText(str.c_str(), str.size(), textX, 200, paint); str.reset(); str.appendScalar(trans[1]); canvas->drawText(str.c_str(), str.size(), textX, 250, paint); }
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkMatrix m; m.setIdentity(); m.set(SkMatrix::kMPersp0, -0.004f); SkAutoCanvasRestore autoRestore(canvas, true); canvas->translate(22, 144); SkPaint black; black.setAntiAlias(true); black.setTextSize(24); SkPaint gray = black; gray.setColor(0xFF9f9f9f); SkString string; string.appendScalar(m.getPerspX()); canvas->drawString(string, 0, -72, gray); canvas->concat(m); canvas->drawString(string, 0, 0, black); }
void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { SkASSERT(fParent); SkScalar x = fSliderRange * (*fOutput - fMin) / (fMax - fMin); fSlider.offsetTo(SkScalarPin(x, 0.0f, fSliderRange), fSlider.fTop); SkString valueStr; valueStr.appendScalar(*fOutput); this->drawLabel(canvas, valueStr); SkPaint sliderPaint; sliderPaint.setColor(0xFFF3F3F3); canvas->drawRect(fSlider, sliderPaint); SkPaint ctrlRegionPaint; ctrlRegionPaint.setColor(0xFFFFFFFF); ctrlRegionPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); ctrlRegionPaint.setStrokeWidth(2.0f); canvas->drawRect(fCtrlRegion, ctrlRegionPaint); }
SkString* SkObjectParser::RRectToString(const SkRRect& rrect, const char* title) { SkString* mRRect = new SkString; if (nullptr == title) { mRRect->append("SkRRect ("); if (rrect.isEmpty()) { mRRect->append("empty"); } else if (rrect.isRect()) { mRRect->append("rect"); } else if (rrect.isOval()) { mRRect->append("oval"); } else if (rrect.isSimple()) { mRRect->append("simple"); } else if (rrect.isNinePatch()) { mRRect->append("nine-patch"); } else { SkASSERT(rrect.isComplex()); mRRect->append("complex"); } mRRect->append("): "); } else { mRRect->append(title); } mRRect->append("("); mRRect->appendScalar(rrect.rect().left()); mRRect->append(", "); mRRect->appendScalar(rrect.rect().top()); mRRect->append(", "); mRRect->appendScalar(rrect.rect().right()); mRRect->append(", "); mRRect->appendScalar(rrect.rect().bottom()); mRRect->append(") radii: ("); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { const SkVector& radii = rrect.radii((SkRRect::Corner) i); mRRect->appendScalar(radii.fX); mRRect->append(", "); mRRect->appendScalar(radii.fY); if (i < 3) { mRRect->append(", "); } } mRRect->append(")"); return mRRect; }
bool SkWStream::writeScalarAsText(SkScalar value) { SkString tmp; tmp.appendScalar(value); return this->write(tmp.c_str(), tmp.size()); }
void SkDebugger::getOverviewText(const SkTDArray<double>* typeTimes, double totTime, SkString* overview, int numRuns) { const SkTDArray<SkDrawCommand*>& commands = this->getDrawCommands(); SkTDArray<int> counts; counts.setCount(LAST_DRAWTYPE_ENUM+1); for (int i = 0; i < LAST_DRAWTYPE_ENUM+1; ++i) { counts[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < commands.count(); i++) { counts[commands[i]->getType()]++; } overview->reset(); int total = 0; #ifdef SK_DEBUG double totPercent = 0, tempSum = 0; #endif for (int i = 0; i < LAST_DRAWTYPE_ENUM+1; ++i) { if (0 == counts[i]) { // if there were no commands of this type then they should've consumed no time SkASSERT(NULL == typeTimes || 0.0 == (*typeTimes)[i]); continue; } overview->append(SkDrawCommand::GetCommandString((DrawType) i)); overview->append(": "); overview->appendS32(counts[i]); if (NULL != typeTimes && totTime >= 0.0) { overview->append(" - "); overview->appendf("%.2f", (*typeTimes)[i]/(float)numRuns); overview->append("ms"); overview->append(" - "); double percent = 100.0*(*typeTimes)[i]/totTime; overview->appendf("%.2f", percent); overview->append("%"); #ifdef SK_DEBUG totPercent += percent; tempSum += (*typeTimes)[i]; #endif } overview->append("<br/>"); total += counts[i]; } #ifdef SK_DEBUG if (NULL != typeTimes) { SkASSERT(SkScalarNearlyEqual(SkDoubleToScalar(totPercent), SkDoubleToScalar(100.0))); SkASSERT(SkScalarNearlyEqual(SkDoubleToScalar(tempSum), SkDoubleToScalar(totTime))); } #endif if (totTime > 0.0) { overview->append("Total Time: "); overview->appendf("%.2f", totTime/(float)numRuns); overview->append("ms"); #ifdef SK_DEBUG overview->append(" "); overview->appendScalar(SkDoubleToScalar(totPercent)); overview->append("% "); #endif overview->append("<br/>"); } SkString totalStr; totalStr.append("Total Draw Commands: "); totalStr.appendScalar(SkDoubleToScalar(total)); totalStr.append("<br/>"); overview->insert(0, totalStr); overview->append("<br/>"); overview->append("SkPicture Width: "); overview->appendS32(pictureWidth()); overview->append("px<br/>"); overview->append("SkPicture Height: "); overview->appendS32(pictureHeight()); overview->append("px"); }
void SkXMLWriter::addScalarAttribute(const char name[], SkScalar value) { SkString tmp; tmp.appendScalar(value); this->addAttribute(name, tmp.c_str()); }
SkString* SkObjectParser::PathToString(const SkPath& path) { SkString* mPath = new SkString("Path ("); static const char* gFillStrings[] = { "Winding", "EvenOdd", "InverseWinding", "InverseEvenOdd" }; mPath->append(gFillStrings[path.getFillType()]); mPath->append(", "); static const char* gConvexityStrings[] = { "Unknown", "Convex", "Concave" }; SkASSERT(SkPath::kConcave_Convexity == 2); mPath->append(gConvexityStrings[path.getConvexity()]); mPath->append(", "); if (path.isRect(nullptr)) { mPath->append("isRect, "); } else { mPath->append("isNotRect, "); } mPath->appendS32(path.countVerbs()); mPath->append("V, "); mPath->appendS32(path.countPoints()); mPath->append("P): "); static const char* gVerbStrings[] = { "Move", "Line", "Quad", "Conic", "Cubic", "Close", "Done" }; static const int gPtsPerVerb[] = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0 }; static const int gPtOffsetPerVerb[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 }; SkASSERT(SkPath::kDone_Verb == 6); SkPath::Iter iter(const_cast<SkPath&>(path), false); SkPath::Verb verb; SkPoint points[4]; for(verb =, false); verb != SkPath::kDone_Verb; verb =, false)) { mPath->append(gVerbStrings[verb]); mPath->append(" "); for (int i = 0; i < gPtsPerVerb[verb]; ++i) { mPath->append("("); mPath->appendScalar(points[gPtOffsetPerVerb[verb]+i].fX); mPath->append(", "); mPath->appendScalar(points[gPtOffsetPerVerb[verb]+i].fY); mPath->append(")"); } if (SkPath::kConic_Verb == verb) { mPath->append("("); mPath->appendScalar(iter.conicWeight()); mPath->append(")"); } mPath->append(" "); } SkString* boundStr = SkObjectParser::RectToString(path.getBounds(), " Bound: "); if (boundStr) { mPath->append(*boundStr); delete boundStr; } return mPath; }
static void TestString(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { SkString a; SkString b((size_t)0); SkString c(""); SkString d(NULL, 0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.isEmpty()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a == b && a == c && a == d); a.set("hello"); b.set("hellox", 5); c.set(a); d.resize(5); memcpy(d.writable_str(), "helloz", 5); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !a.isEmpty()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.size() == 5); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a == b && a == c && a == d); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals("hello", 5)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals("hello")); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !a.equals("help")); SkString e(a); SkString f("hello"); SkString g("helloz", 5); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a == e && a == f && a == g); b.set("world"); c = b; REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a != b && a != c && b == c); a.append(" world"); e.append("worldz", 5); e.insert(5, " "); f.set("world"); f.prepend("hello "); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals("hello world") && a == e && a == f); a.reset(); b.resize(0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.isEmpty() && b.isEmpty() && a == b); a.set("a"); a.set("ab"); a.set("abc"); a.set("abcd"); a.set(""); a.appendS64(72036854775808LL, 0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals("72036854775808")); a.set(""); a.appendS64(-1844674407370LL, 0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals("-1844674407370")); a.set(""); a.appendS64(73709551616LL, 15); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals("000073709551616")); a.set(""); a.appendS64(-429496729612LL, 15); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals("-000429496729612")); static const struct { SkScalar fValue; const char* fString; } gRec[] = { { 0, "0" }, { SK_Scalar1, "1" }, { -SK_Scalar1, "-1" }, { SK_Scalar1/2, "0.5" }, #ifdef SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT { 3.4028234e38f, "3.4028235e+38" }, { -3.4028234e38f, "-3.4028235e+38" }, #endif }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gRec); i++) { a.reset(); a.appendScalar(gRec[i].fValue); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.size() <= SkStrAppendScalar_MaxSize); // SkDebugf(" received <%s> expected <%s>\n", a.c_str(), gRec[i].fString); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a.equals(gRec[i].fString)); } }
SkString* SkObjectParser::ScalarToString(SkScalar x, const char* text) { SkString* mScalar = new SkString(text); mScalar->append(" "); mScalar->appendScalar(x); return mScalar; }
bool SkScriptRuntime::executeTokens(unsigned char* opCode) { SkOperand2 operand[2]; // 1=accumulator and 2=operand SkScriptEngine2::TypeOp op; size_t ref; int index, size; int registerLoad; SkScriptCallBack* callBack SK_INIT_TO_AVOID_WARNING; do { switch ((op = (SkScriptEngine2::TypeOp) *opCode++)) { case SkScriptEngine2::kArrayToken: // create an array operand[0].fArray = new SkOpArray(SkOperand2::kNoType /*fReturnType*/); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kArrayIndex: // array accessor index = operand[1].fS32; if (index >= operand[0].fArray->count()) { fError = kArrayIndexOutOfBounds; return false; } operand[0] = operand[0].fArray->begin()[index]; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kArrayParam: // array initializer, or function param *operand[0].fArray->append() = operand[1]; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kCallback: memcpy(&index, opCode, sizeof(index)); opCode += sizeof(index); callBack = fCallBackArray[index]; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kFunctionCall: { memcpy(&ref, opCode, sizeof(ref)); opCode += sizeof(ref); SkScriptCallBackFunction* callBackFunction = (SkScriptCallBackFunction*) callBack; if (callBackFunction->invoke(ref, operand[0].fArray, /* params */ &operand[0] /* result */) == false) { fError = kFunctionCallFailed; return false; } } break; case SkScriptEngine2::kMemberOp: { memcpy(&ref, opCode, sizeof(ref)); opCode += sizeof(ref); SkScriptCallBackMember* callBackMember = (SkScriptCallBackMember*) callBack; if (callBackMember->invoke(ref, operand[0].fObject, &operand[0]) == false) { fError = kMemberOpFailed; return false; } } break; case SkScriptEngine2::kPropertyOp: { memcpy(&ref, opCode, sizeof(ref)); opCode += sizeof(ref); SkScriptCallBackProperty* callBackProperty = (SkScriptCallBackProperty*) callBack; if (callBackProperty->getResult(ref, &operand[0])== false) { fError = kPropertyOpFailed; return false; } } break; case SkScriptEngine2::kAccumulatorPop: fRunStack.pop(&operand[0]); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kAccumulatorPush: *fRunStack.push() = operand[0]; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kIntegerAccumulator: case SkScriptEngine2::kIntegerOperand: registerLoad = op - SkScriptEngine2::kIntegerAccumulator; memcpy(&operand[registerLoad].fS32, opCode, sizeof(int32_t)); opCode += sizeof(int32_t); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kScalarAccumulator: case SkScriptEngine2::kScalarOperand: registerLoad = op - SkScriptEngine2::kScalarAccumulator; memcpy(&operand[registerLoad].fScalar, opCode, sizeof(SkScalar)); opCode += sizeof(SkScalar); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kStringAccumulator: case SkScriptEngine2::kStringOperand: { SkString* strPtr = new SkString(); track(strPtr); registerLoad = op - SkScriptEngine2::kStringAccumulator; memcpy(&size, opCode, sizeof(size)); opCode += sizeof(size); strPtr->set((char*) opCode, size); opCode += size; operand[registerLoad].fString = strPtr; } break; case SkScriptEngine2::kStringTrack: // call after kObjectToValue track(operand[0].fString); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kBoxToken: { SkOperand2::OpType type; memcpy(&type, opCode, sizeof(type)); opCode += sizeof(type); SkScriptCallBackConvert* callBackBox = (SkScriptCallBackConvert*) callBack; if (callBackBox->convert(type, &operand[0]) == false) return false; } break; case SkScriptEngine2::kUnboxToken: case SkScriptEngine2::kUnboxToken2: { SkScriptCallBackConvert* callBackUnbox = (SkScriptCallBackConvert*) callBack; if (callBackUnbox->convert(SkOperand2::kObject, &operand[0]) == false) return false; } break; case SkScriptEngine2::kIfOp: case SkScriptEngine2::kLogicalAndInt: memcpy(&size, opCode, sizeof(size)); opCode += sizeof(size); if (operand[0].fS32 == 0) opCode += size; // skip to else (or end of if predicate) break; case SkScriptEngine2::kElseOp: memcpy(&size, opCode, sizeof(size)); opCode += sizeof(size); opCode += size; // if true: after predicate, always skip to end of else break; case SkScriptEngine2::kLogicalOrInt: memcpy(&size, opCode, sizeof(size)); opCode += sizeof(size); if (operand[0].fS32 != 0) opCode += size; // skip to kToBool opcode after || predicate break; // arithmetic conversion ops case SkScriptEngine2::kFlipOpsOp: SkTSwap(operand[0], operand[1]); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kIntToString: case SkScriptEngine2::kIntToString2: case SkScriptEngine2::kScalarToString: case SkScriptEngine2::kScalarToString2: { SkString* strPtr = new SkString(); track(strPtr); if (op == SkScriptEngine2::kIntToString || op == SkScriptEngine2::kIntToString2) strPtr->appendS32(operand[op - SkScriptEngine2::kIntToString].fS32); else strPtr->appendScalar(operand[op - SkScriptEngine2::kScalarToString].fScalar); operand[0].fString = strPtr; } break; case SkScriptEngine2::kIntToScalar: case SkScriptEngine2::kIntToScalar2: operand[0].fScalar = SkScriptEngine2::IntToScalar(operand[op - SkScriptEngine2::kIntToScalar].fS32); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kStringToInt: if (SkParse::FindS32(operand[0].fString->c_str(), &operand[0].fS32) == NULL) return false; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kStringToScalar: case SkScriptEngine2::kStringToScalar2: if (SkParse::FindScalar(operand[0].fString->c_str(), &operand[op - SkScriptEngine2::kStringToScalar].fScalar) == NULL) return false; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kScalarToInt: operand[0].fS32 = SkScalarFloorToInt(operand[0].fScalar); break; // arithmetic ops case SkScriptEngine2::kAddInt: operand[0].fS32 += operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kAddScalar: operand[0].fScalar += operand[1].fScalar; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kAddString: // if (fTrackString.find(operand[1].fString) < 0) { // operand[1].fString = SkNEW_ARGS(SkString, (*operand[1].fString)); // track(operand[1].fString); // } operand[0].fString->append(*operand[1].fString); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kBitAndInt: operand[0].fS32 &= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kBitNotInt: operand[0].fS32 = ~operand[0].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kBitOrInt: operand[0].fS32 |= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kDivideInt: SkASSERT(operand[1].fS32 != 0); if (operand[1].fS32 == 0) operand[0].fS32 = operand[0].fS32 == 0 ? SK_NaN32 : operand[0].fS32 > 0 ? SK_MaxS32 : -SK_MaxS32; else if (operand[1].fS32 != 0) // throw error on divide by zero? operand[0].fS32 /= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kDivideScalar: if (operand[1].fScalar == 0) operand[0].fScalar = operand[0].fScalar == 0 ? SK_ScalarNaN : operand[0].fScalar > 0 ? SK_ScalarMax : -SK_ScalarMax; else operand[0].fScalar = SkScalarDiv(operand[0].fScalar, operand[1].fScalar); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kEqualInt: operand[0].fS32 = operand[0].fS32 == operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kEqualScalar: operand[0].fS32 = operand[0].fScalar == operand[1].fScalar; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kEqualString: operand[0].fS32 = *operand[0].fString == *operand[1].fString; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kGreaterEqualInt: operand[0].fS32 = operand[0].fS32 >= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kGreaterEqualScalar: operand[0].fS32 = operand[0].fScalar >= operand[1].fScalar; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kGreaterEqualString: operand[0].fS32 = strcmp(operand[0].fString->c_str(), operand[1].fString->c_str()) >= 0; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kToBool: operand[0].fS32 = !! operand[0].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kLogicalNotInt: operand[0].fS32 = ! operand[0].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kMinusInt: operand[0].fS32 = -operand[0].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kMinusScalar: operand[0].fScalar = -operand[0].fScalar; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kModuloInt: operand[0].fS32 %= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kModuloScalar: operand[0].fScalar = SkScalarMod(operand[0].fScalar, operand[1].fScalar); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kMultiplyInt: operand[0].fS32 *= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kMultiplyScalar: operand[0].fScalar = SkScalarMul(operand[0].fScalar, operand[1].fScalar); break; case SkScriptEngine2::kShiftLeftInt: operand[0].fS32 <<= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kShiftRightInt: operand[0].fS32 >>= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kSubtractInt: operand[0].fS32 -= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kSubtractScalar: operand[0].fScalar -= operand[1].fScalar; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kXorInt: operand[0].fS32 ^= operand[1].fS32; break; case SkScriptEngine2::kEnd: goto done; case SkScriptEngine2::kNop: SkASSERT(0); default: break; } } while (true); done: fRunStack.push(operand[0]); return true; }
static void set_scalar(SkStaticTextView* view, SkScalar value) { SkString str; str.appendScalar(value); view->setText(str); }
SkString* SkObjectParser::IntToString(int x, const char* text) { SkString* mInt = new SkString(text); mInt->append(" "); mInt->appendScalar(SkIntToScalar(x)); return mInt; }
void SkSVGPaint::setSave(SkSVGParser& parser) { SkTDArray<SkString*> clips; SkSVGPaint* walking = parser.fHead; int index; SkMatrix sum; sum.reset(); while (walking != NULL) { for (index = kInitial + 1; index < kTerminal; index++) { SkString* lastAttr = (*walking)[index]; if (lastAttr->size() == 0) continue; if (index == kTransform) { const char* str = lastAttr->c_str(); SkASSERT(strncmp(str, "matrix(", 7) == 0); str += 6; const char* strEnd = strrchr(str, ')'); SkASSERT(strEnd != NULL); SkString mat(str, strEnd - str); SkSVGParser::ConvertToArray(mat); SkScalar values[6]; SkParse::FindScalars(mat.c_str() + 1, values, 6); SkMatrix matrix; matrix.reset(); matrix.setScaleX(values[0]); matrix.setSkewY(values[1]); matrix.setSkewX(values[2]); matrix.setScaleY(values[3]); matrix.setTranslateX(values[4]); matrix.setTranslateY(values[5]); sum.setConcat(matrix, sum); continue; } if ( index == kClipPath) *clips.insert(0) = lastAttr; } walking = walking->fNext; } if ((sum == parser.fLastTransform) == false) { SkMatrix inverse; bool success = parser.fLastTransform.invert(&inverse); SkASSERT(success == true); SkMatrix output; output.setConcat(inverse, sum); parser.fLastTransform = sum; SkString outputStr; outputStr.appendUnichar('['); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getScaleX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getSkewX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getTranslateX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getSkewY()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getScaleY()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getTranslateY()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getPerspX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getPerspY()); outputStr.append(",1]"); parser._startElement("matrix"); parser._addAttributeLen("matrix", outputStr.c_str(), outputStr.size()); parser._endElement(); } #if 0 // incomplete if (parser.fTransformClips.size() > 0) { // need to reset the clip when the 'g' scope is ended parser._startElement("add"); const char* start = strchr(current->f_clipPath.c_str(), '#') + 1; SkASSERT(start); parser._addAttributeLen("use", start, strlen(start) - 1); parser._endElement(); // clip } #endif }