예제 #1
   bool run(String string,int pos,int len)
      #ifdef HX_SMART_STRINGS
      if (string.isUTF16Encoded())
         if (!rUtf16)
            const char *error = 0;
            int err_offset = 0;
            hx::strbuf buf;
            rUtf16 = pcre16_compile((PCRE_SPTR16)expr.wc_str(&buf),flags|PCRE_UTF16,&error,&err_offset,NULL);
            if (!rUtf16)
               return false;

         int n =  pcre16_exec(rUtf16,NULL,(const unsigned short *)string.raw_wptr(),pos+len,pos,0,matchs,nmatchs * 3);
         return n>=0;

      if (!rUtf8)
         rUtf8 =  pcre_compile(expr.utf8_str(),flags|PCRE_UTF8,0,0,0);
         if (!rUtf8)
            return false;

      return pcre_exec(rUtf8,NULL,string.utf8_str(),pos+len,pos,0,matchs,nmatchs * 3) >= 0;
예제 #2
Dynamic _hx_regexp_new_options(String s, String opt)
   hx::strbuf buf;
   const char *o = opt.utf8_str(&buf);
   int options = PCRE_UCP;
   while( *o )
      switch( *o++ )
      case 'i':
         options |= PCRE_CASELESS;
      case 's':
         options |= PCRE_DOTALL;
      case 'm':
         options |= PCRE_MULTILINE;
      case 'g':
         options |= PCRE_UNGREEDY;
      case 'u':
         hx::Throw( HX_CSTRING("Regexp unknown modifier : ") + String::fromCharCode(o[-1]) );

   if (s.isUTF16Encoded())
      const char *error = 0;
      int err_offset = 0;
      pcre16 *p =  pcre16_compile((PCRE_SPTR16)s.raw_wptr(),options|PCRE_UTF16,&error,&err_offset,NULL);
      if( !p )
         hx::Throw( HX_CSTRING("Regexp compilation error : ")+String(error)+HX_CSTRING(" in ")+s);

      pcredata *pdata = new pcredata;
      return pdata;
      const char *error = 0;
      int err_offset = 0;

      pcre *p =  pcre_compile(s.utf8_str(),options|PCRE_UTF8,&error,&err_offset,NULL);
      if( !p )
         hx::Throw( HX_CSTRING("Regexp compilation error : ")+String(error)+HX_CSTRING(" in ")+s);

      pcredata *pdata = new pcredata;
      return pdata;
예제 #3
파일: strutil.cpp 프로젝트: vadz/mahogany
 * All encrypted data is hex numbers. To distinguish between strong
 * and weak data, we prefix the strong encryption with a '-'.
static String
strutil_encrypt_tf(const String &original)
   if ( setup_twofish() )
      CryptData input(original.utf8_str());
      CryptData output;
      int rc = TwoFishCrypt(1, 128, gs_GlobalPassword.utf8_str(), &input ,&output);
         String tmp = output.ToHex();
         String tmp2;
         tmp2 << '-' << tmp;
         return tmp2;
      ERRORMESSAGE((_("Impossible to use encryption without password.")));

   return wxEmptyString;
예제 #4
double __hxcpp_parse_float(const String &inString)
   if (!inString.raw_ptr())
      return Math_obj::NaN;

   hx::strbuf buf;
   const char *str = inString.utf8_str(&buf);
   char *end = (char *)str;
   double result = str ? strtod(str,&end) : 0;

   if (end==str)
      return Math_obj::NaN;

   return result;
예제 #5
Dynamic __hxcpp_parse_int(const String &inString)
   if (!inString.raw_ptr())
      return null();
   long result;
   hx::strbuf buf;
   const char *str = inString.utf8_str(&buf);
   bool hex =  (str[0]=='0' && (str[1]=='x' || str[1]=='X'));
   char *end = 0;

   if (hex)
      result = (long)strtoul(str+2,&end,16);
      result = strtol(str,&end,10);
   if (str==end)
      return null();
   return (int)result;
예제 #6
파일: strutil.cpp 프로젝트: vadz/mahogany
static String
strutil_decrypt_tf(const String &original)
   if(! strutil_has_twofish)
      ERRORMESSAGE((_("Strong encryption algorithm not available.")));
      return wxEmptyString;
   if ( !setup_twofish() )
      ERRORMESSAGE((_("Impossible to use encryption without password.")));

   CryptData input;
   input.FromHex(original.c_str()+1); // skip initial '-'
   CryptData output;
   int rc = TwoFishCrypt(0, 128, gs_GlobalPassword.utf8_str(), &input,&output);
      return output.data;
   return wxEmptyString;
예제 #7
// encode the given text unconditionally, i.e. without checking if it must be
// encoded (this is supposed to be done in the caller) and using the specified
// encodings and charset (which are supposed to be detected by the caller too)
static String
EncodeText(const String& in,
           wxFontEncoding enc,
           MIME::Encoding enc2047,
           const String& csName)
   // encode the word splitting it in the chunks such that they will be no
   // longer than 75 characters each
   wxCharBuffer buf(in.mb_str(wxCSConv(enc)));
   if ( !buf )
      // if the header can't be encoded using the given encoding, use UTF-8
      // which always works
      buf = in.utf8_str();

   String out;
   out.reserve(csName.length() + strlen(buf) + 7 /* for =?...?X?...?= */);

   const char *s = buf;
   while ( *s )
      // if we wrapped, insert a line break
      if ( !out.empty() )
         out += "\r\n  ";

      static const size_t RFC2047_MAXWORD_LEN = 75;

      // how many characters may we put in this encoded word?
      size_t len = 0;

      // take into account the length of "=?charset?...?="
      int lenRemaining = RFC2047_MAXWORD_LEN - (5 + csName.length());

      // for QP we need to examine all characters
      if ( enc2047 == MIME::Encoding_QuotedPrintable )
         for ( ; s[len]; len++ )
            const char c = s[len];

            // normal characters stand for themselves in QP, the encoded ones
            // take 3 positions (=XX)
            lenRemaining -= (NeedsEncodingInHeader(c) || strchr(" \t=?", c))
                              ? 3 : 1;

            if ( lenRemaining <= 0 )
               // can't put any more chars into this word
      else // Base64
         // rfc822_binary() splits lines after 60 characters so don't make
         // chunks longer than this as the base64-encoded headers can't have
         // EOLs in them
         static const int CCLIENT_MAX_BASE64_LEN = 60;

         if ( lenRemaining > CCLIENT_MAX_BASE64_LEN )
            lenRemaining = CCLIENT_MAX_BASE64_LEN;

         // we can calculate how many characters we may put into lenRemaining
         // directly
         len = (lenRemaining / 4) * 3 - 2;

         // but not more than what we have
         size_t lenMax = wxStrlen(s);
         if ( len > lenMax )
            len = lenMax;

      // do encode this word
      unsigned char *text = (unsigned char *)s; // cast for cclient

      // length of the encoded text and the text itself
      unsigned long lenEnc;
      unsigned char *textEnc;

      if ( enc2047 == MIME::Encoding_QuotedPrintable )
            textEnc = rfc822_8bit(text, len, &lenEnc);
      else // Encoding_Base64
            textEnc = rfc822_binary(text, len, &lenEnc);
            while ( textEnc[lenEnc - 2] == '\r' && textEnc[lenEnc - 1] == '\n' )
               // discard eol which we don't need in the header
               lenEnc -= 2;

      // put into string as we might want to do some more replacements...
      String encword(wxString::FromAscii(CHAR_CAST(textEnc), lenEnc));

      // hack: rfc822_8bit() doesn't encode spaces normally but we must
      // do it inside the headers
      // we also have to encode '?'s in the headers which are not encoded by it
      if ( enc2047 == MIME::Encoding_QuotedPrintable )
         String encword2;

         bool replaced = false;
         for ( const wxChar *p = encword.c_str(); *p; p++ )
            switch ( *p )
               case ' ':
                  encword2 += _T("=20");

               case '\t':
                  encword2 += _T("=09");

               case '?':
                  encword2 += _T("=3F");

                  encword2 += *p;

                  // skip assignment to replaced below

            replaced = true;

         if ( replaced )
            encword = encword2;

      // append this word to the header
      out << _T("=?") << csName << _T('?') << (char)enc2047 << _T('?')
          << encword
          << _T("?=");

      fs_give((void **)&textEnc);

      // skip the already encoded part
      s += len;

   return out;