예제 #1
 * Method: IsSameSector
 * Determine if two <SystemPath> objects point to objects in the same sector.
 * > is_same = path:IsSameSector(otherpath)
 * Parameters:
 *   otherpath - the <SystemPath> to compare with this path
 * Return:
 *   is_same - true if the path's point to the same sector, false otherwise
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 17
 * Status:
 *   stable
static int l_sbodypath_is_same_sector(lua_State *l)
	SystemPath *a = LuaObject<SystemPath>::CheckFromLua(1);
	SystemPath *b = LuaObject<SystemPath>::CheckFromLua(2);

	lua_pushboolean(l, a->IsSameSector(b));
	return 1;