void WorldSession::HandleCastSpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recvPacket) { uint32 spellId; recvPacket >> spellId; // ignore for remote control state (for player case) Unit* mover = _player->GetMover(); if (mover != _player && mover->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: got cast spell packet, spellId - %u, data length = " SIZEFMTD, spellId, recvPacket.size()); SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spellId); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown spell id %u", spellId); recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } if (mover->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { // not have spell in spellbook or spell passive and not casted by client if (!((Player*)mover)->HasActiveSpell(spellId) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) { sLog.outError("World: Player %u casts spell %u which he shouldn't have", mover->GetGUIDLow(), spellId); // cheater? kick? ban? recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } } else { // not have spell in spellbook or spell passive and not casted by client if (!((Creature*)mover)->HasSpell(spellId) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) { // cheater? kick? ban? recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } } // client provided targets SpellCastTargets targets; recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(_player); // auto-selection buff level base at target level (in spellInfo) if (Unit* target = targets.getUnitTarget()) { // if rank not found then function return nullptr but in explicit cast case original spell can be casted and later failed with appropriate error message if (SpellEntry const* actualSpellInfo = sSpellMgr.SelectAuraRankForLevel(spellInfo, _player, target)) spellInfo = actualSpellInfo; } Spell* spell = new Spell(_player, spellInfo, false); spell->SpellStart(&targets); }
void WorldSession::HandlePetAction(WorldPacket& recv_data) { ObjectGuid petGuid; uint32 data; ObjectGuid targetGuid; recv_data >> petGuid; recv_data >> data; recv_data >> targetGuid; uint32 spellid = UNIT_ACTION_BUTTON_ACTION(data); uint8 flag = UNIT_ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE(data); // delete = 0x07 CastSpell = C1 DETAIL_LOG("HandlePetAction: %s flag is %u, spellid is %u, target %s.", petGuid.GetString().c_str(), uint32(flag), spellid, targetGuid.GetString().c_str()); // used also for charmed creature/player Unit* petUnit = _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(petGuid); if (!petUnit) { sLog.outError("HandlePetAction: %s not exist.", petGuid.GetString().c_str()); return; } if (_player->GetObjectGuid() != petUnit->GetMasterGuid()) { sLog.outError("HandlePetAction: %s isn't controlled by %s.", petGuid.GetString().c_str(), _player->GetGuidStr().c_str()); return; } if (!petUnit->isAlive()) return; CharmInfo* charmInfo = petUnit->GetCharmInfo(); if (!charmInfo) { sLog.outError("WorldSession::HandlePetAction: object (GUID: %u TypeId: %u) is considered pet-like but doesn't have a charminfo!", petUnit->GetGUIDLow(), petUnit->GetTypeId()); return; } Pet* pet = nullptr; Creature* creature = nullptr; if (petUnit->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT) { creature = static_cast<Creature*>(petUnit); if (creature->IsPet()) { pet = static_cast<Pet*>(petUnit); if (pet->GetModeFlags() & PET_MODE_DISABLE_ACTIONS) return; } } if (!pet) { if (petUnit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_POSSESSED)) { // possess case if (flag != uint8(ACT_COMMAND)) { sLog.outError("PetHAndler: unknown PET flag Action %i and spellid %i. For possessed %s", uint32(flag), spellid, petUnit->GetGuidStr().c_str()); return; } switch (spellid) { case COMMAND_STAY: case COMMAND_FOLLOW: charmInfo->SetCommandState(CommandStates(spellid)); break; case COMMAND_ATTACK: { Unit* targetUnit = targetGuid ? _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(targetGuid) : nullptr; if (targetUnit && targetUnit != petUnit && petUnit->CanAttack(targetUnit)) { // This is true if pet has no target or has target but targets differs. if (petUnit->getVictim() != targetUnit) petUnit->Attack(targetUnit, true); } break; } case COMMAND_DISMISS: _player->BreakCharmOutgoing(petUnit); break; default: sLog.outError("PetHandler: Not allowed action %i and spellid %i. Pet %s owner is %s", uint32(flag), spellid, petUnit->GetGuidStr().c_str(), _player->GetGuidStr().c_str()); break; } } if (!petUnit->HasCharmer()) return; } switch (flag) { case ACT_COMMAND: // 0x07 switch (spellid) { case COMMAND_STAY: // flat=1792 // STAY { if (!petUnit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_POSSESSED)) { petUnit->StopMoving(); petUnit->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); } petUnit->AttackStop(true, true); charmInfo->SetCommandState(COMMAND_STAY); break; } case COMMAND_FOLLOW: // spellid=1792 // FOLLOW { if (!petUnit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_POSSESSED)) { petUnit->StopMoving(); petUnit->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); charmInfo->SetIsRetreating(true); } petUnit->AttackStop(true, true); charmInfo->SetCommandState(COMMAND_FOLLOW); break; } case COMMAND_ATTACK: // spellid=1792 // ATTACK { charmInfo->SetIsRetreating(); charmInfo->SetSpellOpener(); Unit* targetUnit = targetGuid ? _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(targetGuid) : nullptr; if (targetUnit && targetUnit != petUnit && petUnit->CanAttack(targetUnit) && targetUnit->isInAccessablePlaceFor((Creature*)petUnit)) { // This is true if pet has no target or has target but targets differs. if (petUnit->getVictim() != targetUnit) { petUnit->AttackStop(); if (!petUnit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_POSSESSED)) { petUnit->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); petUnit->AI()->AttackStart(targetUnit); if (pet) { // 10% chance to play special warlock pet attack talk, else growl if (pet->getPetType() == SUMMON_PET && roll_chance_i(10)) pet->SendPetTalk((uint32)PET_TALK_ATTACK); pet->SendPetAIReaction(); } } else petUnit->Attack(targetUnit, true); } } break; } case COMMAND_DISMISS: // dismiss permanent pet, remove temporary pet, uncharm unit { if (pet) { pet->PlayDismissSound(); // No action for Hunter pets, Hunters must use their Dismiss Pet spell if (pet->getPetType() != HUNTER_PET) pet->ForcedDespawn(); } else { // dismissing a summoned pet is like killing them (this prevents returning a soulshard...) if (creature && creature->IsTemporarySummon()) creature->ForcedDespawn(); else _player->BreakCharmOutgoing(petUnit); } charmInfo->SetStayPosition(); break; } default: sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET flag Action %i and spellid %i.", uint32(flag), spellid); } break; case ACT_REACTION: // 0x6 switch (spellid) { case REACT_PASSIVE: // passive { petUnit->AttackStop(true, true); charmInfo->SetSpellOpener(); } case REACT_DEFENSIVE: // recovery case REACT_AGGRESSIVE: // activete { petUnit->AI()->SetReactState(ReactStates(spellid)); break; } } break; case ACT_DISABLED: // 0x81 spell (disabled), ignore case ACT_PASSIVE: // 0x01 case ACT_ENABLED: // 0xC1 spell { charmInfo->SetIsRetreating(); charmInfo->SetSpellOpener(); Unit* unit_target = targetGuid ? _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(targetGuid) : nullptr; // do not cast unknown spells SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(spellid); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET spell id %i", spellid); return; } // do not cast not learned spells if (IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo) || !petUnit->HasSpell(spellid)) return; if (!petUnit->IsSpellReady(*spellInfo)) return; for (unsigned int i : spellInfo->EffectImplicitTargetA) { if (i == TARGET_ENUM_UNITS_ENEMY_AOE_AT_SRC_LOC || i == TARGET_ENUM_UNITS_ENEMY_AOE_AT_DEST_LOC || i == TARGET_ENUM_UNITS_ENEMY_AOE_AT_DYNOBJ_LOC) return; } petUnit->clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING); uint32 flags = TRIGGERED_NONE; if (!petUnit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_POSSESSED)) flags |= TRIGGERED_PET_CAST; Spell* spell = new Spell(petUnit, spellInfo, flags); SpellCastResult result = spell->CheckPetCast(unit_target); const SpellRangeEntry* sRange = sSpellRangeStore.LookupEntry(spellInfo->rangeIndex); if (unit_target && !(petUnit->IsWithinDistInMap(unit_target, sRange->maxRange) && petUnit->IsWithinLOSInMap(unit_target)) && petUnit->CanAttackNow(unit_target)) { charmInfo->SetSpellOpener(spellid, sRange->minRange, sRange->maxRange); spell->finish(false); delete spell; petUnit->AttackStop(); if (!petUnit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_POSSESSED)) { petUnit->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); petUnit->AI()->AttackStart(unit_target); // 10% chance to play special warlock pet attack talk, else growl if (pet && pet->getPetType() == SUMMON_PET && pet != unit_target && roll_chance_i(10)) petUnit->SendPetTalk((uint32)PET_TALK_ATTACK); petUnit->SendPetAIReaction(); } else petUnit->Attack(unit_target, true); return; } // auto turn to target unless possessed if (result == SPELL_FAILED_UNIT_NOT_INFRONT && !petUnit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_POSSESSED)) { if (unit_target) { petUnit->SetInFront(unit_target); if (unit_target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) petUnit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)unit_target); } else if (Unit* unit_target2 = spell->m_targets.getUnitTarget()) { petUnit->SetInFront(unit_target2); if (unit_target2->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) petUnit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)unit_target2); } if (Unit* powner = petUnit->GetMaster()) if (powner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) petUnit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)powner); result = SPELL_CAST_OK; } if (result == SPELL_CAST_OK) { charmInfo->SetSpellOpener(); spell->SpellStart(&(spell->m_targets)); } else { if (creature && creature->IsSpellReady(*spellInfo)) GetPlayer()->SendClearCooldown(spellid, petUnit); charmInfo->SetSpellOpener(); spell->finish(false); delete spell; } break; } default: sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET flag Action %i and spellid %i.", uint32(flag), spellid); } }
void WorldSession::HandlePetCastSpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recvPacket) { DETAIL_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL"); ObjectGuid guid; uint32 spellid; recvPacket >> guid >> spellid; DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL, %s, spellid %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), spellid); Unit* petUnit = _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(guid); if (!petUnit || (guid != _player->GetPetGuid() && !_player->HasCharm(guid))) { sLog.outError("HandlePetSpellAutocastOpcode. %s isn't pet of %s .", guid.GetString().c_str(), _player->GetGuidStr().c_str()); return; } //TODO: all those typecasting are probably not needed anymore Creature* petCreature = petUnit->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT ? static_cast<Creature*>(petUnit) : nullptr; Pet* pet = (petCreature && petCreature->IsPet()) ? static_cast<Pet*>(petUnit) : nullptr; SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(spellid); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET spell id %i", spellid); return; } if (!petUnit->IsSpellReady(*spellInfo)) return; // do not cast not learned spells if (!petUnit->HasSpell(spellid) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) return; SpellCastTargets targets; recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(petUnit); petUnit->clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING); Spell* spell = new Spell(petUnit, spellInfo, TRIGGERED_PET_CAST); spell->m_targets = targets; SpellCastResult result = spell->CheckPetCast(nullptr); if (result == SPELL_CAST_OK) { if (pet) pet->CheckLearning(spellid); spell->SpellStart(&(spell->m_targets)); } else { petUnit->SendPetCastFail(spellid, result); if (petCreature && petCreature->IsSpellReady(spellid)) GetPlayer()->SendClearCooldown(spellid, petUnit); spell->finish(false); delete spell; } }
void WorldSession::HandlePetCastSpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recvPacket) { DETAIL_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL"); ObjectGuid guid; uint32 spellid; uint8 cast_count; uint8 cast_flags; // flags (if 0x02 - some additional data are received) recvPacket >> guid >> cast_count >> spellid >> cast_flags; DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL, %s, cast_count: %u, spellid %u, cast_flags %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), cast_count, spellid, cast_flags); Creature* pet = _player->GetMap()->GetAnyTypeCreature(guid); if (!pet || (guid != _player->GetPetGuid() && guid != _player->GetCharmGuid())) { sLog.outError("HandlePetCastSpellOpcode: %s isn't pet of %s .", guid.GetString().c_str(), _player->GetGuidStr().c_str()); return; } SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spellid); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET spell id %i", spellid); return; } if (pet->GetCharmInfo() && pet->GetCharmInfo()->GetGlobalCooldownMgr().HasGlobalCooldown(spellInfo)) return; Aura* triggeredByAura = pet->GetTriggeredByClientAura(spellid); // do not cast not learned spells if ((!triggeredByAura && !pet->HasSpell(spellid)) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) return; SpellCastTargets targets; recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(pet); targets.ReadAdditionalData(recvPacket, cast_flags); pet->clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING); Spell* spell = new Spell(pet, spellInfo, triggeredByAura ? true : false, pet->GetObjectGuid(), triggeredByAura ? triggeredByAura->GetSpellProto() : nullptr); spell->m_cast_count = cast_count; // probably pending spell cast spell->m_targets = targets; SpellCastResult result = triggeredByAura ? SPELL_CAST_OK : spell->CheckPetCast(nullptr); if (result == SPELL_CAST_OK) { pet->AddCreatureSpellCooldown(spellid); spell->SpellStart(&(spell->m_targets), triggeredByAura); } else { Unit* owner = pet->GetCharmerOrOwner(); if (owner && owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && !triggeredByAura) Spell::SendCastResult((Player*)owner, spellInfo, 0, result, true); if (!pet->HasSpellCooldown(spellid) && !triggeredByAura) GetPlayer()->SendClearCooldown(spellid, pet); spell->finish(false); delete spell; } }
void PetAI::UpdateAI(const uint32 diff) { if (!m_unit->isAlive()) return; Creature* creature = (m_unit->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT) ? static_cast<Creature*>(m_unit) : nullptr; Pet* pet = (creature && creature->IsPet()) ? static_cast<Pet*>(m_unit) : nullptr; Unit* owner = m_unit->GetMaster(); if (!owner) return; Unit* victim = (pet && pet->GetModeFlags() & PET_MODE_DISABLE_ACTIONS) ? nullptr : m_unit->getVictim(); if (m_updateAlliesTimer <= diff) // UpdateAllies self set update timer UpdateAllies(); else m_updateAlliesTimer -= diff; if (inCombat && !victim) { m_unit->AttackStop(true, true); inCombat = false; } CharmInfo* charminfo = m_unit->GetCharmInfo(); MANGOS_ASSERT(charminfo); if (charminfo->GetIsRetreating()) { if (!owner->IsWithinDistInMap(m_unit, (PET_FOLLOW_DIST * 2))) { if (!m_unit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW)) m_unit->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(owner, PET_FOLLOW_DIST, PET_FOLLOW_ANGLE); return; } else charminfo->SetIsRetreating(); } else if (charminfo->GetSpellOpener() != 0) // have opener stored { uint32 minRange = charminfo->GetSpellOpenerMinRange(); if (!(victim = m_unit->getVictim()) || (minRange != 0 && m_unit->IsWithinDistInMap(victim, minRange))) charminfo->SetSpellOpener(); else if (m_unit->IsWithinDistInMap(victim, charminfo->GetSpellOpenerMaxRange()) && m_unit->IsWithinLOSInMap(victim)) { // stop moving m_unit->clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING); // auto turn to target m_unit->SetInFront(victim); if (victim->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_unit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)victim); if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_unit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)owner); uint32 spell_id = charminfo->GetSpellOpener(); SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(spell_id); Spell* spell = new Spell(m_unit, spellInfo, false); SpellCastResult result = spell->CheckPetCast(victim); if (result == SPELL_CAST_OK) spell->SpellStart(&(spell->m_targets)); else delete spell; charminfo->SetSpellOpener(); } else return; } // Auto cast (casted only in combat or persistent spells in any state) else if (!m_unit->IsNonMeleeSpellCasted(false)) { typedef std::vector<std::pair<Unit*, Spell*> > TargetSpellList; TargetSpellList targetSpellStore; if (pet) { for (uint8 i = 0; i < pet->GetPetAutoSpellSize(); ++i) { uint32 spellID = pet->GetPetAutoSpellOnPos(i); if (!spellID) continue; SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(spellID); if (!spellInfo) continue; if (!m_unit->IsSpellReady(*spellInfo)) continue; // ignore some combinations of combat state and combat/non combat spells if (!inCombat) { // ignore attacking spells, and allow only self/around spells if (!IsPositiveSpell(spellInfo->Id)) continue; // non combat spells allowed // only pet spells have IsNonCombatSpell and not fit this requirements: // Consume Shadows, Lesser Invisibility, so ignore checks for its if (!IsNonCombatSpell(spellInfo)) { int32 duration = GetSpellDuration(spellInfo); int32 cooldown = GetSpellRecoveryTime(spellInfo); // allow only spell not on cooldown if (cooldown != 0 && duration < cooldown) continue; // not allow instant kill auto casts as full health cost if (IsSpellHaveEffect(spellInfo, SPELL_EFFECT_INSTAKILL)) continue; } } // just ignore non-combat spells else if (IsNonCombatSpell(spellInfo)) continue; Spell* spell = new Spell(m_unit, spellInfo, false); if (inCombat && !m_unit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW) && spell->CanAutoCast(victim)) { targetSpellStore.push_back(TargetSpellList::value_type(victim, spell)); continue; } else { bool spellUsed = false; for (GuidSet::const_iterator tar = m_AllySet.begin(); tar != m_AllySet.end(); ++tar) { Unit* Target = m_unit->GetMap()->GetUnit(*tar); // only buff targets that are in combat, unless the spell can only be cast while out of combat if (!Target) continue; if (spell->CanAutoCast(Target)) { targetSpellStore.push_back(TargetSpellList::value_type(Target, spell)); spellUsed = true; break; } } if (!spellUsed) delete spell; } } } // found units to cast on to if (!targetSpellStore.empty()) { uint32 index = urand(0, targetSpellStore.size() - 1); Spell* spell = targetSpellStore[index].second; Unit* target = targetSpellStore[index].first; targetSpellStore.erase(targetSpellStore.begin() + index); SpellCastTargets targets; targets.setUnitTarget(target); if (!m_unit->HasInArc(M_PI_F, target)) { m_unit->SetInFront(target); if (target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_unit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)target); if (owner && owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_unit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)owner); } spell->SpellStart(&targets); } // deleted cached Spell objects for (TargetSpellList::const_iterator itr = targetSpellStore.begin(); itr != targetSpellStore.end(); ++itr) delete itr->second; } // Stop here if casting spell (No melee and no movement) if (m_unit->IsNonMeleeSpellCasted(false)) return; // we may get our actions disabled during spell casting, so do entire recheck for victim victim = (pet && pet->GetModeFlags() & PET_MODE_DISABLE_ACTIONS) ? nullptr : m_unit->getVictim(); if (victim) { // i_pet.getVictim() can't be used for check in case stop fighting, i_pet.getVictim() clear at Unit death etc. // This is needed for charmed creatures, as once their target was reset other effects can trigger threat if (!victim->isTargetableForAttack()) { DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_AI_AND_MOVEGENSS, "PetAI (guid = %u) is stopping attack.", m_unit->GetGUIDLow()); m_unit->CombatStop(); inCombat = false; return; } // if pet misses its target, it will also be the first in threat list if ((!creature || !(creature->GetCreatureInfo()->ExtraFlags & CREATURE_EXTRA_FLAG_NO_MELEE)) && m_unit->CanReachWithMeleeAttack(victim)) { if (!m_unit->HasInArc(2 * M_PI_F / 3, victim)) { m_unit->SetInFront(victim); if (victim->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_unit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)victim); if (owner && owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_unit->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)owner); } DoMeleeAttackIfReady(); } else if (!m_unit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING)) AttackStart(victim); } else if (owner) { CharmInfo* charmInfo = m_unit->GetCharmInfo(); if (owner->isInCombat() && !(charmInfo && charmInfo->HasReactState(REACT_PASSIVE))) AttackStart(owner->getAttackerForHelper()); else { if (charmInfo && charmInfo->HasCommandState(COMMAND_STAY)) { //if stay command is set but we don't have stay pos set then we need to establish current pos as stay position if (!charminfo->IsStayPosSet()) charminfo->SetStayPosition(true); float stayPosX = charminfo->GetStayPosX(); float stayPosY = charminfo->GetStayPosY(); float stayPosZ = charminfo->GetStayPosZ(); if (m_unit->GetPositionX() == stayPosX && m_unit->GetPositionY() == stayPosY && m_unit->GetPositionZ() == stayPosZ) { float StayPosO = charminfo->GetStayPosO(); if (m_unit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING)) { m_unit->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(false); m_unit->GetMotionMaster()->MoveIdle(); } else if (m_unit->GetOrientation() != StayPosO) m_unit->SetOrientation(StayPosO); } else m_unit->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, stayPosX, stayPosY, stayPosZ, false); } else if (m_unit->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW)) { if (owner->IsWithinDistInMap(m_unit, PET_FOLLOW_DIST)) { m_unit->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(false); m_unit->GetMotionMaster()->MoveIdle(); } } else if (charmInfo && charmInfo->HasCommandState(COMMAND_FOLLOW) && !owner->IsWithinDistInMap(m_unit, (PET_FOLLOW_DIST * 2))) m_unit->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(owner, PET_FOLLOW_DIST, PET_FOLLOW_ANGLE); } } }
void WorldSession::HandlePetAction(WorldPacket& recv_data) { ObjectGuid petGuid; uint32 data; ObjectGuid targetGuid; float x, y, z; recv_data >> petGuid; recv_data >> data; recv_data >> targetGuid; recv_data >> x >> y >> z; uint32 spellid = UNIT_ACTION_BUTTON_ACTION(data); uint8 flag = UNIT_ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE(data); // delete = 0x07 CastSpell = C1 DETAIL_LOG("HandlePetAction: %s flag is %u, spellid is %u, target %s.", petGuid.GetString().c_str(), uint32(flag), spellid, targetGuid.GetString().c_str()); // used also for charmed creature/player Unit* pet = _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(petGuid); if (!pet) { sLog.outError("HandlePetAction: %s not exist.", petGuid.GetString().c_str()); return; } if (_player->GetObjectGuid() != pet->GetCharmerOrOwnerGuid()) { sLog.outError("HandlePetAction: %s isn't controlled by %s.", petGuid.GetString().c_str(), _player->GetGuidStr().c_str()); return; } if (!pet->isAlive()) return; if (pet->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && pet->GetCharmer()->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { // controller player cannot use controlled player's spells if (flag != (ACT_COMMAND || ACT_REACTION)) return; } else if (((Creature*)pet)->IsPet()) { // pet can have action bar disabled if (((Pet*)pet)->GetModeFlags() & PET_MODE_DISABLE_ACTIONS) return; } CharmInfo* charmInfo = pet->GetCharmInfo(); if (!charmInfo) { sLog.outError("WorldSession::HandlePetAction: object (GUID: %u TypeId: %u) is considered pet-like but doesn't have a charminfo!", pet->GetGUIDLow(), pet->GetTypeId()); return; } switch (flag) { case ACT_COMMAND: // 0x07 switch (spellid) { case COMMAND_STAY: // flat=1792 // STAY { pet->StopMoving(); pet->AttackStop(true, true); pet->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); ((Pet*)pet)->SetStayPosition(true); ((Pet*)pet)->SetIsRetreating(); ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(); charmInfo->SetCommandState(COMMAND_STAY); break; } case COMMAND_FOLLOW: // spellid=1792 // FOLLOW { pet->StopMoving(); pet->AttackStop(true, true); pet->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); ((Pet*)pet)->SetStayPosition(); ((Pet*)pet)->SetIsRetreating(true); ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(); charmInfo->SetCommandState(COMMAND_FOLLOW); break; } case COMMAND_ATTACK: // spellid=1792 // ATTACK { ((Pet*)pet)->SetIsRetreating(); ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(); Unit* targetUnit = targetGuid ? _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(targetGuid) : nullptr; if (targetUnit && targetUnit != pet && targetUnit->isTargetableForAttack() && targetUnit->isInAccessablePlaceFor((Creature*)pet)) { _player->SetInCombatState(true, targetUnit); // This is true if pet has no target or has target but targets differs. if (pet->getVictim() != targetUnit) { pet->AttackStop(); pet->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); if (((Creature*)pet)->AI()) { ((Creature*)pet)->AI()->AttackStart(targetUnit); // 10% chance to play special warlock pet attack talk, else growl if (((Creature*)pet)->IsPet() && ((Pet*)pet)->getPetType() == SUMMON_PET && roll_chance_i(10)) pet->SendPetTalk((uint32)PET_TALK_ATTACK); pet->SendPetAIReaction(); } else pet->Attack(targetUnit, true); } } break; } case COMMAND_ABANDON: // abandon (hunter pet) or dismiss (summoned pet) { Creature* petC = (Creature*)pet; if (petC->IsPet()) { Pet* p = (Pet*)petC; if (p->getPetType() == HUNTER_PET) p->Unsummon(PET_SAVE_AS_DELETED, _player); else // dismissing a summoned pet is like killing them (this prevents returning a soulshard...) p->SetDeathState(CORPSE); } else // charmed _player->Uncharm(); if (petC->IsTemporarySummon()) // special case when pet was temporary summon through DoSummonPossesed { petC->ForcedDespawn(); return; } ((Pet*)pet)->SetStayPosition(); break; } default: sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET flag Action %i and spellid %i.", uint32(flag), spellid); } break; case ACT_REACTION: // 0x6 switch (spellid) { case REACT_PASSIVE: // passive { pet->AttackStop(true, true); ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(); } case REACT_DEFENSIVE: // recovery case REACT_AGGRESSIVE: // activete { charmInfo->SetReactState(ReactStates(spellid)); break; } } break; case ACT_DISABLED: // 0x81 spell (disabled), ignore case ACT_PASSIVE: // 0x01 case ACT_ENABLED: // 0xC1 spell { ((Pet*)pet)->SetIsRetreating(); ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(); Unit* unit_target = targetGuid ? _player->GetMap()->GetUnit(targetGuid) : nullptr; // do not cast unknown spells SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spellid); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET spell id %i", spellid); return; } if (pet->GetCharmInfo() && pet->GetCharmInfo()->GetGlobalCooldownMgr().HasGlobalCooldown(spellInfo)) return; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECT_INDEX; ++i) { SpellEffectEntry const* spellEffect = spellInfo->GetSpellEffect(SpellEffectIndex(i)); if (!spellEffect) continue; if (spellEffect->EffectImplicitTargetA == TARGET_ALL_ENEMY_IN_AREA || spellEffect->EffectImplicitTargetA == TARGET_ALL_ENEMY_IN_AREA_INSTANT || spellEffect->EffectImplicitTargetA == TARGET_ALL_ENEMY_IN_AREA_CHANNELED) return; } // do not cast not learned spells if (!pet->HasSpell(spellid) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) return; pet->clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING); Spell* spell = new Spell(pet, spellInfo, false); SpellCastResult result = spell->CheckPetCast(unit_target); const SpellRangeEntry* sRange = sSpellRangeStore.LookupEntry(spellInfo->rangeIndex); if (unit_target && !(pet->IsWithinDistInMap(unit_target, sRange->maxRange) && pet->IsWithinLOSInMap(unit_target)) && !(GetPlayer()->IsFriendlyTo(unit_target) || pet->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_POSSESS))) { ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(spellid, sRange->minRange, sRange->maxRange); spell->finish(false); delete spell; pet->AttackStop(); pet->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); ((Creature*)pet)->AI()->AttackStart(unit_target); // 10% chance to play special warlock pet attack talk, else growl if (((Creature*)pet)->IsPet() && ((Pet*)pet)->getPetType() == SUMMON_PET && pet != unit_target && roll_chance_i(10)) pet->SendPetTalk((uint32)PET_TALK_ATTACK); pet->SendPetAIReaction(); return; } // auto turn to target unless possessed if (result == SPELL_FAILED_UNIT_NOT_INFRONT && !pet->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_POSSESS)) { if (unit_target) { pet->SetInFront(unit_target); if (unit_target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) pet->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)unit_target); } else if (Unit* unit_target2 = spell->m_targets.getUnitTarget()) { pet->SetInFront(unit_target2); if (unit_target2->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) pet->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)unit_target2); } if (Unit* powner = pet->GetCharmerOrOwner()) if (powner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) pet->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)powner); result = SPELL_CAST_OK; } if (result == SPELL_CAST_OK) { ((Creature*)pet)->AddCreatureSpellCooldown(spellid); unit_target = spell->m_targets.getUnitTarget(); if (unit_target && !GetPlayer()->IsFriendlyTo(unit_target) && !pet->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_POSSESS)) { // This is true if pet has no target or has target but targets differs. if (pet->getVictim() != unit_target) { pet->AttackStop(); pet->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(); _player->SetInCombatState(true, unit_target); if (((Creature*)pet)->AI()) { ((Creature*)pet)->AI()->AttackStart(unit_target); // 10% chance to play special warlock pet attack talk, else growl if (((Creature*)pet)->IsPet() && ((Pet*)pet)->getPetType() == SUMMON_PET && pet != unit_target && roll_chance_i(10)) pet->SendPetTalk((uint32)PET_TALK_ATTACK); pet->SendPetAIReaction(); } else pet->Attack(unit_target, true); } } ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(); spell->SpellStart(&(spell->m_targets)); } else { if (pet->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_POSSESS)) Spell::SendCastResult(GetPlayer(), spellInfo, 0, result); else { Unit* owner = pet->GetCharmerOrOwner(); if (owner && owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) Spell::SendCastResult((Player*)owner, spellInfo, 0, result, true); } if (!((Creature*)pet)->HasSpellCooldown(spellid)) GetPlayer()->SendClearCooldown(spellid, pet); ((Pet*)pet)->SetSpellOpener(); spell->finish(false); delete spell; } break; } default: sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET flag Action %i and spellid %i.", uint32(flag), spellid); } }
void WorldSession::HandleCastSpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recvPacket) { uint32 spellId; uint8 cast_count, cast_flags; recvPacket >> cast_count; recvPacket >> spellId; recvPacket >> cast_flags; // flags (if 0x02 - some additional data are received) // ignore for remote control state (for player case) Unit* mover = _player->GetMover(); if (mover != _player && mover->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_CAST_SPELL, spellId - %u, cast_count: %u, unk_flags %u, data length = " SIZEFMTD, spellId, cast_count, cast_flags, recvPacket.size()); SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(spellId); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown spell id %u", spellId); recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } Aura* triggeredByAura = mover->GetTriggeredByClientAura(spellId); if (mover->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { // not have spell in spellbook or spell passive and not casted by client if ((!((Player*)mover)->HasActiveSpell(spellId) && !triggeredByAura) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) { sLog.outError("World: %s casts spell %u which he shouldn't have", mover->GetGuidStr().c_str(), spellId); // cheater? kick? ban? recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } } else { // not have spell in spellbook or spell passive and not casted by client if (!((Creature*)mover)->HasSpell(spellId) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) { // cheater? kick? ban? recvPacket.rpos(recvPacket.wpos()); // prevent spam at ignore packet return; } } // client provided targets SpellCastTargets targets; #ifdef BUILD_PLAYERBOT recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(mover); #else recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(_player); #endif // some spell cast packet including more data (for projectiles) targets.ReadAdditionalSpellData(recvPacket, cast_flags); // auto-selection buff level base at target level (in spellInfo) if (Unit* target = targets.getUnitTarget()) { // if rank not found then function return nullptr but in explicit cast case original spell can be casted and later failed with appropriate error message if (SpellEntry const* actualSpellInfo = sSpellMgr.SelectAuraRankForLevel(spellInfo, target->getLevel())) spellInfo = actualSpellInfo; } Spell* spell = new Spell(mover, spellInfo, triggeredByAura ? TRIGGERED_OLD_TRIGGERED : TRIGGERED_NONE, mover->GetObjectGuid(), triggeredByAura ? triggeredByAura->GetSpellProto() : nullptr); spell->m_cast_count = cast_count; // set count of casts spell->SpellStart(&targets, triggeredByAura); }
void PetAI::UpdateAI(const uint32 diff) { if (!m_creature->isAlive()) return; Unit* owner = m_creature->GetCharmerOrOwner(); Unit* victim = m_creature->getVictim(); if (m_updateAlliesTimer <= diff) // UpdateAllies self set update timer UpdateAllies(); else m_updateAlliesTimer -= diff; if (inCombat && (!victim || (m_creature->IsPet() && ((Pet*)m_creature)->GetModeFlags() & PET_MODE_DISABLE_ACTIONS))) _stopAttack(); if (((Pet*)m_creature)->GetIsRetreating()) { if (!owner->_IsWithinDist(m_creature, (PET_FOLLOW_DIST * 2), true)) { if (!m_creature->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW)) m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(owner, PET_FOLLOW_DIST, PET_FOLLOW_ANGLE); return; } else ((Pet*)m_creature)->SetIsRetreating(); } else if (((Pet*)m_creature)->GetSpellOpener() != 0) // have opener stored { uint32 minRange = ((Pet*)m_creature)->GetSpellOpenerMinRange(); if (!(victim = m_creature->getVictim()) || (minRange != 0 && m_creature->IsWithinDistInMap(victim, minRange))) ((Pet*)m_creature)->SetSpellOpener(); else if (m_creature->IsWithinDistInMap(victim, ((Pet*)m_creature)->GetSpellOpenerMaxRange()) && m_creature->IsWithinLOSInMap(victim)) { // stop moving m_creature->clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING); // auto turn to target m_creature->SetInFront(victim); if (victim->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_creature->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)victim); if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_creature->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)owner); uint32 spell_id = ((Pet*)m_creature)->GetSpellOpener(); SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spell_id); Spell* spell = new Spell(m_creature, spellInfo, false); SpellCastResult result = spell->CheckPetCast(victim); if (result == SPELL_CAST_OK) { m_creature->AddCreatureSpellCooldown(spell_id); spell->SpellStart(&(spell->m_targets)); } else delete spell; ((Pet*)m_creature)->SetSpellOpener(); } else return; } // Autocast (casted only in combat or persistent spells in any state) else if (!m_creature->IsNonMeleeSpellCasted(false)) { typedef std::vector<std::pair<Unit*, Spell*> > TargetSpellList; TargetSpellList targetSpellStore; for (uint8 i = 0; i < m_creature->GetPetAutoSpellSize(); ++i) { uint32 spellID = m_creature->GetPetAutoSpellOnPos(i); if (!spellID) continue; SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spellID); if (!spellInfo) continue; if (m_creature->GetCharmInfo() && m_creature->GetCharmInfo()->GetGlobalCooldownMgr().HasGlobalCooldown(spellInfo)) continue; // ignore some combinations of combat state and combat/noncombat spells if (!inCombat) { // ignore attacking spells, and allow only self/around spells if (!IsPositiveSpell(spellInfo->Id)) continue; // non combat spells allowed // only pet spells have IsNonCombatSpell and not fit this reqs: // Consume Shadows, Lesser Invisibility, so ignore checks for its if (!IsNonCombatSpell(spellInfo)) { int32 duration = GetSpellDuration(spellInfo); int32 cooldown = GetSpellRecoveryTime(spellInfo); // allow only spell not on cooldown if (cooldown != 0 && duration < cooldown) continue; // not allow instant kill autocasts as full health cost if (IsSpellHaveEffect(spellInfo, SPELL_EFFECT_INSTAKILL)) continue; } } // just ignore non-combat spells else if (IsNonCombatSpell(spellInfo)) continue; Spell* spell = new Spell(m_creature, spellInfo, false); if (inCombat && !m_creature->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW) && spell->CanAutoCast(m_creature->getVictim())) { targetSpellStore.push_back(TargetSpellList::value_type(m_creature->getVictim(), spell)); continue; } else { bool spellUsed = false; for (GuidSet::const_iterator tar = m_AllySet.begin(); tar != m_AllySet.end(); ++tar) { Unit* Target = m_creature->GetMap()->GetUnit(*tar); // only buff targets that are in combat, unless the spell can only be cast while out of combat if (!Target) continue; if (spell->CanAutoCast(Target)) { targetSpellStore.push_back(TargetSpellList::value_type(Target, spell)); spellUsed = true; break; } } if (!spellUsed) delete spell; } } // found units to cast on to if (!targetSpellStore.empty()) { uint32 index = urand(0, targetSpellStore.size() - 1); Spell* spell = targetSpellStore[index].second; Unit* target = targetSpellStore[index].first; targetSpellStore.erase(targetSpellStore.begin() + index); SpellCastTargets targets; targets.setUnitTarget(target); if (!m_creature->HasInArc(M_PI_F, target)) { m_creature->SetInFront(target); if (target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_creature->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)target); if (owner && owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) m_creature->SendCreateUpdateToPlayer((Player*)owner); } m_creature->AddCreatureSpellCooldown(spell->m_spellInfo->Id); if (m_creature->IsPet()) ((Pet*)m_creature)->CheckLearning(spell->m_spellInfo->Id); spell->SpellStart(&targets); } // deleted cached Spell objects for (TargetSpellList::const_iterator itr = targetSpellStore.begin(); itr != targetSpellStore.end(); ++itr) delete itr->second; } else if (m_creature->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW_MOVE)) m_creature->InterruptNonMeleeSpells(false); if (victim = m_creature->getVictim()) { // i_pet.getVictim() can't be used for check in case stop fighting, i_pet.getVictim() clear at Unit death etc. if (_needToStop()) { DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_AI_AND_MOVEGENSS, "PetAI (guid = %u) is stopping attack.", m_creature->GetGUIDLow()); _stopAttack(); return; } // required to be stopped cases if (m_creature->IsStopped() && m_creature->IsNonMeleeSpellCasted(false)) { if (m_creature->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW_MOVE)) m_creature->InterruptNonMeleeSpells(false); } else if (m_creature->CanReachWithMeleeAttack(victim)) { if (DoMeleeAttackIfReady()) // if pet misses its target, it will also be the first in threat list victim->AddThreat(m_creature); else AttackStart(victim); } } else if (owner && m_creature->GetCharmInfo()) { if (owner->isInCombat() && !(m_creature->GetCharmInfo()->HasReactState(REACT_PASSIVE) || m_creature->GetCharmInfo()->HasCommandState(COMMAND_STAY))) { AttackStart(owner->getAttackerForHelper()); } else if (m_creature->GetCharmInfo()->HasCommandState(COMMAND_FOLLOW)) { // The distance is to prevent the pet from running around to reach the owners back when walking towards it // and the reason for increasing it more than the follow distance is to prevent the same thing // from happening when the owner turns and twists (as this increases the distance between them) if (!m_creature->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW) && !owner->IsWithinDistInMap(m_creature, (PET_FOLLOW_DIST * 2))) m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(owner, PET_FOLLOW_DIST, PET_FOLLOW_ANGLE); // This is to stop the pet from following you when you're close to each other, to support the above condition. else if (m_creature->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW)) { m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(false); m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveIdle(); } } } }
void WorldSession::HandlePetCastSpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recvPacket) { DETAIL_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL"); ObjectGuid guid; uint32 spellid; recvPacket >> guid >> spellid; DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL, %s, spellid %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), spellid); Creature* pet = _player->GetMap()->GetAnyTypeCreature(guid); if (!pet || (guid != _player->GetPetGuid() && guid != _player->GetCharmGuid())) { sLog.outError("HandlePetCastSpellOpcode: %s isn't pet of %s .", guid.GetString().c_str(), GetPlayer()->GetGuidStr().c_str()); return; } SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spellid); if (!spellInfo) { sLog.outError("WORLD: unknown PET spell id %i", spellid); return; } if (pet->GetCharmInfo() && pet->GetCharmInfo()->GetGlobalCooldownMgr().HasGlobalCooldown(spellInfo)) return; // do not cast not learned spells if (!pet->HasSpell(spellid) || IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo)) return; SpellCastTargets targets; recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(pet); pet->clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_MOVING); Spell* spell = new Spell(pet, spellInfo, false); spell->m_targets = targets; SpellCastResult result = spell->CheckPetCast(nullptr); if (result == SPELL_CAST_OK) { pet->AddCreatureSpellCooldown(spellid); if (pet->IsPet()) ((Pet*)pet)->CheckLearning(spellid); spell->SpellStart(&(spell->m_targets)); } else { Unit* owner = pet->GetCharmerOrOwner(); if (owner && owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) Spell::SendCastResult((Player*)owner, spellInfo, 0, result, true); if (!pet->HasSpellCooldown(spellid)) GetPlayer()->SendClearCooldown(spellid, pet); spell->finish(false); delete spell; } }
void WorldSession::HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data) { ObjectGuid guid; uint32 spellId = 0; recv_data >> guid >> spellId; DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: Received opcode CMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SPELL Trainer: %s, learn spell id is: %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), spellId); Creature* unit = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(guid, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_TRAINER); if (!unit) { DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode - %s not found or you can't interact with him.", guid.GetString().c_str()); return; } if (!unit->IsTrainerOf(_player, true)) return; // check present spell in trainer spell list TrainerSpellData const* cSpells = unit->GetTrainerSpells(); TrainerSpellData const* tSpells = unit->GetTrainerTemplateSpells(); if (!cSpells && !tSpells) return; // Try find spell in npc_trainer TrainerSpell const* trainer_spell = cSpells ? cSpells->Find(spellId) : nullptr; // Not found, try find in npc_trainer_template if (!trainer_spell && tSpells) trainer_spell = tSpells->Find(spellId); // Not found anywhere, cheating? if (!trainer_spell) return; // can't be learn, cheat? Or double learn with lags... uint32 reqLevel = 0; if (!_player->IsSpellFitByClassAndRace(trainer_spell->spell, &reqLevel)) return; reqLevel = trainer_spell->isProvidedReqLevel ? trainer_spell->reqLevel : std::max(reqLevel, trainer_spell->reqLevel); if (_player->GetTrainerSpellState(trainer_spell, reqLevel) != TRAINER_SPELL_GREEN) return; SpellEntry const* proto = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(trainer_spell->spell); SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(proto->EffectTriggerSpell[0]); // apply reputation discount uint32 nSpellCost = uint32(floor(trainer_spell->spellCost * _player->GetReputationPriceDiscount(unit))); // check money requirement if (_player->GetMoney() < nSpellCost) return; _player->ModifyMoney(-int32(nSpellCost)); SendPlaySpellVisual(guid, 0xB3); // visual effect on trainer WorldPacket data(SMSG_PLAY_SPELL_IMPACT, 8 + 4); // visual effect on player data << _player->GetObjectGuid(); data << uint32(0x016A); // index from SpellVisualKit.dbc SendPacket(data); // learn explicitly to prevent lost money at lags, learning spell will be only show spell animation //[-ZERO] _player->learnSpell(trainer_spell->spell, false); data.Initialize(SMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SUCCEEDED, 12); data << ObjectGuid(guid); data << uint32(spellId); // should be same as in packet from client SendPacket(data); Spell* spell; if (proto->SpellVisual == 222) spell = new Spell(_player, proto, false); else spell = new Spell(unit, proto, false); SpellCastTargets targets; targets.setUnitTarget(_player); spell->SpellStart(&targets); }