void CFolderScanner::ConstructL( CFolderScanner_if* client , const TDesC& folder , const TDesC& ext , int aScanPeriod) { iClient = client; iTimeout = aScanPeriod; iFolder = folder.AllocL(); iScanExt = ext.AllocL(); User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect()); // Check that folder really exist TEntry entry; TInt err = iFs.Entry(folder, entry); // If not found, attempt to create if(err == KErrNotFound) { err = iFs.MkDirAll(*iFolder); } User::LeaveIfError(err); // Create a timer iTimer = CSysTimer::NewL(this, 0); // we want first callback immediately iTimer->MilliSeconds(0); }
void CPostProcessorInfo::ConstructL(const TDesC& aManufacturer, const TDesC& aIdentifier, const TArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aSupportedFormats, const TArray<TUint32>& aSupportedCombinations, const TArray<TScaleFactor>& aSupportedScaleFactors, const TDesC8& aImplementationSpecificInfo) { iManufacturer = aManufacturer.AllocL(); iIdentifier = aIdentifier.AllocL(); iImplementationSpecificInfo = aImplementationSpecificInfo.AllocL(); TInt i=0; TInt supportedFormatsCount = aSupportedFormats.Count(); for (i=0; i<supportedFormatsCount; i++) { User::LeaveIfError(iSupportedFormats.Append(aSupportedFormats[i])); } TInt supportedCombinationsCount = aSupportedCombinations.Count(); for (i=0; i<supportedCombinationsCount; i++) { User::LeaveIfError(iSupportedCombinations.Append(aSupportedCombinations[i])); } TInt supportedScaleFactors = aSupportedScaleFactors.Count(); for (i=0; i<supportedScaleFactors; i++) { User::LeaveIfError(iSupportedScaleFactors.Append(aSupportedScaleFactors[i])); } }
void CVideoDecoderInfo::ConstructL(const TDesC& aManufacturer, const TDesC& aIdentifier, const TArray<CCompressedVideoFormat*>& aSupportedFormats, const TArray<TPictureRateAndSize>& aMaxPictureRates, const TDesC8& aCodingStandardSpecificInfo, const TDesC8& aImplementationSpecificInfo) { iManufacturer = aManufacturer.AllocL(); iIdentifier = aIdentifier.AllocL(); iCodingStandardSpecificInfo = aCodingStandardSpecificInfo.AllocL(); iImplementationSpecificInfo = aImplementationSpecificInfo.AllocL(); TInt i=0; TInt count = aSupportedFormats.Count(); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { CCompressedVideoFormat* f = CCompressedVideoFormat::NewL(*(aSupportedFormats[i])); CleanupStack::PushL(f); User::LeaveIfError(iSupportedFormats.Append(f)); CleanupStack::Pop(f); } count = aMaxPictureRates.Count(); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { User::LeaveIfError(iMaxPictureRates.Append(aMaxPictureRates[i])); } }
void CNcdSubscriptionsSourceIdentifier::ConstructL( const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC& aNamespace ) { iUri = aUri.AllocL(); iNamespace = aNamespace.AllocL(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CPosLmXmlEncoder::AddCollectionDataL( TPosLmCollectionDataId aDataId, const TDesC& aCollectionData) { __ASSERT_ALWAYS((iEncoderStatus != EPosUninitialized) && (iEncoderStatus != EPosLmInfoAdded), Panic(KPosLandmarksClientPanic, EPosLmProtocolBreak)); __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDataId != EPosLmCollDataNone, Panic(KPosLandmarksClientPanic, EPosLmInvalidArgument)); if (aDataId == EPosLmCollDataCollectionName) { if (iCollectionDataName) { User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists); } iCollectionDataName = aCollectionData.AllocL(); } else if (aDataId == EPosLmCollDataCollectionDescription) { if (iCollectionDataDescription) { User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists); } iCollectionDataDescription = aCollectionData.AllocL(); } else { // Silently ignore unknown collection data. return; } iEncoderStatus = EPosCollectionInfoAdded; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TInt CSvgStyleElementImpl::SetAttributeDesL( const TInt aNameId, const TDesC& aValue ) { switch (aNameId) { case KAtrType: delete iType; iType = NULL; iType = aValue.AllocL(); break; case KAtrMedia: delete iMedia; iMedia = NULL; iMedia = aValue.AllocL(); break; case KAtrTitle: delete iTitle; iTitle = NULL; iTitle = aValue.AllocL(); break; default: return CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeDesL( aNameId, aValue ); } return KErrNone; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAknDiscreetPopupDrawer::ConstructL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAknDiscreetPopupDrawer::ConstructL( const TDesC& aTitleText, const TDesC& aBodyText, const TAknsItemID& aSkinId, const TDesC& aBitmapFile, const TInt& aBitmapId, const TInt& aMaskId ) { // Body text to title text if title text is empty if ( aTitleText == KNullDesC && aBodyText != KNullDesC ) { iTitleText = aBodyText.AllocL(); } else { iTitleText = aTitleText.AllocL(); iBodyText = aBodyText.AllocL(); } if ( !iIcon ) { iIcon = CreatePopupIconL( aSkinId, aBitmapFile, aBitmapId, aMaskId ); } }
// Symbian OS default constructor can leave. void CBSBrandHandler::ConstructL( const TDesC& aApplicationId, const TDesC& aBrandId, const TDesC& aDefaultBrandId, CBSSession* aSession ) { iApplicationId = aApplicationId.AllocL(); iBrandId = aBrandId.AllocL(); iDefaultBrandId = aDefaultBrandId.AllocL(); iSession = aSession; User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() ); iHandle = new(ELeave) RFile(); // CSI: 74 # this needs to be like this isDefaultBrandUsed = ETrue; iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( iSession, KNullDesC ); TInt err = -1; TRAP (err, iStorageManager->BrandHandleL( *iApplicationId, *iBrandId, iLanguage, *iHandle, iReserved )); if (err != KErrNone) { iStorageManager->BrandHandleL( *iApplicationId, *iDefaultBrandId, iLanguage, *iHandle, iReserved ); } VerifyVersionL(); }
void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerCycleChangeOpenFile::ConstructL( const TDesC& aThreadName, const TDesC& aFileName ) { BaseConstructL(); // Save the thread name iFileName = aFileName.AllocL(); iThreadName = aThreadName.AllocL(); }
void CIAPObject::ConstructL(const TDesC& aImeiNbr, const TDesC& aIAPNbr, const TDesC& aIAPName) { iImeiNbr = aImeiNbr.AllocL(); iIAPNbr = aIAPNbr.AllocL(); iIAPName = aIAPName.AllocL(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConstructL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CNcdKeyValuePair::ConstructL( const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aValue ) { if ( !aKey.Length() ) { User::Leave( KErrArgument ); } iKey = aKey.AllocL(); iValue = aValue.AllocL(); }
/** Second phase construtor. @param aStandardName The standard name of the time zone, for instance "Greenwich Mean Time", "Pacific Standard Time". @param aDaylightName The daylight saving time name, for instance "British Summer Time", "Pacific Daylight Time" of this time zone. @param aShortStandardName The short standard name, for instance "GMT", "PST" of this time zone. @param aShortDaylightName The short daylight saving time name, for instance "BST", "PDT" of this time zone. */ void CTzLocalizedTimeZone::ConstructL( const TDesC& aStandardName, const TDesC& aDaylightName, const TDesC& aShortStandardName, const TDesC& aShortDaylightName) { iStandardName = aStandardName.AllocL(); iDaylightName = aDaylightName.AllocL(); iShortStandardName = aShortStandardName.AllocL(); iShortDaylightName = aShortDaylightName.AllocL(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConstructL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CNcdPreviewManager::CNcdPreviewData::ConstructL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aId, const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC& aPreviewFile, const TDesC& aMimeType ) { DLTRACEIN(("")); iId = CNcdNodeIdentifier::NewL( aId ); iUri = aUri.AllocL(); iFilename = aPreviewFile.AllocL(); iMimeType = aMimeType.AllocL(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CIpsPlgNewChildPartFromFileOperation::ConstructL // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CIpsPlgNewChildPartFromFileOperation::ConstructL(CIpsPlgMsgMapper *aMsgMapper, const TDesC& aContentType, const TDesC& aFilePath) { FUNC_LOG; iMsgMapper = aMsgMapper; iContentType = aContentType.AllocL(); iFilePath = aFilePath.AllocL(); // Start from attachment manager initialization InitAttachmentManagerL(); }
void CMemSpyEngineSinkMetaData::ConstructL( const TDesC& aRoot, const TDesC& aContext, const TDesC& aFolder, const TDesC& aExtension, const TTime& aFolderTime ) { iRoot = aRoot.AllocL(); iContext = aContext.AllocL(); iFolder = aFolder.AllocL(); iExtension = aExtension.AllocL(); const TDateTime dt = aFolderTime.DateTime(); HBufC* spec = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName ); TPtr pName( spec->Des() ); pName.Format( KMemSpyDataStreamFolderNameFormatSpec, dt.Year(), dt.Month()+1, dt.Day()+1, dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second()); iFolderTimeStamp = pName.AllocL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( spec ); }
/** Sets file parameters @publishedPartner @deprecated @param aFileName A file name containing full path to be used to start up a component. @param aArgs A string that will be used as an argument to the component when starting. */ EXPORT_C void CStartupProperties::SetFileParamsL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aArgs) { HBufC* fname = aFileName.AllocL(); delete iFileName; iFileName = fname; TPtr writeableFilename = iFileName->Des(); writeableFilename.TrimAll(); HBufC* args = aArgs.AllocL(); delete iArgs; iArgs = args; TPtr writeableArgs = iArgs->Des(); writeableArgs.TrimAll(); }
void CCurThreeListBoxItem::ChangeText(const TDesC& aText,const TDesC& aSecondLine,const TDesC& aThirdLine) { ASSERT(iSlideText); iSlideText->SetText(aText); delete iSecondText; iSecondText = NULL; iSecondText = aSecondLine.AllocL(); delete iThirdText; iThirdText = NULL; iThirdText = aThirdLine.AllocL(); RequestDraw(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Symbian 2nd phase constructor. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSensorSourceCommand::ConstructL( const TSecureId& aSid, TInt aScriptId, const TDesC& aFeatureId, const TDesC& aCommandId, TUint32 aChannelId ) { FUNC_LOG; iSid = aSid; iScriptId = aScriptId; iFeatureId = aFeatureId.AllocL(); iCommandId = aCommandId.AllocL(); iChannelId = aChannelId; }
void CContainerParser::StringParseCompleteL(const TDesC& aString) { switch(iWaitingForTag) { case ENameTag: iName = aString.AllocL(); break; case EUniqueIdTag: iUniqueId = aString.AllocL(); break; default: User::Panic(KRtaPanicString(), ERtaPanicParserInvalidState); break; }; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class: CTestCasesList Method: AppendTestCaseL Description: Appends test case. Parameters: const TDesC& aTestCaseTitle in: Test case title Return Values: Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if memory allocation fails Status: Approved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void CTestCasesList::AppendTestCaseL( const TDesC& aTestCaseTitle ) { HBufC* testCaseTitle = aTestCaseTitle.AllocL(); CleanupStack::PushL( testCaseTitle ); iTestCases.AppendL( testCaseTitle ); CleanupStack::Pop( testCaseTitle ); }
/** Sets the URL of the service to be loaded. @param aUrl URL of the service to be loaded. */ EXPORT_C void CSLPushMsgEntry::SetUrlL(const TDesC& aUrl) { HBufC* tempBuf = aUrl.AllocL(); delete iUrl; iUrl = tempBuf; }
EXPORT_C void CSTPreferences::SetPreferencesFileL(const TDesC& aFileName) { delete iPreferencesFileName; iPreferencesFileName = 0; iPreferencesFileName = aFileName.AllocL(); }
EXPORT_C void CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::SetPreferredSupplierL(const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier, TPreferredSupplierMatchType aMatchType) { delete iPreferredSupplier; iPreferredSupplier = NULL; iPreferredSupplier = aPreferredSupplier.AllocL(); iPreferredSupplierMatchType = aMatchType; }
void CFileSystemImage::ConstructL( const TDesC& aFileName ) { TRACE_FUNC User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() ); iFileName = aFileName.AllocL(); TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Image file is '%S'" ), iFileName )) }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUPnPXMLParserLite::ParseResultDataL // See upnpxmlparser.h // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPORT_C void CUPnPXMLParserLite::ParseResultDataL( RPointerArray<CUpnpObjectLite>& aResultArray, const TDesC8& aData, const TDesC& aFormatString ) { __LOG( "CUPnPXMLParserLite::ParseResultDataL, begin" ); delete iFormatString; iFormatString = NULL; if( aFormatString != KNullDesC ) { iFormatString = aFormatString.AllocL(); } if ( !aData.Length() ) { User::Leave( KErrArgument ); } iResultRoot = &aResultArray; // Create parser CMatchData* matchData = CMatchData::NewLC(); matchData->SetMimeTypeL( KXmlMimeType ); matchData->SetVariantL( KLIB2XML ); CParser* parser = CParser::NewLC( *matchData, *this ); parser->EnableFeature( Xml::EReportNamespaceMapping ); Xml::ParseL( *parser, aData ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( matchData ); iResultRoot = NULL; __LOG( "CUPnPXMLParserLite::ParseResultDataL, end" ); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPresenceCacheBuddyInfo::SetIdentityL( const TDesC& aBuddyId ) { delete iBuddyId; iBuddyId = NULL; iBuddyId = aBuddyId.AllocL( ); }
void CEmailNotificationParser::ParseL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aSms) { TMsvEntry entry = iEntry.Entry(); // Get the generic stuff iEntryId = entry.Id(); // store the TMsvId __ASSERT_DEBUG((entry.MtmData3() == 0 || entry.MtmData3() == 1), User::Panic(_L("ENP-DLL"),KErrCorrupt)); // Already parsed.... if(entry.MtmData3() == 1) { iReport = &aStatus; User::RequestComplete(iReport, KErrNone); } // not parsed else if(entry.MtmData3() == 0) { if (iSmsBuf != NULL) { delete iSmsBuf; iSmsBuf = NULL; } iSmsBuf = aSms.AllocL(); // Allocate new HBufC object ChangeStateL(EUnfoldMessage); //Set to initial request aStatus = KRequestPending; iReport = &aStatus; } else { User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); } }
void CMessenger::ConstructL(const TDesC& aString) // second-phase constructor { iString=aString.AllocL(); // copy given string into own descriptor }
//SYMBIAN_REMOVE_TRIVIAL_ENCRYPTION version of the method. EXPORT_C void CDbFileStoreDatabase::CreateL(const TDesC& aName, TDbFormat::TCreate aMode, const TUidType& aType) { __ASSERT(!iName); // check construction phase // iName=aName.AllocL(); CFileStore* store; switch (aMode) { default: __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported); case TDbFormat::ECreate: store=CPermanentFileStore::CreateL(iFs,aName,EFileRead|EFileWrite); break; case TDbFormat::EReplace: store=CPermanentFileStore::ReplaceL(iFs,aName,EFileRead|EFileWrite); break; }; iStore=store; iDelete=ETrue; // cleanup fully in case of failure store->SetTypeL(aType); store->SetRootL(CreateRootL(CDbStoreDatabase::ConstructL())); store->CommitL(); iDelete=EFalse; // file is now good }
void CLinkedTypefaceElementSpec::ConstructL(const TDesC& aName) { TInt length = aName.Length(); if ((length == 0) || (length > KMaxTypefaceNameLength)) User::Leave(KErrArgument); iElementName = aName.AllocL(); }