예제 #1
uint32 GetSkillDiscoverySpell(uint32 skillId, uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    // check spell case
    SkillDiscoveryMap::iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(spellId);

    if (tab != SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        for (SkillDiscoveryList::iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
            if (roll_chance_f(item_iter->chance * sWorld.getRate(RATE_SKILL_DISCOVERY))
                && !player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId) )
                return item_iter->spellId;

        return 0;

    // check skill line case
    tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(-(int32)skillId);
    if (tab != SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        for (SkillDiscoveryList::iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
            if (roll_chance_f(item_iter->chance * sWorld.getRate(RATE_SKILL_DISCOVERY))
                && !player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId) )
                return item_iter->spellId;

        return 0;

    return 0;
예제 #2
bool HasDiscoveredAllSpells(uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    SkillDiscoveryMap::const_iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(int32(spellId));
    if (tab == SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        return true;

    for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (!player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))
            return false;

    return true;
예제 #3
uint32 GetSkillDiscoverySpell(uint32 skillId, uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    uint32 skillvalue = skillId ? player->GetSkillValue(skillId) : uint32(0);

    // check spell case
    SkillDiscoveryMap::const_iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(int32(spellId));

    if (tab != SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
            if (roll_chance_f(item_iter->chance * sWorld->getRate(RATE_SKILL_DISCOVERY)) &&
                item_iter->reqSkillValue <= skillvalue &&
                return item_iter->spellId;

        return 0;

    if (!skillId)
        return 0;

    // check skill line case
    tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(-(int32)skillId);
    if (tab != SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
            if (roll_chance_f(item_iter->chance * sWorld->getRate(RATE_SKILL_DISCOVERY)) &&
                item_iter->reqSkillValue <= skillvalue &&
                return item_iter->spellId;

        return 0;

    return 0;
예제 #4
bool HasDiscoveredAllSpells (uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    SkillDiscoveryMap::const_iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(spellId);
    if (tab == SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        return true;

    SkillLineAbilityMapBounds bounds = sSpellMgr->GetSkillLineAbilityMapBounds(spellId);
    uint32 skillvalue = bounds.first != bounds.second ? player->GetSkillValue(bounds.first->second->skillId) : 0;

    for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (!player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))
            return false;

    return true;
uint32 GetExplicitDiscoverySpell(uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    // explicit discovery spell chances (always success if case exist)
    // in this case we have both skill and spell
    SkillDiscoveryMap::const_iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(int32(spellId));
    if (tab == SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        return 0;

    SkillLineAbilityMapBounds bounds = sSpellMgr->GetSkillLineAbilityMapBounds(spellId);
    uint32 skillvalue = bounds.first != bounds.second ? player->GetSkillValue(bounds.first->second->skillId) : uint32(0);

    float full_chance = 0;
    for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue <= skillvalue)
            if (!player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))
                full_chance += item_iter->chance;

    float rate = full_chance / 100.0f;
    float roll = (float)rand_chance() * rate;                      // roll now in range 0..full_chance

    for (SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue > skillvalue)

        if (player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))

        if (item_iter->chance > roll)
            // Update skill, not Book of Glyph Mastery
            if (spellId != 64323)
                player->UpdateGatherSkill(SKILL_INSCRIPTION, player->GetPureSkillValue(SKILL_INSCRIPTION), item_iter->reqSkillValue);
            return item_iter->spellId;

        roll -= item_iter->chance;

    return 0;
예제 #6
uint32 GetExplicitDiscoverySpell(uint32 spellId, Player* player)
    // explicit discovery spell chances (always success if case exist)
    // in this case we have both skill and spell
    SkillDiscoveryMap::const_iterator tab = SkillDiscoveryStore.find(spellId);
    if (tab == SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
        return 0;

    SkillLineAbilityMap::const_iterator lower = spellmgr.GetBeginSkillLineAbilityMap(spellId);
    SkillLineAbilityMap::const_iterator upper = spellmgr.GetEndSkillLineAbilityMap(spellId);
    uint32 skillvalue = lower != upper ? player->GetSkillValue(lower->second->skillId) : 0;

    float full_chance = 0;
    for(SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue <= skillvalue)
            if (!player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))
                full_chance += item_iter->chance;

    float rate = full_chance / 100.0f;
    float roll = rand_chance() * rate;                      // roll now in range 0..full_chance

    for(SkillDiscoveryList::const_iterator item_iter = tab->second.begin(); item_iter != tab->second.end(); ++item_iter)
        if (item_iter->reqSkillValue > skillvalue)

        if (player->HasSpell(item_iter->spellId))

        if (item_iter->chance > roll)
            return item_iter->spellId;

        roll -= item_iter->chance;

    return 0;
예제 #7
void LoadSkillDiscoveryTable()

    SkillDiscoveryStore.clear();                            // need for reload

    uint32 count = 0;

    //                                                0        1         2              3
    QueryResult *result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT spellId, reqSpell, reqSkillValue, chance FROM skill_discovery_template");

    if (!result)
        sLog.outString( ">> Loaded 0 skill discovery definitions. DB table `skill_discovery_template` is empty." );

    barGoLink bar(result->GetRowCount());

    std::ostringstream ssNonDiscoverableEntries;
    std::set<uint32> reportedReqSpells;

        Field *fields = result->Fetch();

        uint32 spellId         = fields[0].GetUInt32();
        int32  reqSkillOrSpell = fields[1].GetInt32();
        uint32 reqSkillValue   = fields[2].GetInt32();
        float  chance          = fields[3].GetFloat();

        if (chance <= 0)                                    // chance
            ssNonDiscoverableEntries << "spellId = " << spellId << " reqSkillOrSpell = " << reqSkillOrSpell
                << " reqSkillValue = " << reqSkillValue << " chance = " << chance << "(chance problem)\n";

        if (reqSkillOrSpell > 0)                            // spell case
            SpellEntry const* reqSpellEntry = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(reqSkillOrSpell);
            if (!reqSpellEntry)
                    sLog.outErrorDb("Spell (ID: %u) have not existed spell (ID: %i) in `reqSpell` field in `skill_discovery_template` table",spellId,reqSkillOrSpell);

            // mechanic discovery
            if (reqSpellEntry->Mechanic != MECHANIC_DISCOVERY &&
                // explicit discovery ability
                if (reportedReqSpells.count(reqSkillOrSpell)==0)
                    sLog.outErrorDb("Spell (ID: %u) not have MECHANIC_DISCOVERY (28) value in Mechanic field in spell.dbc"
                        " and not 100%% chance random discovery ability but listed for spellId %u (and maybe more) in `skill_discovery_template` table",

            SkillDiscoveryStore[reqSkillOrSpell].push_back( SkillDiscoveryEntry(spellId, reqSkillValue, chance) );
        else if (reqSkillOrSpell == 0)                      // skill case
            SkillLineAbilityMapBounds bounds = spellmgr.GetSkillLineAbilityMapBounds(spellId);

            if (bounds.first==bounds.second)
                sLog.outErrorDb("Spell (ID: %u) not listed in `SkillLineAbility.dbc` but listed with `reqSpell`=0 in `skill_discovery_template` table",spellId);

            for(SkillLineAbilityMap::const_iterator _spell_idx = bounds.first; _spell_idx != bounds.second; ++_spell_idx)
                SkillDiscoveryStore[-int32(_spell_idx->second->skillId)].push_back( SkillDiscoveryEntry(spellId, reqSkillValue, chance) );
            sLog.outErrorDb("Spell (ID: %u) have negative value in `reqSpell` field in `skill_discovery_template` table",spellId);

    } while (result->NextRow());

    delete result;

    sLog.outString( ">> Loaded %u skill discovery definitions", count );
    if (!ssNonDiscoverableEntries.str().empty())
        sLog.outErrorDb("Some items can't be successfully discovered: have in chance field value < 0.000001 in `skill_discovery_template` DB table . List:\n%s",ssNonDiscoverableEntries.str().c_str());

    // report about empty data for explicit discovery spells
    for(uint32 spell_id = 1; spell_id < sSpellStore.GetNumRows(); ++spell_id)
        SpellEntry const* spellEntry = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spell_id);
        if (!spellEntry)

        // skip not explicit discovery spells
        if (!IsExplicitDiscoverySpell(spellEntry))

        if (SkillDiscoveryStore.find(spell_id)==SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
            sLog.outErrorDb("Spell (ID: %u) is 100%% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table",spell_id);
예제 #8
void LoadSkillDiscoveryTable()
    uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

    SkillDiscoveryStore.clear();                            // need for reload

    //                                                0        1         2              3
    QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT spellId, reqSpell, reqSkillValue, chance FROM skill_discovery_template");

    if (!result)
        TC_LOG_ERROR("serveur.loading", ">> Loaded 0 skill discovery definitions. DB table `skill_discovery_template` is empty.");

    uint32 count = 0;

    std::ostringstream ssNonDiscoverableEntries;
    std::set<uint32> reportedReqSpells;

        Field* fields = result->Fetch();

        uint32 spellId         = fields[0].GetUInt32();
        int32  reqSkillOrSpell = fields[1].GetInt32();
        uint32 reqSkillValue   = fields[2].GetUInt16();
        float  chance          = fields[3].GetFloat();

        if (chance <= 0)                                    // chance
            ssNonDiscoverableEntries << "spellId = " << spellId << " reqSkillOrSpell = " << reqSkillOrSpell
                << " reqSkillValue = " << reqSkillValue << " chance = " << chance << "(chance problem)\n";

        if (reqSkillOrSpell > 0)                            // spell case
            uint32 absReqSkillOrSpell = uint32(reqSkillOrSpell);
            SpellInfo const* reqSpellInfo = sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(absReqSkillOrSpell);
            if (!reqSpellInfo)
                if (reportedReqSpells.find(absReqSkillOrSpell) == reportedReqSpells.end())
                    TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Spell (ID: %u) have not existed spell (ID: %i) in `reqSpell` field in `skill_discovery_template` table", spellId, reqSkillOrSpell);

            // mechanic discovery
            if (reqSpellInfo->Mechanic != MECHANIC_DISCOVERY &&
                // explicit discovery ability
                if (reportedReqSpells.find(absReqSkillOrSpell) == reportedReqSpells.end())
                    TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Spell (ID: %u) not have MECHANIC_DISCOVERY (28) value in Mechanic field in spell.dbc"
                        " and not 100%% chance random discovery ability but listed for spellId %u (and maybe more) in `skill_discovery_template` table",
                        absReqSkillOrSpell, spellId);

            SkillDiscoveryStore[reqSkillOrSpell].push_back(SkillDiscoveryEntry(spellId, reqSkillValue, chance));
        else if (reqSkillOrSpell == 0)                      // skill case
            SkillLineAbilityMapBounds bounds = sSpellMgr->GetSkillLineAbilityMapBounds(spellId);

            if (bounds.first == bounds.second)
                TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Spell (ID: %u) not listed in `SkillLineAbility.dbc` but listed with `reqSpell`=0 in `skill_discovery_template` table", spellId);

            for (SkillLineAbilityMap::const_iterator _spell_idx = bounds.first; _spell_idx != bounds.second; ++_spell_idx)
                SkillDiscoveryStore[-int32(_spell_idx->second->skillId)].push_back(SkillDiscoveryEntry(spellId, reqSkillValue, chance));
            TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Spell (ID: %u) have negative value in `reqSpell` field in `skill_discovery_template` table", spellId);

    while (result->NextRow());

    if (!ssNonDiscoverableEntries.str().empty())
        TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Some items can't be successfully discovered: have in chance field value < 0.000001 in `skill_discovery_template` DB table . List:\n%s", ssNonDiscoverableEntries.str().c_str());

    // report about empty data for explicit discovery spells
    for (uint32 spell_id = 1; spell_id < sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfoStoreSize(); ++spell_id)
        SpellInfo const* spellEntry = sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(spell_id);
        if (!spellEntry)

        // skip not explicit discovery spells
        if (!spellEntry->IsExplicitDiscovery())

        if (SkillDiscoveryStore.find(int32(spell_id)) == SkillDiscoveryStore.end())
            TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Spell (ID: %u) is 100%% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table", spell_id);

    TC_LOG_INFO("serveur.loading", ">> Loaded %u skill discovery definitions in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));