int main() { StudentList slist[5];//データオブジェクト, 今回は直接アクセスしないルール char nm[50]; int id, grd; //入力のために使う変数 StudentList *ptr; //セットのために使うオブジェクト、ポインタ差し替えで使う ptr = slist; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { cout << i+1 << "人目のデータを入力します\n"; cout << "名前を入力してください:"; cin >> nm; cout << "学籍番号を入力してください:"; cin >> id; cout << "学年を入力してください:"; cin >> grd; ptr->set(nm,id,grd); ptr++; // ポインタをデータ1個分インクリメント(加算)する=>次のデータ先頭へ! } //表示部 ptr = slist; //ポインタをオブジェクト配列先頭に戻す for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { cout << "[" << i+1 << "]\t"; ptr->show(); ptr++; //ここでもポインタをインクリメントして次のデータの先頭に移動します } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { using namespace std; StudentList students; read(std::cin, students); typedef map<string, vector<string> > Ranges; Ranges m; for(StudentList::const_iterator it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); ++it) { m[grade_range(*it)].push_back(it->name); cout << it->name << " " << grade(*it) << " " << grade_range(*it) << endl; } cout << string(10,'-') << endl; for(Ranges::const_iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) { const vector<string>& s = it->second; cout << it->first << "(" << s.size() << "):"; for(vector<string>::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) cout << " " << *i; cout << endl; } return 0; }
void main() { StudentList sList; sList.appendEntry(new Student("Mary Chen", "111111111", "0933111111", "Business")); sList.appendEntry(new Student("John Wang", "222222222", "0928222222", "Computer Science")); sList.appendEntry(new Student("Mel Lee", "333333333", "0968333333", "Mechanical Engineering")); sList.appendEntry(new Student("Bob Tsai", "444444444", "0930444444", "Electrical Engineering")); sList.appendEntry(new Student("Ron Yang", "555555555", "0918555555", "Computer Science")); sList.find("222222222")->display(cout); cout << endl; if (sList.deleteEntry("444444444")) cout << "Bob Tsai's entry deleted successfully!\n"; else cout << "Bob Tsai's entry deletion failed!\n"; if (sList.find("444444444") == 0) cout << "Can not fine Bob Tsai's entry!\n"; system("PAUSE"); }
int TaskManager::findStudent(StudentList& s_list, int id) { // 학생 정보 검색 for (int i = 0; i < s_list.getCount(); i++) { if (id == s_list.getStudentList(i).getId()) // id에 저장된 값(입력 값) == 출력된 값 { return i; // 검색해서 찾은 값을 반환 } } }
void TaskManager::displayStudent(StudentList s_list) { ioHandler ioh; ioh.putString(" 학생 정보를 출력합니다 "); for (int i = 0; i < s_list.getCount(); i++) // 출력을 계속 해주기 위해 반복 { Student s = s_list.getStudentList(i); ioh.putStudent(s); } }
void TaskManager::unregisterStudent(StudentList& s_list) { ioHandler ioh; ioh.putString(" 학생 정보를 삭제합니다 "); int id = ioh.getInteger(" 삭제할 학생의 학번을 입력하시오 : "); for (int i = findStudent(s_list, id); i < s_list.getCount(); i++) { s_list.deleteStudent(i); // 전의 공간에 다음 공간을 덮어 씌워주는 배열 함수를 호출 } }
void TaskManager::registerStudent(StudentList& s_list) { ioHandler ioh; ioh.putString(" 학생 정보를 등록합니다 "); Student s = ioh.getStudent(); s_list.insertStudent(s); // 생성자의 내용을 배열 함수에 삽입 }
void TaskManager::changeStudent(StudentList& s_list) { ioHandler ioh; ioh.putString(" 학생 정보를 수정합니다 "); int id = ioh.getInteger(" 수정할 학생의 학번을 입력하시오 : "); ioh.putString(" 다음 학생의 정보를 수정합니다 "); Student s = ioh.getStudent(); s_list.updateStudent(findStudent(s_list, id), s); // 검색 후 지정된 id의 정보를 기준으로 생성자를 삽입하는 함수를 호출 }
void editStudentList(StudentList& list1) //See project description, also looking the main() will help you { string command; cout << "*******Student Registration System*******" << endl; for(;;) { cout << "Enter a command: " << endl; //Command prompt cin >> command; if(command == PrintWrtId) { //ofstream os; //"Filename") list1.printwrtID();//list1.printwrtID(os); //os.close(); cout << "done printing w.r.t id" << endl; } else if(command == DeleteStudent) { int given=0; again: try //if anything wrong occurs, we have to "handle" it { cout<<"Enter ID:"; cin>>given; cout<< "read" << endl; } catch(...) //catching local exceptions { cout<<"except"<<endl; goto again; } list1.removefromlist(given); } else if (command == Quit)
int createStudentList(StudentList& list1,int amount) //see project description for further info { if(amount==0) cout << "It's not logical to add 0 members to the list, is it?" << endl; else { srand (time(NULL)); for(int i=0; i<amount; i++) { StudentNode* std=new StudentNode("RANDOM"); list1.addStudent2list(std); //see addstudent2list description for further info } cout << "Random List Creation Ended Successfully!" << endl; return 1; } return 0; }
int createStudentList(string filename, StudentList& list1) //See project description for further info { ifstream txtread;; if(!txtread) //controlling whether it's working or not { cout << "Cannot open/read file" << endl; return -1; } cout << "File is open" << endl; while(!txtread.eof()) //Read Until EOF { StudentNode* std=new StudentNode(txtread); list1.addStudent2list(std); //see addstudent2list description for further info } system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
void FileHandler::saveStudent(string fileName, StudentList& s_list) // 파일 쓰기용 { ofstream fout;, ios_base::out); for (int i = 0; i < s_list.getCount(); i++) { fout << s_list.getStudentList(i).getId() << "\t"; fout << s_list.getStudentList(i).getName() << "\t"; fout << s_list.getStudentList(i).getKor() << "\t"; fout << s_list.getStudentList(i).getMath() << "\t"; fout << s_list.getStudentList(i).getEng() << "\t"; fout << s_list.getStudentList(i).getAvgRecord() << "\t"; fout << endl; } fout.close(); }
void FileHandler::loadStudent(string fileName, StudentList& s_list) // 파일 읽기용 { ifstream fin;, ios_base::in); int id; string name; int kor; int eng; int math; while (!fin.eof()) // 파일의 끝에 도달하지 않았다면 계속 반복 { fin >> id >> name >> kor >> eng >> math; // 파일의 값을 읽음 Student s(id, name, kor, eng, math); // Student 임시 객체 생성 s_list.insertStudent(s); } fin.close(); }
int main() { int index = -1; //List of data FacultyList facultylist; StaffList stafflist; StudentList studentlist; do { //Print Menu cout<<"0. 구성원 파일 로드"<<endl; cout<<"1. 전체 구성원 조회"<<endl; cout<<"2. 학과(부서) 구성원 조회"<<endl; cout<<"3. 이름으로 검색"<<endl; cout<<"4. ID로 검색"<<endl; cout<<"5. 구성원 추가"<<endl; cout<<"6. 구성원 정보 수정"<<endl; cout<<"7. 구성원 정보 삭제"<<endl; cout<<"8. 구성원 목록 저장"<<endl; cout<<"9. 프로그램 종료"<<endl; cout<<">>"; cin>>index; switch(index) { case 0: { string filename, name, id, dept, position, mail; char inputstring[BUFFERSIZE], *ptr; int party = 0, people = 0; //Input cout<<"파일 이름 입력 : "; cin>>filename; //File open ifstream infile(filename.c_str(), ios::in); if(!infile) { cout<<"파일이 존재하지 않습니다!"<<endl; break; } //Init Lists facultylist.RemoveAll(); stafflist.RemoveAll(); studentlist.RemoveAll(); //Parsing while(infile.getline(inputstring, BUFFERSIZE-1)) { //To remove carrage return caracter in linux if(strlen(inputstring)>0 && inputstring[strlen(inputstring)-1]=='\r') inputstring[strlen(inputstring)-1]=0; if(strcmp(inputstring,"-교원")==0) { party = FACULTY; continue; } else if(strcmp(inputstring,"-직원")==0) { party = STAFF; continue; } else if(strcmp(inputstring,"-학생")==0) { party = STUDENT; continue; } else { //Parsing Data & Copy ptr = strtok(inputstring," "); name.assign(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL," "); id.assign(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL," "); dept.assign(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL," "); position.assign(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL," "); mail.assign(ptr); if(party == FACULTY) facultylist.Add(id, name, dept, position, mail); else if (party == STAFF) stafflist.Add(id, name, dept, position, mail); else if(party == STUDENT) studentlist.Add(id, name, dept, position, mail); people++; } } //print Results cout<<people<<"명의 정보를 로드하였습니다!"<<endl; infile.close(); } break; case 1: //query entire member facultylist.InquireAll(); cout<<endl; stafflist.InquireAll(); cout<<endl; studentlist.InquireAll(); break; case 2: //Search by dept name { string dept; int people = 0; cout<<"학과(부서) 입력 : "; cin>>dept; people = facultylist.InquireByDept(dept); people += stafflist.InquireByDept(dept); people += studentlist.InquireByDept(dept); if(people==0) cout<<"해당 학과(부서)의 사람이 존재하지 않습니다!"<<endl; } break; case 3: //Search by name { string name; int people = 0; cout<<"이름 입력 : "; cin>>name; people = facultylist.InquireByName(name); people += stafflist.InquireByName(name); people += studentlist.InquireByName(name); if(people==0) cout<<"해당 이름의 사람이 존재하지 않습니다!"<<endl; } break; case 4: //Search by id { string id; int people = 0; cout<<"ID 입력 : "; cin>>id; people = facultylist.InquireByID(id); people += stafflist.InquireByID(id); people += studentlist.InquireByID(id); if(people==0) cout<<"해당 ID의 사람이 존재하지 않습니다!"<<endl; } break; case 5: //Add member data { int party; string id, name, dept, position, mail; cout<<"구성원 소속 선택(1.교수 2.직원 3.학생): "; cin>>party; cout<<"ID 입력: "; cin>>id; cout<<"이름 입력: "; cin>>name; cout<<"학과(부서) 입력: "; cin>>dept; cout<<"직급 입력: "; cin>>position; cout<<"메일 입력: "; cin>>mail; if(party == FACULTY) { if(!facultylist.Add(id, name, dept, position, mail)) cout<<"이미 같은 ID가 존재합니다!"<<endl; } else if(party == STAFF) { if(!stafflist.Add(id, name, dept, position, mail)) cout<<"이미 같은 ID가 존재합니다!"<<endl; } else if(party == STUDENT) { if(!studentlist.Add(id, name, dept, position, mail)) cout<<"이미 같은 ID가 존재합니다!"<<endl; } else { cout<<"잘못된 소속입니다!"<<endl; } } break; case 6: //Modify member data { string id, name, dept, position, mail; cout<<"ID 입력: "; cin>>id; cout<<"이름 입력: "; cin>>name; cout<<"학과(부서) 입력: "; cin>>dept; cout<<"직급 입력: "; cin>>position; cout<<"메일 입력: "; cin>>mail; if(facultylist.Modify(id, name, dept, position, mail)) cout<<"수정 완료!"<<endl; else if(stafflist.Modify(id, name, dept, position, mail)) cout<<"수정 완료!"<<endl; else if(studentlist.Modify(id, name, dept, position, mail)) cout<<"수정 완료!"<<endl; else cout<<"일치하는 ID를 찾을 수 없습니다"<<endl; } break; case 7: //delete member data { string id; cout<<"ID 입력: "; cin>>id; if(facultylist.Delete(id)) cout<<"삭제 완료!"<<endl; else if(stafflist.Delete(id)) cout<<"삭제 완료!"<<endl; else if(studentlist.Delete(id)) cout<<"삭제 완료!"<<endl; else cout<<"일치하는 ID를 찾을 수 없습니다"<<endl; } break; case 8: //saving to file { string filename; cout<<"파일 이름 입력: "; cin>>filename; ofstream outfile(filename.c_str()); if(!outfile) { cout<<"File Open Error"<<endl; break; } outfile<<"-교원"<<endl; facultylist.SaveFile(outfile); outfile<<"-직원"<<endl; stafflist.SaveFile(outfile); outfile<<"-학생"<<endl; studentlist.SaveFile(outfile); cout<<"저장 완료!"<<endl; outfile.close(); } break; case 9: break; default: { //Wrong input cout<<"잘못된 입력입니다!"<<endl; } break; } cout<<endl; }while(index!=9); return 0; }