예제 #1
static void generateJSNavTree(QList<FTVNode *> &nodeList)
   QString htmlOutput = Config::getString("html-output");

   // new JS  
   QFile f(htmlOutput + "/navtreedata.js");
   SortedList<NavIndexEntry *> navIndex;

   if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
      QTextStream t(&f);
      t << "var NAVTREE =" << endl;
      t << "[" << endl;
      t << "  [ ";

      QString projName = Config::getString("project-name");

      if (projName.isEmpty()) {
         if (Doxy_Globals::mainPage && ! Doxy_Globals::mainPage->title().isEmpty()) { 
            // use title of main page as root
            t << "\"" << convertToJSString(Doxy_Globals::mainPage->title()) << "\", ";

         } else { 
            // use default section title as root
            LayoutNavEntry *lne = LayoutDocManager::instance().rootNavEntry()->find(LayoutNavEntry::MainPage);
            t << "\"" << convertToJSString(lne->title()) << "\", ";

      } else { 
         // use PROJECT_NAME as root tree element
         t << "\"" << convertToJSString(projName) << "\", ";

      t << "\"index" << Doxy_Globals::htmlFileExtension << "\", ";

      // add special entry for index page
      navIndex.inSort(new NavIndexEntry("index" + Doxy_Globals::htmlFileExtension, ""));

      // related page index, written as a child of index.html
      navIndex.inSort(new NavIndexEntry("pages" + Doxy_Globals::htmlFileExtension, ""));

      // adjust for display output     

      bool omitComma = true;
      generateJSTree(navIndex, t, nodeList, 1, omitComma);

      if (omitComma) {
         t << "]" << endl;
      } else {
         t << endl << "  ] ]" << endl;

      t << "];" << endl << endl;
      int subIndex  = 0;
      int elemCount = 0;
      const int maxElemCount = 250;

      // new JS     
      QFile fsidx(htmlOutput + "/navtreeindex0.js");

      if (fsidx.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
         QTextStream tsidx(&fsidx);

         t << "var NAVTREEINDEX =" << endl;
         t << "[" << endl;

         tsidx << "var NAVTREEINDEX" << subIndex << " =" << endl;
         tsidx << "{" << endl;

         omitComma = true;     

         auto nextItem  = navIndex.begin();

         for (auto e : navIndex)  {
            // for each entry

            if (elemCount == 0) {
               if (! omitComma) {
                  t << "," << endl;

               } else {
                  omitComma = false;

               t << "\"" << e->m_url << "\"";

            tsidx << "\"" << e->m_url << "\":[" << e->m_indexId << "]";
            if (nextItem != navIndex.end() && elemCount < maxElemCount - 1) {
               // not the last entry
               tsidx << ",";   

            tsidx << endl;


            if (nextItem != navIndex.end() && elemCount >= maxElemCount) {           
               // switch to new sub-index
               tsidx << "};" << endl;

               elemCount = 0;


               fsidx.setFileName(htmlOutput + "/navtreeindex" + QString::number(subIndex) + ".js");

               if (! fsidx.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {

               tsidx << "var NAVTREEINDEX" << subIndex << " =" << endl;
               tsidx << "{" << endl;

         tsidx << "};" << endl;
         t << endl << "];" << endl;

      t << endl << "var SYNCONMSG = '"  << theTranslator->trPanelSyncTooltip(false) << "';";
      t << endl << "var SYNCOFFMSG = '" << theTranslator->trPanelSyncTooltip(true)  << "';";

   ResourceMgr::instance().copyResourceAs("html/navtree.js", htmlOutput, "navtree.js");
예제 #2
static bool generateJSTree(SortedList<NavIndexEntry *> &navIndex, QTextStream &t, const QList<FTVNode *> &nl, int level, bool &omitComma)
   static QString htmlOutput   = Config::getString("html-output");   
   static QString mainPageName = Config::getFullName(Config::getString("main-page-name")); 
   static bool mainPageOmit    = Config::getBool("main-page-omit"); 

   QString indentStr;
   indentStr.fill(' ', level * 2);

   bool found = false;

   for (auto node : nl)  {
      // terminate previous entry

      if (! omitComma) {
         t << "," << endl;
      omitComma = false;

      // start entry
      if (! found) {
         t << "[" << endl;
      found = true;

      if (node->addToNavIndex) { 
         // add entry to the navigation index

         if (node->def && node->def->definitionType() == Definition::TypeFile) {            
            QSharedPointer<FileDef> fd = node->def.dynamicCast<FileDef>();
            if (! mainPageName.isEmpty() && fd->getFilePath() == mainPageName) {       
               // do not add this file to the navIndex, for \files

            } else {  
               if (docFileVisibleInIndex(fd)) {
                  navIndex.inSort(new NavIndexEntry(node2URL(node, true, false), pathToNode(node)));
               if (srcFileVisibleInIndex(fd)) {
                  navIndex.inSort(new NavIndexEntry(node2URL(node, true, true), pathToNode(node)));

         } else { 
            if (mainPageOmit && node->def == Doxy_Globals::mainPage) { 
               // do not add this file to the navIndex 
            } else {
               navIndex.inSort(new NavIndexEntry(node2URL(node), pathToNode(node)));

      if (node->separateIndex) { 
         // store some items in a separate file (annotated, modules, namespaces, files)
         bool firstChild   = true;
         bool showMainPage = true;

         if (node->def && node->def->definitionType() == Definition::TypeFile) {            
            QSharedPointer<FileDef> fd = node->def.dynamicCast<FileDef>();

            if (! mainPageName.isEmpty() && fd->getFilePath() == mainPageName) {   
               // do not add this file to the navIndex, for \files

               showMainPage = false;
               omitComma    = true;

         } else { 
            if (mainPageOmit && node->def == Doxy_Globals::mainPage) { 
               // do not add this file to the navIndex 

               showMainPage = false;
               omitComma    = true;

         if (showMainPage) {         
            t << indentStr << "  [ ";
            generateJSLink(t, node);
            if (node->children.count() > 0) { 
               // write children to separate file for dynamic loading
               QString fileId = node->file;
               if (! node->anchor.isEmpty()) {
                  fileId += "_" + node->anchor;
               if (dupOfParent(node)) {
                  fileId += "_dup";
               QFile fi(htmlOutput + "/" + fileId + ".js");
               if (fi.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
                  QTextStream tt(&fi);
                  tt << "var " << convertFileId2Var(fileId) << " =" << endl;
                  generateJSTree(navIndex, tt, node->children, 1, firstChild);
                  tt << endl << "];";
               t << "\"" << fileId << "\" ]";            

            } else { 
               // no children
               t << "null ]";

      } else {
         bool firstChild = true;

         if (mainPageOmit && node->def == Doxy_Globals::mainPage) { 
            // omit treeview entries for index page
            omitComma = true;

         } else  {
            t << indentStr << "  [ ";
            generateJSLink(t, node);
            bool emptySection = ! generateJSTree(navIndex, t, node->children, level + 1, firstChild);
            if (emptySection) {
               t << "null ]";
            } else {
               t << endl << indentStr << "  ] ]";

   return found;