int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); ProgramOptions options(argc, argv); double lumi = options.lumi; std::cout << "Integrated luminosity : " << lumi << " pb-1" << std::endl; Datasets datasets(options.iDir); datasets.readFile(options.datasetFile); LeptonWeights lw; // cuts Cuts cuts; TCut puWeight("puWeight"); TCut trigCorr( "(trigCorrWeight>0) ? trigCorrWeight : 1." ); // For lepton weights TCut elTightWeight = cuts.elTightWeight(options.leptCorr); TCut muTightWeight = cuts.muTightWeight(options.leptCorr); TCut leptonTightWeight = elTightWeight * muTightWeight; // ok to use muon and electron tight weights in control regions, since we use a lepton veto, so you would have a muon weight = 1 TCut elVetoWeight = cuts.elVetoWeight(options.leptCorr); TCut muVetoWeight = cuts.muVetoWeight(options.leptCorr); TCut leptonVetoWeight = elVetoWeight * muVetoWeight; TCut otherCutsTight = puWeight * trigCorr * leptonTightWeight; TCut otherCutsVeto = puWeight * trigCorr * leptonVetoWeight; TCut cutSignalNoMETNoDPhi = cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.leptonVeto() + cuts.vbf(); // Tau cuts // Get puWeight etc added below if necessary // standard TightMjj selection - essentially signal selection but no DPhiJJ and no cjv TCut cutTightMjj_basic = cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.cutWTau("lVeto") + cuts.cutWTau("dijet") + cuts.cutWTau("dEtaJJ") + cuts.cutWTau("MET") + cuts.cutWTau("Mjj"); TCut cutwElnoMjj = cuts.cutWEl("trigger")+ cuts.cutWEl("wEl")+cuts.cutWEl("lVeto")+cuts.cutWEl("dijet")+cuts.cutWEl("dEtaJJ")+cuts.cutWEl("MET")+cuts.cutWEl("CJV")+cuts.cutWEl("dPhiJJ"); //for W->el regions TCut cutTightMjj(""); // used to add in PU, trig corr, wWeight etc // double dphiEdges[4] = { 0., 1.0, 2.6, TMath::Pi() }; double dphiEdges[5] = { 0., 1.0, 1.8, 2.6, TMath::Pi() }; double MjjEdges[5] = { 800., 1000., 1200., 1800., 3000. }; double METEdges[5] = { 100., 150., 200., 250., 300. }; //double CenJetEtEdges[5] = { 10., 40., 70., 120. ,200}; double CenJetEtEdges[5] = { 10., 30., 60., 100., 150.}; TH1D* hWEl_MCGen_DPhi = new TH1D("hWEl_MCGen_DPhi", "", 1, 0,1); // W+jets MC gen level el TH1D* hWTau_MCGen_DPhi = new TH1D("hWTau_MCGen_DPhi", "", 1, 0,1); // W+jets MC gen level Tau - for ID // DPhiJJ histograms // WEl histograms TH1D* hWEl_MCC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // W+jets MC el ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_BGC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // Data ctrl region // WTau histograms TH1D* hWTau_MCC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // W+jets MC tau ctrl region - for CJV ratio TH1D* hWTau_BGC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // Data ctrl region // Mjj histograms // WEl histograms TH1D* hWEl_MCC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // W+jets MC el ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_BGC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // Data ctrl region // WTau histograms TH1D* hWTau_MCC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // W+jets MC tau ctrl region - for CJV ratio TH1D* hWTau_BGC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // Data ctrl region // Mjj histograms // MET histograms // WEl histograms TH1D* hWEl_MCC_MET = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // W+jets MC el ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_BGC_MET = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_MET = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // Data ctrl region // WTau histograms TH1D* hWTau_MCC_MET = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // W+jets MC tau ctrl region - for CJV ratio TH1D* hWTau_BGC_MET = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_MET = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // Data ctrl region // MET histograms // Central Jet Et histograms // WEl histograms TH1D* hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // W+jets MC el ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // Data ctrl region // WTau histograms TH1D* hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // W+jets MC tau ctrl region - for CJV ratio TH1D* hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // Data ctrl region // loop over MC datasets for (unsigned i=0; i<datasets.size(); ++i) { Dataset dataset = datasets.getDataset(i); TFile* file = datasets.getTFile(; TTree* tree = (TTree*) file->Get("invHiggsInfo/InvHiggsInfo"); // setup cuts TCut wWeight(""); TCut cutD = cuts.cutDataset(; TCut cutWEl_Gen = cuts.wElGen(); TCut cutWTau_Gen = cuts.wTauGen(); TCut cutWEl_MCC_DPhi = cuts.wElGen() + cuts.wElVBF() + cuts.cutWEl("MET"); TCut cutWEl_C_DPhi = cutD + cuts.wElVBF() + cuts.cutWEl("MET"); // WEl MC control region; WEl MC gen only; control region for data/bg - all for DPhiJJ TCut cutWTau_MCC_DPhi = cuts.wTauGen() + cutTightMjj_basic + cuts.cutWTau("wTau"); TCut cutWTau_C_DPhi = cutD + cutTightMjj_basic + cuts.cutWTau("wTau"); // WTau MC control region; WTau MC gen only; control region for data/bg - all for DPhiJJ TCut cutWEl_MCC_Mjj = cuts.wElGen() + cutwElnoMjj; TCut cutWEl_C_Mjj = cutD + cutwElnoMjj; TCut cutWTau_MCC_Mjj = cuts.wTauGen() + cuts.cutWTau("wTau") + cuts.cutWTau("trigger") + cuts.cutWTau("lVeto") + cuts.cutWTau("dijet") + cuts.cutWTau("dEtaJJ") + cuts.cutWTau("MET") + cuts.cutWTau("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWTau_C_Mjj = cutD + cuts.cutWTau("wTau") + cuts.cutWTau("trigger") + cuts.cutWTau("lVeto") + cuts.cutWTau("dijet") + cuts.cutWTau("dEtaJJ") + cuts.cutWTau("MET") + cuts.cutWTau("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWEl_MCC_MET = cuts.wElGen() + cuts.wElVBF() + cuts.cutWEl("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWEl_C_MET = cutD + cuts.wElVBF() + cuts.cutWEl("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWTau_MCC_MET = cuts.wTauGen() + cuts.cutWTau("wTau") + cuts.cutWTau("trigger") + cuts.cutWTau("lVeto") + cuts.cutWTau("dijet") + cuts.cutWTau("dEtaJJ") + cuts.cutWTau("Mjj") + cuts.cutWTau("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWTau_C_MET = cutD + cuts.cutWTau("wTau") + cuts.cutWTau("trigger") + cuts.cutWTau("lVeto") + cuts.cutWTau("dijet") + cuts.cutWTau("dEtaJJ") + cuts.cutWTau("Mjj") + cuts.cutWTau("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWEl_MCC_CenJetEt = cuts.wElGen() + cuts.cutWEl("trigger") + cuts.cutWEl("lVeto") + cuts.cutWEl("wEl") + cuts.cutWEl("dijet") + cuts.cutWEl("dEtaJJ") + cuts.cutWEl("Mjj") + cuts.cutWEl("MET") + cuts.cutWEl("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWEl_C_CenJetEt = cutD + cuts.cutWEl("trigger") + cuts.cutWEl("lVeto") + cuts.cutWEl("wEl") + cuts.cutWEl("dijet") + cuts.cutWEl("dEtaJJ") + cuts.cutWEl("Mjj") + cuts.cutWEl("MET") + cuts.cutWEl("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWTau_MCC_CenJetEt = cuts.wTauGen() + cutTightMjj_basic + cuts.cutWTau("wTau") + cuts.cutWTau("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutWTau_C_CenJetEt = cutD + cutTightMjj_basic + cuts.cutWTau("wTau") + cuts.cutWTau("dPhiJJ"); // TEMP HISTS - DPhiJJ TH1D* hWEl_MCGen_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_MCGen_DPhi_tmp", "",1, 0,1); // W+jets El MC gen TH1D* hWTau_MCGen_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_MCGen_DPhi_tmp", "",1, 0,1); // W+jets Tau MC gen // tmp histograms - WEl TH1D* hWEl_MCC_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_DPhi_tmp", "",4,dphiEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_DPhi_tmp", "",4,dphiEdges); // Data in WEl ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_BGC_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_DPhi_tmp", "",4,dphiEdges); //BG in WEl ctrl region // tmp histograms - wTau TH1D* hWTau_MCC_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_DPhi_tmp", "",4,dphiEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_DPhi_tmp", "",4,dphiEdges); // Data in WTau ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp", "",4,dphiEdges); // BG in WTau ctrl region // TEMP HISTS - Mjj // tmp histograms - WEl TH1D* hWEl_MCC_Mjj_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_Mjj_tmp", "",4,MjjEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_Mjj_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_Mjj_tmp", "",4,MjjEdges); TH1D* hWEl_BGC_Mjj_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_Mjj_tmp", "",4,MjjEdges); // tmp histograms - wTau TH1D* hWTau_MCC_Mjj_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_Mjj_tmp", "",4,MjjEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_Mjj_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_Mjj_tmp", "",4,MjjEdges); TH1D* hWTau_BGC_Mjj_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_Mjj_tmp", "",4,MjjEdges); // TEMP HISTS - MET // tmp histograms - WEl TH1D* hWEl_MCC_MET_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_MET_tmp", "",4,METEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_MET_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_MET_tmp", "",4,METEdges); TH1D* hWEl_BGC_MET_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_MET_tmp", "",4,METEdges); // tmp histograms - wTau TH1D* hWTau_MCC_MET_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_MET_tmp", "",4,METEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_MET_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_MET_tmp", "",4,METEdges); TH1D* hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp", "",4,METEdges); // TEMP HISTS - CenJetEt // tmp histograms - WEl TH1D* hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp", "",4,CenJetEtEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp", "",4,CenJetEtEdges); TH1D* hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp = new TH1D("hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp", "",4,CenJetEtEdges); // tmp histograms - wTau TH1D* hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp", "",4,CenJetEtEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp", "",4,CenJetEtEdges); TH1D* hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp = new TH1D("hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp", "",4,CenJetEtEdges); // Weight to lumi double weight = (dataset.isData) ? 1. : (lumi * dataset.sigma / dataset.nEvents); if( == "EWK_ZvvFake") weight *= constants::ratioZToNuNuZToLL; // check it's W+Jets bool isWJets = false; bool isEwkW = false; if ( == "WJets" || == "W1Jets" || == "W2Jets" || == "W3Jets" || == "W4Jets" || == "EWK_Wp2Jets" || == "EWK_Wm2Jets") { std::cout << "Analysing W MC : " << << std::endl; std::cout << " weight : " << weight << std::endl; if ( == "EWK_Wp2Jets" || == "EWK_Wm2Jets") isEwkW = true; else isWJets = true; if(isWJets) wWeight = cuts.wWeight(); // El cuts tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hWEl_MCC_DPhi_tmp", otherCutsTight * wWeight * cutWEl_MCC_DPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hWEl_MCGen_DPhi_tmp", otherCutsTight * wWeight * cutWEl_Gen); tree->Draw("vbfM>>hWEl_MCC_Mjj_tmp", otherCutsTight * wWeight * cutWEl_MCC_Mjj); tree->Draw("metNoWLepton>>hWEl_MCC_MET_tmp", otherCutsTight * wWeight * cutWEl_MCC_MET); tree->Draw("cenJetEt>>hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp", otherCutsTight * wWeight * cutWEl_MCC_CenJetEt); hWEl_MCC_DPhi_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_MCGen_DPhi_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_MCC_Mjj_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_MCC_MET_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp->Scale(weight); // add to final histogram hWEl_MCC_DPhi->Add(hWEl_MCC_DPhi_tmp); hWEl_MCGen_DPhi->Add(hWEl_MCGen_DPhi_tmp); hWEl_MCC_Mjj->Add(hWEl_MCC_Mjj_tmp); hWEl_MCC_MET->Add(hWEl_MCC_MET_tmp); hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt->Add(hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp); tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hWTau_MCC_DPhi_tmp", otherCutsVeto * wWeight * cutWTau_MCC_DPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hWTau_MCGen_DPhi_tmp", otherCutsVeto * wWeight * cutWTau_Gen); tree->Draw("vbfM>>hWTau_MCC_Mjj_tmp", otherCutsVeto * wWeight * cutWTau_MCC_Mjj); tree->Draw("met>>hWTau_MCC_MET_tmp", otherCutsVeto * wWeight * cutWTau_MCC_MET); tree->Draw("cenJetEt>>hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp", otherCutsVeto * wWeight * cutWTau_MCC_CenJetEt); hWTau_MCC_DPhi_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_MCGen_DPhi_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_MCC_Mjj_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_MCC_MET_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp->Scale(weight); // add to final histogram hWTau_MCC_DPhi->Add(hWTau_MCC_DPhi_tmp); hWTau_MCGen_DPhi->Add(hWTau_MCGen_DPhi_tmp); hWTau_MCC_Mjj->Add(hWTau_MCC_Mjj_tmp); hWTau_MCC_MET->Add(hWTau_MCC_MET_tmp); hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt->Add(hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp); } else if (dataset.isData) { std::cout << "Analysing Data : " << << std::endl; // El region tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hWEl_DataC_DPhi_tmp", cutWEl_C_DPhi); hWEl_DataC_DPhi->Add(hWEl_DataC_DPhi_tmp); tree->Draw("vbfM>>hWEl_DataC_Mjj_tmp", cutWEl_C_Mjj); hWEl_DataC_Mjj->Add(hWEl_DataC_Mjj_tmp); tree->Draw("metNoWLepton>>hWEl_DataC_MET_tmp", cutWEl_C_MET); hWEl_DataC_MET->Add(hWEl_DataC_MET_tmp); tree->Draw("cenJetEt>>hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp", cutWEl_C_CenJetEt); hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt->Add(hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp); // Tau region tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hWTau_DataC_DPhi_tmp", cutWTau_C_DPhi); hWTau_DataC_DPhi->Add(hWTau_DataC_DPhi_tmp); tree->Draw("vbfM>>hWTau_DataC_Mjj_tmp", cutWTau_C_Mjj); hWTau_DataC_Mjj->Add(hWTau_DataC_Mjj_tmp); tree->Draw("met>>hWTau_DataC_MET_tmp", cutWTau_C_MET); hWTau_DataC_MET->Add(hWTau_DataC_MET_tmp); tree->Draw("cenJetEt>>hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp", cutWTau_C_CenJetEt); hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt->Add(hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp); std::cout << " N ctrl region (dphi<1) : " << hWTau_DataC_DPhi_tmp->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hWTau_DataC_DPhi_tmp->GetBinError(1) << std::endl;// debug output } else { std::cout << "Analysing BG MC : " << << std::endl; std::cout << " weight : " << weight << std::endl; if (,17,"SignalM125_POWHEG")== 0 ||,3,"QCD") == 0) continue; if(,3,"Zvv") != 0 && != "EWK_ZvvFake"){ // Don't need Zvv in WEl estimates tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hWEl_BGC_DPhi_tmp", otherCutsTight * cutWEl_C_DPhi); tree->Draw("vbfM>>hWEl_BGC_Mjj_tmp", otherCutsTight * cutWEl_C_Mjj); tree->Draw("metNoWLepton>>hWEl_BGC_MET_tmp", otherCutsTight * cutWEl_C_MET); tree->Draw("cenJetEt>>hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp", otherCutsTight * cutWEl_C_CenJetEt); hWEl_BGC_DPhi_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_BGC_Mjj_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_BGC_MET_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp->Scale(weight); hWEl_BGC_DPhi->Add(hWEl_BGC_DPhi_tmp); hWEl_BGC_Mjj->Add(hWEl_BGC_Mjj_tmp); hWEl_BGC_MET->Add(hWEl_BGC_MET_tmp); hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt->Add(hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp); } // Count number of tau in control region in bg mc tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp", otherCutsVeto * cutWTau_C_DPhi); tree->Draw("vbfM>>hWTau_BGC_Mjj_tmp", otherCutsVeto * cutWTau_C_Mjj); tree->Draw("met>>hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp", otherCutsVeto * cutWTau_C_MET); tree->Draw("cenJetEt>>hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp", otherCutsVeto * cutWTau_C_CenJetEt); hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_BGC_Mjj_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp->Scale(weight); hWTau_BGC_DPhi->Add(hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp); hWTau_BGC_Mjj->Add(hWTau_BGC_Mjj_tmp); hWTau_BGC_MET->Add(hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp); hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt->Add(hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp); // debug output std::cout << " N ctrl region (dphi<1) : " << hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " N ctrl region (MET) : " << hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; } // debug output // std::cout << " N ctrl region (dphi<1) : " << hWEl_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hWEl_C_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; delete hWEl_MCC_DPhi_tmp; delete hWEl_MCGen_DPhi_tmp; delete hWEl_DataC_DPhi_tmp; delete hWEl_BGC_DPhi_tmp; delete hWTau_MCC_DPhi_tmp; delete hWTau_MCGen_DPhi_tmp; delete hWTau_DataC_DPhi_tmp; delete hWTau_BGC_DPhi_tmp; delete hWEl_MCC_Mjj_tmp; delete hWEl_DataC_Mjj_tmp; delete hWEl_BGC_Mjj_tmp; delete hWTau_MCC_Mjj_tmp; delete hWTau_DataC_Mjj_tmp; delete hWTau_BGC_Mjj_tmp; delete hWEl_MCC_MET_tmp; delete hWEl_DataC_MET_tmp; delete hWEl_BGC_MET_tmp; delete hWTau_MCC_MET_tmp; delete hWTau_DataC_MET_tmp; delete hWTau_BGC_MET_tmp; delete hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp; delete hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp; delete hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp; delete hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt_tmp; delete hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt_tmp; delete hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt_tmp; file->Close(); } // end of datasets loop //for (int i=1; i<=hWTau_BGC_DPhi->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hWTau_BGC_DPhi->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=hWEl_BGC_DPhi->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hWEl_BGC_DPhi->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=hWTau_BGC_MET->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hWTau_BGC_MET->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=hWEl_BGC_MET->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hWEl_BGC_MET->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc // W->el TH1D* hWEl_EstC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWEl_EstC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WEl control hWEl_EstC_DPhi->Add(hWEl_DataC_DPhi, hWEl_BGC_DPhi, 1., -1.); TH1D* hWEl_EstC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWEl_EstC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WEl control hWEl_EstC_Mjj->Add(hWEl_DataC_Mjj, hWEl_BGC_Mjj, 1., -1.); TH1D* hWEl_EstC_MET = new TH1D("hWEl_EstC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WEl control hWEl_EstC_MET->Add(hWEl_DataC_MET, hWEl_BGC_MET, 1., -1.); TH1D* hWEl_EstC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWEl_EstC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WEl control hWEl_EstC_CenJetEt->Add(hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt, hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt, 1., -1.); // W->Tau TH1D* hWTau_EstC_DPhi = new TH1D("hWTau_EstC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WTau control hWTau_EstC_DPhi->Add(hWTau_DataC_DPhi, hWTau_BGC_DPhi, 1., -1.); TH1D* hWTau_EstC_Mjj = new TH1D("hWTau_EstC_Mjj", "", 4, MjjEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WTau control hWTau_EstC_Mjj->Add(hWTau_DataC_Mjj, hWTau_BGC_Mjj, 1., -1.); TH1D* hWTau_EstC_MET = new TH1D("hWTau_EstC_MET", "", 4, METEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WTau control hWTau_EstC_MET->Add(hWTau_DataC_MET, hWTau_BGC_MET, 1., -1.); TH1D* hWTau_EstC_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWTau_EstC_CenJetEt", "", 4, CenJetEtEdges); // n_data - n_bg in WTau control hWTau_EstC_CenJetEt->Add(hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt, hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt, 1., -1.); TH1D* h_RGEN = new TH1D("h_RGEN","",1,0,1.); h_RGEN->Divide(hWEl_MCGen_DPhi,hWTau_MCGen_DPhi,1.,1.); TH1D* h_RVBF_DPhi = new TH1D("h_RVBF_DPhi","",4,dphiEdges); h_RVBF_DPhi->Divide(hWTau_MCC_DPhi,hWEl_MCC_DPhi,1.,1.); TH1D* h_RVBF_Mjj = new TH1D("h_RVBF_Mjj","",4,MjjEdges); h_RVBF_Mjj->Divide(hWTau_MCC_Mjj,hWEl_MCC_Mjj,1.,1.); TH1D* h_RVBF_MET = new TH1D("h_RVBF_MET","",4,METEdges); h_RVBF_MET->Divide(hWTau_MCC_MET,hWEl_MCC_MET,1.,1.); TH1D* h_RVBF_CenJetEt = new TH1D("h_RVBF_CenJetEt","",4,CenJetEtEdges); h_RVBF_CenJetEt->Divide(hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt,hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt,1.,1.); //for (int i=1; i<=h_RGEN->GetNbinsX(); ++i)h_RGEN->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=h_RVBF_DPhi->GetNbinsX(); ++i) h_RVBF_DPhi->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=h_RVBF_MET->GetNbinsX(); ++i) h_RVBF_MET->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc //for (int i=1; i<=h_RVBF_CenJetEt->GetNbinsX(); ++i) h_RVBF_CenJetEt->SetBinError(i,0.); // no stat error from mc TH1D* h_R_DPhi = new TH1D("h_R_DPhi","",4,dphiEdges); TH1D* h_R_Mjj = new TH1D("h_R_Mjj","",4,MjjEdges); TH1D* h_R_MET = new TH1D("h_R_MET","",4,METEdges); TH1D* h_R_CenJetEt = new TH1D("h_R_CenJetEt","",4,CenJetEtEdges); for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= h_R_DPhi->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin){ h_R_DPhi->SetBinContent(ibin, h_RVBF_DPhi->GetBinContent(ibin) * h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1)); h_R_DPhi->SetBinError(ibin, h_R_DPhi->GetBinContent(ibin) * sqrt(pow(h_RVBF_DPhi->GetBinError(ibin)/h_RVBF_DPhi->GetBinContent(ibin),2) + pow(h_RGEN->GetBinError(1)/ h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1),2))); } for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= h_R_Mjj->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin){ h_R_Mjj->SetBinContent(ibin, h_RVBF_Mjj->GetBinContent(ibin) * h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1)); h_R_Mjj->SetBinError(ibin, h_R_Mjj->GetBinContent(ibin) * sqrt(pow(h_RVBF_Mjj->GetBinError(ibin)/h_RVBF_Mjj->GetBinContent(ibin),2) + pow(h_RGEN->GetBinError(1)/ h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1),2))); } for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= h_R_MET->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin){ h_R_MET->SetBinContent(ibin, h_RVBF_MET->GetBinContent(ibin) * h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1)); h_R_MET->SetBinError(ibin, h_R_MET->GetBinContent(ibin) * sqrt(pow(h_RVBF_MET->GetBinError(ibin)/h_RVBF_MET->GetBinContent(ibin),2) + pow(h_RGEN->GetBinError(1)/ h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1),2))); } for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= h_R_CenJetEt->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin){ h_R_CenJetEt->SetBinContent(ibin, h_RVBF_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(ibin) * h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1)); h_R_CenJetEt->SetBinError(ibin, h_R_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(ibin) * sqrt(pow(h_RVBF_CenJetEt->GetBinError(ibin)/h_RVBF_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(ibin),2) + pow(h_RGEN->GetBinError(1)/ h_RGEN->GetBinContent(1),2))); } // lets calculate some stuff TH1D* hWTau_Prediction_DPhi = new TH1D("hWTau_Prediction_DPhi","",4,dphiEdges); hWTau_Prediction_DPhi->Add(hWEl_EstC_DPhi,1.); hWTau_Prediction_DPhi->Multiply(h_R_DPhi); TH1D* hWTau_Prediction_Mjj = new TH1D("hWTau_Prediction_Mjj","",4,MjjEdges); hWTau_Prediction_Mjj->Add(hWEl_EstC_Mjj,1.); hWTau_Prediction_Mjj->Multiply(h_R_Mjj); TH1D* hWTau_Prediction_MET = new TH1D("hWTau_Prediction_MET","",4,METEdges); hWTau_Prediction_MET->Add(hWEl_EstC_MET,1.); hWTau_Prediction_MET->Multiply(h_R_MET); TH1D* hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt = new TH1D("hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt","",4,CenJetEtEdges); hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt->Add(hWEl_EstC_CenJetEt,1.); hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt->Multiply(h_R_CenJetEt); double xsecRatio = (0.1125*0.6476)/(0.1057+(0.1125*0.1741)); // Ratio of w->Tau cross-section to w-?el cross section (includes w->el and w->tau->el) hWTau_Prediction_DPhi->Scale(xsecRatio); hWTau_Prediction_Mjj->Scale(xsecRatio); hWTau_Prediction_MET->Scale(xsecRatio); hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt->Scale(xsecRatio); /////////////////////////// // Lots of screen output // /////////////////////////// std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***************** W Tau closure test from W El *****************" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "--- Binned by DPhiJJ ---" << std::endl; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++){ std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin: " << dphiEdges[a] << " < dphi < " << dphiEdges[a+1] << "" << std::endl; std::cout << "W->el channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl : " << hWEl_MCC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_MCC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets at gen level : " << hWEl_MCGen_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_MCGen_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWEl_BGC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_BGC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWEl_DataC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_DataC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data-bg ctrl region : " << hWEl_EstC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_EstC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "W->tau channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl (MC estimate in ctrl) : " << hWTau_MCC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_MCC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets at gen level : " << hWTau_MCGen_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_MCGen_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWTau_BGC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_BGC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWTau_DataC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_DataC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " WTau in ctrl region observed : " << hWTau_EstC_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_EstC_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Closure test: WTau from WEl : " << hWTau_Prediction_DPhi->GetBinContent(a+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_Prediction_DPhi->GetBinError(a+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "--- Binned by Mjj ---" << std::endl; for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin: " << MjjEdges[b] << " < Mjj < " << MjjEdges[b+1] << "" << std::endl; std::cout << "W->el channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl : " << hWEl_MCC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_MCC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWEl_BGC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_BGC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWEl_DataC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_DataC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data-bg ctrl region : " << hWEl_EstC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_EstC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "W->tau channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl (MC estimate in ctrl) : " << hWTau_MCC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_MCC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWTau_BGC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_BGC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWTau_DataC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_DataC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " WTau in ctrl region observed : " << hWTau_EstC_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_EstC_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Closure test: WTau from WEl : " << hWTau_Prediction_Mjj->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_Prediction_Mjj->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "--- Binned by MET ---" << std::endl; for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin: " << METEdges[b] << " < MET < " << METEdges[b+1] << "" << std::endl; std::cout << "W->el channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl : " << hWEl_MCC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_MCC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWEl_BGC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_BGC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWEl_DataC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_DataC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data-bg ctrl region : " << hWEl_EstC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_EstC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "W->tau channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl (MC estimate in ctrl) : " << hWTau_MCC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_MCC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWTau_BGC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_BGC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWTau_DataC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_DataC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " WTau in ctrl region observed : " << hWTau_EstC_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_EstC_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Closure test: WTau from WEl : " << hWTau_Prediction_MET->GetBinContent(b+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_Prediction_MET->GetBinError(b+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "--- Binned by CenJetEt ---" << std::endl; for (int c = 0; c<4; c++){ std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin: " << CenJetEtEdges[c] << " < Central Jet Et < " << CenJetEtEdges[c+1] << "" << std::endl; std::cout << "W->el channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl : " << hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_MCC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_BGC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_DataC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data-bg ctrl region : " << hWEl_EstC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWEl_EstC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "W->tau channel" << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets reco'd in ctrl (MC estimate in ctrl) : " << hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_BGC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_DataC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " WTau in ctrl region observed : " << hWTau_EstC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_EstC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Closure test: WTau from WEl : " << hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(c+1) << " +/- " << hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt->GetBinError(c+1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } //////////////////////// // draw closure plots // //////////////////////// std::string pdfName; gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(111111111); double x_dPhi[4] = {0.5, 1.4, 2.2, 2.6 + (TMath::Pi()-2.6)/2}; double ex_dPhi[4] = {0.5, 0.4, 0.4, (TMath::Pi()-2.6)/2}; double y_dPhi1[4],ey_dPhi1[4],y_dPhi2[4],ey_dPhi2[4],y_dPhi3[4],ey_dPhi3[4]; // For raw numbers - prediceted (data), observed, predicted (MC) double frac_dPhi[4],efrac_dPhi[4]; // For Frac diff double x_Mjj[4] = {900., 1100., 1500., 2400.}; double ex_Mjj[4] = {100, 100, 300, 600}; double y_Mjj1[4],ey_Mjj1[4],y_Mjj2[4],ey_Mjj2[4],y_Mjj3[4],ey_Mjj3[4]; // For raw numbers - prediceted (data), observed, predicted (MC) double frac_Mjj[4],efrac_Mjj[4]; // For Frac diff double x_MET[4] = {125., 175., 225., 275.}; double ex_MET[4] = {25, 25, 25, 25}; double y_MET1[4],ey_MET1[4],y_MET2[4],ey_MET2[4],y_MET3[4],ey_MET3[4]; // For raw numbers - prediceted (data), observed, predicted (MC) double frac_MET[4],efrac_MET[4]; // For Frac diff //double x_CenJetEt[4] = {25, 55, 95, 160}; //double ex_CenJetEt[4] = {15, 15, 25, 40}; double x_CenJetEt[4] = {20., 45., 80., 125.}; double ex_CenJetEt[4] = {10, 15, 20, 25}; double y_CenJetEt1[4],ey_CenJetEt1[4],y_CenJetEt2[4],ey_CenJetEt2[4],y_CenJetEt3[4],ey_CenJetEt3[4]; // For raw numbers - prediceted (data), observed, predicted (MC) double frac_CenJetEt[4],efrac_CenJetEt[4]; // For Frac diff double y_syst[4],e_syst[4]; // for systematic bands for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) { y_syst[i] = 0.; //e_syst[i] = sqrt( pow(0.2,2) + pow(constants::syst_WTau,2) ); // 20% from MC stats, plus whatever the current value of Tau syst from TAU ID, w-e contamination, JER etc e_syst[i] = constants::syst_WTau; y_dPhi1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_DPhi->GetBinContent(i+1); //Predicted WTau ey_dPhi1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_DPhi->GetBinError(i+1); y_dPhi2[i] = hWTau_EstC_DPhi->GetBinContent(i+1); //Observed WTau ey_dPhi2[i] = hWTau_EstC_DPhi->GetBinError(i+1); y_dPhi3[i] = hWTau_MCC_DPhi->GetBinContent(i+1); //MC prediction ey_dPhi3[i] = hWTau_MCC_DPhi->GetBinError(i+1); frac_dPhi[i] = (y_dPhi1[i]/y_dPhi2[i])-1.; efrac_dPhi[i] = (y_dPhi1[i]/y_dPhi2[i])*sqrt(pow(ey_dPhi1[i]/y_dPhi1[i],2) + pow(ey_dPhi2[i]/y_dPhi2[i],2)); y_Mjj1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_Mjj->GetBinContent(i+1); //Predicted WTau ey_Mjj1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_Mjj->GetBinError(i+1); y_Mjj2[i] = hWTau_EstC_Mjj->GetBinContent(i+1); //Observed WTau ey_Mjj2[i] = hWTau_EstC_Mjj->GetBinError(i+1); y_Mjj3[i] = hWTau_MCC_Mjj->GetBinContent(i+1); //MC prediction ey_Mjj3[i] = hWTau_MCC_Mjj->GetBinError(i+1); frac_Mjj[i] = (y_Mjj1[i]/y_Mjj2[i])-1.; efrac_Mjj[i] = (y_Mjj1[i]/y_Mjj2[i])*sqrt(pow(ey_Mjj1[i]/y_Mjj1[i],2) + pow(ey_Mjj2[i]/y_Mjj2[i],2)); y_MET1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_MET->GetBinContent(i+1); //Predicted WTau ey_MET1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_MET->GetBinError(i+1); y_MET2[i] = hWTau_EstC_MET->GetBinContent(i+1); //Observed WTau ey_MET2[i] = hWTau_EstC_MET->GetBinError(i+1); y_MET3[i] = hWTau_MCC_MET->GetBinContent(i+1); //MC prediction ey_MET3[i] = hWTau_MCC_MET->GetBinError(i+1); frac_MET[i] = (y_MET1[i]/y_MET2[i])-1.; efrac_MET[i] = (y_MET1[i]/y_MET2[i])*sqrt(pow(ey_MET1[i]/y_MET1[i],2) + pow(ey_MET2[i]/y_MET2[i],2)); y_CenJetEt1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(i+1); //Predicted WTau ey_CenJetEt1[i] = hWTau_Prediction_CenJetEt->GetBinError(i+1); y_CenJetEt2[i] = hWTau_EstC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(i+1); //Observed WTau ey_CenJetEt2[i] = hWTau_EstC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(i+1); y_CenJetEt3[i] = hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt->GetBinContent(i+1); //MC prediction ey_CenJetEt3[i] = hWTau_MCC_CenJetEt->GetBinError(i+1); frac_CenJetEt[i] = (y_CenJetEt1[i]/y_CenJetEt2[i])-1.; efrac_CenJetEt[i] = (y_CenJetEt1[i]/y_CenJetEt2[i])*sqrt(pow(ey_CenJetEt1[i]/y_CenJetEt1[i],2) + pow(ey_CenJetEt2[i]/y_CenJetEt2[i],2)); } TGraphErrors *gp_dPhi1 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_dPhi,y_dPhi1,ex_dPhi,ey_dPhi1); TGraphErrors *gp_dPhi2 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_dPhi,y_dPhi2,ex_dPhi,ey_dPhi2); TGraphErrors *gp_dPhi3 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_dPhi,y_dPhi3,ex_dPhi,ey_dPhi3); TGraphErrors *gp_dPhiF = new TGraphErrors(4,x_dPhi,frac_dPhi,ex_dPhi,efrac_dPhi); TGraphErrors *gp_dPhiS = new TGraphErrors(4,x_dPhi,y_syst,ex_dPhi,e_syst); // systematic error bands TGraphErrors *gp_Mjj1 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_Mjj,y_Mjj1,ex_Mjj,ey_Mjj1); TGraphErrors *gp_Mjj2 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_Mjj,y_Mjj2,ex_Mjj,ey_Mjj2); TGraphErrors *gp_Mjj3 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_Mjj,y_Mjj3,ex_Mjj,ey_Mjj3); TGraphErrors *gp_MjjF = new TGraphErrors(4,x_Mjj,frac_Mjj,ex_Mjj,efrac_Mjj); TGraphErrors *gp_MjjS = new TGraphErrors(4,x_Mjj,y_syst,ex_Mjj,e_syst); // systematic error bands TGraphErrors *gp_MET1 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_MET,y_MET1,ex_MET,ey_MET1); TGraphErrors *gp_MET2 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_MET,y_MET2,ex_MET,ey_MET2); TGraphErrors *gp_MET3 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_MET,y_MET3,ex_MET,ey_MET3); TGraphErrors *gp_METF = new TGraphErrors(4,x_MET,frac_MET,ex_MET,efrac_MET); TGraphErrors *gp_METS = new TGraphErrors(4,x_MET,y_syst,ex_MET,e_syst); // systematic error bands TGraphErrors *gp_CenJetEt1 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_CenJetEt,y_CenJetEt1,ex_CenJetEt,ey_CenJetEt1); TGraphErrors *gp_CenJetEt2 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_CenJetEt,y_CenJetEt2,ex_CenJetEt,ey_CenJetEt2); TGraphErrors *gp_CenJetEt3 = new TGraphErrors(4,x_CenJetEt,y_CenJetEt3,ex_CenJetEt,ey_CenJetEt3); TGraphErrors *gp_CenJetEtF = new TGraphErrors(4,x_CenJetEt,frac_CenJetEt,ex_CenJetEt,efrac_CenJetEt); TGraphErrors *gp_CenJetEtS = new TGraphErrors(4,x_CenJetEt,y_syst,ex_CenJetEt,e_syst); // systematic error bands TH1D *h_dPhi = new TH1D("h_dPhi", "", 1, 0, TMath::Pi()); // For axes TH1D *h_Mjj = new TH1D("h_Mjj", "", 1, 800, 3000); // For axes TH1D *h_MET = new TH1D("h_MET", "", 1, 100, 300); // For axes TH1D *h_CenJetEt = new TH1D("h_CenJetEt", "", 1, 10, 150); // For axes TPaveText *cms = new TPaveText(0.12, 0.68, 0.58 , 0.88, "NDC"); cms->SetFillColor(0); cms->SetFillStyle(4000); cms->SetBorderSize(0); cms->SetLineColor(0); cms->SetTextAlign(12); cms->AddText("CMS Preliminary"); cms->AddText(""); cms->AddText("#sqrt{s} = 8 TeV L = 19.6 fb^{-1}"); cms->AddText(""); TCanvas canvas; canvas.SetCanvasSize(canvas.GetWindowWidth(), 1.2*canvas.GetWindowHeight()); /////////////////// // DPhiJJ graphs // /////////////////// // Absolute numbers gp_dPhi1->SetTitle(""); gp_dPhi1->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_dPhi1->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_dPhi1->SetLineColor(kRed); gp_dPhi1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); gp_dPhi1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta #phi_{jj}"); gp_dPhi1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,TMath::Pi()); gp_dPhi1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N(W#rightarrow #tau#nu)"); gp_dPhi1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); gp_dPhi1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,80); gp_dPhi1->Draw("AP"); gp_dPhi2->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_dPhi2->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_dPhi2->SetLineColor(kBlue); gp_dPhi2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_dPhi2->Draw("P same"); gp_dPhi3->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_dPhi3->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_dPhi3->SetLineColor(kViolet); gp_dPhi3->SetMarkerColor(kViolet); gp_dPhi3->Draw("P same"); TLegend leg(0.12,0.67,0.32,0.87); leg.SetBorderSize(0); leg.SetFillColor(0); leg.AddEntry(gp_dPhi1,"predicted (data)","P"); leg.AddEntry(gp_dPhi2,"observed (data)","P"); leg.AddEntry(gp_dPhi3,"predicted (MC)","P"); leg.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_dphi_num.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); // Fractional diff h_dPhi->Draw(); h_dPhi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta #phi_{jj}"); h_dPhi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{Predicted - Observed}{Observed}"); h_dPhi->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); h_dPhi->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1.0,2.0); h_dPhi->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_dPhi->SetLineWidth(2); h_dPhi->Draw(); gp_dPhiS->SetLineColor(kGray); gp_dPhiS->SetLineWidth(0); gp_dPhiS->SetFillColor(kGray); gp_dPhiS->SetFillStyle(3001); gp_dPhiF->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_dPhiF->SetMarkerSize(1.4); gp_dPhiF->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_dPhiF->SetLineWidth(2); TF1 *f_dPhi = new TF1("f_dPhi","pol0",0,2.6); //To do a fit in first 3 bins only gp_dPhiF->Fit("f_dPhi","R"); h_dPhi->Draw(); gp_dPhiS->Draw("2 same"); gp_dPhiF->Draw("P same"); TLegend leg2_dphi(0.12,0.67,0.40,0.87); leg2_dphi.SetBorderSize(0); leg2_dphi.SetFillColor(0); leg2_dphi.AddEntry(f_dPhi,"pol0 fit (0 < #Delta #phi_{jj} < 2.6)","l"); leg2_dphi.AddEntry(gp_dPhiS,"Systematic error","f"); leg2_dphi.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_dphi_frac.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); //////////////// // Mjj graphs // //////////////// gp_Mjj1->SetTitle(""); gp_Mjj1->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_Mjj1->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_Mjj1->SetLineColor(kRed); gp_Mjj1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); gp_Mjj1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("M_{jj} [GeV]"); gp_Mjj1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(800.,3000.); gp_Mjj1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N(W#rightarrow #tau#nu)"); gp_Mjj1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); gp_Mjj1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,50.); gp_Mjj1->Draw("AP"); gp_Mjj2->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_Mjj2->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_Mjj2->SetLineColor(kBlue); gp_Mjj2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_Mjj2->Draw("P same"); gp_Mjj3->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_Mjj3->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_Mjj3->SetLineColor(kViolet); gp_Mjj3->SetMarkerColor(kViolet); gp_Mjj3->Draw("P same"); leg.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_mjj_num.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); h_Mjj->Draw(); h_Mjj->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("M_{jj} [GeV]"); h_Mjj->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{Predicted - Observed}{Observed}"); h_Mjj->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); h_Mjj->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.0,10.0); h_Mjj->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_Mjj->SetLineWidth(2); h_Mjj->Draw(); gp_MjjS->SetLineColor(kGray); gp_MjjS->SetLineWidth(0); gp_MjjS->SetFillColor(kGray); gp_MjjS->SetFillStyle(3001); gp_MjjF->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_MjjF->SetMarkerSize(1.4); gp_MjjF->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_MjjF->SetLineWidth(2); TF1 *f_Mjj = new TF1("f_Mjj","pol0",800,3000); gp_MjjF->Fit("f_Mjj","R"); h_Mjj->Draw(); gp_MjjS->Draw("2 same"); gp_MjjF->Draw("P same"); TLegend leg2_mjj(0.12,0.67,0.40,0.87); leg2_mjj.SetBorderSize(0); leg2_mjj.SetFillColor(0); leg2_mjj.AddEntry(f_Mjj,"pol0 fit","l"); leg2_mjj.AddEntry(gp_MjjS,"Systematic error","f"); leg2_mjj.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_mjj_frac.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); //////////////// // MET graphs // //////////////// gp_MET1->SetTitle(""); gp_MET1->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_MET1->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_MET1->SetLineColor(kRed); gp_MET1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); gp_MET1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E_{T}^{miss} [GeV]"); gp_MET1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(100,300); gp_MET1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N(W#rightarrow #tau#nu)"); gp_MET1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); gp_MET1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,40); gp_MET1->Draw("AP"); gp_MET2->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_MET2->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_MET2->SetLineColor(kBlue); gp_MET2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_MET2->Draw("P same"); gp_MET3->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_MET3->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_MET3->SetLineColor(kViolet); gp_MET3->SetMarkerColor(kViolet); gp_MET3->Draw("P same"); leg.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_met_num.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); h_MET->Draw(); h_MET->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E_{T}^{miss} [GeV]"); h_MET->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{Predicted - Observed}{Observed}"); h_MET->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); h_MET->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.0,5.0); h_MET->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_MET->SetLineWidth(2); h_MET->Draw(); gp_METS->SetLineColor(kGray); gp_METS->SetLineWidth(0); gp_METS->SetFillColor(kGray); gp_METS->SetFillStyle(3001); gp_METF->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_METF->SetMarkerSize(1.4); gp_METF->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_METF->SetLineWidth(2); TF1 *f_MET = new TF1("f_MET","pol0",100,300); gp_METF->Fit("f_MET","R"); h_MET->Draw(); gp_METS->Draw("2 same"); gp_METF->Draw("P same"); TLegend leg2_met(0.12,0.67,0.40,0.87); leg2_met.SetBorderSize(0); leg2_met.SetFillColor(0); leg2_met.AddEntry(f_MET,"pol0 fit","l"); leg2_met.AddEntry(gp_METS,"Systematic error","f"); leg2_met.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_met_frac.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); ///////////////////// // CenJetEt graphs // ///////////////////// gp_CenJetEt1->SetTitle(""); gp_CenJetEt1->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_CenJetEt1->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_CenJetEt1->SetLineColor(kRed); gp_CenJetEt1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); gp_CenJetEt1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Central Jet E_{T} [Gev]"); gp_CenJetEt1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(10,150); gp_CenJetEt1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N(W#rightarrow #tau#nu)"); gp_CenJetEt1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); gp_CenJetEt1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,40); gp_CenJetEt1->Draw("AP"); gp_CenJetEt2->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_CenJetEt2->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_CenJetEt2->SetLineColor(kBlue); gp_CenJetEt2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_CenJetEt2->Draw("P same"); gp_CenJetEt3->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_CenJetEt3->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gp_CenJetEt3->SetLineColor(kViolet); gp_CenJetEt3->SetMarkerColor(kViolet); gp_CenJetEt3->Draw("P same"); leg.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_CenJetEt_num.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); h_CenJetEt->Draw(); h_CenJetEt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Central Jet E_{T} [Gev]"); h_CenJetEt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{Predicted - Observed}{Observed}"); h_CenJetEt->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); h_CenJetEt->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.0,5.0); h_CenJetEt->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_CenJetEt->SetLineWidth(2); h_CenJetEt->Draw(); gp_CenJetEtS->SetLineColor(kGray); gp_CenJetEtS->SetLineWidth(0); gp_CenJetEtS->SetFillColor(kGray); gp_CenJetEtS->SetFillStyle(3001); gp_CenJetEtF->SetMarkerStyle(20); gp_CenJetEtF->SetMarkerSize(1.4); gp_CenJetEtF->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gp_CenJetEtF->SetLineWidth(2); TF1 *f_CenJetEt = new TF1("f_CenJetEt","pol0",10,150); gp_CenJetEtF->Fit("f_CenJetEt","R"); h_CenJetEt->Draw(); gp_CenJetEtS->Draw("2 same"); gp_CenJetEtF->Draw("P same"); TLegend leg2_cenjet(0.12,0.67,0.40,0.87); leg2_cenjet.SetBorderSize(0); leg2_cenjet.SetFillColor(0); leg2_cenjet.AddEntry(f_CenJetEt,"pol0 fit","l"); leg2_cenjet.AddEntry(gp_CenJetEtS,"Systematic error","f"); leg2_cenjet.Draw(); pdfName= options.oDir + std::string("/Wtaunu_CenJetEt_frac.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); ProgramOptions options(argc, argv); double lumi = options.lumi; // input datasets Datasets datasets(options.iDir); datasets.readFile(options.datasetFile); // output file TFile* ofile = TFile::Open( (options.oDir+std::string("/ZMuMufromW.root")).c_str(), "RECREATE"); std::string oDir = options.oDir + std::string("/ZmumuFromW"); if (oDir!="") { boost::filesystem::path opath(oDir); if (!exists(opath)) { std::cout << "Creating output directory : " << oDir << std::endl; boost::filesystem::create_directory(opath); } std::cout << "Writing results to " << oDir << std::endl; } // cuts Cuts cuts; unsigned nCutsZMuMu = cuts.nCutsZMuMu(); TCut puWeight("puWeight"); TCut trigCorr( "(trigCorrWeight>0) ? trigCorrWeight : 1." ); // For lepton weights TCut muTightWeight = cuts.muTightWeight(options.leptCorr); TCut lVetoWeight = cuts.elVetoWeight(options.leptCorr) * cuts.muVetoWeight(options.leptCorr); TCut METNo2Muon130("metNo2Muon>130."); TCut cutLoDPhi = cuts.cut("dPhiJJ"); TCut cutHiDPhi("vbfDPhi>2.6"); TCut cutMe1DPhi("vbfDPhi>1.0 && vbfDPhi<=1.8"); TCut cutMe2DPhi("vbfDPhi>1.8 && vbfDPhi<=2.6"); // histograms double dphiEdges[5] = { 0., 1.0, 1.8, 2.6, TMath::Pi() }; // Observed signal MET>130 TH1D* hZ_DY_C_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_DY_C_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // Z+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hZ_BG_ZC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_BG_ZC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hZ_Data_ZC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Data_ZC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // Data ctrl region // Predicted from Wmunu TH1D* hZ_W_C_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_W_C_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // W+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hZ_BG_WC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_BG_WC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hZ_Data_WC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Data_WC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // Data W ctrl region TH1D* hZ_W_EffMu_D = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffMu_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); // denominator of MuMu efficiency from DY(pT<100) + DY(pT>100) + DY_EWK samples TH1D* hZ_W_EffMu_N = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffMu_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); // numerator of MuMu efficiency from DY(pT<100) + DY(pT>100) + DY_EWK samples TH1D* hZ_DY_EffMuMu_D = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffMuMu_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); // denominator of MuMu efficiency from DY + DY_EWK samples TH1D* hZ_DY_EffMuMu_N = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffMuMu_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); // numerator of MuMu efficiency from DY + DY_EWK samples TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); // denominator of VBF(S) efficiency from DY(pT<100) + DY(pT>100) + DY_EWK samples //TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS_N = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); // numerator of VBF(S) efficiency from DY(pT<100) + DY(pT>100) + DY_EWK samples TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NLo = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NHi = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe1", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe2", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFC_D = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFC_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); // denominator of VBF(C) efficiency from DY(pT<100) + DY(pT>100) + DY_EWK samples //TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFC_N = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFC_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); // numerator of VBF(C) efficiency from DY(pT<100) + DY(pT>100) + DY_EWK samples TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFC_NLo = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFC_NLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFC_NHi = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFC_NHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe1", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe2", "", 1, 0., 1.); // loop over MC datasets for (unsigned i=0; i<datasets.size(); ++i) { Dataset dataset = datasets.getDataset(i); TCut cutD = cuts.cutDataset(; TCut wWeight(""); // bit of a fudge for mutight weight - data doesn't have the var in it, so need to add an exception (see below) // and then restore it for all other MC muTightWeight=cuts.muTightWeight(options.leptCorr); // check if it's DYJets bool isDY = false; bool isWJets = false; bool isQCD = false; bool isEwkW = false; if (,2,"DY")==0) { isDY = true; std::cout << "Analysing DY->ll MC : " << << std::endl; } else if ( == "WJets" || == "W1Jets" || == "W2Jets" || == "W3Jets" || == "W4Jets" || == "EWK_Wp2Jets" || == "EWK_Wm2Jets") { if ( == "EWK_Wp2Jets" || == "EWK_Wm2Jets") isEwkW = true; else isWJets = true; if(isWJets) wWeight = cuts.wWeight(); std::cout << "Analysing W MC : " << << std::endl; } else if (,3,"QCD")==0) { isQCD = true; std::cout << "Analysing QCD : " << << std::endl; } else if (dataset.isData) { muTightWeight=""; std::cout << "Analysing Data : " << << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Analysing BG MC : " << << std::endl; } // get file & tree TFile* file = datasets.getTFile(; TTree* tree = (TTree*) file->Get("invHiggsInfo/InvHiggsInfo"); // set up cuts TCut otherCuts = puWeight * trigCorr * wWeight; TCut cutZMuMu_C = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuVBF() + METNo2Muon130); TCut cutWMuNu_C = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.wMuVBF() + cuts.cutWMu("MET")); // eps_mu from W trigger samples TCut cutEfficiencyMu_D = otherCuts * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen()); TCut cutEfficiencyMu_N = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen() + cuts.cutWMu("wMu")); TCut cutEfficiencyMuMu_D = otherCuts * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen()); TCut cutEfficiencyMuMu_N = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco()); // eps_VBFS from DY-Trig TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_D = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco()); //TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_N = otherCuts * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.vbf() + METNo2Muon130); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_NLoDPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.vbf() + METNo2Muon130 + cutLoDPhi); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_NHiDPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.vbf() + METNo2Muon130 + cutHiDPhi); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_NMe1DPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.vbf() + METNo2Muon130 + cutMe1DPhi); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_NMe2DPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.vbf() + METNo2Muon130 + cutMe2DPhi); // eps_VBFC from W TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_D = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen() + cuts.cutWMu("wMu")); //TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_N = otherCuts * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen() + cuts.cutWMu("wMu") + cuts.vbf() + cuts.cutWMu("MET")); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_NLoDPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen() + cuts.cutWMu("wMu") + cuts.vbf() + cuts.cutWMu("MET") + cutLoDPhi); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_NHiDPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen() + cuts.cutWMu("wMu") + cuts.vbf() + cuts.cutWMu("MET") + cutHiDPhi); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_NMe1DPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen() + cuts.cutWMu("wMu") + cuts.vbf() + cuts.cutWMu("MET") + cutMe1DPhi); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_NMe2DPhi = otherCuts * muTightWeight * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.wMuGen() + cuts.cutWMu("wMu") + cuts.vbf() + cuts.cutWMu("MET") + cutMe2DPhi); // fill tmp histograms for BG estimation //observed //TH1D* hZ_ZC_noDPhi = new TH1D("hZ_ZC_noDPhi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_ZC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_ZC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); //predicted //TH1D* hZ_WC_noDPhi = new TH1D("hZ_WC_noDPhi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_WC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_WC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // this is for the actual BG estimation // fill tmp histograms for efficiency calculation TH1D* hZ_EffMuMu_D = new TH1D("hZ_EffMuMu_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffMuMu_N = new TH1D("hZ_EffMuMu_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffMu_D = new TH1D("hZ_EffMu_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffMu_N = new TH1D("hZ_EffMu_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_D = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); //TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_N = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_NLo = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_NLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_NHi = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_NHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_NMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_NMe1","", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_NMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_NMe2","", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_D = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); //TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_N = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_NLo = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_NLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_NHi = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_NHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_NMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_NMe1","", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_NMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_NMe2","", 1, 0., 1.); // W control region DY is BG if (isDY) { //tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_ZC_noDPhi", cutZMuMu_C); tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_ZC_DPhi", cutZMuMu_C); //tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_WC_noDPhi", cutWMuNu_C); tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_WC_DPhi", cutWMuNu_C); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffMuMu_D", cutEfficiencyMuMu_D); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffMuMu_N", cutEfficiencyMuMu_N); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_D", cutEfficiencyVBFS_D); //tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_N", cutEfficiencyVBFS_N); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_NLo", cutEfficiencyVBFS_NLoDPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_NHi", cutEfficiencyVBFS_NHiDPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_NMe1", cutEfficiencyVBFS_NMe1DPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_NMe2", cutEfficiencyVBFS_NMe2DPhi); } else if(isWJets || isEwkW) { //tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_WC_noDPhi", cutWMuNu_C); tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_WC_DPhi", cutWMuNu_C); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffMu_D", cutEfficiencyMu_D); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffMu_N", cutEfficiencyMu_N); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_D", cutEfficiencyVBFC_D); //tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_N", cutEfficiencyVBFC_N); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_NLo", cutEfficiencyVBFC_NLoDPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_NHi", cutEfficiencyVBFC_NHiDPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_NMe1", cutEfficiencyVBFC_NMe1DPhi); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_NMe2", cutEfficiencyVBFC_NMe2DPhi); } else if(isQCD) { //tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_C_noDPhi", cutWMuNu_C); tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_WC_DPhi", cutWMuNu_C); } else { tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_ZC_DPhi", cutZMuMu_C); tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_WC_DPhi", cutWMuNu_C); } // weight to lumi double weight = (dataset.isData) ? 1. : lumi * dataset.sigma / dataset.nEvents; hZ_ZC_DPhi->Scale(weight); hZ_WC_DPhi->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFS_D->Scale(weight); //hZ_EffVBFS_N->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFS_NLo->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFS_NHi->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFS_NMe1->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFS_NMe2->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFC_D->Scale(weight); //hZ_EffVBFC_N->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFC_NLo->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFC_NHi->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFC_NMe1->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFC_NMe2->Scale(weight); hZ_EffMu_D->Scale(weight); hZ_EffMu_N->Scale(weight); hZ_EffMuMu_D->Scale(weight); hZ_EffMuMu_N->Scale(weight); // add to output histograms if (dataset.isData) { hZ_Data_ZC_DPhi->Add(hZ_ZC_DPhi); hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->Add(hZ_WC_DPhi); } else if (isWJets || isEwkW) { //hZ_W_C_noDPhi->Add(hZ_C_noDPhi); hZ_W_C_DPhi->Add(hZ_WC_DPhi); hZ_W_EffMu_D->Add(hZ_EffMu_D); hZ_W_EffMu_N->Add(hZ_EffMu_N); hZ_W_EffVBFC_D->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_D); //hZ_W_EffVBFC_N->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_N); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NLo->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_NLo); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NHi->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_NHi); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe1->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_NMe1); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe2->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_NMe2); } else if (isDY) { hZ_DY_C_DPhi->Add(hZ_ZC_DPhi); hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->Add(hZ_WC_DPhi); hZ_DY_EffMuMu_D->Add(hZ_EffMuMu_D); hZ_DY_EffMuMu_N->Add(hZ_EffMuMu_N); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_D); //hZ_DY_EffVBFS_N->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_N); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NLo->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_NLo); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NHi->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_NHi); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe1->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_NMe1); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe2->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_NMe2); } else if (isQCD) { //hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->Add(hZ_WC_DPhi); } else { hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->Add(hZ_WC_DPhi); hZ_BG_ZC_DPhi->Add(hZ_ZC_DPhi); } std::cout << " N_Z ctrl (dphi<1.0) : " << hZ_ZC_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_ZC_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " N_W ctrl (dphi<1.0) : " << hZ_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; delete hZ_WC_DPhi; delete hZ_ZC_DPhi; delete hZ_EffMuMu_D; delete hZ_EffMuMu_N; delete hZ_EffMu_D; delete hZ_EffMu_N; delete hZ_EffVBFS_D; //delete hZ_EffVBFS_N; delete hZ_EffVBFS_NLo; delete hZ_EffVBFS_NMe1; delete hZ_EffVBFS_NMe2; delete hZ_EffVBFS_NHi; delete hZ_EffVBFC_D; //delete hZ_EffVBFC_N; delete hZ_EffVBFC_NLo; delete hZ_EffVBFC_NMe1; delete hZ_EffVBFC_NMe2; delete hZ_EffVBFC_NHi; // clean up delete tree; file->Close(); } // numbers - calculate these from MC in this program later! //double ratioBF = 5.626; // MCFM + NLO double ratioBF = 1144./14428.; TH1D* hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); // bins dPhi TH1D* hZ_Est_WC_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Est_WC_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Est_WS_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Est_WS_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi", "", 4, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_W_EffMu = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffMu", "", 1, 0., 1.); // epsilon mumu hZ_W_EffMu->Add(hZ_W_EffMu_N); hZ_W_EffMu->Divide(hZ_W_EffMu_D); //double mu_syst = 0.025*hZ_W_EffMu->GetBinContent(1); //2.5% Muon ID/Iso efficiency uncertainty from EWK-10-002 //hZ_W_EffMu->SetBinError(1,TMath::Sqrt(hZ_W_EffMu->GetBinError(1)*hZ_W_EffMu->GetBinError(1) + mu_syst*mu_syst)); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffMuMu = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffMuMu", "", 1, 0., 1.); // epsilon mumu hZ_DY_EffMuMu->Add(hZ_DY_EffMuMu_N); hZ_DY_EffMuMu->Divide(hZ_DY_EffMuMu_D); //mu_syst = 0.025*hZ_DY_EffMuMu->GetBinContent(1); //2.5% Muon ID/Iso efficiency uncertainty from EWK-10-002 //hZ_DY_EffMuMu->SetBinError(1,TMath::Sqrt(hZ_DY_EffMuMu->GetBinError(1)*hZ_DY_EffMuMu->GetBinError(1) + mu_syst*mu_syst)); //TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS", "", 1, 0., 1.); // epsilon_s_vbf TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFSLo = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFSLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFSHi = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFSHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe1", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe2", "", 1, 0., 1.); //TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFC = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFC", "", 1, 0., 1.); // epsilon_c_vbf TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFCLo = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFCLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFCHi = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFCHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFCMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFCMe1", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_EffVBFCMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_W_EffVBFCMe2", "", 1, 0., 1.); //TH1D* hZ_W_RatioVBF = new TH1D("hZ_W_RatioVBF", "", 1, 0., 1.); // epsilon_s_vbf/epsilon_c_vbf TH1D* hZ_W_RatioVBFLo = new TH1D("hZ_W_RatioVBFLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_RatioVBFHi = new TH1D("hZ_W_RatioVBFHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_RatioVBFMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_W_RatioVBFMe1", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_RatioVBFMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_W_RatioVBFMe2", "", 1, 0., 1.); //TH1D* hZ_W_TotalEff = new TH1D("hZ_W_TotalEff", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_TotalEffLo = new TH1D("hZ_W_TotalEffLo", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_TotalEffMe1 = new TH1D("hZ_W_TotalEffMe1", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_TotalEffMe2 = new TH1D("hZ_W_TotalEffMe2", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_W_TotalEffHi = new TH1D("hZ_W_TotalEffHi", "", 1, 0., 1.); //hZ_DY_EffVBFS->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_N); //hZ_DY_EffVBFS->Divide(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D); hZ_DY_EffVBFSLo->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NLo); hZ_DY_EffVBFSLo->Divide(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D); hZ_DY_EffVBFSHi->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NHi); hZ_DY_EffVBFSHi->Divide(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D); hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe1->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe1); hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe1->Divide(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D); hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe2->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe2); hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe2->Divide(hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D); //hZ_W_EffVBFC->Add(hZ_W_EffVBFC_N); //hZ_W_EffVBFC->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFC_D); hZ_W_EffVBFCLo->Add(hZ_W_EffVBFC_NLo); hZ_W_EffVBFCLo->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFC_D); hZ_W_EffVBFCMe1->Add(hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe1); hZ_W_EffVBFCMe1->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFC_D); hZ_W_EffVBFCMe2->Add(hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe2); hZ_W_EffVBFCMe2->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFC_D); hZ_W_EffVBFCHi->Add(hZ_W_EffVBFC_NHi); hZ_W_EffVBFCHi->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFC_D); //hZ_W_RatioVBF->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFS); //hZ_W_RatioVBF->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFC); hZ_W_RatioVBFLo->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFSLo); hZ_W_RatioVBFLo->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFCLo); hZ_W_RatioVBFMe1->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe1); hZ_W_RatioVBFMe1->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFCMe1); hZ_W_RatioVBFMe2->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe2); hZ_W_RatioVBFMe2->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFCMe2); hZ_W_RatioVBFHi->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFSHi); hZ_W_RatioVBFHi->Divide(hZ_W_EffVBFCHi); hZ_W_TotalEffLo->Add(hZ_W_RatioVBFLo); hZ_W_TotalEffLo->Multiply(hZ_DY_EffMuMu); hZ_W_TotalEffLo->Divide(hZ_W_EffMu); hZ_W_TotalEffMe1->Add(hZ_W_RatioVBFMe1); hZ_W_TotalEffMe1->Multiply(hZ_DY_EffMuMu); hZ_W_TotalEffMe1->Divide(hZ_W_EffMu); hZ_W_TotalEffMe2->Add(hZ_W_RatioVBFMe2); hZ_W_TotalEffMe2->Multiply(hZ_DY_EffMuMu); hZ_W_TotalEffMe2->Divide(hZ_W_EffMu); hZ_W_TotalEffHi->Add(hZ_W_RatioVBFHi); hZ_W_TotalEffHi->Multiply(hZ_DY_EffMuMu); hZ_W_TotalEffHi->Divide(hZ_W_EffMu); //hZ_Eff_S_noDPhi->Add(hZ_W_RatioVBF); //hZ_Eff_S_noDPhi->Divide(hZ_W_EffMu); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinContent(1,hZ_W_TotalEffLo->GetBinContent(1)); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinError(1,hZ_W_TotalEffLo->GetBinError(1)); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinContent(2,hZ_W_TotalEffMe1->GetBinContent(1)); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinError(2,hZ_W_TotalEffMe1->GetBinError(1)); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinContent(3,hZ_W_TotalEffMe2->GetBinContent(1)); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinError(3,hZ_W_TotalEffMe2->GetBinError(1)); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinContent(4,hZ_W_TotalEffHi->GetBinContent(1)); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->SetBinError(4,hZ_W_TotalEffHi->GetBinError(1)); //for(int ibin = 1; ibin <= hZ_Eff_S_DPhi->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { // hZ_Eff_S_DPhi->SetBinContent(ibin,hZ_W_TotalEff->GetBinContent(1)); // hZ_Eff_S_DPhi->SetBinError (ibin,hZ_W_TotalEff->GetBinError(1)); //} // Observed hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->Add(hZ_Data_ZC_DPhi, hZ_BG_ZC_DPhi, 1., -1.); // Predicted hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->Add(hZ_Data_WC_DPhi, hZ_BG_WC_DPhi, 1., -1.); hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->Add(hZ_Est_WC_DPhi,ratioBF); hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->Multiply(hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi); // print out std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "##################################### Cross-check with W mu ctrl region #####################################" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_mumu by histogram : " << hZ_DY_EffMuMu->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_EffMuMu->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_mu by histogram : " << hZ_W_EffMu->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_EffMu->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "dphi < 1.0" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_s_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSLo->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSLo->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_c_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_EffVBFCLo->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_EffVBFCLo->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " ratio_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_RatioVBFLo->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_RatioVBFLo->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " total eff by histogram : " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets MC ctrl region : " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data - BG : " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Predicted Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Observed Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "dphi > 1.0 dphi < 1.8" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_s_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe1->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe1->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_c_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_EffVBFCMe1->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_EffVBFCMe1->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " ratio_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_RatioVBFMe1->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_RatioVBFMe1->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " total eff by histogram : " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(2) << " +/- " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(2) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets MC ctrl region : " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(2) << " +/- " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinError(2) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(2) << " +/- " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(2) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(2) << " +/- " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(2) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data - BG : " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(2) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(2) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Predicted Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(2) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(2) << std::endl; std::cout << " Observed Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinContent(2) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinError(2) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "dphi > 1.8 dphi < 2.6" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_s_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe2->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSMe2->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_c_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_EffVBFCMe2->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_EffVBFCMe2->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " ratio_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_RatioVBFMe2->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_RatioVBFMe2->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " total eff by histogram : " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(3) << " +/- " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(3) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets MC ctrl region : " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(3) << " +/- " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinError(3) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(3) << " +/- " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(3) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(3) << " +/- " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(3) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data - BG : " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(3) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(3) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Predicted Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(3) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(3) << std::endl; std::cout << " Observed Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinContent(3) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinError(3) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "dphi > 2.6" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_s_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSHi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_EffVBFSHi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_c_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_EffVBFCHi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_EffVBFCHi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " ratio_vbf by histogram : " << hZ_W_RatioVBFHi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_W_RatioVBFHi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " total eff by histogram : " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(4) << " +/- " << hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(4) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " W+jets MC ctrl region : " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(4) << " +/- " << hZ_W_C_DPhi->GetBinError(4) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(4) << " +/- " << hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(4) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(4) << " +/- " << hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(4) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data - BG region : " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinContent(4) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->GetBinError(4) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Predicted Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(4) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(4) << std::endl; std::cout << " Observed Zmumu : " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinContent(4) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinError(4) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "#####################################################################################" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; // draw control plots std::string pdfName; gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(111111111); double x1[4] = {0.5, 1.4, 2.2, 2.6 + (TMath::Pi()-2.6)/2}; double ex1[4] = {0.5, 0.4, 0.4, (TMath::Pi()-2.6)/2}; double y1[4],ey1[4],y2[4],ey2[4],y3[4],ey3[4]; double diff[4],ediff[4]; double frac[4],efrac[4]; double y_syst[4],e_syst[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) { y1[i] = hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinContent(i+1); //Prediction ey1[i] = hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->GetBinError(i+1); y2[i] = hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinContent(i+1); //Observation ey2[i] = hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->GetBinError(i+1); y3[i] = hZ_DY_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(i+1); //MC Prediction ey3[i] = hZ_DY_C_DPhi->GetBinError(i+1); diff[i] = y1[i]-y2[i]; ediff[i] = sqrt(ey1[i]*ey1[i] + ey2[i]*ey2[i]); y_syst[i] = 0.; e_syst[i] = 0.21; if(y1[i] > 0) frac[i] = (y1[i]-y2[i])/y2[i]; efrac[i] = (y1[i]/y2[i])*sqrt(pow(ey1[i]/y1[i],2) + pow(ey2[i]/y2[i],2)); } TGraphErrors *graph1 = new TGraphErrors(4,x1,y1,ex1,ey1); TGraphErrors *graph2 = new TGraphErrors(4,x1,y2,ex1,ey2); TGraphErrors *graph6 = new TGraphErrors(4,x1,y3,ex1,ey3); TGraphErrors *graph3 = new TGraphErrors(4,x1,diff,ex1,ediff); TGraphErrors *graph4 = new TGraphErrors(4,x1,frac,ex1,efrac); TGraphErrors *graph5 = new TGraphErrors(4,x1,y_syst,ex1,e_syst); TH1D *h = new TH1D("h", "", 1, 0, TMath::Pi()); TCanvas canvas; canvas.SetCanvasSize(canvas.GetWindowWidth(), 1.2*canvas.GetWindowHeight()); graph1->SetTitle(""); graph1->SetMarkerStyle(20); graph1->SetMarkerSize(0.9); graph1->SetLineColor(kRed); graph1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); graph1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta #phi_{jj}"); graph1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,TMath::Pi()); graph1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N(Z#rightarrow #mu#mu)"); graph1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,45); graph1->Draw("AP"); graph2->SetMarkerStyle(20); graph2->SetMarkerSize(0.9); graph2->SetLineColor(kBlue); graph2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); graph2->Draw("P same"); graph6->SetMarkerStyle(20); graph6->SetMarkerSize(0.9); graph6->SetLineColor(kViolet); graph6->SetMarkerColor(kViolet); graph6->Draw("P same"); TLegend leg(0.12,0.67,0.37,0.88); leg.SetBorderSize(0); leg.SetFillColor(0); leg.AddEntry(graph1,"predicted (data)","P"); leg.AddEntry(graph2,"observed (data)","P"); leg.AddEntry(graph6,"predicted (MC)","P"); leg.Draw(); pdfName= oDir + std::string("/Zmumu_num.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta #phi_{jj}"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Predicted - Observed"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-20,20); h->SetLineColor(kBlue); h->Draw(); graph3->SetMarkerStyle(20); graph3->SetMarkerSize(0.9); graph3->SetMarkerColor(kGreen-2); TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","pol0",0,TMath::Pi()); graph3->Fit("f1","R"); h->Draw(); graph3->Draw("SAMEP"); pdfName= oDir + std::string("/Zmumu_diff.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta #phi_{jj}"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{Predicted - Observed}{Observed}"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-2,2); h->SetLineColor(kBlue); h->SetLineWidth(2); h->Draw(); graph5->SetLineColor(kGray+2); graph5->SetLineWidth(0); graph5->SetFillColor(kGray+2); graph5->SetFillStyle(3002); graph4->SetMarkerStyle(20); graph4->SetMarkerSize(1.2); graph4->SetMarkerColor(kGreen-2); graph4->Fit("f1","R"); h->Draw(); graph5->Draw("2 same"); graph4->Draw("P same"); TLegend leg2(0.12,0.67,0.40,0.87); leg2.SetBorderSize(0); leg2.SetFillColor(0); leg2.AddEntry(f1,"pol0 fit (0 < #Delta #phi_{jj} < #pi)","l"); leg2.AddEntry(graph5,"Systematic error","f"); leg2.Draw(); pdfName= oDir + std::string("/Zmumu_frac.pdf"); canvas.Print(pdfName.c_str()); //store histograms ofile->cd(); hZ_DY_C_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_BG_ZC_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Data_ZC_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_C_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_BG_WC_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Data_WC_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Est_ZC_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Est_WC_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Est_WS_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Eff_WS_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffMuMu_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffMuMu_N->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffMu_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffMu_N->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NLo->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe1->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NMe2->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffVBFS_NHi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffVBFC_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NLo->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe1->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NMe2->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffVBFC_NHi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_W_EffMu->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); //hZ_DY_EffVBFS->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); //hZ_W_EffVBFC->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); //hZ_W_RatioVBF->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); //hZ_W_TotalEff->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ofile->Close(); }