// Enter Information Menu. char entermenu(istream& is) { system("cls"); Person person; Student student; int ec; do { cout << endl; cout << setw(25) << left << " Enter Information" << endl; cout << setw(25) << setfill('-') << "" << endl; cout << setw(25) << setfill(' ') << "1. Create Personal Profile" << endl; cout << setw(25) << "2. Add Student Information" << endl; cout << setw(25) << "3. Add Work Information" << endl; cout << setw(25) << "4. Back to Main menu" << endl << endl; cout << setw(25) << "Please select an option: "; cin >> ec; cin.ignore(); switch(ec) { case 1: person.menu(); break; case 2: // Add Student Information. student.addStudentInfo(); break; case 3: // Add Work Information. break; case 4: break; } } while (ec != 4); return ec; }
void viewmenu() { system("cls"); Person person; Student student; int ec; do { cout << endl; cout << setw(25) << left << " View Information" << endl; cout << setw(25) << setfill('-') << "" << endl; cout << setw(25) << setfill(' ') << "1. View Personal Profile" << endl; cout << setw(25) << "2. View Student Information" << endl; cout << setw(25) << "3. View Work Information" << endl; cout << setw(25) << "4. Back to Main menu" << endl << endl; cout << setw(25) << "Please select an option: "; cin >> ec; cin.ignore(); switch(ec) { case 1: person.viewProfile(); break; case 2: // Add Student Information. student.addStudentInfo(); break; case 3: // Add Work Information. break; case 4: break; } } while (ec != 4); }