예제 #1
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateVisualTool( double magnifier ) {

	Assembly *tool = new Assembly();

	// Create a set of 'fingers', each of which is a 'capsule' composed of a tube with rounded caps.
	static int n_fingers = target_balls-1;

	double radius = finger_ball_radius * magnifier;
	double length = finger_length * magnifier;

	double spacing = radius * 2.0;

	for ( int trg = - n_fingers; trg <= n_fingers ; trg++ ){

		// Each finger is a 'capsule' composed of a cylinder that is capped on each end with a sphere.
		Assembly *finger = new Assembly();
		Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( radius );
		sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		finger->AddComponent( sphere );
		Cylinder *cylinder = new Cylinder( radius, radius, length );
		cylinder->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, - length / 2 );
		finger->AddComponent( cylinder );
		sphere = new Sphere( radius );
		sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, - length );
		finger->AddComponent( sphere );

		// Space the fingers vertically.
		finger->SetPosition( 0.0, spacing * trg, 0.0 );
		tool->AddComponent( finger );
	SetHandColor( tool, true );

	return tool;
예제 #2
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateLaserPointer( void ) {
	Assembly *laserPointer = new Assembly();
	Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( finger_ball_radius*2.0 );
	sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, - laser_distance );
	laserPointer->AddComponent( sphere );
	// Laser is off by default.
	return laserPointer;
예제 #3
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateKinestheticTool( void ) {

	static const double hand_radius = finger_ball_radius * 2.5;
	Assembly *finger = new Assembly();
	Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( hand_radius );
	sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	finger->AddComponent( sphere );
	Cylinder *cylinder = new Cylinder( hand_radius, hand_radius, finger_length );
	cylinder->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, - finger_length / 2 );
	finger->AddComponent( cylinder );
	sphere = new Sphere( hand_radius );
	sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, - finger_length );
	finger->AddComponent( sphere );
	// Set a default color. I like blue.
	// In K-K color will be varied according to the orientation error.
	finger->SetColor( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
	return finger;

예제 #4
MarkerStructureGLObject::MarkerStructureGLObject( char *model_file ) {

	if ( model_file ) {
		FILE *fp = fopen( model_file, "r" );
		fAbortMessageOnCondition( ( NULL == fp ), "ReadModelMarkerPositions()", "Error opening %s for read.", model_file );
		int mrk;
		for ( mrk = 0; mrk < MAX_MARKERS; mrk++ ) {
			int id, items;
			double x, y, z;
			items = fscanf( fp, "%d %lf\t %lf\t %lf", &id, &x, &y, &z );
			if ( items != 4  ) break;
			fAbortMessageOnCondition( ( id < 0 || id >= MAX_MARKERS ), "ReadModelMarkerPositions()", "Marker %d ID = %d out of range [0 %d].", mrk, id, MAX_MARKERS - 1 );
			modelMarker[mrk].id = id;
			modelMarker[mrk].position[X] = x;
			modelMarker[mrk].position[Y] = y;
			modelMarker[mrk].position[Z] = z;
		nModelMarkers = mrk;	
		fclose( fp );
	else nModelMarkers = 0;
	modelMarkerBalls = new Assembly();
	for ( int mrk = 0; mrk < nModelMarkers; mrk++ ) {
		Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( STRUCTURE_BALL_RADIUS );
		sphere->SetPosition( modelMarker[mrk].position );
		sphere->SetColor( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
		modelMarkerBalls->AddComponent( sphere );
	AddComponent( modelMarkerBalls );
	realMarkerBalls = new Assembly();
	for ( int mrk = 0; mrk < nModelMarkers; mrk++ ) {
		Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( STRUCTURE_BALL_RADIUS );
		sphere->SetPosition( modelMarker[mrk].position );
		sphere->SetColor( 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 );
		realMarkerBalls->AddComponent( sphere );
	AddComponent( realMarkerBalls );

예제 #5
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateResponse( void ) {
	static int fingers = target_balls - 1;
	static double finger_spacing = target_ball_radius;
	Assembly *projectiles = new Assembly();
	for ( int trg = - fingers; trg <= fingers ; trg++ ){
		Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( target_ball_radius * 0.75 );
		sphere->SetColor( 200.0f/255.0f, (75.0f + float(trg) * 75.0f/2.0f)/255.0f , 0.0f, 1.0f  );
		// Space the balls vertically.
		sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0 + target_ball_spacing * trg, 0.0 );
		projectiles->AddComponent( sphere );
	return projectiles;
예제 #6
// The following objects are not used during the Grasp protocol and are not seen by the subject.
// Rather, these objects are used in the GraspGUI and elswhere to visualize the subject's pose.
// Perhaps they would be better placed in another class so that they are not included when not needed.
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateHead( void ) {

	Assembly *head = new Assembly();
	// Skull
	Ellipsoid *skull = new Ellipsoid( head_shape );
	skull->SetColor( .4f, 0.0f, .4f );
	// Eyes
	head->AddComponent( skull );
	Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( 20.0 );
	sphere->SetColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	sphere->SetPosition( -50.0, 20.0, -100.0 );
	head->AddComponent( sphere );
	sphere = new Sphere( 20.0 );
	sphere->SetColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	sphere->SetPosition( 50.0, 20.0, -100.0 );
	head->AddComponent( sphere );
	// Nose
	Cylinder *cylinder = new Cylinder( 20.0, 5.0, 30.0 );	
	cylinder->SetPosition( 0.0, -20.0, - head_shape[Z] );
	cylinder->SetOrientation( 0.0, 90.0, 0.0 );
	cylinder->SetColor( YELLOW );
	head->AddComponent( cylinder );
	return head;
예제 #7
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateProjectiles( int fingers ) {

	Assembly *assembly = new Assembly();
	double finger_spacing = finger_ball_radius * 2;

	for ( int trg = - fingers; trg <= fingers ; trg++ ){
		Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( finger_ball_radius*1.0 );
		// Create a color that varies as a function of the ball's position.
		if ( fingers == 0 ) sphere->SetColor( 200.0f/255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
		else sphere->SetColor( 200.0f/255.0f, (75.0f + float(trg) * 75.0f / 2.0f ) / 255.0f , 0.0f, 1.0f );
		// Space the balls vertically.
		sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, finger_spacing * trg, 0.0 );
		assembly->AddComponent( sphere );

	return assembly;

예제 #8
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateRoom( void ) {

	Assembly *structure = new Assembly();
	structure->SetColor( BLACK );

	// Tunnel
	tunnel = new Assembly();
	Cylinder *cylinder = new Cylinder( room_radius, room_radius, room_length, room_facets );
	cylinder->SetColor( WHITE );
	cylinder->SetTexture( wall_texture );
	cylinder->SetOrientation( 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	tunnel->AddComponent( cylinder );
	// Reference Bars 
	double bar_length = room_length - 5.0 * reference_bar_radius;
	for (int i=0; i < reference_bars; i++ ){ 
		Cylinder *referenceBar = new Cylinder( reference_bar_radius, reference_bar_radius, bar_length, reference_bar_facets );
		referenceBar->SetOffset( room_radius, 0.0, 0.0 );
		referenceBar->SetOrientation( 90.0 + 180 * (float) i / (float) reference_bars, referenceBar->kVector );
		referenceBar->SetColor(  1.0 - (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0f - (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0f - (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0 );
		// The texturing on the bars may be commented out for the moment because it lengthens the rendering time too much.
		referenceBar->SetTexture( references_texture );
		tunnel->AddComponent( referenceBar );
		referenceBar = new Cylinder( reference_bar_radius, reference_bar_radius, bar_length, reference_bar_facets );
		referenceBar->SetOffset( room_radius, 0.0, 0.0 );
		referenceBar->SetOrientation( - 90.0 + 180 * (float) i / (float) reference_bars, referenceBar->kVector );
		referenceBar->SetColor(  (double) i / reference_bars, (double) i / reference_bars, (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0 );
		// See above.
		referenceBar->SetTexture( references_texture );
		tunnel->AddComponent( referenceBar );
	structure->AddComponent( tunnel );

	Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( target_ball_radius );
	sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, room_length / 2.0 );
	sphere->SetColor( RED );
	structure->AddComponent( sphere );

	return structure;
예제 #9
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateOrientationTarget( void ) {

	Assembly *target = new Assembly();

	if ( useBars ) {
		for (int trg = - target_bars ; trg <= target_bars ; trg++ ){
			Cylinder *cylinder = new Cylinder( target_bar_radius, target_bar_radius,2.0 * room_radius );
			cylinder->SetPosition( 0.0 + target_bar_spacing * trg, 0.0, 0.0 );
			cylinder->SetOrientation(0.0, 90.0, 0.0);
			cylinder->SetColor( Translucid( BLUE ) );
			target->AddComponent( cylinder );
	else {
		for (int trg = - target_balls ; trg <= target_balls ; trg++ ){
			Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( target_ball_radius );
			sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0 + target_ball_spacing * trg, 0.0 );
			sphere->SetColor(( 255.0 - abs(trg) * 50.0 ) / 255.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			target->AddComponent( sphere );

	return target;