int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { string ccCmd; int optionsOK = parseOptions(argc, argv); if (optionsOK < 0) return -1; cppShellCmd += inputFile; cppShellCmd += " "; /* ccCmd = "mv "; ccCmd += outputFile; ccCmd += " "; ccCmd += outputFile; ccCmd += ".c; "; ccCmd += ccShellCmd; if (genSharedLib) ccCmd += "-shared "; ccCmd += "-o "; ccCmd += outputFile;*/ if ((yyin = popen(cppShellCmd.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) { cerr << "Unexpected error in reading input file\n"; return 1; } #ifdef TEST_LEXER int token; while (token = yylex()) { if (token == TOK_SYNTAX_ERROR) { cout << yyfilename << ":" << yylinenum << ": Error: Unrecognized token `" << yytext << "'\n"; } else { cout << "Token: " << token << " "; switch(token) { case TOK_UINTNUM: cout << "Attribute: (int) " << yylval.uVal; break; case TOK_DOUBLENUM: cout << "Attribute: (float) " << yylval.dVal; break; case TOK_STRCONST: cout << "Attribute: (string) " << yylval.cVal; break; case TOK_ID: cout << "Attribute: (id) " << yylval.cVal; break; default: break; } cout << endl; } } return 0; #else // yydebug = 1; any = new EventEntry("any"); if (stm.insert(any) == OK) { Type *te = new Type((vector<Type*>*)NULL, Type::EVENT); any->type(te); } yyparse(); stm.leaveToScope(SymTabEntry::Kind::GLOBAL_KIND); GlobalEntry *ge = (GlobalEntry*)(stm.currentScope()); if (ge != NULL) { cout << "Finished parsing, here is the AST\n"; if(errCount() == 0){ cout << "Type checking" << endl; ge->typeCheck(); //ge->typePrint(cout,0); } if(errCount() == 0){ cout << "Memory alloaction" << endl; MemoryMgr mm = MemoryMgr(); ge->memAlloc(mm); } if(errCount() == 0){ cout << "Code Generation" << endl; CodeBlock* prog = ge->codeGen(); prog->Optimize(); if(outputFile.size() == 0){ cout << endl << endl; prog->print(cout); cout << endl << endl; } else { ofstream ofs(outputFile,ofstream::out); prog->print(ofs); } } } #endif }
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { string ccCmd; int optionsOK = parseOptions(argc, argv); if (optionsOK < 0) return -1; cppShellCmd += inputFile; cppShellCmd += " "; /* ccCmd = "mv "; ccCmd += outputFile; ccCmd += " "; ccCmd += outputFile; ccCmd += ".c; "; ccCmd += ccShellCmd; if (genSharedLib) ccCmd += "-shared "; ccCmd += "-o "; ccCmd += outputFile;*/ if ((yyin = popen(cppShellCmd.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) { cerr << "Unexpected error in reading input file\n"; return 1; } #ifdef TEST_LEXER int token; while (token = yylex()) { if (token == TOK_SYNTAX_ERROR) { cout << yyfilename << ":" << yylinenum << ": Error: Unrecognized token `" << yytext << "'\n"; } else { cout << "Token: " << token << " "; switch(token) { case TOK_UINTNUM: cout << "Attribute: (int) " << yylval.uVal; break; case TOK_DOUBLENUM: cout << "Attribute: (float) " << yylval.dVal; break; case TOK_STRCONST: cout << "Attribute: (string) " << yylval.cVal; break; case TOK_ID: cout << "Attribute: (id) " << yylval.cVal; break; default: break; } cout << endl; } } return 0; #else // yydebug = 1; any = new EventEntry("any"); if (stm.insert(any) == OK) { Type *te = new Type((vector<Type*>*)NULL, Type::EVENT); any->type(te); } yyparse(); stm.leaveToScope(SymTabEntry::Kind::GLOBAL_KIND); GlobalEntry *ge = (GlobalEntry*)(stm.currentScope()); if (ge != NULL) { //cout << "Finished parsing, here is the AST\n"; ge->checkType(); ge->print(cout, 0); string fileName = string(yyfilename); int dotIndex = fileName.find('.'); if(dotIndex > -1) fileName = fileName.substr(0, dotIndex); if (errCount() == 0) { + ".q"); ge->genFinalCode("test"); ofstream fos(fileName + ".i"); ge->serializeAsm(fos); fos.close(); qos.close(); } } #endif }