예제 #1
			SuccessCode NewtonLoop(Vec<ComplexType> & next_space,
					               System const& S,
					               Vec<ComplexType> const& current_space, // pass by value to get a copy of it
					               ComplexType const& current_time, 
					               RealType const& tracking_tolerance,
					               unsigned min_num_newton_iterations,
					               unsigned max_num_newton_iterations)
				assert(max_num_newton_iterations >= min_num_newton_iterations && "max number newton iterations must be at least the min.");

				next_space = current_space;
				for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < max_num_newton_iterations; ++ii)
					auto f = S.Eval(next_space, current_time);
					auto J = S.Jacobian(next_space, current_time);
					auto LU = J.lu();

					if (LUPartialPivotDecompositionSuccessful(LU.matrixLU())!=MatrixSuccessCode::Success)
						return SuccessCode::MatrixSolveFailure;

					auto delta_z = LU.solve(-f);
					next_space += delta_z;

					if ( (delta_z.norm() < tracking_tolerance) && (ii >= (min_num_newton_iterations-1)) )
						return SuccessCode::Success;

				return SuccessCode::FailedToConverge;
예제 #2
			SuccessCode NewtonLoop(Vec<ComplexType> & next_space,
			                       RealType & norm_delta_z,
			                       RealType & norm_J,
			                       RealType & norm_J_inverse,
			                       RealType & condition_number_estimate,
					               System const& S,
					               Vec<ComplexType> const& current_space, // pass by value to get a copy of it
					               ComplexType const& current_time, 
					               RealType const& tracking_tolerance,
					               unsigned min_num_newton_iterations,
					               unsigned max_num_newton_iterations,
					               config::AdaptiveMultiplePrecisionConfig const& AMP_config)
				assert(max_num_newton_iterations >= min_num_newton_iterations && "max number newton iterations must be at least the min.");

				next_space = current_space;
				for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < max_num_newton_iterations; ++ii)
					//TODO: wrap these into a single line.
					auto f = S.Eval(next_space, current_time);
					auto J = S.Jacobian(next_space, current_time);
					auto LU = J.lu();

					if (LUPartialPivotDecompositionSuccessful(LU.matrixLU())!=MatrixSuccessCode::Success)
						return SuccessCode::MatrixSolveFailure;

					auto delta_z = LU.solve(-f);
					next_space += delta_z;

					norm_delta_z = delta_z.norm();
					norm_J = J.norm();
					norm_J_inverse = LU.solve(RandomOfUnits<ComplexType>(S.NumVariables())).norm();
					condition_number_estimate = norm_J*norm_J_inverse;

					if ( (norm_delta_z < tracking_tolerance) && (ii >= (min_num_newton_iterations-1)) )
						return SuccessCode::Success;

					if (!amp::CriterionB(norm_J, norm_J_inverse, max_num_newton_iterations - ii, tracking_tolerance, norm_delta_z, AMP_config))
						return SuccessCode::HigherPrecisionNecessary;

					if (!amp::CriterionC(norm_J_inverse, next_space, tracking_tolerance, AMP_config))
						return SuccessCode::HigherPrecisionNecessary;

				return SuccessCode::FailedToConverge;