예제 #1
static void LaunchWithSumatra(InstanceData *data, const char *url_utf8)
    if (!file::Exists(data->filepath))
        plogf("sp: NPP_StreamAsFile() error: file doesn't exist");

    ScopedMem<TCHAR> url(str::conv::FromUtf8(url_utf8));
    // escape quotation marks and backslashes for CmdLineParser.cpp's ParseQuoted
    if (str::FindChar(url, '"')) {
        StrVec parts;
        parts.Split(url, _T("\""));
    if (str::EndsWith(url, _T("\\"))) {
        url[str::Len(url) - 1] = '\0';
        url.Set(str::Join(url, _T("%5c")));

    ScopedMem<TCHAR> cmdLine(str::Format(_T("\"%s\" -plugin \"%s\" %d \"%s\""),
        data->exepath, url ? url : _T(""), (HWND)data->npwin->window, data->filepath));
    data->hProcess = LaunchProcess(cmdLine);
    if (!data->hProcess)
        plogf("sp: NPP_StreamAsFile() error: couldn't run SumatraPDF!");
        data->message = _T("Error: Couldn't run SumatraPDF!");
예제 #2
static bool SetupPluginMode(CommandLineInfo& i)
    if (!IsWindow(i.hwndPluginParent) || i.fileNames.Count() == 0)
        return false;

    gPluginURL = i.pluginURL;
    if (!gPluginURL)
        gPluginURL = i.fileNames.At(0);

    assert(i.fileNames.Count() == 1);
    while (i.fileNames.Count() > 1) {
    i.reuseInstance = i.exitOnPrint = false;
    // always display the toolbar when embedded (as there's no menubar in that case)
    gGlobalPrefs.toolbarVisible = true;
    // never allow esc as a shortcut to quit
    gGlobalPrefs.escToExit = false;
    // never show the sidebar by default
    gGlobalPrefs.tocVisible = false;
    if (DM_AUTOMATIC == gGlobalPrefs.defaultDisplayMode) {
        // if the user hasn't changed the default display mode,
        // display documents as single page/continuous/fit width
        // (similar to Adobe Reader, Google Chrome and how browsers display HTML)
        gGlobalPrefs.defaultDisplayMode = DM_CONTINUOUS;
        gGlobalPrefs.defaultZoom = ZOOM_FIT_WIDTH;

    // extract some command line arguments from the URL's hash fragment where available
    // see http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters.pdf#nameddest=G4.1501531
    if (i.pluginURL && str::FindChar(i.pluginURL, '#')) {
        ScopedMem<TCHAR> args(str::Dup(str::FindChar(i.pluginURL, '#') + 1));
        str::TransChars(args, _T("#"), _T("&"));
        StrVec parts;
        parts.Split(args, _T("&"), true);
        for (size_t k = 0; k < parts.Count(); k++) {
            TCHAR *part = parts.At(k);
            int pageNo;
            if (str::StartsWithI(part, _T("page=")) && str::Parse(part + 4, _T("=%d%$"), &pageNo))
                i.pageNumber = pageNo;
            else if (str::StartsWithI(part, _T("nameddest=")) && part[10])
                str::ReplacePtr(&i.destName, part + 10);
            else if (!str::FindChar(part, '=') && part[0])
                str::ReplacePtr(&i.destName, part);

    return true;
예제 #3
// parses a list of page ranges such as 1,3-5,7- (i..e all but pages 2 and 6)
// into an interable list (returns NULL on parsing errors)
// caller must delete the result
static bool ParsePageRanges(const TCHAR *ranges, Vec<PageRange>& result)
    if (!ranges)
        return false;

    StrVec rangeList;
    rangeList.Split(ranges, _T(","), true);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < rangeList.Count(); i++) {
        int start, end;
        if (str::Parse(rangeList.At(i), _T("%d-%d%$"), &start, &end) && 0 < start && start <= end)
            result.Append(PageRange(start, end));
        else if (str::Parse(rangeList.At(i), _T("%d-%$"), &start) && 0 < start)
            result.Append(PageRange(start, INT_MAX));
        else if (str::Parse(rangeList.At(i), _T("%d%$"), &start) && 0 < start)
            result.Append(PageRange(start, start));
            return false;

    return result.Count() > 0;