TerrainPatch::UpdateSurfaceWaves(Vec3& eyePos)
	if (water && model && model->NumVerts() > 1) {
		Surface* s = model->GetSurfaces().first();
		if (s) {
			VertexSet* vset = s->GetVertexSet();
			for (int i = 0; i < vset->nverts; i++)
			vset->loc[i].y = 0.0f;

			water->UpdateSurface(eyePos, vset);
예제 #2
    if (mtl)
    mtl->Ke = ils_color;

    if (model && luminous) {
        ListIter<Surface> s_iter = model->GetSurfaces();
        while (++s_iter) {
            Surface*    surface  = s_iter.value();
            VertexSet*  vset     = surface->GetVertexSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < vset->nverts; i++) {
                vset->diffuse[i]  = ils_color.Value();

TerrainPatch::Illuminate(Color ambient, List<Light>& lights)
	if (!model || model->NumVerts() < 1) return;
	Surface* s = model->GetSurfaces().first();
	if (!s) return;

	illuminating = true;

	// clear the solid lights to ambient:
	VertexSet*  vset   = s->GetVertexSet();
	int         nverts = vset->nverts;
	DWORD       aval   = ambient.Value();

	for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++) {
		vset->diffuse[i]  = aval;

	TerrainRegion* trgn     = terrain->GetRegion();
	bool           eclipsed = false;
	bool           first    = terrain->IsFirstPatch(this);

	if (trgn && !first) {
		eclipsed = trgn->IsEclipsed();

	// for sun and back lights:
	ListIter<Light> iter = lights;
	while (++iter) {
		Light* light = iter.value();

		if (!light->IsDirectional())                                // only do sun and
		continue;                                                // back lights

		if (light->CastsShadow() && first) {
			eclipsed  = light->Location().y < -100 ||                // has sun set, or

			scene->IsLightObscured(vset->loc[0],         // is sun in eclipse
			light->Location(),    // by orbital body
			radius);              // such as a moon?

		if (!light->CastsShadow() || !eclipsed) {
			Vec3 vl = light->Location();

			for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++) {
				Vec3&  nrm = vset->nrm[i];
				double val = 0;
				double gain = vl * nrm;

				if (gain > 0) {
					val = light->Intensity() * (0.85 * gain);

					if (val > 1)
					val = 1;

				if (val > 0.01)
				vset->diffuse[i] = ((light->GetColor().dim(val)) + vset->diffuse[i]).Value();

	// combine blend weights:
	if (ndetail >= 2) {
		for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++) {
			vset->diffuse[i] = vset->specular[i] | (vset->diffuse[i] & 0x00ffffff);

	if (trgn && first) {

	illuminating = false;
TerrainPatch::BuildDetailLevel(int level)
	int i, j;

	int detail_size = 1 << level;
	int ds1 = detail_size+1;

	if (detail_size > PATCH_SIZE)
	return false;

	Model* model   = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Model;
	detail_levels[level] = model;


	const int   NUM_STRIPS        = 4;
	const int   NUM_INDICES_TRI   = 3;
	const int   NUM_INDICES_QUAD  = 6;

	int nverts     = ds1*ds1 + ds1*2*NUM_STRIPS;
	int npolys     = detail_size*detail_size*2;
	int strip_len  = detail_size;
	int total      = npolys + strip_len*NUM_STRIPS;

	if (water) {
		nverts      = ds1*ds1;
		strip_len   = 0;
		total       = npolys;

	Surface*    s     = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Surface;
	VertexSet*  vset  = 0;

	if (s) {
		s->AddIndices(npolys*NUM_INDICES_TRI + strip_len*NUM_STRIPS*NUM_INDICES_QUAD);

		vset = s->GetVertexSet();
		if (!water)

		ZeroMemory(vset->loc,      nverts * sizeof(Vec3));
		ZeroMemory(vset->diffuse,  nverts * sizeof(DWORD));
		ZeroMemory(vset->specular, nverts * sizeof(DWORD));
		ZeroMemory(vset->tu,       nverts * sizeof(float));
		ZeroMemory(vset->tv,       nverts * sizeof(float));
		if (!water) {
			ZeroMemory(vset->tu1,      nverts * sizeof(float));
			ZeroMemory(vset->tv1,      nverts * sizeof(float));
		ZeroMemory(vset->rw,       nverts * sizeof(float));

		// initialize vertices
		Vec3*  pVert   = vset->loc;
		float* pTu     = vset->tu;
		float* pTv     = vset->tv;
		float* pTu1    = vset->tu1;
		float* pTv1    = vset->tv1;
		DWORD* pSpec   = vset->specular;

		int    dscale  = (PATCH_SIZE-1)/detail_size;
		double dt      = 0.0625 / (ds1-1); // terrain texture scale
		double dtt     = 2.0000 / (ds1-1); // tile texture scale
		double tu0     = (double) rect.x / rect.w / 16.0 + 1.0/16.0;
		double tv0     = (double) rect.y / rect.h / 16.0;

		// surface verts
		for (i = 0; i < ds1; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < ds1; j++) {
				*pVert   = Vec3((float) (j* scale * dscale - (HALF_PATCH_SIZE*scale)),
				(float) (heights[i*dscale*PATCH_SIZE + j*dscale]),
				(float) (i* scale * dscale - (HALF_PATCH_SIZE*scale)));

				if (level >= 2) {
					*pTu++   = (float) (-j*dtt);
					*pTv++   = (float) ( i*dtt);

					if (level >= 4 && !water) {
						*pTu1++  = (float) (-j*dtt*3);
						*pTv1++  = (float) ( i*dtt*3);

					*pSpec++ = BlendValue(pVert->y);

				else {
					*pTu++   = (float) (tu0 - j*dt);
					*pTv++   = (float) (tv0 + i*dt);


		if (!water) {
			// strip 1 & 2 verts
			for (i = 0; i < ds1; i += detail_size) {
				for (j = 0; j < ds1; j++) {
					Vec3 vl  = Vec3((float) (j* scale * dscale - (HALF_PATCH_SIZE*scale)),
					(float) (heights[i*dscale*PATCH_SIZE + j*dscale]),
					(float) (i* scale * dscale - (HALF_PATCH_SIZE*scale)));

					*pVert++ = vl;

					DWORD blend = 0;

					if (level >= 2) {
						blend = BlendValue(vl.y);

						*pSpec++ = blend;
						*pTu++   = (float) (-j*dtt);
						*pTv++   = (float) ( i*dtt);

					else {
						*pTu++   = (float) (tu0 - j*dt);
						*pTv++   = (float) (tv0 + i*dt);

					vl.y     = -5000.0f;

					*pVert++ = vl;

					if (level >= 2) {
						*pSpec++ = blend;
						*pTu++   = (float) (-j*dtt);
						*pTv++   = (float) ( i*dtt);

					else {
						*pTu++   = (float) (tu0 - j*dt);
						*pTv++   = (float) (tv0 + i*dt);

			// strip 3 & 4 verts
			for (j = 0; j < ds1; j += detail_size) {
				for (i = 0; i < ds1; i++) {
					Vec3 vl  = Vec3((float) (j* scale * dscale - (HALF_PATCH_SIZE*scale)),
					(float) (heights[i*dscale*PATCH_SIZE + j*dscale]),
					(float) (i* scale * dscale - (HALF_PATCH_SIZE*scale)));

					*pVert++ = vl;

					DWORD blend = 0;

					if (level >= 2) {
						blend = BlendValue(vl.y);

						*pSpec++ = blend;
						*pTu++   = (float) (-j*dtt);
						*pTv++   = (float) ( i*dtt);

					else {
						*pTu++   = (float) (tu0 - j*dt);
						*pTv++   = (float) (tv0 + i*dt);

					vl.y     = -5000.0f;

					*pVert++ = vl;

					if (level >= 2) {
						*pSpec++ = blend;
						*pTu++   = (float) (-j*dtt);
						*pTv++   = (float) ( i*dtt);

					else {
						*pTu++   = (float) (tu0 - j*dt);
						*pTv++   = (float) (tv0 + i*dt);

		Material* m = materials.first();

		// initialize the polys
		for (i = 0; i < npolys; i++) {
			Poly* p        = s->GetPolys() + i;
			p->nverts      = 3;
			p->vertex_set  = vset;
			p->visible     = 1;
			p->sortval     = 0;
			p->material    = m;

			if (level >= 2 && !water) {
				p->material = materials.at(1);
				p->sortval  = 1;

		for (i = npolys; i < total; i++) {
			Poly* p        = s->GetPolys() + i;
			p->nverts      = 4;
			p->vertex_set  = vset;
			p->visible     = 1;
			p->sortval     = 0;
			p->material    = m;

		int index = 0;

		// build main patch polys:
		for (i = 0; i < detail_size; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < detail_size; j++) {
				int v[4] = {
					(ds1 * (i  ) + (j  )),
					(ds1 * (i  ) + (j+1)),
					(ds1 * (i+1) + (j  )),
					(ds1 * (i+1) + (j+1)) };

				bisect(vset, v);

				// first triangle
				Poly* p = s->GetPolys() + index++;
				p->verts[0]   = v[0];
				p->verts[1]   = v[1];
				p->verts[2]   = v[3];

				if (level >= 2 && !water) {
					int layer = CalcLayer(p) + 1;
					p->material = materials.at(layer);
					p->sortval  = layer;

				// second triangle
				p = s->GetPolys() + index++;
				p->verts[0]   = v[0];
				p->verts[1]   = v[3];
				p->verts[2]   = v[2];

				if (level >= 2 && !water) {
					int layer = CalcLayer(p) + 1;
					p->material = materials.at(layer);
					p->sortval  = layer;

		// build vertical edge strip polys:

		if (!water) {
			for (i = 0; i < NUM_STRIPS; i++) {
				Poly* p = s->GetPolys() + npolys + i*strip_len;
				int   base_index = ds1*ds1 + ds1*2*i;

				for (j = 0; j < strip_len; j++) {
					int v       = base_index + j * 2;
					p->nverts   = 4;

					if (i == 1 || i == 2) {
						p->verts[0] = v;
						p->verts[1] = v+2;
						p->verts[2] = v+3;
						p->verts[3] = v+1;

					else {
						p->verts[0] = v;
						p->verts[1] = v+1;
						p->verts[2] = v+3;
						p->verts[3] = v+2;

					if (level >= 2) {
						int layer = CalcLayer(p) + 1;
						p->material = materials.at(layer);
						p->sortval  = layer;


		// update the poly planes:
		for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
			Poly*   p      = s->GetPolys() + i;
			Plane&  plane  = p->plane;
			WORD*   v      = p->verts;

			plane = Plane(vset->loc[v[0]] + loc,
			vset->loc[v[1]] + loc,
			vset->loc[v[2]] + loc);


		// create continguous segments for each material:
		// sort the polys by material index:
		qsort((void*) s->GetPolys(), s->NumPolys(), sizeof(Poly), mcomp);

		// then assign them to cohesive segments:
		Segment* segment = 0;
		Poly*    spolys  = s->GetPolys();

		for (int n = 0; n < s->NumPolys(); n++) {
			if (segment && segment->material == spolys[n].material) {
			else {
				segment = 0;

			if (!segment) {
				segment = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Segment;

				segment->npolys   = 1;
				segment->polys    = &spolys[n];
				segment->material = segment->polys->material;
				segment->model    = model;



		// copy vertex normals:
		const Vec3B* tnorms = terrain->Normals();

		for (i = 0; i < ds1; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < ds1; j++) {

				if (water) {
					vset->nrm[i*ds1+j] = Point(0,1,0);

				// blend adjacent normals:
				else if (dscale > 1) {
					Point normal;

					// but don't blend more than 16 normals per vertex:
					int step = 1;
					if (dscale > 4)
					step = dscale / 4;

					for (int dy = -dscale/2; dy < dscale/2; dy += step) {
						for (int dx = -dscale/2; dx < dscale/2; dx += step) {
							int ix = rect.x + (ds1-1-j)*dscale + dx;
							int iy = rect.y + i*dscale + dy;

							if (ix < 0)                ix = 0;
							if (ix > terrain_width-1)  ix = terrain_width-1;
							if (iy < 0)                iy = 0;
							if (iy > terrain_width-1)  iy = terrain_width-1;

							Vec3B vbn = tnorms[iy*terrain_width + ix];
							normal += Point((128-vbn.x)/127.0, (vbn.z-128)/127.0, (vbn.y-128)/127.0);

					vset->nrm[i*ds1+j] = normal;

				// just copy the one normal:
				else {
					Vec3B vbn    = tnorms[(rect.y + i*dscale)*terrain_width + (rect.x + (ds1-1-j) * dscale)];
					Point normal = Point((128-vbn.x)/127.0, (vbn.z-128)/127.0, (vbn.y-128)/127.0);
					vset->nrm[i*ds1+j] = normal;

		if (!water) {
			pVert = &vset->nrm[ds1*ds1];

			// strip 1 & 2 verts
			for (i = 0; i < ds1; i += detail_size) {
				for (j = 0; j < ds1; j++) {
					Vec3 vn  = vset->nrm[i*ds1 + j];

					*pVert++ = vn;
					*pVert++ = vn;

			// strip 3 & 4 verts
			for (j = 0; j < ds1; j += detail_size) {
				for (i = 0; i < ds1; i++) {
					Vec3 vn  = vset->nrm[i*ds1 + j];

					*pVert++ = vn;
					*pVert++ = vn;

	if (level > max_detail)
	max_detail = level;

	return true;
예제 #5
    Material* mtl = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material;

    mtl->tex_diffuse   = hoop_texture;
    mtl->blend         = Material::MTL_ADDITIVE;

    int w = width /2;
    int h = height/2;

    model     = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Model;
    own_model = 1;

    Surface* surface = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Surface;


    VertexSet*  vset  = surface->GetVertexSet();
    Poly*       polys = surface->GetPolys();

    ZeroMemory(polys, sizeof(Poly) * 2);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        int   x = w;
        int   y = h;
        float u = 0;
        float v = 0;

        if (i == 0 || i == 3)
        x = -x;
        u = 1;

        if (i < 2)
        y = -y;
        v = 1;

        vset->loc[i]   = Vec3(x, y, 0);
        vset->nrm[i]   = Vec3(0, 0, 0);

        vset->tu[i]    = u;
        vset->tv[i]    = v;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        Poly& poly        = polys[i];

        poly.nverts       = 4;
        poly.vertex_set   = vset;
        poly.material     = mtl;

        poly.verts[0]     = i ? 3 : 0;
        poly.verts[1]     = i ? 2 : 1;
        poly.verts[2]     = i ? 1 : 2;
        poly.verts[3]     = i ? 0 : 3;

        poly.plane        = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]],


    // then assign them to cohesive segments:
    Segment* segment = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Segment;
    segment->npolys   = 2;
    segment->polys    = &polys[0];
    segment->material = segment->polys->material;


