예제 #1
파일: othello.cpp 프로젝트: gumgl/C
void Othello::MakeAIMove()
	int biggestGain = -4 * BOARD_SIZE * gameType; // Start with a really low value because after many moves, we could end up with biggestGain being negative
	int currGain;
	int depth;
	COORD move;
	Stack bestMoves;
	switch (gameType)
	case 1:
		depth = 0; // Evaluate no move (play any valid move)
	case 2:
		depth = 1; // Evaluate wins by this move only
	case 3:
		depth = 2; // Evaluate wins by this move and the opponent's move
	case 4:
		depth = 5; // Evaluate wins by this move, the opponent's move and your next move

	for (int row = 0; row < BOARD_SIZE; row ++) // Rows
		for (int col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col ++) // Columns
			if (ValidMove(row, col)) // If move is valid
				currGain = MoveValue(row, col, depth);
				move.Y = row;
				move.X = col;
				if (currGain > biggestGain) // If we found a new best move
					biggestGain = currGain;
					bestMoves.Clear(); // Remove all the older moves, because this one is better
					bestMoves.Push(move); // Add this move to the stack
				else if (currGain == biggestGain) // If this move is as good as the best one
					bestMoves.Push(move); // Add it to the stack
	move = bestMoves.GetRandom();
	MakeMove(move.Y, move.X);
예제 #2
파일: Maze.cpp 프로젝트: gumgl/C
void Maze::Generate(Coord startPos)
	DIRECTIONS[0].Set(-1, 0);
	DIRECTIONS[1].Set(0, 1);
	DIRECTIONS[2].Set(1, 0);
	DIRECTIONS[3].Set(0, -1);

	int currDist;
	int maxDist = 0;
	Coord currPos = startPos;
	Coord newPos;
	Coord currDirection;
	Stack positions;
	Stack directions(4);
	bool hidePortal = (portalPos == playerPos);

	while (positions.Size() > 0) // While away from start point
		currPos = positions.Pop(); // Get top position
		positions.Push(currPos); // Put it back
		currDist = positions.Size(); // This is our distance from start point
		maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].visited = true; // We visited this
		if (currDist > maxDist)
			maxDist = currDist;

		for (int count = 0; count < 4; count ++) // Add all possible directions in directions[]
			newPos = currPos + DIRECTIONS[count];
			if (newPos.X >= 0 && newPos.X < gridSize && newPos.Y >= 0 && newPos.Y < gridSize) // If it is in boundaries of maze
				if (!maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].visited) // If never visited
					directions.Push(DIRECTIONS[count]); // Add this direction to possible directions

		if (directions.Size() > 0) // If we can go somewhere
			currDirection = directions.GetRandom(); // Get a random direction
			newPos = currPos + currDirection; // Calculate new position

			for (int count = 0; count < 4; count ++) // BREAK THE WALLS
				if (currDirection == DIRECTIONS[count])
					switch (count)
					case 0: // going up
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].top = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].bottom = false;
					case 1: // going right
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].right = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].left = false;
					case 2: // going down
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].bottom = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].top = false;
					case 3: // going left
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].left = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].right = false;
			positions.Push(newPos); // Add new position to stack
		else // no possible direction, go back
			if (currDist == maxDist)
				portalPos = positions.GetRandom(positions.Size() / 2, positions.Size() - 2);
				finishPos = positions.Pop();
	maze[finishPos.Y][finishPos.X].content = FINISH;
	if (hidePortal)
		portalPos.Set(-1, -1);
		maze[portalPos.Y][portalPos.X].content = PORTAL;
예제 #3
파일: Maze.cpp 프로젝트: gumgl/C
void Maze::Generate(Coord startPos)
	Coord DIRECTIONS[4]; // Lists the possible directions, so we can loop through them
	DIRECTIONS[0].Set(-1, 0);
	DIRECTIONS[1].Set(0, 1);
	DIRECTIONS[2].Set(1, 0);
	DIRECTIONS[3].Set(0, -1);

	int currDist; // Keeps track of the current distance from start (is equal to positions.Size())
	int maxDist = 0; // Keeps track of the longest distance from start (so we place the end point at the right spot)
	Coord currPos = startPos; // Start generating from provided coordinate
	Coord newPos; // Next position to go
	Coord currDirection; // We need to save the current direction in a variable because we need it more than once (moving, breaking the walls)
	Stack positions; // Saves all the positions where we go
	Stack directions(4); // Current possible directions depending on grid boundaries and visited
	bool hidePortal = (portalPos == playerPos); // 1st time we display the portal, but not 2nd time (if player currently is on portal)

	positions.Push(currPos); // Add current position to stack because our loop needs the top position in stack
	while (positions.Size() > 0) // While away from start point
		currPos = positions.Pop(); // Get top position
		positions.Push(currPos); // Put it back
		currDist = positions.Size(); // This is our distance from start point
		maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].visited = true; // We visited this
		if (currDist > maxDist) // If we are farther than our max
			maxDist = currDist; // Save the new max

		directions.Clear(); // Empty the stack
		for (int count = 0; count < 4; count ++) // Search for all possible directions in directions and add them in stack
			newPos = currPos + DIRECTIONS[count]; // Adding the possible direction to where we are, so that we can check if new position is valid
			if (newPos.X >= 0 && newPos.X < gridSize && newPos.Y >= 0 && newPos.Y < gridSize) // If it is in boundaries of maze
				if (!maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].visited) // If never visited
					directions.Push(DIRECTIONS[count]); // Add this direction to possible directions

		if (directions.Size() > 0) // If we can go somewhere
			currDirection = directions.GetRandom(); // Get a random direction
			newPos = currPos + currDirection; // Calculate new position

			for (int count = 0; count < 4; count ++) // Loop through all directions (up down left right) and depending on index, we know which way we went
				if (currDirection == DIRECTIONS[count])
					switch (count)
					case 0: // going up
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].top = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].bottom = false;
					case 1: // going right
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].right = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].left = false;
					case 2: // going down
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].bottom = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].top = false;
					case 3: // going left
						maze[currPos.Y][currPos.X].left = false;
						maze[newPos.Y][newPos.X].right = false;
			positions.Push(newPos); // Add new position to stack
		else // no possible direction, go back
			if (currDist == maxDist) // If we just set the max distance to our current distance, then we are the farthest from the start
				portalPos = positions.GetRandom(positions.Size() / 2, (positions.Size() * 3) / 4); // Get a random position between 1/2 and 3/4 of all positions
				finishPos = positions.Pop(); // finish is where we are right now and we remove that spot from stack (we are going back)
				positions.Pop(); // Just go back by removing current position.stop
	if (hidePortal)
		portalPos.Set(-1, -1); // Set it outside of boundaries, so it will not be displayed and therefore not reached