StringBuffer MHSyncItemInfo::formatExportedServices() { StringBuffer formattedExportedServices(""); KeyValuePair kvp = exportedServices.front(); while (kvp.null() == false) { StringBuffer serviceName = kvp.getKey(); StringBuffer serviceExportTime = kvp.getValue(); if (serviceName.empty() == false) { StringBuffer formattedService; formattedService.sprintf("%s:%s", serviceName.c_str(), serviceExportTime.c_str()); if (formattedExportedServices.empty() == false) { formattedExportedServices.append(","); } formattedExportedServices.append(formattedService.c_str()); } kvp =; } return formattedExportedServices; }
void build_run(const char* name, CommandListener& listener) { for(Tools::iterator i = g_build_tools.begin(); i != g_build_tools.end(); ++i) { StringBuffer output; (*i).second.evaluate(output); build_set_variable((*i).first.c_str(), output.c_str()); } { Project::iterator i = Project_find(g_build_project, name); if(i != g_build_project.end()) { Build& build = (*i).second; for(Build::iterator j = build.begin(); j != build.end(); ++j) { StringBuffer output; (*j).evaluate(output); listener.execute(output.c_str()); } } else { globalErrorStream() << "build " << makeQuoted(name) << " not defined"; } } }
void MHSyncItemInfo::setExportedServicesFromString(const char* servicesList) { StringBuffer services(servicesList); if (services.empty() == false) { ArrayList servicesParam; int servicesNum = 0; services.split(servicesParam, ","); servicesNum = servicesParam.size(); for (int i = 0; i < servicesNum; i++) { StringBuffer* serviceParamStr = static_cast<StringBuffer *>(servicesParam.get(i)); if ((serviceParamStr) && (serviceParamStr->empty() == false)) { ArrayList serviceParam; serviceParamStr->split(serviceParam, ":"); if (serviceParam.size() == 2) { StringBuffer* serviceName = static_cast<StringBuffer *>(serviceParam.get(0)); StringBuffer* serviceExportTime = static_cast<StringBuffer *>(serviceParam.get(1)); exportedServices.put(serviceName->c_str(), serviceExportTime->c_str()); } } } } }
void leadHQHandle(void) { int rsize; unsigned short index[32]; // <10 keypairs in the incoming json // only continue if new data to read if (!Scout.wifi.client.available()) { return; } // Read a block of data and look for packets while ((rsize = hqIncoming.readClient(Scout.wifi.client, 128))) { int nl; while((nl = hqIncoming.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) { // look for a packet if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.print(F("looking for packet in: ")); Serial.println(hqIncoming); } // Parse JSON up to the first newline if (!js0n((const unsigned char*)hqIncoming.c_str(), nl, index, 32)) { leadIncoming(hqIncoming.c_str(), nl, index); } else { if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.println(F("JSON parse failed")); } } // Remove up to and including the newline hqIncoming.remove(0, nl + 1); } } }
winLog::winLog(bool resetLog, const char* path, const char* name) { setLogPath(path); setLogName(name); // MUST use a wchar_t* logDir to manage correctly international chars. // If using char* logDir and UTF-8, fopen() is not working correctly and // will fail to open the log file. (with UTF-8... why?) // So we use _wfopen() and a wchar_t* logDir. StringBuffer logDir; logDir.sprintf("%s\\%s", logPath.c_str(), logName.c_str()); WCHAR* tmp = toWideChar(logDir.c_str()); wlogDir = tmp; delete [] tmp; // // Test to ensure the log file is writable (only if path is set) // if (path) { logFile = _wfopen(wlogDir.c_str(), TEXT("a+")); if (logFile == NULL) { WCHAR tmp[512]; wsprintf(tmp, TEXT("Unable to write log file: \"%s\".\nPlease check your user's permissions."), wlogDir.c_str()); MessageBox(NULL, tmp, TEXT("Funambol"), MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_OK); } else { fclose(logFile); if (resetLog) { reset(FUNAMBOL_HEADER); } } } }
END_TEST /** * Removed the STATUS from the winevent parser */ BEGIN_TEST(WinEventNoSTATUS) { int ret = 0; SyncItem* item = NULL; WCHAR* internalKey = NULL; wstring propValue; WindowsSyncSource* ss = createAppointmentWindowsSyncSource(); WIN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ss, TEXT("The syncSource is null.")); StringBuffer VCal; VCal.append("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n"); VCal.append("VERSION:1.0\r\n"); VCal.append("BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-FOLDER:DEFAULT_FOLDER\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-ALLDAY:1\r\n"); VCal.append("DTSTART:20110407\r\n"); VCal.append("DTEND:20110408\r\n"); VCal.append("X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:FREE\r\n"); VCal.append("CATEGORIES:\r\n"); VCal.append("DESCRIPTION:\r\n"); VCal.append("LOCATION:Roma\r\n"); VCal.append("PRIORITY:1\r\n"); VCal.append("STATUS:NEED ACTION\r\n"); VCal.append("X-MICROSOFT-CDO-REPLYTIME:\r\n"); VCal.append("SUMMARY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:Da test\r\n"); VCal.append("CLASS:PUBLIC\r\n"); VCal.append("AALARM:20110406T060000Z;;0;\r\n"); VCal.append("RRULE:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-BILLINGINFO:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-COMPANIES:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-MILEAGE:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-NOAGING:0 \r\n"); VCal.append("END:VEVENT\r\n"); VCal.append("END:VCALENDAR"); item = new SyncItem(TEXT("GUID")); item->setData(VCal.c_str(), VCal.length()); WCHAR* tt = toWideChar(VCal.c_str()); WinEvent d(tt); printf("%S", d.toString().c_str()); // insert test item ret = ss->addItem(*item); WIN_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 201, TEXT("Adding item is not correct")); internalKey = (WCHAR*)item->getKey(); delete item; delete ss; }
void SchemaTypeTuple::checkRule( const SchemaValidator * sv, const Configuration * cfg, const char * typeName, const StringVector & typeArgs, const char * rule) const throw(ConfigurationException) { (void) cfg; StringBuffer msg; int i; int len; const char * elemType; SchemaType * typeDef; //-------- // Check there is at least one pair of type and name arguments. //-------- len = typeArgs.length(); if ((len == 0) || (len % 2 != 0)) { msg << "the '" << typeName << "' type requires pairs of type and " << "name arguments in rule '" << rule << "'"; throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); } //-------- // Check that all the type arguments are valid types. //-------- for (i = 0; i < len; i+=2) { elemType = typeArgs[i+0]; typeDef = findType(sv, elemType); if (typeDef == 0) { msg << "unknown type '" << elemType << "' in rule '" << rule << "'"; throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); } switch (typeDef->cfgType()) { case Configuration::CFG_STRING: break; case Configuration::CFG_LIST: msg << "you cannot embed a list type ('" << elemType << "') inside a " << "tuple in rule '" << rule << "'"; throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); case Configuration::CFG_SCOPE: msg << "you cannot embed a scope type ('" << elemType << "') inside a " << "tuple in rule '" << rule << "'"; throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); default: assert(0); // Bug! } } }
void HttpConnection::readResponseHeaders() { WCHAR *wbuffer = new WCHAR[1024]; DWORD ddsize = 1024; StringBuffer headerString; responseHeaders.clear(); BOOL reqDone = HttpQueryInfo(req, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF ,(LPVOID)wbuffer, &ddsize, NULL); if (reqDone == false) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // Allocate the necessary buffer. delete [] wbuffer; wbuffer = new WCHAR[ddsize]; reqDone = HttpQueryInfo(req, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF ,(LPVOID)wbuffer, &ddsize, NULL); } } if (reqDone) { headerString.convert(wbuffer); LOG.debug("Response Headers:", headerString.c_str()); ArrayList headers; headerString.split(headers, "\r\n"); StringBuffer *prop; for(ArrayElement* e=headers.front(); e; { prop = dynamic_cast<StringBuffer *>(e); if(prop->empty()) continue; size_t colon = prop->find(":"); if (colon != StringBuffer::npos) { StringBuffer key = prop->substr(0, colon); StringBuffer value = prop->substr(colon+1); responseHeaders.put(key.trim(),value.trim()); if (canBeLogged(key)) { LOG.debug("\t%s : %s", key.c_str(), value.c_str()); } else { LOG.debug("\t%s : *****", key.c_str()); } } else { LOG.debug("\t%s", prop->c_str()); } } } else { DWORD err = GetLastError(); const char* msg = createHttpErrorMessage(err); LOG.error("[HttpConnection] Error reading response headers - code %d: %s", err, msg); delete [] msg; } }
LexBase::LexBase( Configuration::SourceType sourceType, const char * source, UidIdentifierProcessor * uidIdentifierProcessor) throw(ConfigurationException) { StringBuffer msg; //-------- // Initialize state for the multi-byte functions in the C library. //-------- memset(&m_mbtowcState, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); m_keywordInfoArray = 0; m_keywordInfoArraySize = 0; m_funcInfoArray = 0; m_funcInfoArraySize = 0; m_uidIdentifierProcessor = uidIdentifierProcessor; m_amOwnerOfUidIdentifierProcessor = false; m_sourceType = sourceType; m_source = source; m_lineNum = 1; m_ptr = 0; m_atEOF = false; switch (sourceType) { case Configuration::INPUT_FILE: if (! { msg << "cannot open " << source << ": " << strerror(errno); throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); } break; case Configuration::INPUT_STRING: m_ptr = m_source; break; case Configuration::INPUT_EXEC: if (!execCmd(source, m_execOutput)) { msg << "cannot parse 'exec#" << source << "': " << m_execOutput.c_str(); throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); } m_ptr = m_execOutput.c_str(); break; default: assert(0); // Bug! break; } nextChar(); // initialize m_ch }
void winLog::setLogPath(const char* configLogPath) { if (configLogPath != NULL) { logPath = configLogPath; } else { logPath = "."; } if (logName.length() > 0){ StringBuffer logDir; logDir.sprintf("%s\\%s", logPath.c_str(), logName.c_str()); WCHAR* tmp = toWideChar(logDir.c_str()); wlogDir = tmp; delete [] tmp; } }
void leadHQHandle(void) { int rsize = 0; int nl; unsigned short index[32]; // <10 keypairs in the incoming json if(Scout.handler.isBridged) { rsize = (int)Scout.handler.bridge.length(); hqIncoming += Scout.handler.bridge; Scout.handler.bridge = ""; } else if (WifiModule::instance.bp()) { if (WifiModule::instance.bp()->client.available()) { rsize = hqIncoming.readClient(WifiModule::instance.bp()->client, 128); if(rsize > 0) Scout.handler.seen = SleepHandler::uptime().seconds; } } // only continue if new data to process if(rsize <= 0) return; // Read a block of data and look for packets while((nl = hqIncoming.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) { // look for a packet if(nl) { if (Scout.handler.isVerbose) { Serial.print(F("looking for packet in: ")); Serial.println(hqIncoming); } // Parse JSON up to the first newline if (!js0n((const unsigned char*)hqIncoming.c_str(), nl, index, 32)) { leadIncoming(hqIncoming.c_str(), nl, index); } else { if (Scout.handler.isVerbose) { Serial.println(F("JSON parse failed")); } } }else{ if (Scout.handler.isVerbose) { Serial.println(F("HQ ack'd")); } } // Remove up to and including the newline hqIncoming.remove(0, nl + 1); } }
void testConvert() { StringBuffer str(TEST_STRING); char* toUtf8 = toMultibyte(TEXT(TEST_STRING)); char* toLatin1 = toMultibyte(TEXT(TEST_STRING), "iso_8859-1"); StringBuffer cnv; cnv.convert(TEXT(TEST_STRING)); fprintf(stderr, "\nConverted string: %s\n", cnv.c_str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((strcmp(cnv.c_str(), toUtf8) == 0)); cnv.convert(TEXT(TEST_STRING), "iso_8859-1"); fprintf(stderr, "\nConverted string: %s\n", cnv.c_str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((strcmp(cnv.c_str(), toLatin1) == 0)); }
void evaluate(StringBuffer& output) { StringBuffer variable; bool in_variable = false; for(const char* i = m_string.c_str(); *i != '\0'; ++i) { if(!in_variable) { switch(*i) { case '[': in_variable = true; break; default: output.push_back(*i); break; } } else { switch(*i) { case ']': in_variable = false; output.push_string(build_get_variable(variable.c_str())); variable.clear(); break; default: variable.push_back(*i); break; } } } }
void spit (string const& filename, StringBuffer const& content) { int fd = TRI_CREATE(filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP); if (fd == -1) { LOG_TRACE("open failed for '%s' with %s", filename.c_str(), strerror(errno)); THROW_FILE_OPEN_ERROR("open", filename, "O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC", errno); } char const* ptr = content.c_str(); size_t len = content.length(); while (0 < len) { ssize_t n = TRI_WRITE(fd, ptr, len); if (n < 1) { TRI_CLOSE(fd); LOG_TRACE("write failed for '%s' with %s and result %d on %d", filename.c_str(), strerror(errno), (int) n, fd); THROW_FILE_FUNC_ERROR("write", "", errno); } ptr += n; len -= n; } TRI_CLOSE(fd); return; }
// called to send the first/next chunk of a command to another scout static void leadCommandChunk() { int len = leadCommandChunks.length() - leadCommandChunksAt; if (len > 100) { len = 100; } else { len++; // null terminator at end } leadCommandReq.dstAddr = leadCommandTo; leadCommandReq.dstEndpoint = 2; leadCommandReq.srcEndpoint = 3; leadCommandReq.options = NWK_OPT_ENABLE_SECURITY; = (uint8_t*)leadCommandChunks.c_str() + leadCommandChunksAt; leadCommandReq.size = len; leadCommandReq.confirm = leadCommandChunkConfirm; NWK_DataReq(&leadCommandReq); //RgbLed.blinkCyan(200); if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.print(leadCommandTo); Serial.print(F(" len ")); Serial.print(len); Serial.println(F("->chunk")); } }
void HttpUploader::setRequestHeaders(const StringBuffer& luid, HttpConnection& httpConnection, InputStream& inputStream) { StringBuffer dataSize; int totalSize = inputStream.getTotalSize(); LOG.debug("[%s]: input stream size is %i", __FUNCTION__, totalSize); LOG.debug("[%s]: totalDataToUpload size is %i", __FUNCTION__, totalDataToUpload); if (totalDataToUpload > 0) { totalSize = totalDataToUpload; } dataSize.sprintf("%d", totalSize); httpConnection.setRequestHeader(HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT, "*/*"); httpConnection.setRequestHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream"); // set transfer enconding to chunked //httpConnection.setRequestHeader(HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked"); // set Funambol mandatory custom headers httpConnection.setRequestHeader(HTTP_HEADER_X_FUNAMBOL_FILE_SIZE, dataSize); httpConnection.setRequestHeader(HTTP_HEADER_X_FUNAMBOL_DEVICE_ID, deviceID); httpConnection.setRequestHeader(HTTP_HEADER_X_FUNAMBOL_LUID, luid); if (partialUploadedData > 0) { StringBuffer s; s.sprintf("bytes %d-%d/%d", partialUploadedData, totalSize-1, totalSize); httpConnection.setRequestHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE, s.c_str()); } }
BufferInputStream::BufferInputStream(const StringBuffer& dataString) : InputStream() { this->data = dataString.c_str(); this->totalSize = dataString.length(); this->position = 0; this->eofbit = 0; }
StringBuffer MHLabelsStore::formatUpdateItemStmt(MHStoreEntry* entry) { StringBuffer stmt(""); if (entry == NULL) { LOG.error("%s: invalid argument", __FUNCTION__); return stmt; } MHLabelInfo* itemInfo = dynamic_cast<MHLabelInfo*>(entry); if (itemInfo == NULL) { LOG.error("%s: invalid parameter", __FUNCTION__); return stmt; } unsigned long itemId = itemInfo->getLuid(); const char* n = itemInfo->getName().c_str(); StringBuffer name = n != NULL ? n : ""; uint32_t guid = itemInfo->getGuid(); char* queryBuilt = sqlite3_mprintf(updateQuery.c_str(), name.c_str(), guid, itemId); stmt.sprintf("%s", queryBuilt); sqlite3_free(queryBuilt); return stmt; }
String CallFlashFunc(const String& argtype, const String& func, const String& arg) { if(!m_pFlash) return ""; String args; StringBuffer<wchar_t> request; if ( !argtype.empty() ) { args = String::Format("<%s>%s</%s>", argtype, arg, argtype); } // take care with XML formatting: there should be no spaces in it or the // call would fail! request = String::Format ( "<invoke name=\"%s\" returntype=\"xml\">" "<arguments>" "%s" "</arguments>" "</invoke>", func, args ); const wchar_t* v=m_pFlash->CallFunction(request.c_str()); return v; }
void winLog::setLogName(const char* configLogName) { if (configLogName != NULL) { logName = configLogName; } else { logName = LOG_NAME; } if (logPath){ StringBuffer logDir; logDir.sprintf("%s\\%s", logPath.c_str(), logName.c_str()); WCHAR* tmp = toWideChar(logDir.c_str()); wlogDir = tmp; delete [] tmp; } }
/** * The way to calculate the cache is the follow: * loop on the current element against an array list * that has the cache. It is the copy of the original cache. * When an current element is found in the cache, it is removed * from the cache copy. At the end the remained element * in the cache are the deleted ones. */ bool CacheSyncSource::fillItemModifications() { // all the current items keys list Enumeration* items = (Enumeration*)getAllItemList(); if (!items) { LOG.error("Error in fillItemModification"); return false; } // all the action are done on the copy so we can delete // the element found. The remained are the deleted by the user. Enumeration& e = cache->getProperties(); ArrayList cacheCopy; while(e.hasMoreElement()) { cacheCopy.add(*e.getNextElement()); } //if (e) { // delete e; //} StringBuffer* key; KeyValuePair* kvp; ArrayListEnumeration *newitems = new ArrayListEnumeration(), *moditems = new ArrayListEnumeration(); if (items) { while(items->hasMoreElement()) { key = (StringBuffer*)items->getNextElement(); int size = cacheCopy.size(); bool foundnew = true; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { kvp = (KeyValuePair*)(cacheCopy[i]); if (strcmp(kvp->getKey(), key->c_str()) == 0) { foundnew = false; // see if it is updated. StringBuffer sign = getItemSignature(*key); if (sign != kvp->getValue()) { // there is an update. if equal nothing to do... moditems->add(*key); } cacheCopy.removeElementAt(i); break; } } if (foundnew) { newitems->add(*key); } } } newKeys = newitems; updatedKeys = moditems; deletedKeys = new ArrayListEnumeration(cacheCopy); delete items; return true; }
/// Loads data for testing the 'testFileName' file. void loadTestFileData(const char* testFileName) { fileName = getTestFileFullPath(SAMPLE_FILES_DIR, testFileName); const char* fileContent = loadTestFile(SAMPLE_FILES_DIR, testFileName, true); // must be binary mode! int fileSize = (int)fgetsize(fileName.c_str()); const WCHAR* wtestFileName = toWideChar(testFileName); FileData fileData; fileData.setName(wtestFileName); fileData.setSize(fileSize); fileData.setBody(fileContent, fileSize); unsigned long tstamp = getFileModTime(fileName); StringBuffer modTime = unixTimeToString(tstamp, true); // file's mod time is already in UTC WString wmodTime; wmodTime = modTime; fileData.setModified(wmodTime); fileDataContent = fileData.format(); fileDataSize = (int)strlen(fileDataContent); delete [] wtestFileName; delete [] fileContent; }
void UpdateManager::setURLCheck(const StringBuffer& syncURL) { // Get the host & port info URL url; url.setURL(syncURL.c_str()); StringBuffer port(":80"); if (url.port != 0) { port = ":"; port += itow(url.port); } // Compose the url StringBuffer urlCheck(url.protocol); urlCheck += "://"; urlCheck +=; urlCheck += port; urlCheck += UP_URL_RESOURCE; StringBuffer ss(UP_URL_RESOURCE); if (ss.find("http://") != StringBuffer::npos || ss.find("https://") != StringBuffer::npos ) { urlCheck = UP_URL_RESOURCE; } LOG.debug("Url to check = %s", urlCheck.c_str()); // Save to registry. UpdaterConfig& config = ((OutlookConfig*)getConfig())->getUpdaterConfig(); config.setUrlCheck(urlCheck);; }
bool FSyncOpt::parseCmdline(int args_num, char** args_val) { if (parser.parse(args_num, const_cast<const char **>(args_val), opts, args) == false) { return false; } if (optionSet("verbose")) { verbose = VERBOSE; } else if (optionSet("quiet")) { verbose = QUIET; } FSyncConfig *config = FSyncConfig::getInstance(); // Get log options StringBuffer logLevelName = opts["loglevel"]; if (!logLevelName.null()) { LogLevel logLevel; if (logLevelName == "error") { logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; } else if (logLevelName == "info") { logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; } else if (logLevelName == "debug") { logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized log level: '%s'\n", parser.getProgramName().c_str(), logLevelName.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } config->getDeviceConfig().setLogLevel(logLevel); LOG.setLevel(config->getDeviceConfig().getLogLevel()); } // Get server option StringBuffer serverUrl = opts["server"]; if (!serverUrl.null()) { config->getAccessConfig().setSyncURL(serverUrl); } // Get local dir StringBuffer dir = opts["dir"]; if (!dir.null()) { config->setSyncPath(dir); // TODO: reset anchors if different. } // Get username StringBuffer user = opts["user"]; if (!user.null()) { config->getAccessConfig().setUsername(user); } // Get password (not secure, it's an example!) StringBuffer pass = opts["password"]; if (!pass.null()) { config->getAccessConfig().setPassword(pass); } return true; }
static char * escapeString(const char * str) { int i; int len; StringBuffer buf; char * result; len = strlen(str); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '\t': buf.append("%t"); break; case '\n': buf.append("%n"); break; case '%': buf.append("%%"); break; case '"': buf.append("%\""); break; default: buf.append(str[i]); break; } } result = new char[buf.length() + 1]; strcpy(result, buf.c_str()); return result; }
static string rule2string(CPDatabase db, CPCube cube, Node* node) { StringBuffer sb; node->appendRepresentation(&sb, db, cube); return sb.c_str(); }
SyncItem* LOSyncSource::getNextNewItem() { if (getUseAdd() == false) { return NULL; } if (count == 2) { return NULL; } StringBuffer name = getSyncItemName(); WCHAR key[256]; wsprintf(key, TEXT(WCHAR_PRINTF_STRING), name.c_str()); wcscat(key, getName()); SyncItem* item = new SyncItem(key); if (getUseDataEncoding()) { // just to test that the api works properly with custom encoding item->setDataEncoding("bin"); } char* data = getNewCard(true); item->setData(data, (long)strlen(data)); delete [] data; return item; }
void flush() { if(!m_buffer.empty()) { m_tool.push_back(new VariableString(m_buffer.c_str())); m_buffer.clear(); } }
static bool fieldCommands(NWK_DataInd_t *ind) { int ret; if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.print(F("Received command")); Serial.print(F("lqi: ")); Serial.print(ind->lqi); Serial.print(F(" ")); Serial.print(F("rssi: ")); Serial.println(ind->rssi); } if (fieldAnswerTo) { if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.println(F("can't receive command while sending answer")); } return false; } if (!fieldCommand.concat((const char*)ind->data, ind->size)) { return false; // TODO we need to restart or something, no memory } // when null terminated, do the message if (fieldCommand[fieldCommand.length() - 1] != '\0') { if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.println(F("waiting for more")); } return true; } if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.print(F("running command ")); Serial.println(fieldCommand); } // run the command and chunk back the results setOutputHandler(&printToString<&fieldCommandOutput>); // TODO: Once bitlash fixes const-correctness, this and similar casts // should be removed. ret = (int)doCommand(const_cast<char *>(fieldCommand.c_str())); fieldCommand = (char*)NULL; resetOutputHandler(); if (hqVerboseOutput) { Serial.print(F("got result ")); Serial.println(ret); } // send data back in chunks fieldAnswerTo = ind->srcAddr; fieldAnswerChunksAt = 0; fieldAnswerRetries = 0; fieldAnswerChunk(); return true; }
void evaluate(StringBuffer& output) { StringBuffer buffer; m_test->evaluate(buffer); if(!string_empty(buffer.c_str())) { m_result->evaluate(output); } }