예제 #1
// KdSubsurfaceMaterial Method Definitions
void KdSubsurfaceMaterial::ComputeScatteringFunctions(
    SurfaceInteraction *si, MemoryArena &arena, TransportMode mode,
    bool allowMultipleLobes) const {
    // Perform bump mapping with _bumpMap_, if present
    if (bumpMap) Bump(bumpMap, si);
    si->bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*si, eta);
    Spectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum T = Kt->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();

    if (allowMultipleLobes && (!R.IsBlack() || !T.IsBlack()))
            ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelSpecular)(1., 1., 1.f, eta, mode));
    else {
        if (!R.IsBlack())
            si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(
                R, ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1.f, eta)));
        if (!T.IsBlack())
                ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(T, 1.f, eta, mode));

    Spectrum sig_t = scale * sigma_t->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum kd = Kd->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum sig_a, sig_s;
    SubsurfaceFromDiffuse(table, kd, sig_t, &sig_a, &sig_s);
    si->bssrdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, TabulatedBSSRDF)(*si, this, mode, eta,
                                                     sig_a, sig_s, table);
예제 #2
// PlasticMaterial Method Definitions
BSDF *PlasticMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom,
                               const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading,
                               MemoryArena &arena) const {
    // Allocate _BSDF_, possibly doing bump mapping with _bumpMap_
    DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn);
    Spectrum kd = Kd->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!kd.IsBlack()) {
        BxDF *diff = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Lambertian)(kd);
    Spectrum ks = Ks->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!ks.IsBlack()) {
        Fresnel *fresnel = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1.5f, 1.f);
        float rough = roughness->Evaluate(dgs);
        BxDF *spec = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Microfacet)
                       (ks, fresnel, BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Blinn)(1.f / rough));
    return bsdf;
예제 #3
Spectrum EstimateDirect(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *renderer,
        MemoryArena &arena, const Light *light, const Point &p,
        const Normal &n, const Vector &wo, float rayEpsilon, float time,
        const BSDF *bsdf, RNG &rng, const LightSample &lightSample,
        const BSDFSample &bsdfSample, BxDFType flags) {
    Spectrum Ld(0.);
    // Sample light source with multiple importance sampling
    Vector wi;
    float lightPdf, bsdfPdf;
    VisibilityTester visibility;
    Spectrum Li = light->Sample_L(p, rayEpsilon, lightSample, time,
                                  &wi, &lightPdf, &visibility);
    if (lightPdf > 0. && !Li.IsBlack()) {
        Spectrum f = bsdf->f(wo, wi, flags);
        if (!f.IsBlack() && visibility.Unoccluded(scene)) {
            // Add light's contribution to reflected radiance
            Li *= visibility.Transmittance(scene, renderer, NULL, rng, arena);
            if (light->IsDeltaLight())
                Ld += f * Li * (AbsDot(wi, n) / lightPdf);
            else {
                bsdfPdf = bsdf->Pdf(wo, wi, flags);
                float weight = PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, bsdfPdf);
                Ld += f * Li * (AbsDot(wi, n) * weight / lightPdf);

    // Sample BSDF with multiple importance sampling
    if (!light->IsDeltaLight()) {
        BxDFType sampledType;
        Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, bsdfSample, &bsdfPdf, flags,
        if (!f.IsBlack() && bsdfPdf > 0.) {
            float weight = 1.f;
            if (!(sampledType & BSDF_SPECULAR)) {
                lightPdf = light->Pdf(p, wi);
                if (lightPdf == 0.)
                    return Ld;
                weight = PowerHeuristic(1, bsdfPdf, 1, lightPdf);
            // Add light contribution from BSDF sampling
            Intersection lightIsect;
            Spectrum Li(0.f);
            RayDifferential ray(p, wi, rayEpsilon, INFINITY, time);
            if (scene->Intersect(ray, &lightIsect)) {
                if (lightIsect.primitive->GetAreaLight() == light)
                    Li = lightIsect.Le(-wi);
                //Li = light->Le(ray,);
            	Li = Spectrum(0.);
            if (!Li.IsBlack()) {
                Li *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, ray, NULL, rng, arena);
                Ld += f * Li * AbsDot(wi, n) * weight / bsdfPdf;
    return Ld;
예제 #4
파일: uber.cpp 프로젝트: NickYang/pbrt-v3
// UberMaterial Method Definitions
void UberMaterial::ComputeScatteringFunctions(SurfaceInteraction *si,
                                              MemoryArena &arena,
                                              TransportMode mode,
                                              bool allowMultipleLobes) const {
    // Perform bump mapping with _bumpMap_, if present
    if (bumpMap) Bump(bumpMap, si);
    Float e = eta->Evaluate(*si);

    Spectrum op = opacity->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (op != Spectrum(1.f)) {
        si->bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*si, 1.f);
        BxDF *tr = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(-op + Spectrum(1.f),
                                                            1.f, 1.f, mode);
    } else
        si->bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*si, e);

    Spectrum kd = op * Kd->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (!kd.IsBlack()) {
        BxDF *diff = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, LambertianReflection)(kd);

    Spectrum ks = op * Ks->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (!ks.IsBlack()) {
        Fresnel *fresnel = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1.f, e);
        Float roughu, roughv;
        if (roughnessu)
            roughu = roughnessu->Evaluate(*si);
            roughu = roughness->Evaluate(*si);
        if (roughnessv)
            roughv = roughnessv->Evaluate(*si);
            roughv = roughu;
        if (remapRoughness) {
            roughu = TrowbridgeReitzDistribution::RoughnessToAlpha(roughu);
            roughv = TrowbridgeReitzDistribution::RoughnessToAlpha(roughv);
        MicrofacetDistribution *distrib =
            ARENA_ALLOC(arena, TrowbridgeReitzDistribution)(roughu, roughv);
        BxDF *spec =
            ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetReflection)(ks, distrib, fresnel);

    Spectrum kr = op * Kr->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (!kr.IsBlack()) {
        Fresnel *fresnel = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1.f, e);
        si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(kr, fresnel));

    Spectrum kt = op * Kt->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (!kt.IsBlack())
            ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(kt, 1.f, e, mode));
예제 #5
// KdSubsurfaceMaterial Method Definitions
void KdSubsurfaceMaterial::ComputeScatteringFunctions(
    SurfaceInteraction *si, MemoryArena &arena, TransportMode mode,
    bool allowMultipleLobes) const {
    // Perform bump mapping with _bumpMap_, if present
    if (bumpMap) Bump(bumpMap, si);
    Spectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum T = Kt->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Float urough = uRoughness->Evaluate(*si);
    Float vrough = vRoughness->Evaluate(*si);

    // Initialize _bsdf_ for smooth or rough dielectric
    si->bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*si, eta);

    if (R.IsBlack() && T.IsBlack()) return;

    bool isSpecular = urough == 0 && vrough == 0;
    if (isSpecular && allowMultipleLobes) {
            ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelSpecular)(R, T, 1.f, eta, mode));
    } else {
        if (remapRoughness) {
            urough = TrowbridgeReitzDistribution::RoughnessToAlpha(urough);
            vrough = TrowbridgeReitzDistribution::RoughnessToAlpha(vrough);
        MicrofacetDistribution *distrib =
            isSpecular ? nullptr
            : ARENA_ALLOC(arena, TrowbridgeReitzDistribution)(
                urough, vrough);
        if (!R.IsBlack()) {
            Fresnel *fresnel = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1.f, eta);
            if (isSpecular)
                    ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R, fresnel));
                si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetReflection)(
                                  R, distrib, fresnel));
        if (!T.IsBlack()) {
            if (isSpecular)
                si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(
                                  T, 1.f, eta, mode));
                si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetTransmission)(
                                  T, distrib, 1.f, eta, mode));

    Spectrum mfree = scale * mfp->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum kd = Kd->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum sig_a, sig_s;
    SubsurfaceFromDiffuse(table, kd, Spectrum(1.f) / mfree, &sig_a, &sig_s);
    si->bssrdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, TabulatedBSSRDF)(*si, this, mode, eta,
                 sig_a, sig_s, table);
예제 #6
// TranslucentMaterial Method Definitions
BSDF *TranslucentMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom, const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    float ior = 1.5f;
    DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn, ior);

    Spectrum r = reflect->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    Spectrum t = transmit->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (r.IsBlack() && t.IsBlack()) return bsdf;

    Spectrum kd = Kd->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!kd.IsBlack()) {
        if (!r.IsBlack()) bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Lambertian)(r * kd));
        if (!t.IsBlack()) bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BRDFToBTDF)(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Lambertian)(t * kd)));
    Spectrum ks = Ks->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!ks.IsBlack()) {
        float rough = roughness->Evaluate(dgs);
        if (!r.IsBlack()) {
            Fresnel *fresnel = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(ior, 1.f);
            bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Microfacet)(r * ks, fresnel,
                BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Blinn)(1.f / rough)));
        if (!t.IsBlack()) {
            Fresnel *fresnel = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(ior, 1.f);
            bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BRDFToBTDF)(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Microfacet)(t * ks, fresnel,
                BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Blinn)(1.f / rough))));
    return bsdf;
예제 #7
static Spectrum L(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *renderer,
        const Camera *camera, MemoryArena &arena, RNG &rng, int maxDepth,
        bool ignoreDirect, const MLTSample &sample) {
    // Generate camera ray from Metropolis sample
    RayDifferential ray;
    float cameraWeight = camera->GenerateRayDifferential(sample.cameraSample,
    Spectrum pathThroughput = cameraWeight, L = 0.;
    bool specularBounce = false, allSpecular = true;
    for (int pathLength = 0; pathLength < maxDepth; ++pathLength) {
        // Find next intersection in Metropolis light path
        Intersection isect;
        if (!scene->Intersect(ray, &isect)) {
            bool includeLe = ignoreDirect ? (specularBounce && !allSpecular) :
                                            (pathLength == 0 || specularBounce);
            if (includeLe)
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
                   L += pathThroughput * scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
        if (ignoreDirect ? (specularBounce && !allSpecular) :
                           (specularBounce || pathLength == 0))
            L += pathThroughput * isect.Le(-ray.d);
        BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
        const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
        const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
        Vector wo = -ray.d;
        const PathSample &ps = sample.pathSamples[pathLength];
        // Sample direct illumination for Metropolis path vertex
        if (!ignoreDirect || pathLength > 0) {
            LightSample lightSample(ps.lightDir0, ps.lightDir1, ps.lightNum0);
            BSDFSample bsdfSample(ps.bsdfLightDir0, ps.bsdfLightDir1,
            uint32_t lightNum = Floor2Int(ps.lightNum1 * scene->lights.size());
            lightNum = min(lightNum, (uint32_t)(scene->lights.size()-1));
            const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];
            L += pathThroughput *
                 EstimateDirect(scene, renderer, arena, light, p, n, wo,
                     isect.rayEpsilon, sample.cameraSample.time, bsdf, rng,
                     lightSample, bsdfSample);

        // Sample direction for outgoing Metropolis path direction
        BSDFSample outgoingBSDFSample(ps.bsdfDir0, ps.bsdfDir1,
        Vector wi;
        float pdf;
        BxDFType flags;
        Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, outgoingBSDFSample,
                                    &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
        if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.)
        specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
        allSpecular &= specularBounce;
        pathThroughput *= f * AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf;
        ray = RayDifferential(p, wi, ray, isect.rayEpsilon);
        //pathThroughput *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, ray, NULL, rng, arena);
    return L;
예제 #8
Spectrum EstimateDirect(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *renderer,
        MemoryArena &arena, const Light *light, const Point &p,
        const Normal &n, const Vector &wo, float rayEpsilon, float time,
        const BSDF *bsdf, RNG &rng, const LightSample &lightSample,
        const BSDFSample &bsdfSample, BxDFType flags) {
    Spectrum Ld(0.);
    // Sample light source with multiple importance sampling
    Vector wi;
    float lightPdf, bsdfPdf;
    VisibilityTester visibility;
    light->Sample_L(p, rayEpsilon, lightSample, time,
                                  &wi, &lightPdf, &visibility);
    Spectrum Li(1.);
    if (lightPdf > 0. && !Li.IsBlack()) {
        Spectrum f = bsdf->f(wo, wi, flags);
        if (!f.IsBlack() && visibility.Unoccluded(scene)) {
            // Add light's contribution to reflected radiance
            Li *= visibility.Transmittance(scene, renderer, NULL, rng, arena);
            if (light->IsDeltaLight())
                Ld += f * (AbsDot(wi, n) / lightPdf);
            else {
                bsdfPdf = bsdf->Pdf(wo, wi, flags);
                float weight = PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, bsdfPdf);
                Ld += f * (AbsDot(wi, n) * weight / lightPdf);

       return Ld;
예제 #9
파일: light.cpp 프로젝트: AI42/OM3D
void Light::SHProject(const PbrtPoint &p, float pEpsilon, int lmax,
        const Scene *scene, bool computeLightVisibility, float time,
        RNG &rng, Spectrum *coeffs) const {
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
        coeffs[i] = 0.f;
    uint32_t ns = RoundUpPow2(nSamples);
    uint32_t scramble1D = rng.RandomUInt();
    uint32_t scramble2D[2] = { rng.RandomUInt(), rng.RandomUInt() };
    float *Ylm = ALLOCA(float, SHTerms(lmax));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ns; ++i) {
        // Compute incident radiance sample from _light_, update SH _coeffs_
        float u[2], pdf;
        Sample02(i, scramble2D, u);
        LightSample lightSample(u[0], u[1], VanDerCorput(i, scramble1D));
        Vector wi;
        VisibilityTester vis;
        Spectrum Li = Sample_L(p, pEpsilon, lightSample, time, &wi, &pdf, &vis);
        if (!Li.IsBlack() && pdf > 0.f &&
            (!computeLightVisibility || vis.Unoccluded(scene))) {
            // Add light sample contribution to MC estimate of SH coefficients
            SHEvaluate(wi, lmax, Ylm);
            for (int j = 0; j < SHTerms(lmax); ++j)
                coeffs[j] += Li * Ylm[j] / (pdf * ns);
예제 #10
// MirrorMaterial Method Definitions
BSDF *MirrorMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom, const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    // Allocate _BSDF_, possibly doing bump mapping with _bumpMap_
    DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn);
    Spectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();

    if (!R.IsBlack()) {
        float x,y,z;
        x = dgs.p.x;
        y = dgs.p.y;
        z = dgs.p.z;
        float rad = sqrt((x-(-4))*(x-(-4)) + (y-1)*(y-1) + (z-15)*(z-15));
        float c = 15.f;
//        if (rad < c) {// 11->20, 14
            bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R,
                BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelNoOp)()));
//        } else {
//            bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R,
//                BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelNoOp)()));
//        }
    return bsdf;
예제 #11
// GlassMaterial Method Definitions
void GlassMaterial::ComputeScatteringFunctions(SurfaceInteraction *si,
                                               MemoryArena &arena,
                                               TransportMode mode,
                                               bool allowMultipleLobes) const {
    // Perform bump mapping with _bumpMap_, if present
    if (bumpMap) Bump(bumpMap, si);
    Float eta = index->Evaluate(*si);
    si->bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*si, eta);

    Spectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum T = Kt->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (R.IsBlack() && T.IsBlack()) return;

    Float urough = uRoughness->Evaluate(*si);
    Float vrough = vRoughness->Evaluate(*si);
    bool isSpecular = urough == 0 && vrough == 0;
    if (isSpecular && allowMultipleLobes) {
            ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelSpecular)(R, T, 1.f, eta, mode));
    } else {
        if (remapRoughness) {
            urough = TrowbridgeReitzDistribution::RoughnessToAlpha(urough);
            vrough = TrowbridgeReitzDistribution::RoughnessToAlpha(vrough);
        MicrofacetDistribution *distrib =
            isSpecular ? nullptr
                       : ARENA_ALLOC(arena, TrowbridgeReitzDistribution)(
                             urough, vrough);
        if (!R.IsBlack()) {
            Fresnel *fresnel = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1.f, eta);
            if (isSpecular)
                    ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R, fresnel));
                si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetReflection)(
                    R, distrib, fresnel));
        if (!T.IsBlack()) {
            if (isSpecular)
                si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(
                    T, 1.f, eta, mode));
                si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetTransmission)(
                    T, distrib, 1.f, eta, mode));
예제 #12
Spectrum MetropolisRenderer::PathL(const MLTSample &sample,
        const Scene *scene, MemoryArena &arena, const Camera *camera,
        const Distribution1D *lightDistribution,
        PathVertex *cameraPath, PathVertex *lightPath,
        RNG &rng) const {
    // Generate camera path from camera path samples
    PBRT_STARTED_GENERATING_CAMERA_RAY((CameraSample *)(&sample.cameraSample));
    RayDifferential cameraRay;
    float cameraWt = camera->GenerateRayDifferential(sample.cameraSample,
    cameraRay.ScaleDifferentials(1.f / sqrtf(nPixelSamples));
    PBRT_FINISHED_GENERATING_CAMERA_RAY((CameraSample *)(&sample.cameraSample), &cameraRay, cameraWt);
    RayDifferential escapedRay;
    Spectrum escapedAlpha;
    uint32_t cameraLength = GeneratePath(cameraRay, cameraWt, scene, arena,
        sample.cameraPathSamples, cameraPath, &escapedRay, &escapedAlpha);
    if (!bidirectional) {
        // Compute radiance along path using path tracing
        return Lpath(scene, cameraPath, cameraLength, arena,
                     sample.lightingSamples, rng, sample.cameraSample.time,
                     lightDistribution, escapedRay, escapedAlpha);
    else {
        // Sample light ray and apply bidirectional path tracing

        // Choose light and sample ray to start light path
        float lightPdf, lightRayPdf;
        uint32_t lightNum = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(sample.lightNumSample,
        const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];
        Ray lightRay;
        Normal Nl;
        LightSample lrs(sample.lightRaySamples[0], sample.lightRaySamples[1],
        Spectrum lightWt = light->Sample_L(scene, lrs, sample.lightRaySamples[3],
            sample.lightRaySamples[4], sample.cameraSample.time, &lightRay,
            &Nl, &lightRayPdf);
        if (lightWt.IsBlack() || lightRayPdf == 0.f) {
            // Compute radiance along path using path tracing
            return Lpath(scene, cameraPath, cameraLength, arena,
                         sample.lightingSamples, rng, sample.cameraSample.time,
                         lightDistribution, escapedRay, escapedAlpha);
        else {
            // Compute radiance along paths using bidirectional path tracing
            lightWt *= AbsDot(Normalize(Nl), lightRay.d) / (lightPdf * lightRayPdf);
            uint32_t lightLength = GeneratePath(RayDifferential(lightRay), lightWt,
                scene, arena, sample.lightPathSamples, lightPath, NULL, NULL);
            return Lbidir(scene, cameraPath, cameraLength, lightPath, lightLength,
                arena, sample.lightingSamples, rng, sample.cameraSample.time,
                lightDistribution, escapedRay, escapedAlpha);
예제 #13
// WhittedIntegrator Method Definitions
Spectrum WhittedIntegrator::Li(const RayDifferential &ray, const Scene &scene,
                               Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena,
                               int depth) const {
    Spectrum L(0.);
    // Find closest ray intersection or return background radiance
    SurfaceInteraction isect;
    if (!scene.Intersect(ray, &isect)) {
        for (const auto &light : scene.lights) L += light->Le(ray);
        return L;

    // Compute emitted and reflected light at ray intersection point

    // Initialize common variables for Whitted integrator
    const Normal3f &n = isect.shading.n;
    Vector3f wo = isect.wo;

    // Compute scattering functions for surface interaction
    isect.ComputeScatteringFunctions(ray, arena);
    if (!isect.bsdf)
        return Li(isect.SpawnRay(ray.d), scene, sampler, arena, depth);

    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Add contribution of each light source
    for (const auto &light : scene.lights) {
        Vector3f wi;
        Float pdf;
        VisibilityTester visibility;
        Spectrum Li =
            light->Sample_Li(isect, sampler.Get2D(), &wi, &pdf, &visibility);
        if (Li.IsBlack() || pdf == 0) continue;
        Spectrum f = isect.bsdf->f(wo, wi);
        if (!f.IsBlack() && visibility.Unoccluded(scene))
            L += f * Li * AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf;
    if (depth + 1 < maxDepth) {
        // Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
        L += SpecularReflect(ray, isect, scene, sampler, arena, depth);
        L += SpecularTransmit(ray, isect, scene, sampler, arena, depth);
    return L;
예제 #14
// Metropolis Method Definitions
static uint32_t GeneratePath(const RayDifferential &r,
        const Spectrum &a, const Scene *scene, MemoryArena &arena,
        const vector<PathSample> &samples, PathVertex *path,
        RayDifferential *escapedRay, Spectrum *escapedAlpha) {
    RayDifferential ray = r;
    Spectrum alpha = a;
    if (escapedAlpha) *escapedAlpha = 0.f;
    uint32_t length = 0;
    for (; length < samples.size(); ++length) {
        // Try to generate next vertex of ray path
        PathVertex &v = path[length];
        if (!scene->Intersect(ray, &v.isect)) {
            // Handle ray that leaves the scene during path generation
            if (escapedAlpha) *escapedAlpha = alpha;
            if (escapedRay)   *escapedRay = ray;

        // Record information for current path vertex
        v.alpha = alpha;
        BSDF *bsdf = v.isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
        v.bsdf = bsdf;
        v.wPrev = -ray.d;

        // Sample direction for outgoing Metropolis path direction
        float pdf;
        BxDFType flags;
        Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(-ray.d, &v.wNext, samples[length].bsdfSample,
                                    &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
        v.specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
        v.nSpecularComponents = bsdf->NumComponents(BxDFType(BSDF_SPECULAR |
                                         BSDF_REFLECTION | BSDF_TRANSMISSION));
        if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f)
            return length+1;

        // Terminate path with RR or prepare for finding next vertex
        const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
        const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
        Spectrum pathScale = f * AbsDot(v.wNext, n) / pdf;
        float rrSurviveProb = min(1.f, pathScale.y());
        if (samples[length].rrSample > rrSurviveProb)
            return length+1;
        alpha *= pathScale / rrSurviveProb;
        //alpha *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, ray, NULL, rng, arena);
        ray = RayDifferential(p, v.wNext, ray, v.isect.rayEpsilon);
    return length;
예제 #15
파일: whitted.cpp 프로젝트: jwzhang/pbrt-v2
// WhittedIntegrator Method Definitions
Spectrum WhittedIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
        const Renderer *renderer, const RayDifferential &ray,
        const Intersection &isect, const Sample *sample,
        MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L(0.);
    // Compute emitted and reflected light at ray intersection point

    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);

    // Initialize common variables for Whitted integrator
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    Vector wo = -ray.d;

    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Add contribution of each light source
    Vector wi;
    for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i) {
        VisibilityTester visibility;
        float pdf;
        Spectrum Li = scene->lights[i]->Sample_L(p, isect.rayEpsilon,
            LightSample(*sample->rng), sample->time, &wi, &pdf, &visibility);
        if (Li.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) continue;
        Li /= pdf;
        Spectrum f = bsdf->f(wo, wi);
        if (!f.IsBlack() && visibility.Unoccluded(scene))
            L += f * Li * AbsDot(wi, n) *
                visibility.Transmittance(scene, renderer,
                                         sample, NULL, arena);
    if (ray.depth + 1 < maxDepth) {
        // Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
        L += SpecularReflect(ray, bsdf, *sample->rng, isect, renderer,
                             scene, sample, arena);
        L += SpecularTransmit(ray, bsdf, *sample->rng, isect, renderer,
                              scene, sample, arena);
    return L;
예제 #16
// UberMaterial Method Definitions
BSDF *UberMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom, const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    // Allocate _BSDF_, possibly doing bump mapping with _bumpMap_
    DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn);

    Spectrum op = opacity->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (op != Spectrum(1.)) {
        BxDF *tr = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(-op + Spectrum(1.), 1., 1.);

    Spectrum kd = op * Kd->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!kd.IsBlack()) {
        BxDF *diff = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Lambertian)(kd);

    float e = eta->Evaluate(dgs);
    Spectrum ks = op * Ks->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!ks.IsBlack()) {
        Fresnel *fresnel = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(e, 1.f);
        float rough = roughness->Evaluate(dgs);
        BxDF *spec = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Microfacet)(ks, fresnel, BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Blinn)(1.f / rough));

    Spectrum kr = op * Kr->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!kr.IsBlack()) {
        Fresnel *fresnel = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(e, 1.f);
        bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(kr, fresnel));

    Spectrum kt = op * Kt->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!kt.IsBlack())
        bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(kt, e, 1.f));

    return bsdf;
예제 #17
Spectrum IrradianceCacheIntegrator::pathL(Ray &r, const Scene *scene,
        const Renderer *renderer, const Sample *sample, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L(0.f);
    Spectrum pathThroughput = 1.;
    RayDifferential ray(r);
    bool specularBounce = false;
    for (int pathLength = 0; ; ++pathLength) {
        // Find next vertex of path
        Intersection isect;
        if (!scene->Intersect(ray, &isect))
        if (pathLength == 0)
            r.maxt = ray.maxt;
        else if (pathLength == 1)
            pathThroughput *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, ray, sample, arena, NULL);
            pathThroughput *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, ray, NULL, arena, sample->rng);
        // Possibly add emitted light at path vertex
        if (specularBounce)
            L += pathThroughput * isect.Le(-ray.d);
        // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
        BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
        // Sample illumination from lights to find path contribution
        const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
        const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
        Vector wo = -ray.d;
        L += pathThroughput *
            UniformSampleOneLight(scene, renderer, arena, p, n, wo, isect.rayEpsilon,
                                  bsdf, sample);
        if (pathLength+1 == maxIndirectDepth) break;
        // Sample BSDF to get new path direction
        // Get random numbers for sampling new direction, \mono{bs1}, \mono{bs2}, and \mono{bcs}
        Vector wi;
        float pdf;
        BxDFType flags;
        Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, BSDFSample(*sample->rng),
            &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
        if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.)
        specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
        pathThroughput *= f * AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf;
        ray = RayDifferential(p, wi, ray, isect.rayEpsilon);
        // Possibly terminate the path
        if (pathLength > 2) {
            float rrProb = min(1.f, pathThroughput.y());
            if (sample->rng->RandomFloat() > rrProb)
            pathThroughput /= rrProb;
    return L;
예제 #18
Spectrum SeparableBSSRDF::Sample_S(const Scene &scene, Float u1,
                                   const Point2f &u2, MemoryArena &arena,
                                   SurfaceInteraction *si, Float *pdf) const {
    ProfilePhase pp(Prof::BSSRDFEvaluation);
    Spectrum Sp = Sample_Sp(scene, u1, u2, arena, si, pdf);
    if (!Sp.IsBlack()) {
        // Initialize material model at sampled surface interaction
        si->bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*si);
        si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, SeparableBSSRDFAdapter)(this));
        si->wo = Vector3f(si->shading.n);
    return Sp;
예제 #19
// SubsurfaceMaterial Method Definitions
BSDF *SubsurfaceMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom,
        const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    // Allocate _BSDF_, possibly doing bump mapping with _bumpMap_
    DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    // Trisha: This is a hack-y way to determine if we should use the NormalMap over the BumpMap. If the NormalMap is zero at this pixel value, we skip over it.
    Spectrum normalSpectrum = normalMap->Evaluate(dgShading);
    if (!normalSpectrum.IsBlack())
        NormalMap(normalMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
    else if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn);
    Spectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    float e = eta->Evaluate(dgs);
    if (!R.IsBlack())
        bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R,
            BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1., e)));
    return bsdf;
예제 #20
// GlassMaterial Method Definitions
BSDF *GlassMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom, const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    // Trisha: This is a hack-y way to determine if we should use the NormalMap over the BumpMap. If the NormalMap is zero at this pixel value, we skip over it.
    Spectrum normalSpectrum = normalMap->Evaluate(dgShading);
    if (!normalSpectrum.IsBlack())
        NormalMap(normalMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
    else if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    float ior = index->Evaluate(dgs);
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn, ior);
    Spectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    Spectrum T = Kt->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!R.IsBlack())
        bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R,
            BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1., ior)));
    if (!T.IsBlack())
        bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularTransmission)(T, 1., ior));
    return bsdf;
예제 #21
// TranslucentMaterial Method Definitions
void TranslucentMaterial::ComputeScatteringFunctions(
    SurfaceInteraction *si, MemoryArena &arena, TransportMode mode,
    bool allowMultipleLobes) const {
    // Perform bump mapping with _bumpMap_, if present
    if (bumpMap) Bump(bumpMap, si);
    Float eta = 1.5f;
    si->bsdf = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*si, eta);

    Spectrum r = reflect->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    Spectrum t = transmit->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (r.IsBlack() && t.IsBlack()) return;

    Spectrum kd = Kd->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (!kd.IsBlack()) {
        if (!r.IsBlack())
            si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, LambertianReflection)(r * kd));
        if (!t.IsBlack())
            si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, LambertianTransmission)(t * kd));
    Spectrum ks = Ks->Evaluate(*si).Clamp();
    if (!ks.IsBlack() && (!r.IsBlack() || !t.IsBlack())) {
        Float rough = roughness->Evaluate(*si);
        if (remapRoughness)
            rough = TrowbridgeReitzDistribution::RoughnessToAlpha(rough);
        MicrofacetDistribution *distrib =
            ARENA_ALLOC(arena, TrowbridgeReitzDistribution)(rough, rough);
        if (!r.IsBlack()) {
            Fresnel *fresnel = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1.f, eta);
            si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetReflection)(
                r * ks, distrib, fresnel));
        if (!t.IsBlack())
            si->bsdf->Add(ARENA_ALLOC(arena, MicrofacetTransmission)(
                t * ks, distrib, 1.f, eta, mode));
예제 #22
Spectrum SamplerIntegrator::SpecularTransmit(
    const RayDifferential &ray, const SurfaceInteraction &isect,
    const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena, int depth) const {
    Vector3f wo = isect.wo, wi;
    Float pdf;
    const Point3f &p = isect.p;
    const Normal3f &ns = isect.shading.n;
    const BSDF &bsdf = *isect.bsdf;
    Spectrum f = bsdf.Sample_f(wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf,
                               BxDFType(BSDF_TRANSMISSION | BSDF_SPECULAR));
    Spectrum L = Spectrum(0.f);
    if (pdf > 0.f && !f.IsBlack() && AbsDot(wi, ns) != 0.f) {
        // Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
        RayDifferential rd = isect.SpawnRay(wi);
        if (ray.hasDifferentials) {
            rd.hasDifferentials = true;
            rd.rxOrigin = p + isect.dpdx;
            rd.ryOrigin = p + isect.dpdy;

            Float eta = bsdf.eta;
            Vector3f w = -wo;
            if (Dot(wo, ns) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;

            Normal3f dndx = isect.shading.dndu * isect.dudx +
                            isect.shading.dndv * isect.dvdx;
            Normal3f dndy = isect.shading.dndu * isect.dudy +
                            isect.shading.dndv * isect.dvdy;

            Vector3f dwodx = -ray.rxDirection - wo,
                     dwody = -ray.ryDirection - wo;
            Float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, ns) + Dot(wo, dndx);
            Float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, ns) + Dot(wo, dndy);

            Float mu = eta * Dot(w, ns) - Dot(wi, ns);
            Float dmudx =
                (eta - (eta * eta * Dot(w, ns)) / Dot(wi, ns)) * dDNdx;
            Float dmudy =
                (eta - (eta * eta * Dot(w, ns)) / Dot(wi, ns)) * dDNdy;

            rd.rxDirection =
                wi + eta * dwodx - Vector3f(mu * dndx + dmudx * ns);
            rd.ryDirection =
                wi + eta * dwody - Vector3f(mu * dndy + dmudy * ns);
        L = f * Li(rd, scene, sampler, arena, depth + 1) * AbsDot(wi, ns) / pdf;
    return L;
예제 #23
Spectrum MetropolisRenderer::Lpath(const Scene *scene,
        const PathVertex *cameraPath, int cameraPathLength,
        MemoryArena &arena, const vector<LightingSample> &samples,
        RNG &rng, float time, const Distribution1D *lightDistribution,
        const RayDifferential &eRay, const Spectrum &eAlpha) const {
    Spectrum L = 0.;
    bool previousSpecular = true, allSpecular = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < cameraPathLength; ++i) {
        // Initialize basic variables for camera path vertex
        const PathVertex &vc = cameraPath[i];
        const Point &pc = vc.bsdf->dgShading.p;
        const Normal &nc = vc.bsdf->dgShading.nn;

        // Add emitted light from vertex if appropriate
        if (previousSpecular && (directLighting == NULL || !allSpecular))
            L += vc.alpha * vc.isect.Le(vc.wPrev);

        // Compute direct illumination for Metropolis path vertex
        Spectrum Ld(0.f);
        if (directLighting == NULL || !allSpecular) {
            // Choose light and call _EstimateDirect()_ for Metropolis vertex
            const LightingSample &ls = samples[i];
            float lightPdf;
            uint32_t lightNum = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(ls.lightNum,
            const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];
            Ld = vc.alpha *
                 EstimateDirect(scene, this, arena, light, pc, nc, vc.wPrev,
                                vc.isect.rayEpsilon, time, vc.bsdf, rng, NULL,
                                ls.lightSample, ls.bsdfSample,
                                BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR)) / lightPdf;
        previousSpecular = vc.specularBounce;
        allSpecular &= previousSpecular;
        L += Ld;
    // Add contribution of escaped ray, if any
    if (!eAlpha.IsBlack() && previousSpecular &&
        (directLighting == NULL || !allSpecular))
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
           L += eAlpha * scene->lights[i]->Le(eRay);
    return L;
예제 #24
// KdSubsurfaceMaterial Method Definitions
BSDF *KdSubsurfaceMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom,
              const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading,
              MemoryArena &arena) const {
    // Allocate _BSDF_, possibly doing bump mapping with _bumpMap_
    DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn);
    Spectrum R = Kr->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    float ior = index->Evaluate(dgs);
    if (!R.IsBlack())
        bsdf->Add(BSDF_ALLOC(arena, SpecularReflection)(R,
            BSDF_ALLOC(arena, FresnelDielectric)(1., ior)));
    return bsdf;
예제 #25
Spectrum SpecularTransmit(const RayDifferential &ray, BSDF *bsdf,
        RNG &rng, const Intersection &isect, const Renderer *renderer,
        const Scene *scene, const Sample *sample, MemoryArena &arena) {
    Vector wo = -ray.d, wi;
    float pdf;
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, BSDFSample(rng), &pdf,
                               BxDFType(BSDF_TRANSMISSION | BSDF_SPECULAR));
    Spectrum L = 0.f;
    if (pdf > 0.f && !f.IsBlack() && AbsDot(wi, n) != 0.f) {
        // Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
        RayDifferential rd(p, wi, ray, isect.rayEpsilon);
        if (ray.hasDifferentials) {
            rd.hasDifferentials = true;
            rd.rxOrigin = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
            rd.ryOrigin = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
            float eta = bsdf->eta;
            Vector w = -wo;
            if (Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;
            Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
            Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
            Vector dwodx = -ray.rxDirection - wo, dwody = -ray.ryDirection - wo;
            float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
            float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
            float mu = eta * Dot(w, n) - Dot(wi, n);
            float dmudx = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx;
            float dmudy = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy;
            rd.rxDirection = wi + eta * dwodx - Vector(mu * dndx + dmudx * n);
            rd.ryDirection = wi + eta * dwody - Vector(mu * dndy + dmudy * n);
        PBRT_STARTED_SPECULAR_REFRACTION_RAY(const_cast<RayDifferential *>(&rd));
        Spectrum Li = renderer->Li(scene, rd, sample, rng, arena);
        L = f * Li * AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf;
        PBRT_FINISHED_SPECULAR_REFRACTION_RAY(const_cast<RayDifferential *>(&rd));
    return L;
예제 #26
파일: bdpt.cpp 프로젝트: wjakob/pbrt-v3
int GenerateLightSubpath(
    const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena, int maxDepth,
    Float time, const Distribution1D &lightDistr,
    const std::unordered_map<const Light *, size_t> &lightToIndex,
    Vertex *path) {
    if (maxDepth == 0) return 0;
    // Sample initial ray for light subpath
    Float lightPdf;
    int lightNum = lightDistr.SampleDiscrete(sampler.Get1D(), &lightPdf);
    const std::shared_ptr<Light> &light = scene.lights[lightNum];
    RayDifferential ray;
    Normal3f nLight;
    Float pdfPos, pdfDir;
    Spectrum Le = light->Sample_Le(sampler.Get2D(), sampler.Get2D(), time, &ray,
                                   &nLight, &pdfPos, &pdfDir);
    if (pdfPos == 0 || pdfDir == 0 || Le.IsBlack()) return 0;

    // Generate first vertex on light subpath and start random walk
    path[0] =
        Vertex::CreateLight(light.get(), ray, nLight, Le, pdfPos * lightPdf);
    Spectrum beta = Le * AbsDot(nLight, ray.d) / (lightPdf * pdfPos * pdfDir);
    VLOG(2) << "Starting light subpath. Ray: " << ray << ", Le " << Le <<
        ", beta " << beta << ", pdfPos " << pdfPos << ", pdfDir " << pdfDir;
    int nVertices =
        RandomWalk(scene, ray, sampler, arena, beta, pdfDir, maxDepth - 1,
                   TransportMode::Importance, path + 1);

    // Correct subpath sampling densities for infinite area lights
    if (path[0].IsInfiniteLight()) {
        // Set spatial density of _path[1]_ for infinite area light
        if (nVertices > 0) {
            path[1].pdfFwd = pdfPos;
            if (path[1].IsOnSurface())
                path[1].pdfFwd *= AbsDot(ray.d, path[1].ng());

        // Set spatial density of _path[0]_ for infinite area light
        path[0].pdfFwd =
            InfiniteLightDensity(scene, lightDistr, lightToIndex, ray.d);
    return nVertices + 1;
예제 #27
파일: volpath.cpp 프로젝트: BlueBrain/pbrt
Spectrum VolumePatIntegrator::EstimateDirectLight(const Scene *scene,
        const Renderer *renderer, MemoryArena &arena, const Light *light,
        const Point &p, const Normal &n, const Vector &wo, float rayEpsilon,
        float time, RNG &rng, const LightSample &lightSample) const {
    VolumeRegion *vr = scene->volumeRegion;
    if (!vr) Spectrum(0.);
    Spectrum Ld(0.);
    // Sample light source.
    Vector wi;
    float lightPdf;
    VisibilityTester visibility;
    Spectrum Li = light->Sample_L(p, rayEpsilon, lightSample, time,
                                  &wi, &lightPdf, &visibility);
    if (lightPdf > 0. && !Li.IsBlack() && visibility.Unoccluded(scene)) {
        // Add light's contribution to reflected radiance
        Li *= visibility.Transmittance(scene, renderer, NULL, rng, arena);
        // Li *= PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, (1/M_PI_4));
        Ld += vr->p(p, -wi, wo, time) * vr->Sigma_s(p, wo, time) * Li / lightPdf;
    return Ld;
예제 #28
int GenerateLightSubpath(const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler,
                         MemoryArena &arena, int maxdepth, Float time,
                         const Distribution1D &lightDistr, Vertex *path) {
    if (maxdepth == 0) return 0;
    // Sample initial ray for light subpath
    Float lightPdf;
    int lightNum = lightDistr.SampleDiscrete(sampler.Get1D(), &lightPdf);
    const std::shared_ptr<Light> &light = scene.lights[lightNum];
    RayDifferential ray;
    Normal3f Nl;
    Float pdfPos, pdfDir;
    Spectrum Le = light->Sample_L(sampler.Get2D(), sampler.Get2D(), time, &ray,
                                  &Nl, &pdfPos, &pdfDir);
    if (pdfPos == 0.f || pdfDir == 0.f || Le.IsBlack()) return 0;

    // Generate first vertex on light subpath and start random walk
    Spectrum weight = Le * AbsDot(Nl, ray.d) / (lightPdf * pdfPos * pdfDir);
    path[0] = Vertex(VertexType::Light,
                     EndpointInteraction(light.get(), ray, Nl), Le);
    path[0].pdfFwd = pdfPos * lightPdf;
    int nvertices =
        RandomWalk(scene, ray, sampler, arena, weight, pdfDir, maxdepth - 1,
                   TransportMode::Importance, path + 1);

    // Correct sampling densities for infinite area lights
    if (path[0].IsInfiniteLight()) {
        // Set positional density of _path[1]_
        if (nvertices > 0) {
            path[1].pdfFwd = pdfPos;
            if (path[1].IsOnSurface())
                path[1].pdfFwd *= AbsDot(ray.d, path[1].GetGeoNormal());

        // Set positional density of _path[0]_
        path[0].pdfFwd = InfiniteLightDensity(scene, lightDistr, ray.d);
    return nvertices + 1;
예제 #29
BSDF *SkinSubsurfaceMaterial::GetBSDF(const DifferentialGeometry &dgGeom,
                const DifferentialGeometry &dgShading,
                MemoryArena &arena) const {
     DifferentialGeometry dgs;
    if (bumpMap)
        Bump(bumpMap, dgGeom, dgShading, &dgs);
        dgs = dgShading;
    BSDF *bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(dgs, dgGeom.nn);
    Spectrum kd = Kd->Evaluate(dgs).Clamp();
    if (!kd.IsBlack()){
        BxDF *diff = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Lambertian)(kd);
    float e = eta->Evaluate(dgs);
    Fresnel *fresnel = BSDF_ALLOC(arena,FresnelDielectric)(1.,e);
    float rough = 0.35f;
    BxDF *spec = BSDF_ALLOC(arena,Microfacet)(rho_s, fresnel, BSDF_ALLOC(arena, Beckmann)(rough));
    return bsdf;
예제 #30
Spectrum SamplerIntegrator::SpecularReflect(
    const RayDifferential &ray, const SurfaceInteraction &isect,
    const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena, int depth) const {
    // Compute specular reflection direction _wi_ and BSDF value
    Vector3f wo = isect.wo, wi;
    Float pdf;
    Spectrum f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf, type);

    // Return contribution of specular reflection
    const Normal3f &ns = isect.shading.n;
    if (pdf > 0.f && !f.IsBlack() && AbsDot(wi, ns) != 0.f) {
        // Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular reflection
        RayDifferential rd = isect.SpawnRay(wi);
        if (ray.hasDifferentials) {
            rd.hasDifferentials = true;
            rd.rxOrigin = isect.p + isect.dpdx;
            rd.ryOrigin = isect.p + isect.dpdy;
            // Compute differential reflected directions
            Normal3f dndx = isect.shading.dndu * isect.dudx +
                            isect.shading.dndv * isect.dvdx;
            Normal3f dndy = isect.shading.dndu * isect.dudy +
                            isect.shading.dndv * isect.dvdy;
            Vector3f dwodx = -ray.rxDirection - wo,
                     dwody = -ray.ryDirection - wo;
            Float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, ns) + Dot(wo, dndx);
            Float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, ns) + Dot(wo, dndy);
            rd.rxDirection =
                wi - dwodx + 2.f * Vector3f(Dot(wo, ns) * dndx + dDNdx * ns);
            rd.ryDirection =
                wi - dwody + 2.f * Vector3f(Dot(wo, ns) * dndy + dDNdy * ns);
        return f * Li(rd, scene, sampler, arena, depth + 1) * AbsDot(wi, ns) /
    } else
        return Spectrum(0.f);