예제 #1
// Count the strings (contiguous from index zero)
size_t TS_CountStrings(short ID)
	StringSetMap::const_iterator setIter = StringSetRoot.find(ID);
	if (setIter == StringSetRoot.end())
		return 0;
	return setIter->second.size();
예제 #2
// Deletes a string, should one ever want to do that
void TS_DeleteString(short ID, short Index)
	StringSetMap::iterator setIter = StringSetRoot.find(ID);
	if (setIter == StringSetRoot.end())
예제 #3
// Returns a pointer to a string; if the ID and the index do not point to a valid string,
// this function will then return NULL
const char *TS_GetCString(short ID, short Index)
	StringSetMap::const_iterator setIter = StringSetRoot.find(ID);
	if (setIter == StringSetRoot.end())
		return NULL;
	StringSet::const_iterator strIter = setIter->second.find(Index);
	if (strIter == setIter->second.end())
		return NULL;
	return strIter->second.c_str();
예제 #4
void Event::updateNotes( const StringSetMap &newNoteSetMap )
    bool update = false;

    //Info( "Checking notes, %d <> %d", noteSetMap.size(), newNoteSetMap.size() );
    if ( newNoteSetMap.size() > 0 )
        if ( noteSetMap.size() == 0 )
            noteSetMap = newNoteSetMap;
            update = true;
            for ( StringSetMap::const_iterator newNoteSetMapIter = newNoteSetMap.begin(); newNoteSetMapIter != newNoteSetMap.end(); newNoteSetMapIter++ )
                const std::string &newNoteGroup = newNoteSetMapIter->first;
                const StringSet &newNoteSet = newNoteSetMapIter->second;
                //Info( "Got %d new strings", newNoteSet.size() );
                if ( newNoteSet.size() > 0 )
                    StringSetMap::iterator noteSetMapIter = noteSetMap.find( newNoteGroup );
                    if ( noteSetMapIter == noteSetMap.end() )
                        //Info( "Can't find note group %s, copying %d strings", newNoteGroup.c_str(), newNoteSet.size() );
                        noteSetMap.insert( StringSetMap::value_type( newNoteGroup, newNoteSet ) );
                        update = true;
                        StringSet &noteSet = noteSetMapIter->second;
                        //Info( "Found note group %s, got %d strings", newNoteGroup.c_str(), newNoteSet.size() );
                        for ( StringSet::const_iterator newNoteSetIter = newNoteSet.begin(); newNoteSetIter != newNoteSet.end(); newNoteSetIter++ )
                            const std::string &newNote = *newNoteSetIter;
                            StringSet::iterator noteSetIter = noteSet.find( newNote );
                            if ( noteSetIter == noteSet.end() )
                                noteSet.insert( newNote );
                                update = true;

    if ( update )
        std::string notes;
        createNotes( notes );

        Debug( 2, "Updating notes for event %d, '%s'", id, notes.c_str() );
        static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
        static MYSQL_STMT *stmt = 0;

        char notesStr[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ] = "";
        unsigned long notesLen = 0;

        if ( !stmt )
            const char *sql = "update Events set Notes = ? where Id = ?";

            stmt = mysql_stmt_init( &dbconn );
            if ( mysql_stmt_prepare( stmt, sql, strlen(sql) ) )
                Fatal( "Unable to prepare sql '%s': %s", sql, mysql_stmt_error(stmt) );

            /* Get the parameter count from the statement */
            if ( mysql_stmt_param_count( stmt ) != 2 )
                Fatal( "Unexpected parameter count %ld in sql '%s'", mysql_stmt_param_count( stmt ), sql );

            MYSQL_BIND  bind[2];
            memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));

            /* STRING PARAM */
            bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
            bind[0].buffer = (char *)notesStr;
            bind[0].buffer_length = sizeof(notesStr);
            bind[0].is_null = 0;
            bind[0].length = &notesLen;

            bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
            bind[1].buffer= (char *)&id;
            bind[1].is_null= 0;
            bind[1].length= 0;

            /* Bind the buffers */
            if ( mysql_stmt_bind_param( stmt, bind ) )
                Fatal( "Unable to bind sql '%s': %s", sql, mysql_stmt_error(stmt) );

        strncpy( notesStr, notes.c_str(), sizeof(notesStr) );
        notesLen = notes.length();

        if ( mysql_stmt_execute( stmt ) )
            Fatal( "Unable to execute sql '%s': %s", sql, mysql_stmt_error(stmt) );
        static char escapedNotes[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];

        mysql_real_escape_string( &dbconn, escapedNotes, notes.c_str(), notes.length() );

        snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "update Events set Notes = '%s' where Id = %d", escapedNotes, id );
        if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
            Error( "Can't insert event: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );