예제 #1
void AngleScan_V::completeView(SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster>& unusedViewClusters,
                             SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster>& showerCand,
                             double vtxT)

    if (unusedViewClusters.empty()) return;
    double z_min = 10000;
    double z_max = -10000;
    double angle_min = 180;
    double angle_max = -180;

    SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster> viewShowerCand;
    SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster>::iterator it_view = unusedViewClusters.begin();
    for (SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster>::iterator c = showerCand.begin();
         c != showerCand.end(); ++c){
        if ( (*c)->view() == (*it_view)->view() ) viewShowerCand.push_back(*c);
        if ( (*c)->view() == Minerva::IDCluster::U && (*c)->z() < z_min ) z_min = (*c)->z();
        if ( (*c)->view() == Minerva::IDCluster::U && (*c)->z() > z_max ) z_max = (*c)->z();

    if (viewShowerCand.empty()) {
        std::cout << "\tAngleScan_V::completeView: no view cluster" << std::endl;

    for ( it_view = viewShowerCand.begin(); it_view != viewShowerCand.end(); ++it_view){
        const double z   = (*it_view)->z() - fZ;
        const double u   = (*it_view)->position() - vtxT;
        const double ang = std::atan2(u,z)*TMath::RadToDeg();
        if ( ang >= angle_max ) angle_max = ang;
        if ( ang <= angle_min ) angle_min = ang;

    z_min = z_min - 100;
    z_max = z_max + 100;
    angle_max = angle_max + 10.0;
    angle_min = angle_min - 10.0;
        /* Move clusters between (angle_min,angle_max) and (z_min,z_max) from
           'unusedClusters' to blob */
    std::cout << "\tAngleScan_V::completeView:oldsize: " << showerCand.size() << std::endl;
    coneView(unusedViewClusters, showerCand, vtxT, angle_min, angle_max, z_min, z_max );
    std::cout << "\tAngleScan_V::completeView:newsize: " << showerCand.size() << std::endl;
예제 #2
void AngleScan_V::FormVShowerCand() 
    for (std::vector<TVector2>::const_iterator peak = fPeaks.begin();
         peak != fPeaks.end(); ++peak) {
        const double lower_edge = peak->X();
        const double upper_edge = peak->Y();
        const double zmin       = 4500.0;
        const double zmax       = 10000.0;

        SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster> showerCand;
        coneView(fRemainingVClusters, showerCand, fV, lower_edge, upper_edge, zmin, zmax);
        if (showerCand.empty()) continue;

        if (showerCand.size() == 1 && showerCand.front()->pe() > 30) {

        } else if (showerCand.size() > 1) {


        // Calculate the distance from the shower candidates to the event vertex
        // Try two definitions of distance: closest and energy weighted
    for (std::vector<SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster> >::iterator s
             = fVShowerCandidates.begin();
         s != fVShowerCandidates.end(); ++s) {

        SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster>& vshowerCand = *s;

        double d_min = 1.e6;
        double d_weighted = 0.0;
        double total_energy = 0.0;
        for (SmartRefVector<Minerva::IDCluster>::iterator c = vshowerCand.begin();
             c != vshowerCand.end(); ++c) {

            double v = (*c)->position();
            double z = (*c)->z();
            double d = std::sqrt(std::pow(v-fV,2) + std::pow(z-fZ,2));

            if (d < d_min) {
                d_min = d;

            d_weighted   += d * (*c)->energy();
            total_energy += (*c)->energy();

    std::sort(fVShowerCandidates.begin(),fVShowerCandidates.end(), greaterShower());