//======================================================================= // function: MakeAloneVertices // purpose: //======================================================================= void NMTTools_PaveFiller::MakeAloneVertices() { Standard_Integer i, aNbFFs, nF1, nF2, j, aNbPnts, nFx, aNbV; Standard_Real aTolF1, aTolF2, aTolSum, aTolV; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aIt; TColStd_ListOfInteger aLI; TopoDS_Vertex aV; TopoDS_Compound aCompound; BRep_Builder aBB; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfInteger aDMVFF, aDMVFF1; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfInteger aItDMVFF; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape aDMVV; TopTools_DataMapOfIntegerShape aDMIV; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger aDMVI; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeInteger aItDMVI; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfIntegerShape aItDMIV; // aBB.MakeCompound(aCompound); // myAloneVertices.Clear(); // BOPTools_CArray1OfSSInterference& aFFs=myIP->SSInterferences(); // // 1. Collect alone vertices from FFs aNbV=0; aNbFFs=aFFs.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbFFs; ++i) { BOPTools_SSInterference& aFFi=aFFs(i); aFFi.Indices(nF1, nF2); // const TopoDS_Face aF1=TopoDS::Face(myDS->Shape(nF1));//mpv const TopoDS_Face aF2=TopoDS::Face(myDS->Shape(nF2));//mpv // aTolF1=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aF1); aTolF2=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aF2); aTolSum=aTolF1+aTolF2; // aLI.Clear(); aLI.Append(nF1); aLI.Append(nF2); // const IntTools_SequenceOfPntOn2Faces& aSeqAlonePnts=aFFi.AlonePnts(); aNbPnts=aSeqAlonePnts.Length(); for (j=1; j<=aNbPnts; ++j) { const gp_Pnt& aP=aSeqAlonePnts(j).P1().Pnt(); BOPTools_Tools::MakeNewVertex(aP, aTolSum, aV); aDMVFF.Bind(aV, aLI); aBB.Add(aCompound, aV); ++aNbV; } } if (!aNbV) { return; } // // 2. Try to fuse alone vertices themselves; FuseVertices(aCompound, aDMVV); // // if some are fused, replace them by new ones aItDMVFF.Initialize(aDMVFF); for (; aItDMVFF.More(); aItDMVFF.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aVx=aItDMVFF.Key(); const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLIx=aItDMVFF.Value(); // if (!aDMVV.IsBound(aVx)) { aDMVFF1.Bind(aVx, aLIx); } else { const TopoDS_Shape& aVy=aDMVV.Find(aVx); if (aDMVFF1.IsBound(aVy)) { TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLIy=aDMVFF1.ChangeFind(aVy); aIt.Initialize(aLIx); for(; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { nFx=aIt.Value(); aLIy.Append(nFx); } } else { aDMVFF1.Bind(aVy, aLIx); } } } aDMVFF.Clear(); // // refine lists of faces in aDMVFF1; aItDMVFF.Initialize(aDMVFF1); for (; aItDMVFF.More(); aItDMVFF.Next()) { TColStd_MapOfInteger aMIy; TColStd_ListOfInteger aLIy; // const TopoDS_Shape& aVx=aItDMVFF.Key(); TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLIx=aDMVFF1.ChangeFind(aVx); aIt.Initialize(aLIx); for(; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { nFx=aIt.Value(); if (aMIy.Add(nFx)) { aLIy.Append(nFx); } } aLIx.Clear(); aLIx.Append(aLIy); } //================================== // // 3. Collect vertices from DS Standard_Integer aNbS, nV, nVSD, aNbVDS, i1, i2, aNbVSD; // aNbS=myDS->NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); // old shapes for (i=1; i<=aNbS; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aS=myDS->Shape(i); if (aS.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX){ continue; } // nVSD=FindSDVertex(i); nV=(nVSD) ? nVSD : i; const TopoDS_Shape& aVx=myDS->Shape(nV); if (!aDMVI.IsBound(aVx)) { aDMVI.Bind(aVx, nV); } } // new shapes i1=myDS->NumberOfSourceShapes()+1; i2=myDS->NumberOfInsertedShapes(); for (i=i1; i<=i2; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape aS=myDS->Shape(i);//mpv if (aS.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX){ continue; } if (!aDMVI.IsBound(aS)) { aDMVI.Bind(aS, i); } } // // 4. Initialize BoundSortBox on aDMVI // Handle(Bnd_HArray1OfBox) aHAB; Bnd_BoundSortBox aBSB; // aNbVDS=aDMVI.Extent(); aHAB=new Bnd_HArray1OfBox(1, aNbVDS); // aItDMVI.Initialize(aDMVI); for (i=1; aItDMVI.More(); aItDMVI.Next(), ++i) { Bnd_Box aBox; // nV=aItDMVI.Value(); aV=TopoDS::Vertex(aItDMVI.Key()); aTolV=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aV); aBox.SetGap(aTolV); BRepBndLib::Add(aV, aBox); aHAB->SetValue(i, aBox); // aDMIV.Bind(i, aV); } aBSB.Initialize(aHAB); // // 5. Compare aItDMVFF.Initialize(aDMVFF1); for (; aItDMVFF.More(); aItDMVFF.Next()) { Bnd_Box aBoxV; // const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLIFF=aItDMVFF.Value(); aV=TopoDS::Vertex(aItDMVFF.Key()); // aTolV=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aV); aBoxV.SetGap(aTolV); BRepBndLib::Add(aV, aBoxV); // const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLIVSD=aBSB.Compare(aBoxV); aNbVSD=aLIVSD.Extent(); if (aNbVSD==0) { // add new vertex in DS and update map myAloneVertices BooleanOperations_AncestorsSeqAndSuccessorsSeq anASSeq; // myDS->InsertShapeAndAncestorsSuccessors(aV, anASSeq); nV=myDS->NumberOfInsertedShapes(); // aIt.Initialize(aLIFF); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { nFx=aIt.Value(); if (myAloneVertices.Contains(nFx)) { TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aMVx=myAloneVertices.ChangeFromKey(nFx); aMVx.Add(nV); } else { TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMVx; aMVx.Add(nV); myAloneVertices.Add(nFx, aMVx); } } } } // qqf { Standard_Integer aNbF, aNbAV, nF, k; NMTTools_IndexedDataMapOfIndexedMapOfInteger aMAVF; // aNbF=myAloneVertices.Extent(); if (aNbF<2) { return; } // // 1. fill map Alone Vertex/Face -> aMAVF for (i=1; i<=aNbF; ++i) { nF=myAloneVertices.FindKey(i); const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aMAV=myAloneVertices(i); aNbAV=aMAV.Extent(); for(j=1; j<=aNbAV; ++j) { nV=aMAV(j); if (aMAVF.Contains(nV)) { TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aMF=aMAVF.ChangeFromKey(nV); aMF.Add(nF); } else{ TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMF; aMF.Add(nF); aMAVF.Add(nV, aMF); } } } // // 2 Obtain pairs of faces aNbAV=aMAVF.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbAV; ++i) { const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aMF=aMAVF(i); aNbF=aMF.Extent(); for(j=1; j<aNbF; ++j) { nF1=aMF(j); for(k=j+1; k<=aNbF; ++k) { nF2=aMF(k); myIP->Add(nF1, nF2, Standard_True, NMTDS_TI_FF); } } } } // qqt }
//======================================================================= //function : DetectVertices //purpose : //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_GlueAnalyser::DetectVertices() { myErrorStatus=0; // Standard_Integer j, i, aNbV, aIndex, aNbVSD; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aIt; Handle(Bnd_HArray1OfBox) aHAB; Bnd_BoundSortBox aBSB; TopoDS_Shape aSTmp, aVF; TopoDS_Vertex aVnew; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMV, aMVProcessed; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aItS; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape aItIm; GEOMAlgo_IndexedDataMapOfIntegerShape aMIS; GEOMAlgo_IndexedDataMapOfShapeBox aMSB; // TopExp::MapShapes(myShape, TopAbs_VERTEX, aMV); aNbV=aMV.Extent(); if (!aNbV) { myErrorStatus=2; // no vertices in source shape return; } // aHAB=new Bnd_HArray1OfBox(1, aNbV); // for (i=1; i<=aNbV; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aMV(i); Bnd_Box aBox; // aBox.SetGap(myTol); BRepBndLib::Add(aV, aBox); aHAB->SetValue(i, aBox); aMIS.Add(i, aV); aMSB.Add(aV, aBox); } // aBSB.Initialize(aHAB); // for (i=1; i<=aNbV; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aMV(i); // if (aMVProcessed.Contains(aV)) { continue; } // const Bnd_Box& aBoxV=aMSB.FindFromKey(aV); const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLI=aBSB.Compare(aBoxV); aNbVSD=aLI.Extent(); if (!aNbVSD) { myErrorStatus=3; // it must not be return; } // // Images TopTools_ListOfShape aLVSD; // aIt.Initialize(aLI); for (j=0; aIt.More(); aIt.Next(), ++j) { aIndex=aIt.Value(); const TopoDS_Shape& aVx=aMIS.FindFromKey(aIndex); if(!j) { aVF=aVx; } aLVSD.Append(aVx); aMVProcessed.Add(aVx); } myImages.Bind(aVF, aLVSD); } // Origins aItIm.Initialize(myImages); for (; aItIm.More(); aItIm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aItIm.Key(); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLVSD=aItIm.Value(); // aItS.Initialize(aLVSD); for (; aItS.More(); aItS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aVSD=aItS.Value(); if (!myOrigins.IsBound(aVSD)) { myOrigins.Bind(aVSD, aV); } } } }
//======================================================================= // function: UpdateCommonBlocks // purpose: //======================================================================= void NMTTools_PaveFiller::UpdateCommonBlocks(const Standard_Integer) { Standard_Integer nE, aNbS, nEx, nEMax, j, aNbPoints, aNbLCB, nF; Standard_Real aTolEx, aTolExMax, aTSRMax[2], aTx[2], aTmp; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aItLI; gp_Pnt aPMax[2]; TopoDS_Edge aEMax; BOPTools_ListIteratorOfListOfPaveBlock aItLPB, aItLPBS; NMTTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCommonBlock aItLCB; NMTTools_MapOfPaveBlock aMPB; // myIsDone=Standard_False; // aNbS=myDS->NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); for (nE=1; nE<=aNbS; ++nE) { if (myDS->GetShapeType(nE)!=TopAbs_EDGE){ continue; } // const TopoDS_Edge& aE=*((TopoDS_Edge*)&myDS->Shape(nE)); if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(aE)){ continue; } // NMTTools_ListOfCommonBlock& aLCB=myCommonBlockPool(myDS->RefEdge(nE)); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jan 19 09:03:19 2012f aNbLCB=aLCB.Extent(); if (!aNbLCB) { continue; } // 0 NMTTools_ListOfCommonBlock aLCBx; // aItLCB.Initialize(aLCB); for (; aItLCB.More(); aItLCB.Next()) { NMTTools_CommonBlock aCBx; // NMTTools_CommonBlock& aCB=aItLCB.ChangeValue(); const BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock &aLPB=aCB.PaveBlocks(); aItLPB.Initialize(aLPB); for (; aItLPB.More(); aItLPB.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBx=aItLPB.Value(); nEx=aPBx.OriginalEdge(); BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock& aLPBS=mySplitShapesPool(myDS->RefEdge(nEx)); aItLPBS.Initialize(aLPBS); for (; aItLPBS.More(); aItLPBS.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBSx=aItLPBS.Value(); if (aPBSx.IsEqual(aPBx)) { aCBx.AddPaveBlock(aPBSx); break; } }// for (; aItLPBS.More(); aItLPBS.Next()) { }// for (; aItLPB.More(); aItLPB.Next()) { // const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLI=aCB.Faces(); aItLI.Initialize(aLI); for (; aItLI.More(); aItLI.Next()) { nF=aItLI.Value(); aCBx.AddFace(nF); } // aLCBx.Append(aCBx); }//for (; aItLCB.More(); aItLCB.Next()) { // aLCB.Clear(); // aItLCB.Initialize(aLCBx); for (; aItLCB.More(); aItLCB.Next()) { NMTTools_CommonBlock& aCBx=aItLCB.ChangeValue(); aLCB.Append(aCBx); } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jan 19 09:03:30 2012t // 1 aItLCB.Initialize(aLCB); for (; aItLCB.More(); aItLCB.Next()) { NMTTools_CommonBlock& aCB=aItLCB.ChangeValue(); // BOPTools_PaveBlock aPBMax; aTolExMax=-1.; const BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock &aLPB=aCB.PaveBlocks(); aItLPB.Initialize(aLPB); for (; aItLPB.More(); aItLPB.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBx=aItLPB.Value(); nEx=aPBx.OriginalEdge(); const TopoDS_Edge& aEx=*((TopoDS_Edge*)&myDS->Shape(nEx)); aTolEx=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aEx); if (aTolEx>aTolExMax) { aTolExMax=aTolEx; aEMax=aEx; aPBMax=aPBx; } } // // 2 if (aMPB.Contains(aPBMax)) { continue; } aMPB.Add(aPBMax); // nEMax=aPBMax.OriginalEdge(); const IntTools_ShrunkRange& aISRMax=aPBMax.ShrunkRange(); const IntTools_Range& aSRMax=aISRMax.ShrunkRange(); const Bnd_Box& aBoxMax=aISRMax.BndBox(); aSRMax.Range(aTSRMax[0], aTSRMax[1]); for (j=0; j<2; ++j) { BOPTools_Tools::PointOnEdge(aEMax, aTSRMax[j], aPMax[j]); } // // 3 aItLPB.Initialize(aLPB); for (; aItLPB.More(); aItLPB.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBx=aItLPB.Value(); nEx=aPBx.OriginalEdge(); if (nEx==nEMax) { continue; } // const TopoDS_Edge& aEx=*((TopoDS_Edge*)&myDS->Shape(nEx)); GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve& aPPCx=myContext->ProjPC(aEx); // for (j=0; j<2; ++j) { aPPCx.Perform(aPMax[j]); aNbPoints=aPPCx.NbPoints(); if (!aNbPoints) { break; } aTx[j]=aPPCx.LowerDistanceParameter(); } if (!aNbPoints) { // correction the range is impossible due to // a projection problem continue; } // if (aTx[0]>aTx[1]){ aTmp=aTx[0]; aTx[0]=aTx[1]; aTx[1]=aTmp; } // // 4 Correction // 4.1 aPBx { const IntTools_ShrunkRange& aISRx=aPBx.ShrunkRange(); IntTools_Range *pSRx=(IntTools_Range *)(&aISRx.ShrunkRange()); Bnd_Box *pBoxx=(Bnd_Box *)(&aISRx.BndBox()); // pSRx->SetFirst(aTx[0]); pSRx->SetLast(aTx[1]); *pBoxx=aBoxMax; } // // 4.2 aPBSx BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock& aLPBSx=mySplitShapesPool(myDS->RefEdge(nEx)); aItLPBS.Initialize(aLPBSx); for (; aItLPBS.More(); aItLPBS.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBSx=aItLPBS.Value(); if (!aPBSx.IsEqual(aPBx)) { continue; } // const IntTools_ShrunkRange& aISRx=aPBSx.ShrunkRange(); IntTools_Range *pSRx=(IntTools_Range *)(&aISRx.ShrunkRange()); Bnd_Box *pBoxx=(Bnd_Box *)(&aISRx.BndBox()); // pSRx->SetFirst(aTx[0]); pSRx->SetLast(aTx[1]); *pBoxx=aBoxMax; } // // }//for (; aItLPB.More(); aItLPB.Next()) { }//for (; aItLCB.More(); aItLCB.Next()) { }//for (nE=1; nE<=aNbS; ++nE) { }
//======================================================================= // function: FillSameDomainFaces // purpose: //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::FillSameDomainFaces() { Standard_Boolean bIsSDF, bHasImage1, bHasImage2, bForward; Standard_Integer i, j, aNbFF, nF1, nF2, aNbPBInOn, aNbC, aNbSE; Standard_Integer aNbF1, aNbF2, i2s, aNbSD; TopTools_MapOfShape aMFence; TopTools_ListOfShape aLX1, aLX2; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aItF1, aItF2; NMTTools_ListOfCoupleOfShape aLCS; // const NMTDS_ShapesDataStructure& aDS=*myPaveFiller->DS(); NMTTools_PaveFiller* pPF=myPaveFiller; NMTDS_InterfPool* pIP=pPF->IP(); BOPTools_CArray1OfSSInterference& aFFs=pIP->SSInterferences(); const Handle(IntTools_Context)& aCtx= pPF->Context(); // // //mySameDomainShapes.Clear(); // // 1. For each FF find among images of faces // all pairs of same domain faces (SDF) [=> aLCS] aNbFF=aFFs.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbFF; ++i) { BOPTools_SSInterference& aFF=aFFs(i); aFF.Indices(nF1, nF2); // const TopoDS_Face& aF1=TopoDS::Face(aDS.Shape(nF1)); const TopoDS_Face& aF2=TopoDS::Face(aDS.Shape(nF2)); // // if there are no in/on 2D split parts the faces nF1, nF2 // can not be SDF const BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock& aLPBInOn=aFF.PaveBlocks(); aNbPBInOn=aLPBInOn.Extent(); // //=== const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLSE=aFF.SharedEdges(); aNbSE=aLSE.Extent(); if (!aNbPBInOn && !aNbSE) { continue; } //=== // // if there is at least one section edge between faces nF1, nF2 // they can not be SDF BOPTools_SequenceOfCurves& aSC=aFF.Curves(); aNbC=aSC.Length(); if (aNbC) { continue; } // // the faces are suspected to be SDF. // Try to find SDF among images of nF1, nF2 aMFence.Clear(); // //-------------------------------------------------------- bHasImage1=mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF1); bHasImage2=mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF2); // aLX1.Clear(); if (!bHasImage1) { aLX1.Append(aF1); } // aLX2.Clear(); if (!bHasImage2) { aLX2.Append(aF2); } // const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF1r=(bHasImage1)? mySplitFaces.Image(aF1) : aLX1; const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF2r=(bHasImage2)? mySplitFaces.Image(aF2) : aLX2; // TopTools_DataMapOfIntegerShape aMIS; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aItLI; NMTDS_BoxBndTreeSelector aSelector; NMTDS_BoxBndTree aBBTree; NCollection_UBTreeFiller <Standard_Integer, Bnd_Box> aTreeFiller(aBBTree); // aNbF1=aLF1r.Extent(); aNbF2=aLF2r.Extent(); bForward=(aNbF1<aNbF2); // const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF1=bForward ? aLF1r : aLF2r; const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF2=bForward ? aLF2r : aLF1r; // // 1. aTreeFiller aItF2.Initialize(aLF2); for (i2s=1; aItF2.More(); aItF2.Next(), ++i2s) { Bnd_Box aBoxF2s; // const TopoDS_Face& aF2s=*((TopoDS_Face*)(&aItF2.Value())); // BRepBndLib::Add(aF2s, aBoxF2s); // aMIS.Bind(i2s, aF2s); // aTreeFiller.Add(i2s, aBoxF2s); }//for (i2s=1; aItF2.More(); aItF2.Next(), ++i2s) { // aTreeFiller.Fill(); // // 2. aItF1.Initialize(aLF1); for (j=1; aItF1.More(); aItF1.Next(), ++j) { Bnd_Box aBoxF1x; // const TopoDS_Face& aF1x=*((TopoDS_Face*)(&aItF1.Value())); // BRepBndLib::Add(aF1x, aBoxF1x); // aSelector.Clear(); aSelector.SetBox(aBoxF1x); aNbSD=aBBTree.Select(aSelector); if (!aNbSD) { continue; } // const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLI=aSelector.Indices(); aItLI.Initialize(aLI); for (; aItLI.More(); aItLI.Next()) { i2s=aItLI.Value(); const TopoDS_Face& aF2y=*((TopoDS_Face*)(&aMIS.Find(i2s))); // bIsSDF=NMTTools_Tools::AreFacesSameDomain(aF1x, aF2y, aCtx); if (bIsSDF) { if (aMFence.Contains(aF1x) || aMFence.Contains(aF2y)) { continue; } aMFence.Add(aF1x); aMFence.Add(aF2y); // NMTTools_CoupleOfShape aCS; // aCS.SetShape1(aF1x); aCS.SetShape2(aF2y); aLCS.Append(aCS); // if (bForward) { if (aF1x==aF1) { if (!mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF1)) { mySplitFaces.Bind(aF1, aF1); } } if (aF2y==aF2) { if (!mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF2)) { mySplitFaces.Bind(aF2, aF2); } } } else { if (aF1x==aF2) { if (!mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF2)) { mySplitFaces.Bind(aF2, aF2); } } if (aF2y==aF1) { if (!mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF1)) { mySplitFaces.Bind(aF1, aF1); } } } // break; }//if (bIsSDF) { }//for (; aItLI.More(); aItLI.Next()) { }//for (; aItF1.More(); aItF1.Next()) { }//for (i=1; i<=aNbFF; ++i) //------------------------------------------------------------- aNbC=aLCS.Extent(); if (!aNbC) { return; } // // 2. Find Chains NMTTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeIndexedMapOfShape aMC; // NMTTools_Tools::FindChains(aLCS, aMC); // Standard_Boolean bIsImage; Standard_Integer aIx, aIxMin, aNbMSDF, k, aNbMFj; TopoDS_Shape aFOld, aFSDmin; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMFj; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger aDMSI; // aItF1.Initialize(myShapes); for (j=1; aItF1.More(); aItF1.Next(), ++j) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSj=aItF1.Value(); aMFj.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(aSj, TopAbs_FACE, aMFj); aNbMFj=aMFj.Extent(); for (k=1; k<=aNbMFj; ++k) { const TopoDS_Shape& aFk=aMFj(k); if (!aDMSI.IsBound(aFk)) { aDMSI.Bind(aFk, j); } } } // // 3. Fill the map of SDF mySameDomainFaces aNbC=aMC.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbC; ++i) { // const TopoDS_Shape& aF=aMC.FindKey(i); const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& aMSDF=aMC(i); // aNbMSDF=aMSDF.Extent(); for (j=1; j<=aNbMSDF; ++j) { const TopoDS_Shape& aFSD=aMSDF(j); bIsImage=mySplitFaces.IsImage(aFSD); aFOld=aFSD; if (bIsImage) { aFOld=mySplitFaces.ImageFrom(aFSD); } // aIx=aDMSI.Find(aFOld); if (j==1) { aIxMin=aIx; aFSDmin=aFSD; continue; } else { if (aIx<aIxMin) { aIxMin=aIx; aFSDmin=aFSD; } } } // for (j=1; j<=aNbMSDF; ++j) { const TopoDS_Shape& aFSD=aMSDF(j); mySameDomainShapes.Add(aFSD, aFSDmin); } } // }
//======================================================================= // function: FillImagesEdges // purpose: //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::FillImagesEdges() { myErrorStatus=0; // const NMTDS_ShapesDataStructure& aDS=*myPaveFiller->DS(); NMTTools_PaveFiller* pPF=myPaveFiller; const BOPTools_SplitShapesPool& aSSP=pPF->SplitShapesPool(); const Handle(IntTools_Context)& aCtx=pPF->Context(); // Standard_Boolean bToReverse; Standard_Integer i, aNb, aNbSp, nSp, nSpR, nSpx, aIsCB, aNbLB; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aItLB; TColStd_ListOfInteger aLB; TopoDS_Edge aEE, aESpR; TopTools_MapOfShape aMFence; TopTools_ListOfShape aLSp; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aIt1; BOPTools_ListIteratorOfListOfPaveBlock aIt; // aNb=aDS.NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); for (i=1; i<=aNb; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aE=aDS.Shape(i); if (aE.ShapeType()!=TopAbs_EDGE) { continue; } // if (!aMFence.Add(aE)) { continue; } // const BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock& aLPB=aSSP(aDS.RefEdge(i)); aNbSp=aLPB.Extent(); if (!aNbSp) { continue; } // aEE=TopoDS::Edge(aE); aLSp.Clear(); // if (aNbSp==1) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPB=aLPB.First(); nSp=aPB.Edge(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSp=aDS.Shape(nSp); // const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBR=pPF->RealPaveBlock(aPB, aLB, aIsCB); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Oct 27 11:19:30 2010f aNbLB=aLB.Extent(); if (aIsCB && aNbLB<2) { aIsCB=0; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Oct 27 11:19:34 2010t // nSpR=aPBR.Edge(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSpR=aDS.Shape(nSpR); if (aSpR.IsSame(aSp) && aSpR.IsSame(aE) && !aIsCB) { continue; } // aESpR=TopoDS::Edge(aSpR); bToReverse=GEOMAlgo_Tools3D::IsSplitToReverse(aESpR, aEE, aCtx); if (bToReverse) { aESpR.Reverse(); } aLSp.Append(aESpR); // aItLB.Initialize(aLB); for (; aItLB.More(); aItLB.Next()) { nSpx=aItLB.Value(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSpx=aDS.Shape(nSpx); mySameDomainShapes.Add(aSpx ,aSpR); } // // }// if (aNbSp==1) { else { aIt.Initialize(aLPB); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPB=aIt.Value(); const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBR=pPF->RealPaveBlock(aPB, aLB, aIsCB); nSpR=aPBR.Edge(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSpR=aDS.Shape(nSpR); // aESpR=TopoDS::Edge(aSpR); bToReverse=GEOMAlgo_Tools3D::IsSplitToReverse(aESpR, aEE, aCtx); if (bToReverse) { aESpR.Reverse(); } aLSp.Append(aESpR); // aItLB.Initialize(aLB); for (; aItLB.More(); aItLB.Next()) { nSpx=aItLB.Value(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSpx=aDS.Shape(nSpx); mySameDomainShapes.Add(aSpx ,aSpR); } } } // myImages.Bind(aE, aLSp); }//for (i=1; i<=aNb; ++i) }
//======================================================================= //function : DetectVertices //purpose : //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_GlueDetector::DetectVertices() { Standard_Integer j, i, aNbV, aNbVSD; Standard_Real aTolV; gp_Pnt aPV; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aIt; TopoDS_Shape aVF; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMV; TopTools_MapOfShape aMVProcessed; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aItS; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape aItIm; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape aMVV; GEOMAlgo_IndexedDataMapOfIntegerShape aMIS; NMTDS_IndexedDataMapOfShapeBndSphere aMSB; // NMTDS_BndSphereTreeSelector aSelector; NMTDS_BndSphereTree aBBTree; NCollection_UBTreeFiller <Standard_Integer, NMTDS_BndSphere> aTreeFiller(aBBTree); // myErrorStatus=0; // TopExp::MapShapes(myArgument, TopAbs_VERTEX, aMV); aNbV=aMV.Extent(); if (!aNbV) { myErrorStatus=2; // no vertices in source shape return; } // for (i=1; i<=aNbV; ++i) { NMTDS_BndSphere aBox; // const TopoDS_Vertex& aV=*((TopoDS_Vertex*)&aMV(i)); aPV=BRep_Tool::Pnt(aV); aTolV=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aV); // aBox.SetGap(myTolerance); aBox.SetCenter(aPV); aBox.SetRadius(aTolV); // aTreeFiller.Add(i, aBox); // aMIS.Add(i, aV); aMSB.Add(aV, aBox); } // aTreeFiller.Fill(); // //--------------------------------------------------- // Chains for (i=1; i<=aNbV; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aMV(i); // if (aMVProcessed.Contains(aV)) { continue; } // Standard_Integer aNbIP, aIP, aNbIP1, aIP1; TopTools_ListOfShape aLVSD; TColStd_MapOfInteger aMIP, aMIP1, aMIPC; TColStd_MapIteratorOfMapOfInteger aIt1; // aMIP.Add(i); while(1) { aNbIP=aMIP.Extent(); aIt1.Initialize(aMIP); for(; aIt1.More(); aIt1.Next()) { aIP=aIt1.Key(); if (aMIPC.Contains(aIP)) { continue; } // const TopoDS_Shape& aVP=aMIS.FindFromKey(aIP); const NMTDS_BndSphere& aBoxVP=aMSB.FindFromKey(aVP); // aSelector.Clear(); aSelector.SetBox(aBoxVP); // aNbVSD=aBBTree.Select(aSelector); if (!aNbVSD) { continue; // it shoild not be so [at least IP itself] } // const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLI=aSelector.Indices(); aIt.Initialize(aLI); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { aIP1=aIt.Value(); if (aMIP.Contains(aIP1)) { continue; } aMIP1.Add(aIP1); } //for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { }//for(; aIt1.More(); aIt1.Next()) { // aNbIP1=aMIP1.Extent(); if (!aNbIP1) { break; } // aIt1.Initialize(aMIP); for(; aIt1.More(); aIt1.Next()) { aIP=aIt1.Key(); aMIPC.Add(aIP); } // aMIP.Clear(); aIt1.Initialize(aMIP1); for(; aIt1.More(); aIt1.Next()) { aIP=aIt1.Key(); aMIP.Add(aIP); } aMIP1.Clear(); }// while(1) // // Fill myImages aNbIP=aMIPC.Extent(); // if (!aNbIP) {// no SD vertices is found aMVProcessed.Add(aV); continue; } //else { // SD vertices founded [ aMIPC ] aIt1.Initialize(aMIPC); for(j=0; aIt1.More(); aIt1.Next(), ++j) { aIP=aIt1.Key(); const TopoDS_Shape& aVP=aMIS.FindFromKey(aIP); if (!j) { aVF=aVP; } aLVSD.Append(aVP); aMVProcessed.Add(aVP); } //} myImages.Bind(aVF, aLVSD); }// for (i=1; i<=aNbV; ++i) { //------------------------------ // Origins aItIm.Initialize(myImages); for (; aItIm.More(); aItIm.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aItIm.Key(); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLVSD=aItIm.Value(); aItS.Initialize(aLVSD); for (; aItS.More(); aItS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aVSD=aItS.Value(); if (!myOrigins.IsBound(aVSD)) { myOrigins.Bind(aVSD, aV); } } } }
//======================================================================= // function: MakePCurves // purpose: //======================================================================= void NMTTools_PaveFiller::MakePCurves() { Standard_Integer i, aNb, nF1, nF2, nE; Standard_Integer aNbCB, aNbF, nSp, nF; TopAbs_ShapeEnum aType; TopoDS_Face aF1FWD, aF2FWD; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aItF; BOPTools_ListIteratorOfListOfPaveBlock anIt; NMTTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCommonBlock aItCB; // BOPTools_CArray1OfSSInterference& aFFs=myIP->SSInterferences(); // aNb=aFFs.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNb; i++) { BOPTools_SSInterference& aFF=aFFs(i); aFF.Indices(nF1, nF2); // const TopoDS_Face aF1=TopoDS::Face(myDS->Shape(nF1));//mpv const TopoDS_Face aF2=TopoDS::Face(myDS->Shape(nF2));//mpv // aF1FWD=aF1; aF1FWD.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); aF2FWD=aF2; aF2FWD.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); // // In, On parts processing const BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock& aLPBInOn=aFF.PaveBlocks(); // anIt.Initialize(aLPBInOn); for (; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPB=anIt.Value(); nE=aPB.Edge(); const TopoDS_Edge aE=TopoDS::Edge(myDS->Shape(nE));//mpv BOPTools_Tools2D::BuildPCurveForEdgeOnFace(aE, aF1FWD); BOPTools_Tools2D::BuildPCurveForEdgeOnFace(aE, aF2FWD); } } // Check common blocks between edges and faces // Build P-Curves if they were not built in previos block. // The main case is :arguments for e.g aEdge, aFace -> no FFs, // but p-curves are needed. // aNb=myDS->NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); for (i=1; i<=aNb; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aS=myDS->Shape(i); aType=aS.ShapeType(); // if (aType!=TopAbs_EDGE) { continue; } const TopoDS_Edge& aE=TopoDS::Edge(aS); // if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(aE)) { continue; } // const NMTTools_ListOfCommonBlock& aLCB=myCommonBlockPool(myDS->RefEdge(i)); aNbCB=aLCB.Extent(); if (!aNbCB) { continue; } // aItCB.Initialize(aLCB); for (; aItCB.More(); aItCB.Next()) { const NMTTools_CommonBlock& aCB=aItCB.Value(); const BOPTools_PaveBlock &aPB1=aCB.PaveBlock1(); // const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLF=aCB.Faces(); aNbF=aLF.Extent(); if (!aNbF) { continue; } // nSp=aPB1.Edge(); const TopoDS_Edge aSp=TopoDS::Edge(myDS->Shape(nSp));//mpv // aItF.Initialize(aLF); for (; aItF.More(); aItF.Next()) { nF=aItF.Value(); aF1FWD=TopoDS::Face(myDS->Shape(nF)); aF1FWD.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); // BOPTools_Tools2D::BuildPCurveForEdgeOnFace(aSp, aF1FWD); } // for (; aItCB.More(); aItCB.Next()) { }//if (aS.ShapeType()==TopAbs_EDGE) { } }