예제 #1
void SequenceElements::RenameTimingTrack(std::string oldname, std::string newname)
    // actual timing track name already updated ... we just need to update any effects that care about the timing track name
    // faces, state, piano, vumeter

    std::vector<RenderableEffect*> effects(GetEffectManager().size());
    int count = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < GetEffectManager().size(); x++) {
        RenderableEffect *eff = GetEffectManager()[x];
        effects[x] = eff;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < GetElementCount(); i++) {
        Element* elem = GetElement(i);
        if (elem->GetType() == "model") {
            for (int j = 0; j < elem->GetEffectLayerCount(); j++) {
                EffectLayer* layer = elem->GetEffectLayer(j);
                for (int k = 0; k < layer->GetEffectCount(); k++) {
                    Effect* eff = layer->GetEffect(k);
                    if (effects[eff->GetEffectIndex()] != nullptr) {
                        effects[eff->GetEffectIndex()]->RenameTimingTrack(oldname, newname, eff);
            for (int j = 0; j < elem->getStrandLayerCount(); j++) {
                StrandLayer* layer = elem->GetStrandLayer(j);
                for (int k = 0; k < layer->GetEffectCount(); k++) {
                    Effect* eff = layer->GetEffect(k);
                    if (effects[eff->GetEffectIndex()] != nullptr) {
                        effects[eff->GetEffectIndex()]->RenameTimingTrack(oldname, newname, eff);
                for (int k = 0; k < layer->GetNodeLayerCount(); k++) {
                    NodeLayer* nlayer = layer->GetNodeLayer(k);
                    for (int l = 0; l < nlayer->GetEffectCount(); l++) {
                        Effect* eff = nlayer->GetEffect(l);
                        if (effects[eff->GetEffectIndex()] != nullptr) {
                            effects[eff->GetEffectIndex()]->RenameTimingTrack(oldname, newname, eff);
예제 #2
void addModelElement(Element *elem, std::vector<Row_Information_Struct> &mRowInformation,
                     int &rowIndex, xLightsFrame *xframe,
                     std::vector <Element*> &elements,
                     bool submodel) {
        for(int j =0; j<elem->GetEffectLayerCount();j++)
            Row_Information_Struct ri;
            ri.element = elem;
            ri.displayName = elem->GetName();
            ri.Collapsed = elem->GetCollapsed();
            ri.Active = elem->GetActive();
            ri.colorIndex = 0;
            ri.layerIndex = j;
            ri.Index = rowIndex++;
            ri.submodel = submodel;
        Row_Information_Struct ri;
        ri.element = elem;
        ri.Collapsed = elem->GetCollapsed();
        ri.displayName = elem->GetName();
        ri.Active = elem->GetActive();
        ri.colorIndex = 0;
        ri.layerIndex = 0;
        ri.Index = rowIndex++;
        ri.submodel = submodel;
    Model *cls = xframe->GetModel(elem->GetName());
    if (cls == nullptr) {
    if (cls->GetDisplayAs() == "WholeHouse" && elem->ShowStrands()) {
        wxString models = cls->GetModelXml()->GetAttribute("models");
        wxArrayString model=wxSplit(models,',');
        for(int m=0;m<model.size();m++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < elements.size(); x++) {
                if (elements[x]->GetName() == model[m]) {
                    addModelElement(elements[x], mRowInformation, rowIndex, xframe, elements, true);
    } else if (elem->ShowStrands()) {
        for (int s = 0; s < elem->getStrandLayerCount(); s++) {
            StrandLayer * sl = elem->GetStrandLayer(s);
            if (elem->getStrandLayerCount() > 1) {
                Row_Information_Struct ri;
                ri.element = elem;
                ri.Collapsed = !elem->ShowStrands();
                ri.Active = elem->GetActive();
                ri.displayName = sl->GetName();

                ri.colorIndex = 0;
                ri.layerIndex = 0;
                ri.Index = rowIndex++;
                ri.strandIndex = s;
                ri.submodel = submodel;

            if (sl->ShowNodes()) {
                for (int n = 0; n < sl->GetNodeLayerCount(); n++) {
                    Row_Information_Struct ri;
                    ri.element = elem;
                    ri.Collapsed = sl->ShowNodes();
                    ri.Active = !elem->GetActive();
                    ri.displayName = sl->GetNodeLayer(n)->GetName();
                    ri.colorIndex = 0;
                    ri.layerIndex = 0;
                    ri.Index = rowIndex++;
                    ri.strandIndex = s;
                    ri.nodeIndex = n;
                    ri.submodel = submodel;