예제 #1
bool SystemManager::_LoadSystemDynamics() {
	std::vector<DBSystemDynamicEntity> entities;
	if(!m_db.LoadSystemDynamicEntities(m_systemID, entities)) {
		_log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Unable to load dynamic entities during boot of system %u.", m_systemID);
		return false;

	//uint32 next_hack_entity_ID = m_systemID + 900000000;
	std::vector<DBSystemDynamicEntity>::iterator cur, end;
	cur = entities.begin();
	end = entities.end();
	for(; cur != end; cur++) {
		SystemEntity *se = DynamicEntityFactory::BuildEntity(*this, m_services.item_factory, *cur);
		if(se == NULL) {
			codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Failed to create entity for item %u (type %u)", cur->itemID, cur->typeID);
		//TODO: use proper log type.
		_log(SPAWN__MESSAGE, "Loaded dynamic entity %u of type %u for system %u", cur->itemID, cur->typeID, m_systemID);
		m_entities[se->GetID()] = se;
		bubbles.Add(se, false);
		m_entityChanged = true;
	return true;
예제 #2
bool SystemManager::BuildDynamicEntity(Client *who, const DBSystemDynamicEntity &entity)
    SystemEntity *se = DynamicEntityFactory::BuildEntity(*this, m_services.item_factory, entity );
    if( se == NULL )
        sLog.Error( "SystemManager::BuildDynamicEntity()", "Failed to create entity for item %u (type %u)", entity.itemID, entity.typeID );
        return false;

    sLog.Debug( "SystemManager::BuildDynamicEntity()", "Loaded dynamic entity %u of type %u for system %u", entity.itemID, entity.typeID, m_systemID );
    m_entities[se->GetID()] = se;
    bubbles.Add(se, false);
    m_entityChanged = true;

    return true;
예제 #3
void SystemManager::MakeSetState(const SystemBubble *bubble, DoDestiny_SetState &ss) const
    Buffer* stateBuffer = new Buffer;

    AddBall_header head;
	head.more = 0;
	head.sequence = ss.stamp;
    stateBuffer->Append( head );
	//I am not thrilled with this mechanism, but I cant think of a better
	//way to deal with it right now. The issue is that we need to send out
	// info for all system-wide entities (celestials, etc), as well as all
	// entities in our current bubble. Well, it is likely that some things
	// in our bubble are system-wide, and we would be sending out duplciates.
	// so, we use a set to enforce uniqueness.
	std::set<SystemEntity*> visibleEntities;
		std::map<uint32, SystemEntity*>::const_iterator cur, end;
		cur = m_entities.begin();
		end = m_entities.end();
		for(; cur != end; ++cur)
			if( !cur->second->IsVisibleSystemWide() )
                //_log(COMMON__WARNING, "%u is not visible!", cur->first);

            //_log(COMMON__WARNING, "%u is system wide visible!", cur->first);
			visibleEntities.insert( cur->second );

    //bubble is null??? why???
	bubble->GetEntities( visibleEntities );

    PySafeDecRef( ss.slims );
    ss.slims = new PyList;

	//go through all entities and gather the info we need...
	std::set<SystemEntity*>::const_iterator cur, end;
	cur = visibleEntities.begin();
	end = visibleEntities.end();
	for(; cur != end; ++cur)
		SystemEntity* ent = *cur;
        //_log(COMMON__WARNING, "Encoding entity %u", ent->GetID());

		ss.damageState[ ent->GetID() ] = ent->MakeDamageState();

		ss.slims->AddItem( new PyObject( new PyString( "foo.SlimItem" ), ent->MakeSlimItem() ) );

		//append the destiny binary data...
		ent->EncodeDestiny( *stateBuffer );

	ss.destiny_state = new PyBuffer( &stateBuffer );
    SafeDelete( stateBuffer );


	ss.droneState = m_db.GetSolDroneState( m_systemID );
	if( NULL == ss.droneState )
		_log( SERVICE__ERROR, "Unable to query dronestate entity for destiny update in system %u!", m_systemID );
		ss.droneState = new PyNone;

	ss.solItem = m_db.GetSolRow( m_systemID );
	if( NULL == ss.solItem )
		_log( CLIENT__ERROR, "Unable to query solarsystem entity for destiny update in system %u!", m_systemID );
		ss.solItem = new PyNone;

    ss.effectStates = new PyList;

    ss.allianceBridges = new PyList;

    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "Set State:" );
    ss.Dump( DESTINY__TRACE, "    " );
    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "    Buffer:" );
    _hex( DESTINY__TRACE, &( ss.destiny_state->content() )[0],
                          ss.destiny_state->content().size() );

    _log( DESTINY__TRACE, "    Decoded:" );
    Destiny::DumpUpdate( DESTINY__TRACE, &( ss.destiny_state->content() )[0],
                                         ss.destiny_state->content().size() );
예제 #4
void NPCAIMgr::Process() {

	// Test to see if we have a Shield Booster
	if( m_shieldBoosterTimer.Enabled() )
		// It's time to recharge?
		if( m_shieldBoosterTimer.Check() )
	// Test to see if we have an Armor Repair
	if( m_armorRepairTimer.Enabled() )
		// It's time to recharge?
		if( m_armorRepairTimer.Check() )

	switch(m_state) {
	case Idle:
		//TODO: wander around?
		//TODO: look around for shit to shoot at?
		// 		The parameter proximityRange tells us how far we "see"
	case Chasing: {
		//NOTE: getting our target like this is pretty weak...
		SystemEntity *target = m_npc->targets.GetFirstTarget(false);
		if(target == NULL) {
			//no valid target...
			if(m_npc->targets.HasNoTargets()) {
				_log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Stopped chasing, no targets remain.", m_npc->GetID());
				m_state = Idle;
			//else, still locking or something.
        if(m_npc->DistanceTo2(target) < m_entityAttackRange2.get_float()) {
			//we caught up... off to follow mode. Should orbit, but that
			//isnt working yet.
			_log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Was chasing %u, but they are close enough now. Following.", m_npc->GetID(), target->GetID());

		//else, we continue chasing... should we shoot?
	} break;
	case Following: {
		//NOTE: getting our target like this is pretty weak...
		SystemEntity *target = m_npc->targets.GetFirstTarget(false);
		if(target == NULL) {
			//no valid target...
			if(m_npc->targets.HasNoTargets()) {
				_log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Stopped chasing, no targets remain.", m_npc->GetID());
				m_state = Idle;
			//else, still locking or something.
        if(m_npc->DistanceTo2(target) > m_entityChaseMaxDistance2.get_float()) {
			//they are too far away now...
			_log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Was chasing with %u, but they are too far away now. Chasing.", m_npc->GetID(), target->GetID());

		//ok, we are close enough...
	} break;
	case Engaged: {
		//NOTE: getting our target like this is pretty weak...
		SystemEntity *target = m_npc->targets.GetFirstTarget(false);
		if(target == NULL) {
			//no valid target...
			if(m_npc->targets.HasNoTargets()) {
				_log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Stopped chasing, no targets remain.", m_npc->GetID());
			//else, still locking or something.
        if(m_npc->DistanceTo2(target) > m_entityAttackRange2.get_float()) {
			//they are too far away now...
			_log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Was engaged with %u, but they are too far away now. Following.", m_npc->GetID(), target->GetID());

		//ok, we are close enough...
	} break;
	//no default on purpose
예제 #5
void NPCAIMgr::Process() {

    // Test to see if we have a Shield Booster
    if( m_shieldBoosterTimer.Enabled() )
        // It's time to recharge?
        if( m_shieldBoosterTimer.Check() )
    // Test to see if we have an Armor Repair
    if( m_armorRepairTimer.Enabled() )
        // It's time to recharge?
        if( m_armorRepairTimer.Check() )

    switch(m_state) {
    case Idle:
			//TODO: wander around?
			//TODO: look around for shit to shoot at?
			//         The parameter proximityRange tells us how far we "see"
			if( m_beginFindTarget.Check() )
				std::set<SystemEntity *> possibleTargets;
				std::set<SystemEntity *>::iterator cur, end;
				cur = possibleTargets.begin();
				end = possibleTargets.end();
				for(; cur != end; cur++)
					// We find a target
					// TODO: Determine the weakest target to engage
					if( (*cur)->IsClient() )
						// Check to see if this player ship is not cloaked, so we can really target them:
						if( ((*cur)->CastToClient()->Destiny()) != NULL )
							if( !((*cur)->CastToClient()->Destiny()->IsCloaked()) )
								// TODO: Check to see if target's standings are below 0.0, if so, engage, otherwise, ignore:
								//Client * const currentClient = (*cur)->CastToClient();
								//if( currentClient->GetStandingsFrom(this->m_npc->CastToNPC()->GetCorporationID()) >= 0.0 )
								//	break;
								// Check to see if it's a capsule
								// Target him and begin the process of the attack.
								if( !((*cur)->Item()->groupID() == EVEDB::invGroups::Capsule) )

    case Chasing: {
        //NOTE: getting our target like this is pretty weak...
        SystemEntity *target = m_npc->targets.GetFirstTarget(false);
        if(target == NULL) {
            //no valid target...
            if(m_npc->targets.HasNoTargets()) {
                _log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Stopped chasing, no targets remain.", m_npc->GetID());
                m_state = Idle;
            //else, still locking or something.

        if(m_npc->DistanceTo2(target) < m_entityAttackRange2.get_float()) {
            //we caught up... off to follow mode. Should orbit, but that
            //isnt working yet.
            _log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Was chasing %u, but they are close enough now. Following.", m_npc->GetID(), target->GetID());

        //else, we continue chasing... should we shoot?
    } break;

    case Following: {
        //NOTE: getting our target like this is pretty weak...
        SystemEntity *target = m_npc->targets.GetFirstTarget(false);
        if(target == NULL) {
            //no valid target...
            if(m_npc->targets.HasNoTargets()) {
                _log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Stopped chasing, no targets remain.", m_npc->GetID());
                m_state = Idle;
            //else, still locking or something.

        if(m_npc->DistanceTo2(target) > m_entityChaseMaxDistance2.get_float()) {
            //they are too far away now...
            _log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Was chasing with %u, but they are too far away now. Chasing.", m_npc->GetID(), target->GetID());

        //ok, we are close enough...
    } break;

    case Engaged: {
        //NOTE: getting our target like this is pretty weak...
        SystemEntity *target = m_npc->targets.GetFirstTarget(false);

        if(target == NULL) {
            //no valid target...
            if(m_npc->targets.HasNoTargets()) {
                _log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Stopped chasing, no targets remain.", m_npc->GetID());
            //else, still locking or something.

        if(m_npc->DistanceTo2(target) > m_entityAttackRange2.get_float()) {
            //they are too far away now...
            _log(NPC__AI_TRACE, "[%u] Was engaged with %u, but they are too far away now. Following.", m_npc->GetID(), target->GetID());

        //ok, we are close enough...
    } break;
    //no default on purpose